Obama's CIA Director Admits He Saw No Evidence Of Collusion

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.
This is you!

Does anyone believe that the CIA Director 'admitted' he saw no evidence of collusion?
Yes, everyone who heard his testimony. .

You mean the testimony where he never admitted he saw no evidence of collusion?
Dodging the question isn't the same thing as "not admitting" it. Show the evidence, bitch.

Lying about what he said is what you do. Snowflake.
You don't need to sign your posts.

Still fun to point out that your OP is a flat out lie- which is what Snowflakes like you and Trump do.
You don't seem to get it through your head that there wouldn't be an investigation in the first place, unless there was "evidence" of a possible crime.

No. What you seem to keep missing is that the only reason why there is any investigation is because of serious allegations by a few newspapers quoting unnamed sources..

Wow- so the FBI- and Congress are only doing their investigations because of 'newspapers'?

Wow- so the FBI- and Congress are only doing their investigations because of 'newspapers'?

Doesn't seem quite right to you either, huh?
1). First the NYT or Wapo publishes a front page scandal announcing dirt uncovered on Trump Admin wrongdoing through "secret sources."
2). Half the Democrats get on a mike denouncing the crimes, call it a cover-up of epic proportions, accuse the president of being a foreign spy or puppet, and call for investigations and impeachment.
3). Republican RINO's like McCain step forward and say the reports are "very troubling" and agree that we should have a full investigation.
4). The matter is thoroughly investigated to the nines, even if it takes years. A Republican resigns under pressure so the democrats can have their pound of flesh even though he didn't do anything wrong.
5). Democrats warn: You better shape up! We are watching you!

If this had been a democratic administration:
1). No such articles or reports ever would have appeared, even if actual impropriety existed.
2). All of the Republicans would have sat on their fists with their tail between their legs. Democrats would have considered it a public racist, sexist homophobic, Islamophobic witch burning on a cross and wailed like a banshee had one been attempted.
3). Despite a looming mountain of evidence, no democrat would ever have conceded a thing much less agreed to any investigation.
4). The matter of an investigation is totally dropped or if started, is dragged out, delayed, uncooperated with top lawyers until nothing is ever found, nothing proved, or even if proved, no charges filed and the whole thing quietly goes away.
5). Democrats warn: You better shape up! We are watching you!

We shall see if Trump now breaks this old cycle. I say he does. Repubs have no spine, Trump is all spine.
No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?

As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draper’s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it — please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
That's opposition, as I said. Show us where they said he wasn't their president, where they said he was illegitimate, etc.




You're a fucking liar. What's your point?
My point is you're a fucking loon if you think me seeing Trump say something on TV didn't happen at all.
Post a clip. Comey abused his position as FBI Director and may possibly be indicted. He should have been fired, and no, firing him for any reason is NOT obstruction of justice. You don't know what you're talking about.
No...they will then start on removing Pence from office as well...and Gorsuch too.......
I do know democrats will never stop trying to remove all Republicans from positions of power and will never again accept a Republican as president. y.

LOL after the last 8 years of Republicans refusing to accept a Democrat as President- your post just is rather pathetic.
Nonsense. They accepted Obama, they just opposed his agenda. You didn't, for example, see Congressional Republicans saying that Obama wasn't their president, wasn't legitimate or that they had a hard time even saying "President Obama". Perhaps you have examples of them doing so?
GOP back to 'impeachment,' 'jail time' for Obama

Last week, Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), less than a month into his first term in Congress, announced his belief that President Obama, without a doubt, “deserves impeachment.” He’s not the only one talking like this.

Republican Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania says President Obama is “getting close” to impeachment. “People say, ‘should the president be impeached?’ I say, we’re getting close to that,” the Marino said in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday by the local newspaper, the Wellsboro Gazette.

Marino said he was talking about impeachment because “it comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”

Well, that’s a good reason. Marino was a little fuzzy on what, exactly, would be the grounds for presidential impeachment, but for many GOP lawmakers, that’s a minor and inconvenient detail that shouldn’t interfere with reckless rhetoric.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), meanwhile, has no use for subtlety and is already talking publicly about “jail time” for the president:
Sen. Jeff Sessions: 'We're Not Going To Impeach President Obama' | HuffPost
several other Republican lawmakers, like Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who floated the idea of impeachment proceedings and even prison time.

“At some point, you have to evaluate whether the president’s conduct aids or abets, encourages, or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the United States of America,” Brooks said in an earlier interview with Slate. “That has a five-year in-jail penalty associated with it.”

Another Republican is accusing President Obama of secretly being a Kenyan man who forged his birth certificate in order to get elected President of the United States. This time the theorist is Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee.

Duncan appeared on the radio program TruNews with Rick Wiles on Friday where the host asked the South Carolina congressman whether the House would go after Obama’s “phony identification papers.” Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

WILES: While you guys are rounding up and deporting the illegal immigrants, any chance the House may actually pursue Barack Obama’s phony identification papers? That’s the original scandal, congressman.DUNCAN: People should have voted against him in N

Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions ‘The President’s Validity’

They were wrong then, and these idiots are wrong now.

So you admit YOUR premise was BS to begin with? Thanks cupcake
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces?

When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

Rep. Chaffetz says he "absolutely" voted to cut funding for embassy security
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces?

