Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

By the time he left the CIA on Jan. 20, Brennan continued, he had “unresolved questions” as to whether the Russians were successful in getting Americans “to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”
IOW, he didn't get to finish his fishing expedition that turned up nothing before he had to leave office.

Note once again that Brennan never said he saw no evidence of collusion- but he did say that

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,” former CIA chief John Brennan told lawmakers on Tuesday during a House Intelligence Committee hearing. By the time he left the CIA on Jan. 20, Brennan continued, he had “unresolved questions” as to whether the Russians were successful in getting Americans “to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”
And where did he say he SAW evidence of collusion. Oh, that's right, he "doesn't do evidence". I guess he doesn't recognize it when he sees it either, huh? And this dumbass was CIA Director?

No, "evidence" is not what you "do" either, Mr. Gowdy.

It's cute how your story cuts off the rest of Brennan's statement - he doesn't do "evidence", he does intelligence. The CIA isn't an investigative body. They're not law enforcement. They don't collect evidence to build a case against someone - they collect intelligence.

And they found some on Trump, or his campaign.
Playing with words. The Obama stooge says he found "information and intelligence" worthy of investigation. Then when asked if he found any evidence of collusion he says "I don't do evidence". His "intelligence" didn't show any collusion, but he couldn't say that because he would be admitting HE FOUND NOTHING to indicate collusion, so he jumps on the use of the word "evidence". Just like YOU do.

Speaking of playing with words- your OP is a lie- and you keep trying to put words in Brennan's mouth.

Brennan never once said he saw no evidence of collusion- you just lied.
He didn't HAVE to say it, he was asked directly and he dodged the question. "I don't do evidence", which means "No, I didn't see any evidence of collusion". Even a third grader can see that.
Hey, I want ALL of the dirt on the politicians and their minions to come out. Repub, Democrat, ALL of them. Why don't you? Afraid of what you'll find?

Quote from my post:
Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out

But not all have. The MSM has ignored the hilary connections. You haven't made one comment about them. So yet again, why not?
You addressed your response to me- and i pointed out I already answered that.

Why has the MSM ignored Clinton's Russia connection?

Lack of relevance.

Because Clinton is not in office- and Trump is.
Because Clinton actually suffered from the affect of Russia's attempt to hack our election.

I know that Trump supporters would love to pursue Clinton- and Obama- and that is fine- you are welcome to hold onto your beliefs as long as you want- but the current investigation is regarding Russian attempts to hack our election. If there is any relevant lead that points to Clinton- I welcome that lead being followed.

But for the time being there is still Manafort and Flynn to be interviewed- Jeff Session's transcripts with the Russian Ambassador, and all of Comey's notes regarding the conversations with both the Obama and Trump administration regarding Russia's attempts to interfere in the election.

Hillary is relevant. She's not the sitting president. Trump is. So he's dealings are much more of a concern than Hillary.
So if Hillary had won, and the Republicans accused her of colluding with the Russians, you would be ok with continuing a 7 month long investigation that has produced no evidence so far? Somehow I doubt it.

If there is great suspicion she colluded with the Russians to win the election, then yes.

I'm not a partisan hypocrite. I'm an independent.
Lets end this investigation

All Trumps representatives have to do is provide a credible explanation as to what they were discussing with the Russians

We can end this tomorrow
Except it WOULDN'T end tomorrow and you know it. You'll continue to accuse, investigate, and call for impeachment even though you have absolutely NOTHING to justify any of it.

All that is needed is a simple explanation of why his people met with the Russians and what was discussed
The story will die overnight

Instead, Trump tries to get the investigation killed, hires a private lawyer and Flynn takes the fifth

Not the way to put rumors to rest
This whole thing is not so hard

Let the Trump administration explain what they were talking to the Russians about. Discussions of this magnitude would normally be documented. Let's see the paper trail and if it is innocent contact...no big deal

But Trump just keeps telling us....Fake news.....no story.....pressures the FBI to end the investigation
Show your evidence, or admit you're a liar.

A "kick everyone out of the room and close the door" private meeting with Comey kind of explains it
Comey has said what was discussed. Haven't heard Trumps story about why he wanted a private discussion with Comey
What I do know is Russia helped Trump in the election
No you don't.
Trump was making policy concessions to the Russians
Prove it or admit you're lying (again).

1. Russia released damaging emails against Hillary and Trump used those emails on a weekly basis to slam Hillary......Yes, that constitutes help

2. At the time the emails were being released........Trump advocated considering recognizing Russia's control of Crimea, removed a plank from the GOP platform about sending arms to the Ukraine, said he would consider lifting sanctions on Russia, accused the US of being as big a murderer as Putin....THOSE are policy concessions
So why are all the people who "know anything" are all on record warning of Flynn being compromised, or finding information so troubling they ran and told others?

Let me guess, they were all tricked by dems to see something that never was there...That's a interesting evaluation.

