Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL
THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.
Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.

WooHoo the cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source./ Shocking :)
Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.

WooHoo the cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source./ Shocking :)
"Credible source", like Snopes? :lol:
You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.

WooHoo the cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. Shocking :)
"Credible source", like Snopes? :lol:

The cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. :)
Trump and his defenders will not give up on using the word collusion, ignoring the words meddling and interfering.

The meddling and interference is what helped trump get elected. Actual collusion may not have been necessary.
Lol.... You guys are getting pathetic now.
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.

WooHoo the cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. Shocking :)
"Credible source", like Snopes? :lol:

The cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. :)
Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, dude. Hillary lost because she's corrupt and there's nothing you can do to change that. Deny it all you want, but before this attempted coup is over, Hillary will be hanging by that noose, alongside Obama. It's like an old Ali fight and Trump is Ali. He'll let his opponent (all pissed off and overcome with anger) unload everything he's got until he wears himself out, then come back and beat the hell out of you for a while before knocking your sorry ass out.
Trump and his defenders will not give up on using the word collusion, ignoring the words meddling and interfering.

The meddling and interference is what helped trump get elected. Actual collusion may not have been necessary.
Lol.... You guys are getting pathetic now.
Lol.... No meddling was necessary. Hillary is hated by almost everybody, more than Trump. That's why she lost and there's not a damn thing they can do or say to make it go away.
Trump and his defenders will not give up on using the word collusion, ignoring the words meddling and interfering.

The meddling and interference is what helped trump get elected. Actual collusion may not have been necessary.
Lol.... You guys are getting pathetic now.
Lol.... No meddling was necessary. Hillary is hated by almost everybody, more than Trump. That's why she lost and there's not a damn thing you can do or say to make it go away.
I'm not a fan of Hillary, man.
Trump and his defenders will not give up on using the word collusion, ignoring the words meddling and interfering.

The meddling and interference is what helped trump get elected. Actual collusion may not have been necessary.
Lol.... You guys are getting pathetic now.
Lol.... No meddling was necessary. Hillary is hated by almost everybody, more than Trump. That's why she lost and there's not a damn thing you can do or say to make it go away.
I'm not a fan of Hillary, man.
I know. I fixed my flub. Sorry, bud.
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draper’s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it — please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
That's opposition, as I said. Show us where they said he wasn't their president, where they said he was illegitimate, etc.
Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO
BTW, it's you're a loon, not your a loon, you illiterate buffoon. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to post like you have an education. Obviously you don't.

WooHoo the cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. Shocking :)
"Credible source", like Snopes? :lol:

The cupcake turns into the grammar police but STILL will not prove his posit with a credible source. :)
Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, dude. Hillary lost because she's corrupt and there's nothing you can do to change that.

And by corrupt you mean Clinton has been found guilty of as many crimes as Trump.

Clinton lost for many reasons but meanwhile- Trump's campaign continues to be investigated.
Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

You keep believing that cupcake :(
Let me know when you have something other than "Snopes" as an argument. LOL

Cupcake, why not prove your posit with a credible source instead of using ad homs against a credible source that said your a loon?
What credible source would that be, asshole? Snopes? LMAO.
Glad to compare the credibility of Snopes versus President Snowflake
Just pointing out again that this entire thread is built upon a lie- the Director never once said he saw no evidence of collusion- SJ just made it up- like Trump does his tweets.
“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
No dodge necessary, snowflake. Post something different if you want a different response, idiot.

Hell you aren't dodging- you are just flat out lying.

You just made up the entire story about Brennan 'admitting he saw no evidence of collusion'- just like Trump makes up all of his crap.
No he did not you keep lying that Brennan ADMITTED he saw no evidence. It is simple he was asked about evidence and he said he could provide NONE. That means he SAW none.
And again- he never said he could provide none

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?
GOP back to 'impeachment,' 'jail time' for Obama

Last week, Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), less than a month into his first term in Congress, announced his belief that President Obama, without a doubt, “deserves impeachment.” He’s not the only one talking like this.

Republican Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania says President Obama is “getting close” to impeachment. “People say, ‘should the president be impeached?’ I say, we’re getting close to that,” the Marino said in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday by the local newspaper, the Wellsboro Gazette.

Marino said he was talking about impeachment because “it comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”

Well, that’s a good reason. Marino was a little fuzzy on what, exactly, would be the grounds for presidential impeachment, but for many GOP lawmakers, that’s a minor and inconvenient detail that shouldn’t interfere with reckless rhetoric.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), meanwhile, has no use for subtlety and is already talking publicly about “jail time” for the president:
Sen. Jeff Sessions: 'We're Not Going To Impeach President Obama' | HuffPost
several other Republican lawmakers, like Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who floated the idea of impeachment proceedings and even prison time.

“At some point, you have to evaluate whether the president’s conduct aids or abets, encourages, or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the United States of America,” Brooks said in an earlier interview with Slate. “That has a five-year in-jail penalty associated with it.”
Another Republican is accusing President Obama of secretly being a Kenyan man who forged his birth certificate in order to get elected President of the United States. This time the theorist is Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee.

Duncan appeared on the radio program TruNews with Rick Wiles on Friday where the host asked the South Carolina congressman whether the House would go after Obama’s “phony identification papers.” Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

WILES: While you guys are rounding up and deporting the illegal immigrants, any chance the House may actually pursue Barack Obama’s phony identification papers? That’s the original scandal, congressman.DUNCAN: People should have voted against him in N

Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions ‘The President’s Validity’
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?
GOP back to 'impeachment,' 'jail time' for Obama

Last week, Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), less than a month into his first term in Congress, announced his belief that President Obama, without a doubt, “deserves impeachment.” He’s not the only one talking like this.

Republican Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania says President Obama is “getting close” to impeachment. “People say, ‘should the president be impeached?’ I say, we’re getting close to that,” the Marino said in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday by the local newspaper, the Wellsboro Gazette.

Marino said he was talking about impeachment because “it comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”

Well, that’s a good reason. Marino was a little fuzzy on what, exactly, would be the grounds for presidential impeachment, but for many GOP lawmakers, that’s a minor and inconvenient detail that shouldn’t interfere with reckless rhetoric.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), meanwhile, has no use for subtlety and is already talking publicly about “jail time” for the president:
Sen. Jeff Sessions: 'We're Not Going To Impeach President Obama' | HuffPost
several other Republican lawmakers, like Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who floated the idea of impeachment proceedings and even prison time.

“At some point, you have to evaluate whether the president’s conduct aids or abets, encourages, or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the United States of America,” Brooks said in an earlier interview with Slate. “That has a five-year in-jail penalty associated with it.”

Another Republican is accusing President Obama of secretly being a Kenyan man who forged his birth certificate in order to get elected President of the United States. This time the theorist is Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee.

Duncan appeared on the radio program TruNews with Rick Wiles on Friday where the host asked the South Carolina congressman whether the House would go after Obama’s “phony identification papers.” Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

WILES: While you guys are rounding up and deporting the illegal immigrants, any chance the House may actually pursue Barack Obama’s phony identification papers? That’s the original scandal, congressman.DUNCAN: People should have voted against him in N

Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions ‘The President’s Validity’

They were wrong then, and these idiots are wrong now.

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