Obama's E.O.s.....and Trump's E.O.s......

I was a bad idea when Obama went and did it and I told the leftwing nut, what goes around comes around and the nutters laughed it off. Now, I still think it is a bad idea that Trump is playing the same game but I don't feel sorry for you hypocritical assholes because you let it happen.

The MAIN difference is that Obama repeatedly asked the republican congress to act before he issues his EOs....but congress chose to play it "safe" and do NOTHING.......

Trump has a congress of his same party, but he has chosen to basically tell congress to STILL just sit on their asses while he issues EOs.

See the difference?

No difference, I told you nut jobs what could happen and you didn't want to listen. Obama should have been brighter than that and you partisan asshats sold us out. So fuck off, now we have another guy in the WH that is another dip that is now doubling down. I cannot believe how stupid partisan nut haters on both sides of the aisle are.

As if you couldn't see this happening? LOL! Are you really that dumb? Do you think the next Democratic President is going to do the same but worse? Please spare me your faux outrage.
your opinion, not shared by even his worse enemies on the court.

When you go to all paid hunting trips, paid by the same people you're supposed to render "judicial impartiality" toward a pending lawsuit, you become a joke....Scalia was a joke....sure he had a sense of humor and tried to charm, but he was as crooked as a $4 bill.

People should read that article, because it points out that GOP leader was lying. The actual count was ... wait for it ... zero.

So, we're seeing yet another case of "Democrats didn't do it, Republicans did, so Republicans are excusing it by lying and claiming Democrats did it too."

The article didn't say zero, but nice try at lying.
I was a bad idea when Obama went and did it and I told the leftwing nut, what goes around comes around and the nutters laughed it off. Now, I still think it is a bad idea that Trump is playing the same game but I don't feel sorry for you hypocritical assholes because you let it happen.

The MAIN difference is that Obama repeatedly asked the republican congress to act before he issues his EOs....but congress chose to play it "safe" and do NOTHING.......

Trump has a congress of his same party, but he has chosen to basically tell congress to STILL just sit on their asses while he issues EOs.

See the difference?
You must be a member of that fake news.

Obama demanded that Congress pass something he could sign. That is a statement that directs Congress to do as he says. They laughed and laughed.

Congress did act, and Obama vetoed everything they passed.

What I find amusing is that for eight years, not a peep out of metrosexuals about Obama's EOs. Now, however, they seem to be causing Constitutional Crisis all over the place. Which of course, shows that progressives don't even know the definition of Constitutional Crisis.

I've already spoken out against some of Trumps EOs and will continue to do so when they exceed what I perceive as the limited authority the Constitution provides the POTUS.

Somehow, I don't get that kind of honest vibe from you.
Remember when Obama was highly criticized by right wingers for by-passing the Republican congress and issued E.O.s??

Now, remember when Trump's is NOT being criticized by right wingers for issuing E.O.s and by-passing congress EXCEPT that congress is [supposedly] of his own party??

Just bring out your hypocrisy meter and see how it registers. LOL

(now, watch right wingers spew that Trump was "elected" to pass E.O.s :as promised in his campaign, as if Obama was not doing the same in fulfilling his own campaign promises.)

Which "of" Trump's EOs bypassed "Congress?"

People should read that article, because it points out that GOP leader was lying. The actual count was ... wait for it ... zero.

So, we're seeing yet another case of "Democrats didn't do it, Republicans did, so Republicans are excusing it by lying and claiming Democrats did it too."

The article didn't say zero, but nice try at lying.

For those that are too lazy to click on the link and read the whole thing, here is what the article summary says...........................

Our ruling

Goodlatte said, the "9-0 decision last week was the 13th time the Supreme Court has voted 9-0 that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority." A thorough review of the 13 cases found many instances where presidential authority was not at issue. Further, most of the cases originated under and were first litigated by the Bush administration.

We rate Goodlatte’s statement False.
Remember when Obama was highly criticized by right wingers for by-passing the Republican congress and issued E.O.s??

Now, remember when Trump's is NOT being criticized by right wingers for issuing E.O.s and by-passing congress EXCEPT that congress is [supposedly] of his own party??

Just bring out your hypocrisy meter and see how it registers. LOL

(now, watch right wingers spew that Trump was "elected" to pass E.O.s :as promised in his campaign, as if Obama was not doing the same in fulfilling his own campaign promises.)
pay back bitch..and thank harry reid for the nuke option...sucks to be a loser ...:badgrin:
pay back bitch..and thank harry reid for the nuke option...sucks to be a loser

here's another right wing moron who chimes in without a clue.....Nitwit, we are talking about E.O.s; Harry Reid and nuke option have little to nothing to do with this topic

But, I'm happy for you that you got that bit of stupidity out of your system..
we are talking about E.O.s; Reid and nuke option have NOTHING to do with the topic.
sorry I hurt your pussy libtard

sorry I hurt your pussy libtard

Please don't apologize....i kind of like right wing idiots making everyone else know that they're idiots....So, in a way, thanks.

People should read that article, because it points out that GOP leader was lying. The actual count was ... wait for it ... zero.

So, we're seeing yet another case of "Democrats didn't do it, Republicans did, so Republicans are excusing it by lying and claiming Democrats did it too."

The article didn't say zero, but nice try at lying.

For those that are too lazy to click on the link and read the whole thing, here is what the article summary says...........................

Our ruling

Goodlatte said, the "9-0 decision last week was the 13th time the Supreme Court has voted 9-0 that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority." A thorough review of the 13 cases found many instances where presidential authority was not at issue. Further, most of the cases originated under and were first litigated by the Bush administration.

We rate Goodlatte’s statement False.

"This is a concocted statistic," said Tom Goldstein, publisher of the Supreme Court blog SCOTUSblog.com. "It's just saying that the government lost cases unanimously. The government participates in roughly 60 cases a term. Every administration loses cases unanimously."

"It's true that the Obama Administration's views have been rejected repeatedly in the Supreme Court. But this way of putting it overreaches considerably."

So they did rule against Obama and Goodlatte's statement was also false.

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