Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

Fewer than the idiot anti-Obamers who believed once President Obama was proven to be born in Kenya that Mitt Romney would end up being President.
Examples of them saying so?

To the contrary, most likely believed that Crazy Uncle Joe was removal from office insurance for Obama.
The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
Yes we do

What was Flynn and Manafort discussing with the Russians?
If they had discussions it should have been reported and documented
Let Trump explain that and we can move on
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.
As stated earlier, Meet Karma damit and have a seat!!
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
8 years of investigations, millions of tax dollars spent and all in an effort to weaken an overly ambitious mop, ie Hillary, who they all knew would make a run for President after Obama. They knew they had nothing on this lady, but they needed to keep suspicion about her in the headlines, knowing she would run...and the DNC was too gotdamned stupid to see, Hillary was damaged goods and a wasted endorsement.
You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

FLASHBACK: 85 Percent Of House Republicans Who Were Serving In ’08 Voted For Bush’s Stimulus Act

President Obama and congressional Democrats have been pushing to extend a payroll tax holiday that was enacted as part of the December 2010 tax deal and is set to expire in in January. Congressional Republicans, finally discovering a tax hike that they can get behind, have opposed the extension.

The tax holiday benefits every working American, but Republicans have derided it as having no benefit to the economy. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) called the holiday “sugar high economics,” while Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said that “not all tax relief is created equalfor the purposes of helping to get the economy moving again.” A spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said Cantor “has never believed that this type of temporary tax relief is the best way to grow the economy.”

...In January 2008 when the economic picture was far less dire and the unemployment rate was only 4.8 percent, 165 Republicans in the House of Representatives and 33 Republican senators voted to pass a stimulus package with an estimated cost of $152 billion. That package provided tax cuts of up to $600 for individuals or $1,200 for married couples, plus an additional $300 per child. The bill also contained a number of temporary tax breaks for businesses. And just in case you thought President George W. Bush’s stimulus bill was simply a bunch of tax cuts, it also included $40 billion in direct spending. The legislation was even called the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

FLASHBACK: 85 Percent Of House Republicans Who Were Serving In ’08 Voted For Bush’s Stimulus Act


I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

FLASHBACK: 85 Percent Of House Republicans Who Were Serving In ’08 Voted For Bush’s Stimulus Act

President Obama and congressional Democrats have been pushing to extend a payroll tax holiday that was enacted as part of the December 2010 tax deal and is set to expire in in January. Congressional Republicans, finally discovering a tax hike that they can get behind, have opposed the extension.

The tax holiday benefits every working American, but Republicans have derided it as having no benefit to the economy. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) called the holiday “sugar high economics,” while Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said that “not all tax relief is created equalfor the purposes of helping to get the economy moving again.” A spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said Cantor “has never believed that this type of temporary tax relief is the best way to grow the economy.”

...In January 2008 when the economic picture was far less dire and the unemployment rate was only 4.8 percent, 165 Republicans in the House of Representatives and 33 Republican senators voted to pass a stimulus package with an estimated cost of $152 billion. That package provided tax cuts of up to $600 for individuals or $1,200 for married couples, plus an additional $300 per child. The bill also contained a number of temporary tax breaks for businesses. And just in case you thought President George W. Bush’s stimulus bill was simply a bunch of tax cuts, it also included $40 billion in direct spending. The legislation was even called the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

FLASHBACK: 85 Percent Of House Republicans Who Were Serving In ’08 Voted For Bush’s Stimulus Act


Its fact, the night of his innagural celebration, they all met to take this brother down...that's how low and dirty them bastards were. But Karma has a way of easing justice to those that do the devils work!!
You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draper’s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it — please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Exhibit one, perfectly illustrating my point.
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton
You mean like 7 Benghazi investigations were a witch hunt on Obama and Clinton
That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
No dodge necessary, snowflake. Post something different if you want a different response, idiot.

Hell you aren't dodging- you are just flat out lying.

