Obama's Gestapo: Federal Bureaucracy


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
ObamaCare is the frontrunner for the most damage President Obama will have done to America during his administration. The competition is fierce. His Foreign Policy seems to be run out of Chicago's 5th Ward. His Economic Policy is to advertise for people to get on the government tit, in exchange for their vote on all Socialist Tickets forevermore. His Racial Policy is to stir up racial animosities.

But, equal danger lies in the fact that he and his Chicago Political Apparatus have managed to turn the Federal Bureaucracy into an army walking in lock step with his socialist vision. Every agency is corrupted. Even the Military is being diverted from its first duty by political correctness and social engineering.

Controlling all agencies to the point they openly defy Congress, Obama now seeks to vastly increase the power of these agencies...through extra-constitutional means...and through these agencies he will do what he promised...fundamentally change America.

He may just be a community organizer, but that's about all Karl Marx was.

For the next three years and four months, you Heartland folks better hold on to your ass....the rotting cities have fallen under his sway. The EPA is coming for you....the Justice Department is coming for you...the IRS is coming for you...if you own a hunting rifle, Homeland Security is coming for you, as you are tomorrow's terrorist...the NSA is coming for you....the Political Correctness Police are coming for you.

And, with these kind of posts, maybe they'll be coming for me soon.

But, who wants to live in a society where you have to keep you head down and lay low so as not to attract attention? They used to have to do that in the old Soviet Union.

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