Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

NO...YOU GIVE ME A BREAK YOU WHINNY ASS! its all well and good for everyone else to keep on with their lives but god forbid the Obamas enjoy a night out and ANYONES expense! you people fucking amaze me at the level of stupidity you will reach to rag on and smack down Obama for the ills of this country and the world, I am no obama sheep by any means but DAMN the way you fuck wads have it if he breaths wrong and the dow sinks, its his fault, it rains, his fault, too hot a day, his fault,tries to enjoy ONE quiet evening with his wife,he is an evil bastard....WOW!!!! just WOW!!!!

So your lifelong experience as a Democrat appears to have stunted your personal growth to such an extent you are reduced to pedantic cursing with little to no cognitive direction?

Obama's "night out" was a bad move. He cannot talk of sacrifice and responsibility, and declare we as a nation are "out of money" and then go off and do such wasteful spending on the tax payers' dime.

He can talk it - but this president has yet to walk it.

And that is not a concern of Democrat or Republican, but rather a concern of leadership, or in this case, a decided lack thereof...

what ever dude and you mean to tell me if anyone else besides obama was in office...dem, repub. independent that you would still be bitching about this??? if you were president and you went on a night out to relax with your wife and people bitched and whined about it that you wouldnt try and defend yourself....ok smokie!:cuckoo:

YES - I would be complaining about this.

Obama ran on a platform of this being a terrible economic crisis. He has since passed trillions in new spending based on that same premise - times are so bad we have to go even more into debt - but that to do so, we must ALL sacrifice and tighten our belts and become far more responsible.

This president is working under such duplicity - anyone actually paying attention to rhetoric and action should be rightfully appalled.

So this trip might have cost upwards of a million tax payer dollars????

To say nothing of the CO2 being discharged into the atmosphere - CO2 levels that equal what many families produce in an entire year.

This president calls for changing our way of life regarding CO2, then hops on a jet to New York, at a cost of a million bucks to the taxpayers, to "keep a promise to his wife".

Put aside your little vulgar rants and look at the facts of this situation.

This president has been an appalling example of astounding political double-speak, the dangers of which we will not fully know for years to come...
Found this. Don't know where that 1M came from on here but according to this, it cost $24,000 taxpayers dollars for the date night.

Drudge, NY Post report Obamas' NYC trip cost, ignore Bush's Crawford vacations | Media Matters for America

While the taxpayer picks up the tab for presidents to travel, the fact that the economy is in such dire straights and that Obama specifically said 'we must all tighten our belts', then jaunts off to NYC for a 'date night' while thousands are losing their jobs . . . . again, just seems hypocritical. They could have done a date night in D.C. for less. That would be an example of how the Obama's could 'tighten their belts'.
Here's the thing, my capitalist side sees this as good, spending money on "regular" businesses in a depression will soften the blow, as opposed to wasting it on his "special interest" garbage. So ... this is one thing that all of my morals agree with. If he took his entire "stimulus" plan off the table and took a night out like this every weekend, it would help the economy more.
Found this. Don't know where that 1M came from on here but according to this, it cost $24,000 taxpayers dollars for the date night.

Drudge, NY Post report Obamas' NYC trip cost, ignore Bush's Crawford vacations | Media Matters for America

While the taxpayer picks up the tab for presidents to travel, the fact that the economy is in such dire straights and that Obama specifically said 'we must all tighten our belts', then jaunts off to NYC for a 'date night' while thousands are losing their jobs . . . . again, just seems hypocritical. They could have done a date night in D.C. for less. That would be an example of how the Obama's could 'tighten their belts'.

that is exactly what this is about. good for him that he went out and spent money...had obama said that going out and spending is what you should be doing...instead of saying we "all" need to sacrifice and tighten our belts....while i jet to NY for a quick date....it wouldn't matter, it is just another example of liberal hypocrisy, do as i say, not as i do
i wonder what would happen if a CEO of a company who got a bailout took their employees to las vegas....i wonder what obama would say

In a televised address, Barack Obama warned there will need to be deep sacrifices to keep GM afloat. As he spoke, GM, which employs 235,000 people globally, announced 14 of its 47 car factories in the US will shut by the end of 2011.

"Difficult times lie ahead," said Obama. "More jobs will be lost, more plants will close. More dealerships will shut their doors and so will many parts suppliers."

The president told those losing their jobs that they were making a sacrifice to reshape GM for future generations, ensuring that "all of our children grow up in an America that still makes things, that still builds cars, that strives for a better future". Obama said his administration was becoming a "reluctant shareholder" in GM and it would not intervene in the company's management: "What I have no interest in doing is running GM."

Sacrifices are needed to save GM, Obama tells Americans | Business | The Guardian

Do as I say NOT as I do

In a televised address, Barack Obama warned there will need to be deep sacrifices to keep GM afloat. As he spoke, GM, which employs 235,000 people globally, announced 14 of its 47 car factories in the US will shut by the end of 2011.

"Difficult times lie ahead," said Obama. "More jobs will be lost, more plants will close. More dealerships will shut their doors and so will many parts suppliers."