You just made up the entire story about Brennan 'admitting he saw no evidence of collusion'- just like Trump makes up all of his crap.
No he did not you keep lying that Brennan ADMITTED he saw no evidence. It is simple he was asked about evidence and he said he could provide NONE. That means he SAW none.
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draper’s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it — please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
We will ask AGAIN, quote for us where members of Congress during Obama's term said they wanted to Impeach him. Quote for us where they said he was NOT their President, quite for us where they said LOCK HIM UP. Quote for us any news organization having a talking head run their show on nothing except attacking Obama and claiming he lied he cheated his wife wanted to divorce him ect ect....
No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draper’s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it — please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
We will ask AGAIN, quote for us where members of Congress during Obama's term said they wanted to Impeach him. Quote for us where they said he was NOT their President, quite for us where they said LOCK HIM UP. Quote for us any news organization having a talking head run their show on nothing except attacking Obama and claiming he lied he cheated his wife wanted to divorce him ect ect....[/QUOTE

REPORT: Fox Promotes Birther Myth In At Least 52 Segments

REPORT: Fox Promotes Birther Myth In At Least 52 Segments

During the presidency of Barack Obama, certain Republican congressmembers stated that Obama may have engaged in impeachable activity and that he might face attempts to remove him from office.

Rationales offered for possible impeachment included allegations that Obama was born outside of the United States, that he allegedly allowed people to use bathrooms based on their gender identity, an alleged White House cover-up after the 2012 Benghazi attack and failure to enforce Immigration laws. No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), less than a month into his first term in Congress, announced his belief that President Obama, without a doubt, “deserves impeachment.” He’s not the only one talking like this.

Republican Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania says President Obama is “getting close” to impeachment. “People say, ‘should the president be impeached?’ I say, we’re getting close to that,” the Marino said in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday by the local newspaper, the Wellsboro Gazette.

Marino said he was talking about impeachment because “it comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”
GOP back to 'impeachment,' 'jail time' for Obama

A Brief History of GOP Calls for Obama's Impeachment, From Benghazi to Bergdahl

A Brief History of GOP Calls for Obama's Impeachment, From Benghazi to Bergdahl

Sean Hannity: Obama's "Not My President"

Fox News Attacks Obama In Anti Obama Video 2012

Fox News's Monica Crowley uses Neil Armstrong's death to attack Obama

Fox News anchor Sean Hannity apologized on Tuesday for referencing a fake news article on his radio show that claimed that Michelle Obama was deleting tweets about Hillary Clinton.
Sean Hannity apologizes for using fake news story to attack Obama

Tucker Carlson: ‘Good Reporters’ Heckle Obama, ‘Rude’ Reporters Interrupt Trump

The Fox News host called CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘rude’ for confronting Trump, but he had no problem with his own reporter heckling President Obama in 2012
Tucker Carlson: ‘Good Reporters’ Heckle Obama, ‘Rude’ Reporters Interrupt Trump

‘Terrorist Fist Jab’

In June 2008, Fox News ran a segment analyzing Barack and Michelle Obama bumping fists after a campaign rally.

The whole thing is ridiculous — “This fist thump, is that sort of a signal that young people get?” anchor E.D. Hill asked at one point — but the worst moment came as Hill teased the segment.

“A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab?” she said. “The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently.”



That was overkill, certainly, but people died in that incident and the administration's response influenced the election so investigation was warranted. We have multiple investigations going on now into Trump. Perhaps there should only be one.

Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO
“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
No dodge necessary, snowflake. Post something different if you want a different response, idiot.

Hell you aren't dodging- you are just flat out lying.

You just made up the entire story about Brennan 'admitting he saw no evidence of collusion'- just like Trump makes up all of his crap.
No he did not you keep lying that Brennan ADMITTED he saw no evidence. It is simple he was asked about evidence and he said he could provide NONE. That means he SAW none.

Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” Brennan said.

“It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals,”

Brennan said during Tuesday's open hearing he did not know whether Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia but said he saw "information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation.”

Brennan said he could provide more information in closed session.

,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.

Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates
Yes, the Benghazi investigations continued in order to influence the election and discredit Clinton. So the Russia investigations should continue until 2020.
I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

I"m sure they will. No amount of exoneration will suffice and the pressure will be unrelenting to keep going until something, anything is found.

BTW, is it okay to do bad things because someone else did bad things first?
If this man and the peeps around him walk....we are headed for the abyss.
Reminds me of THIS statement:

"If that fucking bastard wins, we ALL hang from nooses". - Hillary Clinton

THAT DEBUNKED LIE??? Cupcake, cupcake ,cupcake

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Threw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer
Snopes is a liberal hack site, everyone knows that. They have about as much credibility as CNN. Try again, snowflake. LMAO

Much stronger than your "cupcake" argument.

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