Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod


Breaking News.....NBC TV "for" Obamination.

Most Americans realize he is a freeloader on the backs of the CIA and military, thus will kick his ass out in November.

At this moment, NBC News is interviewing the President and ALL involved in the decision making process that lead up to Bin Ladin's death.

This totally obliterates the latest neocon/teabagger mantra that Obama was just a rubber stamp, or that he does not give credit where credit is due regarding such situations.

Obama - 1

Neocon/teabagger pundits and parrots - 0

See ya'll in November!


Yep, "GoneBerzerk" is pretty much a joke. Reality really sends these neocon/teabagger clowns over the edge, doesn't it?
Obama: No 'doubts in my own head' over bin Laden raid - POLITICO.com

Many of President Barack Obama's aides had doubts about the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, but those doubts never troubled the president, he said in an interview that aired Wednesday night.

"There were doubts that were voiced in the Situation Room, but they were not doubts in my own head," Obama told NBC's Brian Williams in an interview conducted in the White House Situation Room last week to mark the first anniversary of bin Laden's death
Let's see now:

The Shrub promises that he's gonna hunt down and smoke out Bin Ladin, and that Bin Ladin is wanted dead or alive.

He then later disbands the special FBI unit set up specifically to find Bin Ladin. Then he says that Bin Ladin is essentially ineffective because Al Qaeda's command chain is severely broken.

Yet the country is CONSTANTLY being updated on terror threats and alerts regarding Al Qaida operatives and plots, with the occasional video release from Bin Ladin himself.

Obama comes into office, and RE-ESTABLISHES with Panetta the priority of finding and taking out Bin Ladin.

In the final consultation with all military and intelligence chiefs, Obama is told that the final assault may fail, as it may not be Bin Ladin at the target site or he might not be there.

The final decision was his, and Obama made the call to go ahead.

The result: Bin Ladin is killed....found with plans to warn his followers and operatives that Obama has developed a way to take them out (drones) and to move their locations.

And now we are left with a floundering neocon/teabagger punditry who are trying to make a President's role in such matters nearly unrequired while NOT looking lot hypocritical fools after rah-rahing the Shrub for pretending to be a fighter pilot and calling an end to major military operations YEARS before 4,000 dead and over 30,000 maimed USA soldiers started to happen.

Now we are stuck with a bunch of hypocritical Bush bumpkins wailing about 'politicizing' Bin Ladin's death, while trying to ignore recent history like Cheney saying if the GOP wasn't re-elected, we would be "hit" again.

Keep it up, my neocon/teabagger parrots....you're making Obama's re-election so much more easier.

Obama must be doing a pretty damned good job if his detractors have to invent garbage such as this thread.
By logic from the left, Nixon was the president that should get sole credit for putting a man on the moon.
Let's see now:

The Shrub promises that he's gonna hunt down and smoke out Bin Ladin, and that Bin Ladin is wanted dead or alive.

He then later disbands the special FBI unit set up specifically to find Bin Ladin. Then he says that Bin Ladin is essentially ineffective because Al Qaeda's command chain is severely broken.

Yet the country is CONSTANTLY being updated on terror threats and alerts regarding Al Qaida operatives and plots, with the occasional video release from Bin Ladin himself.

Obama comes into office, and RE-ESTABLISHES with Panetta the priority of finding and taking out Bin Ladin.

In the final consultation with all military and intelligence chiefs, Obama is told that the final assault may fail, as it may not be Bin Ladin at the target site or he might not be there.

The final decision was his, and Obama made the call to go ahead.

The result: Bin Ladin is killed....found with plans to warn his followers and operatives that Obama has developed a way to take them out (drones) and to move their locations.

And now we are left with a floundering neocon/teabagger punditry who are trying to make a President's role in such matters nearly unrequired while NOT looking lot hypocritical fools after rah-rahing the Shrub for pretending to be a fighter pilot and calling an end to major military operations YEARS before 4,000 dead and over 30,000 maimed USA soldiers started to happen.

Now we are stuck with a bunch of hypocritical Bush bumpkins wailing about 'politicizing' Bin Ladin's death, while trying to ignore recent history like Cheney saying if the GOP wasn't re-elected, we would be "hit" again.

Keep it up, my neocon/teabagger parrots....you're making Obama's re-election so much more easier.

Obama must be doing a pretty damned good job if his detractors have to invent garbage such as this thread.

If that's the case then Bush did a really good damned job X 10.
Let's see now:

The Shrub promises that he's gonna hunt down and smoke out Bin Ladin, and that Bin Ladin is wanted dead or alive.

He then later disbands the special FBI unit set up specifically to find Bin Ladin. Then he says that Bin Ladin is essentially ineffective because Al Qaeda's command chain is severely broken.

Yet the country is CONSTANTLY being updated on terror threats and alerts regarding Al Qaida operatives and plots, with the occasional video release from Bin Ladin himself.

Obama comes into office, and RE-ESTABLISHES with Panetta the priority of finding and taking out Bin Ladin.

In the final consultation with all military and intelligence chiefs, Obama is told that the final assault may fail, as it may not be Bin Ladin at the target site or he might not be there.