Those are all good questions that none of us can answer. I guess we will have to wait to see how all of this plays out for the answers.

The only reason others can't answer is because they are pretending thWY can't make a decision about really simple things like "Would people ring the alarms for Flynn because....nothing?"

The answer is no.
Trump retreating into the cone of silence and refusing to discuss his Russian contacts does not seem like the actions of an innocent man

If the meetings were "routine" like Trump claims, why doesn't he release documentation on what happened at those meetings?
Trump retreating into the cone of silence and refusing to discuss his Russian contacts does not seem like the actions of an innocent man

If the meetings were "routine" like Trump claims, why doesn't he release documentation on what happened at those meetings?

Right. For months people have been complaining that Trump tweets too much, that he keeps flaming controversy by saying stuff. So he finally gets the message and shuts up, and now he is hiding something!
It's not on them to do that. It's on the investigators to crap or get off the pot.

Trump can end this right now by coming clean about what all the discussions with the Russians were about. If they were routine.......let's just drop this whole thing

But in the absence of full disclosure, we need to allow the FBI investigation to play out. Take statements, investigate, check out the story
Trump could do a presser tomorrow, lay out everything, show nothing inappropriate happened and it would change literally nothing. The narrative is set and it's all the haters have right now. They will not let go of it, period. The FBI can investigate, come out and say nothing happened, won't change a thing. The special counsel, same thing.

Why doesn't he?

I have yet to hear a legitimate explanation of why his campaign was having so much contact with the Russians
Do you know for a fact that his campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did those of other candidates, say Hillary's? The truth is that we EXPECT the front runners to have contact with foreign officials, because at this point in American politics, one of them is going to be president. What matters, however, is breaking the law, and that is far from determined.
Yes we do

What was Flynn and Manafort discussing with the Russians?
If they had discussions it should have been reported and documented
Let Trump explain that and we can move on
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

No, "evidence" is not what you "do" either, Mr. Gowdy.

It's cute how your story cuts off the rest of Brennan's statement - he doesn't do "evidence", he does intelligence. The CIA isn't an investigative body. They're not law enforcement. They don't collect evidence to build a case against someone - they collect intelligence.

And they found some on Trump, or his campaign.
Simple logic strongly suggests that IF there is/was the slightest factual evidence of ANY "collusion" it would have been front page/BREAKING NEWS from the LIB MSM by now.
LIB morons who keep claiming the duffus Carter Page "colluded" with some russian economics AKLA spies back in 2013 are fucking delusional.
It's amusing to listen to MSNBC radical LIB hacks claim Trump tried to stop the investigations. I'm sure after the Comey firing there are a lot of Comey loyalists investigating Trump who are literally turning over every fucking grain of sand on the beach to find ANYTHING on Trump and or his campaign staff.
When we all see that these investigators were unable to find anything the fucking LIBs will claim: "Trump must have 'bought off' the agents OR the agents were "too stupid" to find what every LIB hack in the MSM "knew for certain was there!!!!!".
Trump retreating into the cone of silence and refusing to discuss his Russian contacts does not seem like the actions of an innocent man

If the meetings were "routine" like Trump claims, why doesn't he release documentation on what happened at those meetings?

Right. For months people have been complaining that Trump tweets too much, that he keeps flaming controversy by saying stuff. So he finally gets the message and shuts up, and now he is hiding something!

LOL...that's funny

If it is a non-story like Trump claims, it is easy enough for him to release records documenting that the contact with Russia was routine

Let me ask you a simple question.......What is your understanding of what those meetings were about?
Trump can end this right now by coming clean about what all the discussions with the Russians were about. If they were routine.......let's just drop this whole thing

But in the absence of full disclosure, we need to allow the FBI investigation to play out. Take statements, investigate, check out the story
Trump could do a presser tomorrow, lay out everything, show nothing inappropriate happened and it would change literally nothing. The narrative is set and it's all the haters have right now. They will not let go of it, period. The FBI can investigate, come out and say nothing happened, won't change a thing. The special counsel, same thing.

Why doesn't he?

I have yet to hear a legitimate explanation of why his campaign was having so much contact with the Russians
Do you know for a fact that his campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did those of other candidates, say Hillary's? The truth is that we EXPECT the front runners to have contact with foreign officials, because at this point in American politics, one of them is going to be president. What matters, however, is breaking the law, and that is far from determined.
Yes we do

What was Flynn and Manafort discussing with the Russians?
If they had discussions it should have been reported and documented
Let Trump explain that and we can move on
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President

No, "evidence" is not what you "do" either, Mr. Gowdy.

It's cute how your story cuts off the rest of Brennan's statement - he doesn't do "evidence", he does intelligence. The CIA isn't an investigative body. They're not law enforcement. They don't collect evidence to build a case against someone - they collect intelligence.