The president told those losing their jobs that they were making a sacrifice to reshape GM for future generations, ensuring that "all of our children grow up in an America that still makes things, that still builds cars, that strives for a better future". Obama said his administration was becoming a "reluctant shareholder" in GM and it would not intervene in the company's management: "What I have no interest in doing is running GM."

Sacrifices are needed to save GM, Obama tells Americans | Business | The Guardian

Do as I say NOT as I do

Whether you like Obama or not, is it so bad that taxpayers demand this wasteful spending to stop? Just because people question the extreme wasteful money that was spent to use private jets and security to pay for date night does not make them a bad person. The problem is people have become so tolerant of wasteful spending they don't see a couple hundred thousand dollars in jet expenses as being frivolous. Why do Obamaites continue to defend wasteful spending by this President. Nobody is denying him some perks of the job just asking why couldn't this NYC dinner and a show date wait until he was in NY on business when it would have been more cost effective?
And yet again here comes the media to Obama's defense. Chris Mathews snarls that anyone who had a problem with this trip is a "pissant".

Obama is like the special kid everyone watches out for and explains away their mistakes for them because, well, they are special...
Whether you like Obama or not, is it so bad that taxpayers demand this wasteful spending to stop? Just because people question the extreme wasteful money that was spent to use private jets and security to pay for date night does not make them a bad person. The problem is people have become so tolerant of wasteful spending they don't see a couple hundred thousand dollars in jet expenses as being frivolous. Why do Obamaites continue to defend wasteful spending by this President. Nobody is denying him some perks of the job just asking why couldn't this NYC dinner and a show date wait until he was in NY on business when it would have been more cost effective?

Barry sho has got some funny ideas of what it means to tighten one's belt.

so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.
Republicans seem to think that Americans should just stop spending money [all Americans but themselves].
If that did happened the economy would suffer even more.
None of you complained about Bush's frequent trips.
Good for Obama. He made good on a promise to his wife.

I love the whinning from the right, however.
What was the point of taking the MEDIA with them? Umm. Aren't dates suppose to be between two people--verus under the spotlight of national media attention? How many dates have we seen other Presidents take their wives on? NONE. I don't believe it was because they didn't go out together-- it's because they didn't want the media along--& broadcast all over the place. Dates are suppose to be private, especially between a husband & wife.

Kind of bad taste to do this--especially taking the media along--on the eve of GM filing for bankrupsty--& thousands more losing their jobs.
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so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.
Republicans seem to think that Americans should just stop spending money [all Americans but themselves].
If that did happened the economy would suffer even more.
None of you complained about Bush's frequent trips.

How often did you see President Bush invite the national media with him? NEVER. This was a President Obama media attention spotlight not a date--LOL!

It doesn't bother me in the least that they went out on a date--but the MEDIA with them. Come-on! There's a reason for this--& it's political.

Here we have the POTUS taking his wife out on a public--media driven date. An expensive date & the very next day GM files for bankrupsty & Obama is giving another speech to GM workers who will be losing their jobs, their homes & everything else.

Obama is telling them they need to make sacrifices--while they're watching media coverage of his lavish date with Michell? "The lifestyles of the "Rich & Famous" comes to the Oval office. How stupid can anyone be?
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so he isnt allowed a personal life, even to live up to a promise to his wife!? OOOOOOKKKKKK whatever you say smokie!:cuckoo:

Who picked up the tab for Barry's night out? He did? Ok. We did? He can bugger off. Barry 'We are out of money' Obama. Give me a break.
Republicans seem to think that Americans should just stop spending money [all Americans but themselves].
If that did happened the economy would suffer even more.
None of you complained about Bush's frequent trips.

Bush urges Americans to spend | WORLD News
Working to overcome the shock in consumer spending from the September terrorist attacks, President George W Bush has urged Americans to follow his example and get out and spend money to keep the US economy afloat.

We just think the private sector should be spending their own money. Government shouldn't be out wasting taxpayer money in ways such as this.
While spending money is good for the economy I am curious how much didn't get spent as people were turned away and kept back .... hes spending OUR money!!!!
I can think of a few other ass holes that take their dates out with the media .... oh wait thats reality tv!
To all who say it's part of the perks, big deal all Presidents do it, so what if he did how much did Bush spend going to his ranch etc. Since Obama just said last week we are out of money; Maybe it is time to stop doing business as usual and start leading by example. Time for politics to stop following the same path that helped contribute to leading up to this economic mess. A couple of hundred thousand dollars of taxpayers money on private jets and security should never be okay.
Good Gawd. 300 posts about a dinner date with his wife.

Get over it, Bush supporters! You got blown out in two elections in a row, and the republican-label has become such a laughing stock half the cons here are quick to point out "But, I'm not a republican!"/
Good Gawd. 300 posts about a dinner date with his wife.

Get over it, Bush supporters! You got blown out in two elections in a row, and the republican-label has become such a laughing stock half the cons here are quick to point out "But, I'm not a republican!"/

another obama sheeple who believes obama can preach to the masses that going to vegas is bad, but it is ok for the messiah to hop on over to NY for a date night....

it is good to be king, especially amongst such blind sheep as yourself
The number of rightie negative comments on this particular thread show how little of substance they have to talk about when attacking Obama.:lol:

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