The final decision was his, and Obama made the call to go ahead.

The result: Bin Ladin is killed....found with plans to warn his followers and operatives that Obama has developed a way to take them out (drones) and to move their locations.

And now we are left with a floundering neocon/teabagger punditry who are trying to make a President's role in such matters nearly unrequired while NOT looking lot hypocritical fools after rah-rahing the Shrub for pretending to be a fighter pilot and calling an end to major military operations YEARS before 4,000 dead and over 30,000 maimed USA soldiers started to happen.

Now we are stuck with a bunch of hypocritical Bush bumpkins wailing about 'politicizing' Bin Ladin's death, while trying to ignore recent history like Cheney saying if the GOP wasn't re-elected, we would be "hit" again.

Keep it up, my neocon/teabagger parrots....you're making Obama's re-election so much more easier.

Obama must be doing a pretty damned good job if his detractors have to invent garbage such as this thread.

If they're shooting at you, you must be doing something right.
Let's see now:

The Shrub promises that he's gonna hunt down and smoke out Bin Ladin, and that Bin Ladin is wanted dead or alive.

He then later disbands the special FBI unit set up specifically to find Bin Ladin. Then he says that Bin Ladin is essentially ineffective because Al Qaeda's command chain is severely broken.

Yet the country is CONSTANTLY being updated on terror threats and alerts regarding Al Qaida operatives and plots, with the occasional video release from Bin Ladin himself.

Obama comes into office, and RE-ESTABLISHES with Panetta the priority of finding and taking out Bin Ladin.

In the final consultation with all military and intelligence chiefs, Obama is told that the final assault may fail, as it may not be Bin Ladin at the target site or he might not be there.

The final decision was his, and Obama made the call to go ahead.

The result: Bin Ladin is killed....found with plans to warn his followers and operatives that Obama has developed a way to take them out (drones) and to move their locations.

And now we are left with a floundering neocon/teabagger punditry who are trying to make a President's role in such matters nearly unrequired while NOT looking lot hypocritical fools after rah-rahing the Shrub for pretending to be a fighter pilot and calling an end to major military operations YEARS before 4,000 dead and over 30,000 maimed USA soldiers started to happen.

Now we are stuck with a bunch of hypocritical Bush bumpkins wailing about 'politicizing' Bin Ladin's death, while trying to ignore recent history like Cheney saying if the GOP wasn't re-elected, we would be "hit" again.

Keep it up, my neocon/teabagger parrots....you're making Obama's re-election so much more easier.

Obama must be doing a pretty damned good job if his detractors have to invent garbage such as this thread.

If they're shooting at you, you must be doing something right.

Yeah, that must be why the SEALs are raising hell about him.
A good example of Obama's narcissistic personality:


Leave it to President Obama to give himself a shout-out while in Afghanistan.

Speaking to troops at Bagram Airbase, Obama began doing his usual campaign routine of giving shout-outs to various members of the audience. He gives shout-outs to two task forces – “We’ve got Task Force Paladin in the house!” The soldiers cheer loudly. He continues, “We’ve got Task Force Defender in the house!” The soldiers give a rowdy “Hooah!”

Then, impressed with his own bravery for being at the Airbase, Obama says, “And we’ve got me in the house.” Halfhearted applause follows. Awkward!


Obama Gives Himself Shout-Out At Bagram Airbase
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Yeah, that must be why the SEALs are raising hell about him.

You have a quote of a SEAL criticizing Obama?

Do you know how to Google?

Ryan Zinke, a former Commander in the US Navy who spent 23 years as a SEAL and led a SEAL Team 6 assault unit, said: ‘The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call.

‘I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice - it was a broader team effort.’ Osama bin Laden death: SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit | Mail Online
Yeah, that must be why the SEALs are raising hell about him.

You have a quote of a SEAL criticizing Obama?

Do you know how to Google?

Ryan Zinke, a former Commander in the US Navy who spent 23 years as a SEAL and led a SEAL Team 6 assault unit, said: ‘The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call.

‘I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice - it was a broader team effort.’ Osama bin Laden death: SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit | Mail Online

I sure do. Do you not have these supposed SEAL criticisms at hand?
You have a quote of a SEAL criticizing Obama?

Do you know how to Google?

Ryan Zinke, a former Commander in the US Navy who spent 23 years as a SEAL and led a SEAL Team 6 assault unit, said: ‘The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call.

‘I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice - it was a broader team effort.’ Osama bin Laden death: SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit | Mail Online

I sure do. Do you not have these supposed SEAL criticisms at hand?

Nope. I Bing'd it and there's a shitload of stories on it.
Clearly, Obama's role was nothing more than signing a memo to the admiral while doing some CYA. He was f'ing golfing like usual.

Twenty Minutes Before SEALs Killed Bin Laden, Obama Was Playing Golf - Katie Pavlich

He was supposed to let everyone know what was up? Well, if I were a Republican and Obama was on the golf course, I'd be worried! :cool:

One thing we learned during Desert Storm....don't show your hand. They ARE watching.

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