And they found some on Trump, or his campaign.
Simple logic strongly suggests that IF there is/was the slightest factual evidence of ANY "collusion" it would have been front page/BREAKING NEWS from the LIB MSM by now.
LIB morons who keep claiming the duffus Carter Page "colluded" with some russian economics AKLA spies back in 2013 are fucking delusional.
It's amusing to listen to MSNBC radical LIB hacks claim Trump tried to stop the investigations. I'm sure after the Comey firing there are a lot of Comey loyalists investigating Trump who are literally turning over every fucking grain of sand on the beach to find ANYTHING on Trump and or his campaign staff.
When we all see that these investigators were unable to find anything the fucking LIBs will claim: "Trump must have 'bought off' the agents OR the agents were "too stupid" to find what every LIB hack in the MSM "knew for certain was there!!!!!".

I saw the same thing on Watergate. Nothing to see here. A non-story being overblown by the press
It did not become a crisis until the testimony was aired and tapes and records released

None of that has happened yet. We have not even completed a hearing on Trump's Russian ties
Trump could do a presser tomorrow, lay out everything, show nothing inappropriate happened and it would change literally nothing. The narrative is set and it's all the haters have right now. They will not let go of it, period. The FBI can investigate, come out and say nothing happened, won't change a thing. The special counsel, same thing.

Why doesn't he?

I have yet to hear a legitimate explanation of why his campaign was having so much contact with the Russians
Do you know for a fact that his campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did those of other candidates, say Hillary's? The truth is that we EXPECT the front runners to have contact with foreign officials, because at this point in American politics, one of them is going to be president. What matters, however, is breaking the law, and that is far from determined.
Yes we do

What was Flynn and Manafort discussing with the Russians?
If they had discussions it should have been reported and documented
Let Trump explain that and we can move on
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.
Why doesn't he?

I have yet to hear a legitimate explanation of why his campaign was having so much contact with the Russians
Do you know for a fact that his campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did those of other candidates, say Hillary's? The truth is that we EXPECT the front runners to have contact with foreign officials, because at this point in American politics, one of them is going to be president. What matters, however, is breaking the law, and that is far from determined.
Yes we do

What was Flynn and Manafort discussing with the Russians?
If they had discussions it should have been reported and documented
Let Trump explain that and we can move on
How do you know that Trump's campaign had more contact with Russian officials than did Hillary's?

The FBI has stated they have documented 17 instances of contact between Trump agents and the Russians. There has been nothing reported on Hillary

Guess what? Hillary is not President
Which is why you don't have reported contacts. No one is investigating her. I do not believe she had no contact with Russian officials, given that she was Sec State in the outgoing administration and already knew who to work with.

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years
You found NOTHING....not even an indictment

Now you whimper like little Snowflakes if Trump gets investigated for nine months
<sob> Why isn't it over yet?
Wah...wah...wah....This is a witch hunt

No, "evidence" is not what you "do" either, Mr. Gowdy.

It's cute how your story cuts off the rest of Brennan's statement - he doesn't do "evidence", he does intelligence. The CIA isn't an investigative body. They're not law enforcement. They don't collect evidence to build a case against someone - they collect intelligence.

And they found some on Trump, or his campaign.

Maybe. No one has seen a lick of it. So far all we have are the pronouncements from political operatives who have so far refused to present their so called evidence to the Congressional oversight committee's. In other words, there is nothing....nothing at all.

Not true. Lots of senior level people have seen it and Trump is shitting himself over it, firing the FBI Director over his refusal to end the investigation.

YOU haven't seen the evidence, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The Seth Rich story is on the verge of being broken wide open...........when it does, the whole Trump-collusion story goes away in 24 hours.

For those who missed it, here is some background on the lead up to today's Kim Dotcom announcement:

Last week,
Fox News dropped a bombshell report officially confirming, via anonymous FBI sources, what many had suspected for quite some time, that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the WikiLeaks source for leaks which proved that the DNC was intentionally undermining the campaign of Bernie Sanders. In addition to exposing the corruption of the DNC, the leaks cost Debbie Wasserman Shcultz her job as Chairwoman.

Of course, if it's true that WikiLeaks' emails came from a DNC insider it would end the "Russian hacking" narrative that has been perpetuated by Democrats and the mainstream media for the past several months. Moreover, it would corroborate the one confirmation that Julian Assange has offered regarding his source, namely that it was "not a state actor."

Meanwhile, the plot thickened a little more over the weekend when Kim Dotcom confirmed via Twitter that he was working with Seth Rich to get leaked emails to WikiLeaks.

Kim Dotcom Disappoints: Offers Full Seth Rich Testimony But Only To Special Counsel Mueller | Zero Hedge
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The Seth Rich story is on the verge of being broken wide open...........when it does, the whole Trump-collusion story goes away in 24 hours.

Try to keep up with the news cycle

FoxNews has retracted its Seth Rich story and has ordered Hannity to STFU

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