Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

WASHINGTON ― The former head of the CIA said he has seen intelligence about interactions between President Donald Trump’s campaign associates and Russian officials that made him believe there was a need for the ongoing FBI investigation into possible collusion.

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,” former CIA chief John Brennan told lawmakers on Tuesday during a House Intelligence Committee hearing. By the time he left the CIA on Jan. 20, Brennan continued, he had “unresolved questions” as to whether the Russians were successful in getting Americans “to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”
Just pointing out that the OP's title is a lie.

Guess the OP is really emulating President Snowflake.
They are all so anxious to have his thing put aside before it can be investigated

No, "evidence" is not what you "do" either, Mr. Gowdy.

It's cute how your story cuts off the rest of Brennan's statement - he doesn't do "evidence", he does intelligence. The CIA isn't an investigative body. They're not law enforcement. They don't collect evidence to build a case against someone - they collect intelligence.

And they found some on Trump, or his campaign.
Playing with words. The Obama stooge says he found "information and intelligence" worthy of investigation. Then when asked if he found any evidence of collusion he says "I don't do evidence". His "intelligence" didn't show any collusion, but he couldn't say that because he would be admitting HE FOUND NOTHING to indicate collusion, so he jumps on the use of the word "evidence". Just like YOU do.
Lets end this investigation

All Trumps representatives have to do is provide a credible explanation as to what they were discussing with the Russians

We can end this tomorrow
Except it WOULDN'T end tomorrow and you know it. You'll continue to accuse, investigate, and call for impeachment even though you have absolutely NOTHING to justify any of it.
They "found" intelligence on Trump? You mean they spied on him.

So far we have no evidence that there was collusion- or that there wasn't colluion- nor do we have any evidence that Trump was spied on.

Right...no evidence he was spied on. Just his staff member being wiretapped, unmasked.

Yep- no evidence. His staff member was caught when his staff member was having a conversation with Russians- and lied about it to America- and Trump.

If his staff members didn't have secret discussions with the Russians and lie about them, they wouldn't have their conversations recorded.

They weren't "secret discussions", the Russian ambassador called him because he was being expelled from the country by Obama when he had a hissy fit. Flynn was just trying to calm them down and telling them to wait it out.

Link to the transcript- or even the summary of the discussion?

And by 'hissy fit' you mean when President Obama expelled some Russian Diplomats for trying to hack our election?

If President Obama had wanted to expel the Russian Ambassador- he would have been out within 72 hours- like the Russians he did expel.

Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for US election hacking

The Obama administration on Thursday announced its retaliation for Russian efforts to interfere with the US presidential election, ordering sweeping new sanctions that included the expulsion of 35 Russians.

Yup. During his entire time in office he never once took the drastic measure of expelling diplomats. Even when the whole Russia-Ukraine shit went down. Then suddenly the Dems lose the election and the blame game starts. No evidence that the Russian government meddled in the elections at all, yet the MSM narrative was to blame them. So Obama has to take action in order to push that agenda, and thus the expulsion of Russian diplomats. Hillary wanted to start a war with Russia, and Obama was going to do everything he could to ruin relations with Russia. After all, Trump ran on the platform of trying to make peace with the nuclear superpower and work with them to destroy Obama's baby:ISIS.
Yet another intelligence agent says no evidence of collusion.

Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates

Note the headline from your citation:
Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” Brennan said.

“It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals,” he told members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Brennan said during Tuesday's open hearing he did not know whether Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia but said he saw "information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation.”

Odd isn't it that you missed mentioning all of the key points from your citation?

Finally of course your headline is a lie- Brennan never 'admitted he saw no evidence'
First of all, ahole, I shouldn't have to mention it, it's right there in the headline. I figured you could read it for yourself. He DID say, did he not, that he did not know if there was collusion? That means he did NOT see any evidence of it, or I'm sure the stooge would have jumped at the chance to say he DID. He tries to cover his failure to show collusion by saying "I don't do evidence". Cop out. Bottom line is he has nothing to contribute to the witch hunt (I mean, investigation).
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By the time he left the CIA on Jan. 20, Brennan continued, he had “unresolved questions” as to whether the Russians were successful in getting Americans “to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”
IOW, he didn't get to finish his fishing expedition that turned up nothing before he had to leave office.
So why are all the people who "know anything" are all on record warning of Flynn being compromised, or finding information so troubling they ran and told others?

Let me guess, they were all tricked by dems to see something that never was there...That's a interesting evaluation.

Those are all good questions that none of us can answer. I guess we will have to wait to see how all of this plays out for the answers.
This whole thing is not so hard

Let the Trump administration explain what they were talking to the Russians about. Discussions of this magnitude would normally be documented. Let's see the paper trail and if it is innocent contact...no big deal

But Trump just keeps telling us....Fake news.....no story.....pressures the FBI to end the investigation
Show your evidence, or admit you're a liar.
I agree with you. I would also like a complete listing of all of the hillary operatives who likewise have connections to the russians. More in fact than the trump campaign.

Of course you would- because Clinton is not President- and Trump is.....

Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out- it can start with AG Sessions providing transcripts of his private discussion with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign.

Hey, I want ALL of the dirt on the politicians and their minions to come out. Repub, Democrat, ALL of them. Why don't you? Afraid of what you'll find?

Quote from my post:
Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out

But not all have. The MSM has ignored the hilary connections. You haven't made one comment about them. So yet again, why not?
You addressed your response to me- and i pointed out I already answered that.

Why has the MSM ignored Clinton's Russia connection?

Lack of relevance.

