obama's law ruled Americans can be indefinitely detain

Remind me, bigrebnc, when we elected King George III president?

The Republican and Democratic congresses passed it, so the question is this: do you support the American system.

The wannabee bigrebnc does not.

Jakes a big King George III supporter.
In my opinion with what he writes He would have personally hanged George Washington and Thomas Jefferson if he could.

You're a fucking hack that hasn't fooled the smart members here in this forum
We know you are not a republican.
You are not smart, so you are fooled by anyone, bigrebnc.

You are also a wannabee.

You also do not give good service to your blog paymaster.
You are not smart, so you are fooled by anyone, bigrebnc.

You are also a wannabee.

You also do not give good service to your blog paymaster.

I am a lot smarter than you that's just the fact's don't be a hater just move on troll
What has happen in the past 10 years

Assassination of U.S. citizens
Indefinite detention
Arbitrary justice
Warrantless searches
Secret evidence
Immunity from judicial review

Yep and it's getting worse. A sixty percent increase of warrant less phone taps and other means of surveillance since Obama has been in office.
Former military being looked at as terrorist.
The shit goes on and on.
I happen to be a victim of warrant less surveillance. It will make you re-think everything you've ever thought about your country.
And it doesnt really matter who's in office......it will continue.
I remember warning my RWNJ friends about this stuff back in the days when it first became "legal." Naturally, I was slapped down because they trusted George Bush with such powers. After all, those were extraordinary times and extraordinary means must be used to keep us safe and the government would not go after every day American citizens...just the "terrorist's"

Well...here we are 10 years later and those powers are now held by someone you DON'T trust. Guess what? It's too late now to feign outrage and worry. You should have done that at the very first, instead of surrendering your liberties for safety.

Don't come crying to we liberals and progressives about it now. We warned you, but you wouldn't listen. You had your chance to stand up for freedom and the rule of law, but took the narrowly focused, short-term view of giving George Bush whatever he asked for. That it may now bite you in the butt is your problem.

Hmmmmm... Warrant less wire taps and surveillance up sixty percent since Obammy took office.
I thought you republicans were so anti Al Qaeda and extremism? I agree this is bad though. And want it gone. But republicans are majorly anti Muslim. They will support anything against Muslims
I thought you republicans were so anti Al Qaeda and extremism? I agree this is bad though. And want it gone. But republicans are majorly anti Muslim. They will support anything against Muslims

Yet you will support the one who signed it into law?
I thought you republicans were so anti Al Qaeda and extremism? I agree this is bad though. And want it gone. But republicans are majorly anti Muslim. They will support anything against Muslims

Yet you will support the one who signed it into law?

I told you I don't agree with this and was disappointed. But republicans are so anti Muslim. They just use this as an argument against Obama. They don't give a shit about any Muslim citizens
I thought you republicans were so anti Al Qaeda and extremism? I agree this is bad though. And want it gone. But republicans are majorly anti Muslim. They will support anything against Muslims

Yet you will support the one who signed it into law?

I told you I don't agree with this and was disappointed. But republicans are so anti Muslim. They just use this as an argument against Obama. They don't give a shit about any Muslim citizens

But you will vote for him, is this a correct statement?
I am very anti-authority and what not, but i have always said, when the police or FBI or whoever comes to your door, you come out with your hands up and ask to see your lawyer.

...now, i guess all bets are off. If they want the right to detain me indefinitely, then i have to re-think my policy of submitting myself to the criminal justice system.

If I have to fear that i may be taken to Gitmo never to be seen or heard from again...maybe it has to be the hard way.

Regardless of anything else, your politics, religion,etc., i think it is high time we all start pushing back on authority in this country.


You got it. And the more they push,the more likely the public will push back. Self perpetuating anarchy brought to you by your federal gov.
They appear to be more afraid of US citizens then the terrorist. That tells me they plan on doing something we ain't gonna like.
Yes you read that right, American citizens can be indefinitely detain by the military. Those who argued that the NDAA did not pertain to Americans citizens I would like to ask if it did not affect American citizens why did a federal judge rule that it does?

A federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Obama administration on Tuesday, extending a temporary emergency extension of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was implemented by New York federal judge Raymond Lohier last month after an injunction was issued to hold the act by Judge Katherine B. Forrest.

The act gives the president the authority to indefinitely detain anyone in the world, including American citizens, without due process, for suspicion of supporting al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

Federal court rules in favor of NDAA - National Government | Examiner.com

Then resistance up to and including deadly force is authorized. The Government doesnt have the authority, regardless of however it is ruled.....
Yes you read that right, American citizens can be indefinitely detain by the military. Those who argued that the NDAA did not pertain to Americans citizens I would like to ask if it did not affect American citizens why did a federal judge rule that it does?

A federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Obama administration on Tuesday, extending a temporary emergency extension of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was implemented by New York federal judge Raymond Lohier last month after an injunction was issued to hold the act by Judge Katherine B. Forrest.

The act gives the president the authority to indefinitely detain anyone in the world, including American citizens, without due process, for suspicion of supporting al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

Federal court rules in favor of NDAA - National Government | Examiner.com

Then resistance up to and including deadly force is authorized. The Government doesnt have the authority, regardless of however it is ruled.....

I know that This is America we have guns to back up our resistance.
Republicans sound so concerned for their citizens but at the same time want them deported.


Deport them? to where there home state? :cuckoo:

I've seen hundreds of threads on Muslims. And that Muslim Americans are this and that..and blah blah..and we have to deport them by conservatives and republicans.

The NDAA does not specify Muslims it specifies Americans. It places any American in danger of the government.

Deport them? to where there home state? :cuckoo:

I've seen hundreds of threads on Muslims. And that Muslim Americans are this and that..and blah blah..and we have to deport them by conservatives and republicans.

The NDAA does not specify Muslims it specifies Americans. It places any American in danger of the government.

It's obviously directed at Muslim Americans. It doesn't specifically say so. But are you against the government doing this to Muslim Americans?
I know exactly what we have in obama and will not support the same old shit. We know for certain obama is not going to change anything he did.
No one is sure about Romney changing what obama did.
It's just shear stupidity to be against something and vote for it again.

It's simplistic to believe anyone who votes for any candidate agrees with them totally too. I dare say that's NEVER the case, even for you.
Republicans sound so concerned for their citizens but at the same time want them deported.


Deport them? to where there home state? :cuckoo:

I've seen hundreds of threads on Muslims. And that Muslim Americans are this and that..and blah blah..and we have to deport them by conservatives and republicans.

Oh so you base the real world off of a few messages on this board....

Final answer?????
I've seen hundreds of threads on Muslims. And that Muslim Americans are this and that..and blah blah..and we have to deport them by conservatives and republicans.

The NDAA does not specify Muslims it specifies Americans. It places any American in danger of the government.

It's obviously directed at Muslim Americans. It doesn't specifically say so. But are you against the government doing this to Muslim Americans?

No it's not directed at Muslim Americans, it's directed at any American deemed a threat.

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