Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

A special prosecutor has almost unlimited power to investigate and prosecute and you cannot suppress any issues with him nor keep the case from moving forward. But first you have to have a case to move forward with. Not only is there no evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors, if there were, they would have been discovered, revealed or leaked out long long ago in this now 10-month long democratic boondoggle.
The President does have the power to fire a special prosecutor and if there was "no evidence", this case wouldn't be moving forward.
if there was "no evidence", this case wouldn't be moving forward.

There is no case at this point.

Nothing is "moving forward" other than an investigation into whether there IS any case!!!

When you sell a house they check it for termites. That is just to ascertain the condition and status of the house, and does not mean termites actually exist in the wood. The purpose of the special counsel is to either find chargeable evidence or leave Trump free and clear once and for all. Man do I get tired of repeating simple, basic things over, and over, and over again to people on this board who can't seem to grasp basic things or just don't want to!!!

If there is any criminal evidence, DO PLEASE SHARE IT WITH US! And please do not repeat the allegations of collusion, which none has been found. Do not repeat the "back-door channel" that was DESIRED, not actually put into place yet, which is a regular part of any administration's dealings with certain countries that Obama himself used!
if there was "no evidence", this case wouldn't be moving forward.

There is no case at this point.

Nothing is "moving forward" other than an investigation into whether there IS any case!!!!

Investigations investigate- they do not stop and announce that
a) they have found evidence or
b) that they have not found evidence.

They investigate, and come to a conclusion.

Why are you against the investigation?
There are politically motivated factors trying to suppress this issue and keep the case from moving forward. There are politically motivated factors deliberately looking the other way when "high crimes and misdemeanors" are being committed by the executive branch.
Not only is there no evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors,.

And you know this how?

Because of your special access to the investigators?


The investigation continues- frankly I hope that the investigation both shows there was no collusion and also reveals the depth and extent of Russia's attempt to subvert our election.
Does anyone believe that the CIA Director 'admitted' he saw no evidence of collusion?
Yes, everyone who heard his testimony. .

You mean the testimony where he never admitted he saw no evidence of collusion?
Dodging the question isn't the same thing as "not admitting" it. Show the evidence, bitch.

Lying about what he said is what you do. Snowflake.
You don't need to sign your posts.
There is no case at this point.

Nothing is "moving forward" other than an investigation into whether there IS any case!!!

When you sell a house they check it for termites. That is just to ascertain the condition and status of the house, and does not mean termites actually exist in the wood. The purpose of the special counsel is to either find chargeable evidence or leave Trump free and clear once and for all. Man do I get tired of repeating simple, basic things over, and over, and over again to people on this board who can't seem to grasp basic things or just don't want to!!!

If there is any criminal evidence, DO PLEASE SHARE IT WITH US! And please do not repeat the allegations of collusion, which none has been found. Do not repeat the "back-door channel" that was DESIRED, not actually put into place yet, which is a regular part of any administration's dealings with certain countries that Obama himself used!
You don't seem to get it through your head that there wouldn't be an investigation in the first place, unless there was "evidence" of a possible crime.
You don't seem to get it through your head that there wouldn't be an investigation in the first place, unless there was "evidence" of a possible crime.

No. What you seem to keep missing is that the only reason why there is any investigation is because of serious allegations by a few newspapers quoting unnamed sources. The point of the investigation is to see if any of the allegations have any evidence to back them up! If not, then Trump is free and clear. There is no such thing as "evidence" of a possible crime," you either have evidence of a crime or you don't. Several top officials including Comey, Clapper, Brennan and one other(?) (Pelosi) have already stated that to this date, they have seen NO EVIDENCE of criminal wrongdoing (intentional collusion with a foreign power to try to undermine the election).

What part of no evidence do you not get? So this is a witch hunt in search of evidence to support allegations, rather than an investigation spurred on by actual evidence. Now, if you really want evidence of a party illegally and criminally acting to throw or alter the outcome of an election, we DO have that! Against:

4). AL GORE.
No. What you seem to keep missing is that the only reason why there is any investigation is because of serious allegations by a few newspapers quoting unnamed sources. The point of the investigation is to see if any of the allegations have any evidence to back them up! If not, then Trump is free and clear. There is no such thing as "evidence" of a possible crime," you either have evidence of a crime or you don't. Several top officials including Comey, Clapper, Brennan and one other(?) (Pelosi) have already stated that to this date, they have seen NO EVIDENCE of criminal wrongdoing (intentional collusion with a foreign power to try to undermine the election).

What part of no evidence do you not get? So this is a witch hunt in search of evidence to support allegations, rather than an investigation spurred on by actual evidence. Now, if you really want evidence of a party illegally and criminally acting to throw or alter the outcome of an election, we DO have that! Against:

4). AL GORE.
Talk about bullshit spin from an alt right nutjob.

Donald Trump himself said on national TV he fired Comey over this "witch hunt" and that's obstruction of justice, you fucking dolt!
Right. Where'd you hear that, on MSNBC? While you smoke THAT pipe dream, let me know when Trump goes to prison.
I saw it with my own eyes. Did you just get back from the moon? It was all over the news.

Really? And you believed him? Don't you know that you can't believe a word Donald Trump says? He is a lying idiot, a two-faced commie conspirator? And now you take him at his word on this??? Don't you know that firing a top official for engaging in empty witch hunts is just plain wrong? It is definite evidence for a possible allegation of a connection between him and the Russians! Maybe even the Greenlanders. That is just what we pay our top officials for------ to engage in at least one witch hunt a week, preferably in direct opposition to the person they work for's direction, indeed, they should get as bonus for engaging in witch hunts! But then, why take my word for it because after all, I'm just a fucking dolt.
Really? And you believed him? Don't you know that you can't believe a word Donald Trump says? He is a lying idiot, a two-faced commie conspirator? And now you take him at his word on this??? Don't you know that firing a top official for engaging in empty witch hunts is just plain wrong? It is definite evidence for a possible allegation of a connection between him and the Russians! Maybe even the Greenlanders. That is just what we pay our top officials for------ to engage in at least one witch hunt a week, preferably in direct opposition to the person they work for's direction, indeed, they should get as bonus for engaging in witch hunts! But then, why take my word for it because after all, I'm just a fucking dolt.
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.
No evidence of collusion except for......


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