Because Clinton is not in office- and Trump is.
Because Clinton actually suffered from the affect of Russia's attempt to hack our election.

I know that Trump supporters would love to pursue Clinton- and Obama- and that is fine- you are welcome to hold onto your beliefs as long as you want- but the current investigation is regarding Russian attempts to hack our election. If there is any relevant lead that points to Clinton- I welcome that lead being followed.

But for the time being there is still Manafort and Flynn to be interviewed- Jeff Session's transcripts with the Russian Ambassador, and all of Comey's notes regarding the conversations with both the Obama and Trump administration regarding Russia's attempts to interfere in the election.

Hillary is relevant. She's not the sitting president. Trump is. So he's dealings are much more of a concern than Hillary.
I agree with you. I would also like a complete listing of all of the hillary operatives who likewise have connections to the russians. More in fact than the trump campaign.

Of course you would- because Clinton is not President- and Trump is.....

Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out- it can start with AG Sessions providing transcripts of his private discussion with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign.

Hey, I want ALL of the dirt on the politicians and their minions to come out. Repub, Democrat, ALL of them. Why don't you? Afraid of what you'll find?

Quote from my post:
Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out

But not all have. The MSM has ignored the hilary connections. You haven't made one comment about them. So yet again, why not?
You addressed your response to me- and i pointed out I already answered that.

Why has the MSM ignored Clinton's Russia connection?

Lack of relevance.

Because Clinton is not in office- and Trump is.
Because Clinton actually suffered from the affect of Russia's attempt to hack our election.

I know that Trump supporters would love to pursue Clinton- and Obama- and that is fine- you are welcome to hold onto your beliefs as long as you want- but the current investigation is regarding Russian attempts to hack our election. If there is any relevant lead that points to Clinton- I welcome that lead being followed.

But for the time being there is still Manafort and Flynn to be interviewed- Jeff Session's transcripts with the Russian Ambassador, and all of Comey's notes regarding the conversations with both the Obama and Trump administration regarding Russia's attempts to interfere in the election.
Yeah, we get it. You only want Trump investigated. What are you afraid of?
LWNJ's are going to be very sad when they realize that they are being played for fools.

And by 'fools' you mean because we support the
FBI investigation of Russian interference in our election.

Yes- we are the kind of 'fool' who believes in America.

No, I mean fools that think Trump is colluding with the "Russians" against American interests or to enrich himself. It takes a special kind of idiot to believe that shit. You may or may not be one of them....
I don't know if Trump colluded with the Russians

What I do know is Russia helped Trump in the election, Trump was making policy concessions to the Russians and his representatives met with the Russians 17 times

Now, If Trump can provide a credible explanation we can drop the whole thing. But otherwise, we need to get to the bottom of it

No, you don't know that "Russia helped Trump in the election". It's a false narrative.

hiLIARy was a shit candidate who ran a shit campaign. SHe is also a certified C#NT that people do not trust. That is why she lost. Nothing to do with "the Russians" that Obama promised to be "more flexible" with "after his election". Fuck off.
Lets end this investigation

All Trumps representatives have to do is provide a credible explanation as to what they were discussing with the Russians

We can end this tomorrow

I agree with you. I would also like a complete listing of all of the hillary operatives who likewise have connections to the russians. More in fact than the trump campaign.

Not true.

Hillary isn't President, nor did she ask the FBI Director or the head of the CIA to drop the investigation.

This is just the beginning.
Of course you would- because Clinton is not President- and Trump is.....

Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out- it can start with AG Sessions providing transcripts of his private discussion with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign.

Hey, I want ALL of the dirt on the politicians and their minions to come out. Repub, Democrat, ALL of them. Why don't you? Afraid of what you'll find?

Quote from my post:
Personally I am fine with all of the connections coming out

But not all have. The MSM has ignored the hilary connections. You haven't made one comment about them. So yet again, why not?
You addressed your response to me- and i pointed out I already answered that.

Why has the MSM ignored Clinton's Russia connection?

Lack of relevance.

Because Clinton is not in office- and Trump is.
Because Clinton actually suffered from the affect of Russia's attempt to hack our election.

I know that Trump supporters would love to pursue Clinton- and Obama- and that is fine- you are welcome to hold onto your beliefs as long as you want- but the current investigation is regarding Russian attempts to hack our election. If there is any relevant lead that points to Clinton- I welcome that lead being followed.

But for the time being there is still Manafort and Flynn to be interviewed- Jeff Session's transcripts with the Russian Ambassador, and all of Comey's notes regarding the conversations with both the Obama and Trump administration regarding Russia's attempts to interfere in the election.

Hillary is relevant. She's not the sitting president. Trump is. So he's dealings are much more of a concern than Hillary.
So if Hillary had won, and the Republicans accused her of colluding with the Russians, you would be ok with continuing a 7 month long investigation that has produced no evidence so far? Somehow I doubt it.
Lets end this investigation

All Trumps representatives have to do is provide a credible explanation as to what they were discussing with the Russians

We can end this tomorrow

I agree with you. I would also like a complete listing of all of the hillary operatives who likewise have connections to the russians. More in fact than the trump campaign.

Not true.

Hillary isn't President, nor did she ask the FBI Director or the head of the CIA to drop the investigation.

This is just the beginning.
Translation: We're gonna milk this bullshit for all it's worth.
Lets end this investigation

All Trumps representatives have to do is provide a credible explanation as to what they were discussing with the Russians

We can end this tomorrow
Orrr, we can draw it out for years like benghazi until they find a felony either related to Russia or not. It wouldn't matter eat that point, just like Clinton's emails had nothing to do with benghazi.

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