When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

Rep. Chaffetz says he "absolutely" voted to cut funding for embassy security

That's all great Jon except I know a lot of that is pure bull. We can provide 15,000 contractors in Iraq but we can't send a few guys in to save an ambassador? What about the guys on the rescue team who publicly stated they wanted to go in and were STOPPED? What about the 600 or so requests for additional security all ignored? Why were they left there after all other embassies fled? Then there is the made up narrative by Susan Rice trying to conceal this was a planned terror attack calling it a spontaneous reaction over some video long after it was known and proven to be totally false?

If half the crap you've posted is actually true, then there is a very great effort to cover up something in Libya the government very much does not want you to know.
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces?

When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

Rep. Chaffetz says he "absolutely" voted to cut funding for embassy security

That's all great Jon except I know a lot of that is pure bull. We can provide 15,000 contractors in Iraq but we can't send a few guys in to save an ambassador? What about the guys on the rescue team who publicly stated they wanted to go in and were STOPPED? What about the 600 or so requests for additional security all ignored? Why were they left there after all other embassies fled? Then there is the made up narrative by Susan Rice trying to conceal this was a planned terror attack calling it a spontaneous reaction over some video long after it was known and proven to be totally false?

If half the crap you've posted is actually true, then there is a very great effort to cover up something in Libya the government very much does not want you to know.


"We defied the stand-down orders" during the Benghazi attack.
Mark Geist on Monday, July 18th, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention


The report says the base chief "was adamant that he never told the Annex team members to 'stand down,'" quoting him as saying he was working with the team leader "the whole time in an effort to get them, go get them gone, to have them go."

"I never had any doubt about the GRS people going to the State Department compound." he base chief told the committee. "I had great concerns and great worry about it, but I did not, I did not tell anybody to stand down."

But he did tell them to wait so he could try to get the gun truck for them, "but it wasn't 10 minutes, or five minutes," he also said, "There was nobody, myself or anybody else in Benghazi, that did anything to hold up the GRS deploying. The team lead was always cleared to go. ... I think I carried an ammo can at one time to get those guys out the door."

The deputy chief of base, according to the report, told the committee that the team leader told him and the base chief, "We got to go get those guys. And the Chief of Base responded, 'Absolutely.' 'Absolutely.' Not, 'I got to go call the chief of station.' Not, 'I got to go check with somebody in Washington. All he said was, 'Absolutely.'
Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy

Fact-checking Benghazi: The rhetoric hasn't matched up with reality

Fact-checking Benghazi: The rhetoric hasn't matched up with reality

No evidence of collusion except for......

What's the evidence?
Plenty of evidence of meetings during last summer

If the meetings were so innocent, why don't they release documentation about what they were about?
I'm sure Putin has recordings
Yeah, MEETINGS, not COLLUSION, moron.

If you say so......

If that is the case, Team Trump will have no problem documenting what the meetings were about

If the meetings were innocent, Trump should have no problems showing us such and such a meeting was in regards to this, here are the notes, here is who was there
Trump and his defenders will not give up on using the word collusion, ignoring the words meddling and interfering.

The meddling and interference is what helped trump get elected. Actual collusion may not have been necessary.

/----- how exactly did the Russians do that?
Benghazi was a witch hunt. This is not.

Can I see the back of your head to check the pull string and cassette slot in your neck? You are so full of it, it is not even funny, your comparing a total non-issue with vacuous claims to an embassy being blown up, burned down and all its staff killed, lied about by Susan Rice being told it was a spontaneous event stemming from a video, Hillary ignoring hundreds of cries for greater support and protection long after all other embassies in the area had been pulled out to safety, and even as they were under siege calling for back-up, the rescuers being blocked from leaving their base to render help! And all to cover up another illegal gun-running operation by the Obama Administration they wanted to keep out of the news until after Obama could get himself reelected.

THAT investigation with a trunk full of facts was a witch-hunt, but the Jared Kushner leaked affair where the Russians offered to set up a back-channel so that the respective parties could do their jobs ISN'T. I just wonder what someone must do to get their thinking so half-assed backwards. But don't answer, I don't want you to lose too many feathers out of your mouth.

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces?

When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

Rep. Chaffetz says he "absolutely" voted to cut funding for embassy security

That's all great Jon except I know a lot of that is pure bull..

Because you need for Benghazi to be a scandal.......
You're a fucking liar. What's your point?
My point is you're a fucking loon if you think me seeing Trump say something on TV didn't happen at all.
Post a clip. Comey abused his position as FBI Director and may possibly be indicted.

President Snowflake abused his position as President, and may possibly be impeached.

Of course for Comey to be indicted- Trump would have to have committed a crime.......is that what you are counting on?

Meanwhile- just pointing out again- your OP was a lie- because that is what you snowflake Trumpsters do.
Wow- so the FBI- and Congress are only doing their investigations because of 'newspapers'?

Doesn't seem quite right to you either, huh?
1). First the NYT or Wapo publishes a front page scandal announcing dirt uncovered on Trump Admin wrongdoing through "secret sources.".

No- first the FBI- and the CIA- and other intelligence agencies uncover evidence that Russia was trying to subvert our election- and start formal investigations.

In the course of those investigations- members of the Trump campaign were discovered to have had communications with Russia- and there were suggestions that there might possibly be collusion.

The FBI- and CIA- were doing their investigations long before the newspapers got ahold of it.

You have been listening to Fakenews from President Snowflake again.

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