Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

Hmmm. I'll give your post an A minus for Faux Outrage, and a C plus for effort.

I kinda miss the day when wingnuts spent their time talking about dire threats of WMD from Iraq, how great deregulating the markets were, and how awesome George Bush was. Ranting about dinner dates just doesn't really seem the same as the old days.
If I was a President, I'd be real careful about going to the theater... It didn't work out so well for Lincoln! Truth of the matter is, so what? Hope he had a great time on the American dime!
Wow! another meaningless thread against the Big O.

How many times did Bush fly to his little ranch in Texas? How much did that cost?:eusa_liar: How many days of vacations did he use?:razz:

Obama paid for his own tickets and meal.:lol:

Willow, the reason he has done what he did with the Auto industry is that your little boy George broke the economy, my little Meow.

and that's where you always fall way below the line of reason, thinking one guy broke the economy.. ya know who broke the auto companies??? The Unions.. Face it. they priced themselves right outta business. and obamalama bailing the unions out ain't gonna save their sorry asses either. cause no one trusts obamalama or the unions..
"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."
I was unaware that D.C. didn't have restaurants or shows. Wow, that town must suck.

Wow, you dingbats must not have any life at all if you are so concerned that the President and his lady desire to see a Broadway show. Consider, that if he were not President, he could easily have afforded to go to this show. Being President requires that security that was present.

But, of course, nothing that our President does is going to please you people. And your worst fear is that he will have very successful terms.

. . . . then GM would not now be known as government motors.

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.
"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."

Talk is cheap, cheap, cheap. He is quite a master of this domain.
First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! last I heard he is human as well and is allowed a personal life with his wife, JUST because he went on a date doesnt mean he is forgetting the problems of the U.S. dont like it, get the fuck over it and stop whinning like a damn 2 year old about it! my God people GROW UP!
"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."

Talk is cheap, cheap, cheap. He is quite a master of this domain.

Even Bill Clinton, the once-reigning master of double-speak, looks at the Obama act and shakes his head in duplicitous disbelief...

First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! last I heard he is human as well and is allowed a personal life with his wife, JUST because he went on a date doesnt mean he is forgetting the problems of the U.S. dont like it, get the fuck over it and stop whinning like a damn 2 year old about it! my God people GROW UP!

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! last I heard he is human as well and is allowed a personal life with his wife, JUST because he went on a date doesnt mean he is forgetting the problems of the U.S. dont like it, get the fuck over it and stop whinning like a damn 2 year old about it! my God people GROW UP!

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:
WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! last I heard he is human as well and is allowed a personal life with his wife, JUST because he went on a date doesnt mean he is forgetting the problems of the U.S. dont like it, get the fuck over it and stop whinning like a damn 2 year old about it! my God people GROW UP!

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.
WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! last I heard he is human as well and is allowed a personal life with his wife, JUST because he went on a date doesnt mean he is forgetting the problems of the U.S. dont like it, get the fuck over it and stop whinning like a damn 2 year old about it! my God people GROW UP!

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

You are aware that little trip correlates into thousands upon thousands of dollars of tax payer money, right?

To say nothing of the terrible CO2 output.

If Obama was as concerned with "tightening the belt" and saving the planet from the impending climate change disaster, would such trips be acceptable?

No - they would not.

Obama does not actually believe he should tighten the belt, or sacrifice - just as he does not actually believe so-called climate change to be a truth - it is merely another political tool, much like class and race warfare to divide and conquer, and ultimately grow the scope and power of the federal government.

He is simply taking the very worst of the Bush era, and doubling down on those policies he ran against for month and month during the campaign...

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!
so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

So your lifelong experience as a Democrat appears to have stunted your personal growth to such an extent you are reduced to pedantic cursing with little to no cognitive direction?

Obama's "night out" was a bad move. He cannot talk of sacrifice and responsibility, and declare we as a nation are "out of money" and then go off and do such wasteful spending on the tax payers' dime.

He can talk it - but this president has yet to walk it.

And that is not a concern of Democrat or Republican, but rather a concern of leadership, or in this case, a decided lack thereof...
so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

Whats a matter? Did I strike a nerve or something? Chill before you blow a gasket.

How much did Barry's night out cost and who picked up the tab? Someone put the figure at $1M. If that's accurate, it seems mighty hypocritical of him to be yammering on and on about how bad things are and we all must tighten our belts (see Yurt's post) and 'we're out of money', yet he goes jaunting off to NY for a night out.

'It's all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives'? Oh, you mean the thousands upon thousands who have lost their jobs? Yes they are 'keeping on', to be sure.
So your lifelong experience as a Democrat appears to have stunted your personal growth to such an extent you are reduced to pedantic cursing with little to no cognitive direction?

Obama's "night out" was a bad move. He cannot talk of sacrifice and responsibility, and declare we as a nation are "out of money" and then go off and do such wasteful spending on the tax payers' dime.

He can talk it - but this president has yet to walk it.

And that is not a concern of Democrat or Republican, but rather a concern of leadership, or in this case, a decided lack thereof...

Ignore the words and focus on his actions.
Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

So your lifelong experience as a Democrat appears to have stunted your personal growth to such an extent you are reduced to pedantic cursing with little to no cognitive direction?

Obama's "night out" was a bad move. He cannot talk of sacrifice and responsibility, and declare we as a nation are "out of money" and then go off and do such wasteful spending on the tax payers' dime.

He can talk it - but this president has yet to walk it.

And that is not a concern of Democrat or Republican, but rather a concern of leadership, or in this case, a decided lack thereof...

what ever dude and you mean to tell me if anyone else besides obama was in office...dem, repub. independent that you would still be bitching about this??? if you were president and you went on a night out to relax with your wife and people bitched and whined about it that you wouldnt try and defend yourself....ok smokie!:cuckoo:
Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

Whats a matter? Did I strike a nerve or something? Chill before you blow a gasket.

How much did Barry's night out cost and who picked up the tab? Someone put the figure at $1M. If that's accurate, it seems mighty hypocritical of him to be yammering on and on about how bad things are and we all must tighten our belts (see Yurt's post) and 'we're out of money', yet he goes jaunting off to NY for a night out.

'It's all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives'? Oh, you mean the thousands upon thousands who have lost their jobs? Yes they are 'keeping on', to be sure.

A million tax payer dollars for Obama's night out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am pissed...
NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

So your lifelong experience as a Democrat appears to have stunted your personal growth to such an extent you are reduced to pedantic cursing with little to no cognitive direction?

Obama's "night out" was a bad move. He cannot talk of sacrifice and responsibility, and declare we as a nation are "out of money" and then go off and do such wasteful spending on the tax payers' dime.

He can talk it - but this president has yet to walk it.

And that is not a concern of Democrat or Republican, but rather a concern of leadership, or in this case, a decided lack thereof...

what ever dude and you mean to tell me if anyone else besides obama was in office...dem, repub. independent that you would still be bitching about this??? if you were president and you went on a night out to relax with your wife and people bitched and whined about it that you wouldnt try and defend yourself....ok smokie!:cuckoo:

Yup, it's hypocritical. You don't see that?

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