Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points.
It's funny how you want us to think Democrats care about classified information. They don't have a problem with unmasking or disclosing classified information if it works to their benefit. And we KNOW the entire Clinton campaign doesn't give a shit about it. You and I both know if they had hard evidence for ANY of the things they're alleging it would have been all over the MSM. They have nothing, and you're an idiot if you think the American people can't see through your butthurt party's attempts to undo the election because your corrupt candidate was exposed for her blatant corruption and lost the election because of it.
Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt
If he's actually guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I have no problem with that. Continuing to investigate hoping to find something, anything, however, IS a witch hunt.

You are kind of jumping the gun

Investigation is still ongoing. Why would you prosecute before you have collected all your evidence? Also, why would you release your evidence before all the principals have been interviewed

We have not even interviewed Flynn, Manafort, Sessions or Trump.....why would you expect the investigation to end?
I don't expect it to end until everything has been completed. I do tire, though, of the incessant drumbeat from those absolutely certain Trump has committed some crime or other and that he'll be forced from office any day now.

Of course, should that happen, we'll get President Pence. I wonder how many of the anti-Trumpers believe Hillary will become president if Trump leaves?

Fewer than the idiot anti-Obamers who believed once President Obama was proven to be born in Kenya that Mitt Romney would end up being President.
Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.
Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” Brennan said.

“It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals,”

Brennan said during Tuesday's open hearing he did not know whether Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia but said he saw "information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation.”

Brennan said he could provide more information in closed session.

,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.

Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates

Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Five takeaways from a busy day of Russia hearings

Brennan was concerned about contacts between Russia, Trump campaign associates

Brennan told lawmakers that he had seen intelligence showing that people involved in Trump’s campaign had interactions with Russian officials that “concerned” him.

He argued that it was beyond the operational purview of the CIA to determine whether there was any evidence of collusion — that’s the FBI’s job, he said — but “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau.”

Republicans make debate about lack of evidence for collusion

Brennan repeatedly pushed back against the notion that he would be in a position to provide evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,”
he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”

Five takeaways from a busy day of Russia hearings
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Yes- you lied- flat out lied.

You said that Brennan 'admitted' that he had seen no evidence'- Brennan never said any such thing. You just lied.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan liar.
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
How dare you use facts to show how S.J. is lying again! Not fair!
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
No dodge necessary, snowflake. Post something different if you want a different response, idiot.
First, no one has shown any evidence Russia hacked the emails. You need to do that before you can make a case for collusion and after 7 months, you haven't shown any evidence of either.

Second, you're crying "foul" because she was exposed. Instead of bitching about her being caught, you should be pissed off at Hillary for her corruption. You think like a criminal.

Get a better candidate next time instead of bitching about yours being exposed for her corruption. You're trying to make Trump responsible for her crimes. You don't have shit.

Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Yes- you lied- flat out lied.

You said that Brennan 'admitted' that he had seen no evidence'- Brennan never said any such thing. You just lied.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan liar.
What, you think if you repeat it enough it'll make it so? Brennan was asked a direct question (and everyone recognizes evidence when they see it) and he ducked it. When he said "I don't do evidence", he admitted he didn't see any. Deny it all you want, it's what you do.
,..“It was clear to everyone Russia brazenly interfered and under explicit warning to not do so,” Brennan said.
Translation: Somebody exposed the corruption of the DNC and reaffirmed Hillary is a criminal so she lost and we need to somehow make it Trump's fault so I'll just say "I don't do evidence". That way I can accuse him without having to lie about not seeing any evidence.

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said. “As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
See post #150.

Dodge noted cupcake :)

“I really don’t do evidence. I do intelligence,he said.

“As an intelligence professional, what we try to do is to make sure that
we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway that they’re looking into criminal activity.”
No dodge necessary, snowflake. Post something different if you want a different response, idiot.

Hell you aren't dodging- you are just flat out lying.

You just made up the entire story about Brennan 'admitting he saw no evidence of collusion'- just like Trump makes up all of his crap.
Just stop it

Your denials are becoming just plain silly. Yes there is evidence that Russia hacked the servers. It has been reported by the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The evidence has been provided to Congress. The evidence was briefed to both President Obama and President Trump who both accepted the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC server

Your conclusion that just because classified information hasn't been released to some dimwitted message board poster, it must not exist is just plain stupid
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Yes- you lied- flat out lied.

You said that Brennan 'admitted' that he had seen no evidence'- Brennan never said any such thing. You just lied.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan liar.
What, you think if you repeat it enough it'll make it so? Brennan was asked a direct question (and everyone recognizes evidence when they see it) and he ducked it. When he said "I don't do evidence", he admitted he didn't see any. Deny it all you want, it's what you do.

LOL- if he had admitted he didn't see any you would have a quote of Brennan saying that.

You don't.

You lied.

Because that is what you do.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan.
I like how you declined to address my other points..

You mean the point where you lied about what Brennan said in the OP?
I didn't. He was asked if he saw any evidence, and instead of saying no, he said "I don't do evidence". That obviously means he did not see any. He's not man enough to admit he saw none (or he doesn't want to incur his party's wrath) so being the good little soldier he is, he danced around it by making that pathetic statement. Bottom line, he saw no evidence or he would have said otherwise.

Yes- you lied- flat out lied.

You said that Brennan 'admitted' that he had seen no evidence'- Brennan never said any such thing. You just lied.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan liar.
What, you think if you repeat it enough it'll make it so? Brennan was asked a direct question (and everyone recognizes evidence when they see it) and he ducked it. When he said "I don't do evidence", he admitted he didn't see any. Deny it all you want, it's what you do.

LOL- if he had admitted he didn't see any you would have a quote of Brennan saying that.

You don't.

You lied.

Because that is what you do.

Bottom line- you are a pathetic partisan.
You're quite the drama queen, aren't you? :lol:
I challenge you to name ONE person who has said they have seen any evidence whatsoever that Trump colluded with Russians to "hack the election". "I don't do evidence" is the closest you're gonna get, snowflake. Cling to it.

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