Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?
GOP back to 'impeachment,' 'jail time' for Obama

Last week, Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), less than a month into his first term in Congress, announced his belief that President Obama, without a doubt, “deserves impeachment.” He’s not the only one talking like this.

Republican Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania says President Obama is “getting close” to impeachment. “People say, ‘should the president be impeached?’ I say, we’re getting close to that,” the Marino said in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday by the local newspaper, the Wellsboro Gazette.

Marino said he was talking about impeachment because “it comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”

Well, that’s a good reason. Marino was a little fuzzy on what, exactly, would be the grounds for presidential impeachment, but for many GOP lawmakers, that’s a minor and inconvenient detail that shouldn’t interfere with reckless rhetoric.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), meanwhile, has no use for subtlety and is already talking publicly about “jail time” for the president:
Sen. Jeff Sessions: 'We're Not Going To Impeach President Obama' | HuffPost
several other Republican lawmakers, like Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who floated the idea of impeachment proceedings and even prison time.

“At some point, you have to evaluate whether the president’s conduct aids or abets, encourages, or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the United States of America,” Brooks said in an earlier interview with Slate. “That has a five-year in-jail penalty associated with it.”

Another Republican is accusing President Obama of secretly being a Kenyan man who forged his birth certificate in order to get elected President of the United States. This time the theorist is Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee.

Duncan appeared on the radio program TruNews with Rick Wiles on Friday where the host asked the South Carolina congressman whether the House would go after Obama’s “phony identification papers.” Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

WILES: While you guys are rounding up and deporting the illegal immigrants, any chance the House may actually pursue Barack Obama’s phony identification papers? That’s the original scandal, congressman.DUNCAN: People should have voted against him in N

Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions ‘The President’s Validity’

They were wrong then, and these idiots are wrong now.

Indeed- calls for impeachment are very premature.
Right. So far, all the people who actually know anything, have seen no evidence to support the allegation. And all of the people who are crying "crime" have nothing but empty allegations to site as proof.
If that was true, all investigations would be closed.
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? They jump at the chance to leak fake stories, or things that lead nowhere, and as desperate as they are to end the Trump presidency, you know damn good and well if they had ANYTHING solid, ANY kind of smoking gun, it would have been announced and impeachment proceedings would have begun. This is nothing more than a public high tech lynching by the Democratic Party with their willing participants in the liberal media doing their dirty work for them.
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? They jump at the chance to leak fake stories, or things that lead nowhere, and as desperate as they are to end the Trump presidency, you know damn good and well if they had ANYTHING solid, ANY kind of smoking gun, it would have been announced and impeachment proceedings would have begun. This is nothing more than a public high tech lynching by the Democratic Party with their willing participants in the liberal media doing their dirty work for them.

It is all just to tie him up, slow him down, while trying to ruin him in the arena of public opinion.
Right. So far, all the people who actually know anything, have seen no evidence to support the allegation. And all of the people who are crying "crime" have nothing but empty allegations to site as proof.
If that was true, all investigations would be closed.

Can you say: 'naive?'
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? .

LOL- and if it was you would be:
A) Calling it fake news and
B) Calling for the immediate arrest of the leakers.

Does anyone believe that the CIA Director 'admitted' he saw no evidence of collusion?


Not anyone who read his actual words.
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? They jump at the chance to leak fake stories, or things that lead nowhere, and as desperate as they are to end the Trump presidency, you know damn good and well if they had ANYTHING solid, ANY kind of smoking gun, it would have been announced and impeachment proceedings would have begun. This is nothing more than a public high tech lynching by the Democratic Party with their willing participants in the liberal media doing their dirty work for them.

It is all just to tie him up, slow him down, while trying to ruin him in the arena of public opinion.

Trump does that all on his own just fine.

Shame you contards think that the FBI is just part of the Democratic Party
Does anyone believe that the CIA Director 'admitted' he saw no evidence of collusion?
Yes, everyone who heard his testimony. Still waiting to see that evidence. Or intel, or information, or anything other than fake news outlets claiming there IS something when they can't show that there IS.
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? They jump at the chance to leak fake stories, or things that lead nowhere, and as desperate as they are to end the Trump presidency, you know damn good and well if they had ANYTHING solid, ANY kind of smoking gun, it would have been announced and impeachment proceedings would have begun. This is nothing more than a public high tech lynching by the Democratic Party with their willing participants in the liberal media doing their dirty work for them.

There is no evidence...as left wing activist/lawyer Alan Dershowitz pointed out...this is an investigation looking for a crime.........just like the soviet union....
Does anyone believe that the CIA Director 'admitted' he saw no evidence of collusion?
Yes, everyone who heard his testimony. Still waiting to see that evidence.

Don't hurt yourself waiting!


Meantime I just saw the replay of former CIA Director Brennan saying that it is a common and ordinary thing for agencies to share all kinds of classified info between us and the Russians! The whole thing is just another facile liberal farce.
Does anyone actually believe that if there was any evidence of any kind, it would not have been leaked by now? They jump at the chance to leak fake stories, or things that lead nowhere, and as desperate as they are to end the Trump presidency, you know damn good and well if they had ANYTHING solid, ANY kind of smoking gun, it would have been announced and impeachment proceedings would have begun. This is nothing more than a public high tech lynching by the Democratic Party with their willing participants in the liberal media doing their dirty work for them.

There is no evidence...

Well that is all we needed- 2aguy says there is no evidence- case closed.

Call off the FBI

as left wing activist/lawyer Alan Dershowitz pointed out...this is an investigation looking for a crime.......

Meantime, we have two crime investigations staring us right in the face we ignore:

My point? Do you really think investigations are really fact-finding missions and are never just politically motivated? Even in regular court, they are not about finding of fact as much as who makes the best argument.
Even though there is some truth to that, it doesn't mean it apply's to this case, nor if some of it does, that this case is entirely bullshit and bogus.

There are politically motivated factors trying to suppress this issue and keep the case from moving forward. There are politically motivated factors deliberately looking the other way when "high crimes and misdemeanors" are being committed by the executive branch.

People are refusing to honor the Constitution because they are politically motivated.
There are politically motivated factors trying to suppress this issue and keep the case from moving forward. There are politically motivated factors deliberately looking the other way when "high crimes and misdemeanors" are being committed by the executive branch.

A special prosecutor has almost unlimited power to investigate and prosecute and you cannot suppress any issues with him nor keep the case from moving forward. But first you have to have a case to move forward with. Not only is there no evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors, if there were, they would have been discovered, revealed or leaked out long long ago in this now 10-month long democratic boondoggle.

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