Obama's Harvard Years Questions Swirl $$$

In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

I left out that he said if I sprinkled coke on my dick he'd do it for nothing
In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

Never have I seen so many white trash cans so JEALOUS OF BLACKS.....must hurt having to wake up to that pale washed out lice pink sausage skin every morning, eh?
Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

How did Barack Obama pay for his Harvard Law School education?

Obama has answered that question with hard work and student loans.

But recently questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who raised money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

"The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School."

A bit old don't you think?
Why don't you blurt out what you tell your clansmen, an uppity nixxer?
In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

Never have I seen so many white trash cans so JEALOUS OF BLACKS.....must hurt having to wake up to that pale washed out lice pink sausage skin every morning, eh?

When you have no life, sucking off your socialist benefits, jealous of the uppity nixxer, this is how you fill your time
Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

How did Barack Obama pay for his Harvard Law School education?

Obama has answered that question with hard work and student loans.

But recently questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who raised money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

"The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School."
Get a fucking life.
I feel bad about spreading false rumors like this.

Well, I'm pretty sure they're mostly false
A bit old don't you think?
Why don't you blurt out what you tell your clansmen, an uppity nixxer?
I'm not in the clan...I'm not a southern democrat.

Could have fooled me
I thought there has been no southern Dems since the civil rights act.
But uppity nixxer? You still preoccupied with alinski?
(He didn't write the rules for radicals btw).
Nowhere appeared in his book but people love to spew

Haven't you anything better to do with your time.?
Try going to college
So, the truth will out. This thread is just deflection. Get a life
I have a fucking great life...I play for a living...my working and struggling days are over. Golf fishing hunting riding my bike and camping in my motor home. But do you know what beats all of that? making snowflakes so mad that they tell me to get a life...BUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

I left out that he said if I sprinkled coke on my dick he'd do it for nothing

Thanks foul mouth for confirming an uneducated white boy.
College again?
O has more brains in his penis than your body.
Probably gets more sex than you too
Could have fooled me
I thought there has been no southern Dems since the civil rights act.
But uppity nixxer? You still preoccupied with alinski?
(He didn't write the rules for radicals btw).
Nowhere appeared in his book but people love to spew

Haven't you anything better to do with your time.?
Try going to college
I graduated from USC in 1995 and also continued my education at Fresno State while enlisted in the Marine Corps. Went to Iraq and then twice to Afghanistan. My education is complete. Don't worry snowy...
So, the truth will out. This thread is just deflection. Get a life
I have a fucking great life...I play for a living...my working and struggling days are over. Golf fishing hunting riding my bike and camping in my motor home. But do you know what beats all of that? making snowflakes so mad that they tell me to get a life...BUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHA

Motor home? Gawd. Pathetic.
No oz trips? 2nd homes?
And presumably studies to keep your pathetic foul mouth ?
I thought snowflakes were uneducated C grabber followers
I guess socialist VA SS Medicare benefits are fueling your shooting sprees.
SO brave, hilarious
In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

I left out that he said if I sprinkled coke on my dick he'd do it for nothing

Thanks foul mouth for confirming an uneducated white boy.
College again?
O has more brains in his penis than your body.
Probably gets more sex than you too

O never attended college and the only day he went to law school was for the class photo. Forget the 57 states, I don't know one single lawyer whose never heard of Judicial Review. Obama apparently was unfamiliar with it when he said, "Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
Could have fooled me
I thought there has been no southern Dems since the civil rights act.
But uppity nixxer? You still preoccupied with alinski?
(He didn't write the rules for radicals btw).
Nowhere appeared in his book but people love to spew

Haven't you anything better to do with your time.?
Try going to college
I graduated from USC in 1995 and also continued my education at Fresno State while enlisted in the Marine Corps. Went to Iraq and then twice to Afghanistan. My education is complete. Don't worry snowy...

No post docs then?
I thought snowies were white gun toting brave boys
Presume you are sucking off your socialist benefits?
Know what they say, if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great socialist benefits.
I missed how many hand to hand combats you had been in
In the 80s a guy who looked like Obama approached me in Fanuiel Haal and offered to suck my dick for $20 - for tuition.

Here's the note he gave me, "I was born in Kenya and now i be at Harvard. I will suk yer dick for $20 to pay my Harvard tuition, B Obama 44"

I'm surprised he didn't offer $20 to do it. You know that meat puppet faggot had a thing for white meat and coke.

I left out that he said if I sprinkled coke on my dick he'd do it for nothing

Thanks foul mouth for confirming an uneducated white boy.
College again?
O has more brains in his penis than your body.
Probably gets more sex than you too

O never attended college and the only day he went to law school was for the class photo. Forget the 57 states, I don't know one single lawyer whose never heard of Judicial Review. Obama apparently was unfamiliar with it when he said, "Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
Never attended?
Too much to ask for proof?
Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

How did Barack Obama pay for his Harvard Law School education?

Obama has answered that question with hard work and student loans.

But recently questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who raised money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

"The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School."
Get a fucking life.
The sorry mf's who couldn't wait for OBama to leave the white house, would have a epic meltdown where it not for Obama and their need to constantly bring his name up in every fuckin conversation they have.....they not only need a life, they need mental intervention@

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