Obama's Long Reach Snares Muslim Brotherhood Leader

If we had backed Mubarak or at very least not made the public declaration he must go maybe the violence in Egypt would not be happening now.

Do you have any supporting evidence of this? Our verbal declaration that he should step down was hardly the primary factor in his removal from office. It seems like a lot of people in here have forgotten that it was the Egyptian military who removed him from power and then ruled in Egypt for over a year before the Muslim Brotherhood took over in response to popular elections.

I probably forgot that because it didn't happen that way, but I am sure you remember it, so it will still count on whatever planet you live on.
Ah so you don't have one then. got it ;)

I gave you a link to Real Clear Politics. Jake Clapper Obama's intel man made the statement.

1.) You stated that President Obama made such comments, so far you haven't even tried to support that claim.

2.) Your own link doesn't agree with you with regards to Holder. Did you even read the editor's note?

She said no such thing, I did.
The World's anti-Terrorist Hero:

Egypt on Tuesday announced the arrest of the supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, dealing another blow to the group as it struggles to maintain order amid a tough crackdown by authorities, who are looking to quell protests in the wake of President Mohammed Morsi's ouster.

Read more: Egypt arrests supreme leader of Muslim Brotherhood amid crackdown on protests | Fox News



Did you even read the article? The White House condemned the arrest.
Ah so you don't have one then. got it ;)

I gave you a link to Real Clear Politics. Jake Clapper Obama's intel man made the statement.

1.) You stated that President Obama made such comments, so far you haven't even tried to support that claim.

2.) Your own link doesn't agree with you with regards to Holder. Did you even read the editor's note?

Hello? I didn't say Obama said it.

I gave you a link to Obama's Intel Chief Jake Clapper claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular.
The World's anti-Terrorist Hero:

Egypt on Tuesday announced the arrest of the supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, dealing another blow to the group as it struggles to maintain order amid a tough crackdown by authorities, who are looking to quell protests in the wake of President Mohammed Morsi's ouster.

Read more: Egypt arrests supreme leader of Muslim Brotherhood amid crackdown on protests | Fox News



Did you even read the article? The White House condemned the arrest.

I've put up Obama's direct command to not arrest Morsi or any of his supporters :eusa_angel:

"I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters," Obama said.

US in bind over Egypt coup after supporting Morsi but encouraging protesters | World news | theguardian.com
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I gave you a link to Obama's Intel Chief Jake Clapper claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular.

Once again, did you even read your own link? It disagrees with you.

Clapper said it. It was in a Congressional hearing and on the record. The article doesn't disagree with me at all.

"The term Muslim Brotherhood is an umbrella term for a variety of movements.

In the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told a congressional hearing today.

But then after much ado there was a "clarification of Clapper's statement" aka "we know he screwed up.... let us tell you what he really meant to say" :lol:

Lib speak.

UPDATE: Jamie Smith, director of the office of public affairs for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence later said in a statement to ABC News: “To clarify Director Clapper’s point - in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood makes efforts to work through a political system that has been, under Mubarak’s rule, one that is largely secular in its orientation – he is well aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a secular organization.”

DNI James Clapper: Muslim Brotherhood "Largely Secular," "Has Eschewed Violence" | RealClearPolitics
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No one in the world is going to pay attention to obama. He's going to have to content himself with tormenting Americans.
Oh, if only Bush, Cheney and Republicans were in charge - they know exactly what needs to be done in the Middle East:

500,000 troops and the most powerful fire power in the World

"Kill of few million of the bastards and we'll teach those ragheads who's boss"

Kind of like the lessons in peace and democracy that these idiots taught the muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan ....

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Two more MB leaders rounded up...
Two more Brotherhood leaders arrested in Egypt
Thu, Aug 22, 2013 - LAWSUIT: Former vice president Mohamed ElBaradei has been sued for ‘betrayal of trust’ over quitting to protest the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood
Egyptian authorities yesterday arrested two more Islamist figures: a top ally of the Muslim Brotherhood as he reportedly tried to flee to neighboring Libya disguised as a woman, and a spokesman for the Islamist group on his way to catch a flight out of the country. The arrests are the latest in a crackdown by Egypt’s new military-backed leaders against the Muslim Brotherhood group, from which ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi hails. They came just a day after authorities detained the Brotherhood’s supreme leader and spiritual guide, Mohammed Badie, dealing a serious blow to the embattled movement that is now struggling to keep up street protests against the military’s overthrow of Morsi. Hundreds, including the group’s former lawmakers, politicians, and field operatives are already in custody. Morsi and his top aides have been held at an unknown location, incommunicado since the July 3 military coup.

Cleric Safwat Hegazy, a fiery Salafi preacher and top Brotherhood ally, was captured yesterday at a checkpoint near the Siwa Oasis in eastern Egypt and close to the border with Libya, according to the state-run MENA news agency. The cleric is wanted on charges of instigating violence. According to the Web site of the state-run al-Ahram daily, Hegazy had shaved off most of his beard, dyed his hair and covered his face with a niqab, a head-to-toe woman’s dress that leaves only a slit for the eyes uncovered. Egyptian state TV aired a photograph showing him sitting next to army soldiers, dressed in white robe with the new shaven look. MENA said Hegazy, who joined ranks with the Muslim Brotherhood in campaigning for Morsi’s presidential bid, showed no resistance during his arrest and was flown to a detention center in Cairo.

Hegazy was a key speaker at the main pro-Morsi sit-in that was dispersed by security troops on Wednesday last week in Cairo’s Nasr City suburb. He told protesters to hold their ground and promised to deal blows to the military.
He is wanted on charges of instigating deadly clashes last month with security forces outside a Republican Guard building that killed 54 people, most of them Morsi supporters. An Egyptian security official said Mourad Ali, a spokesman for the Brotherhood’s political party, was detained at the Cairo airport, trying to catch a flight to Italy. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.


See also:

U.S. can't force democracy on Egypt
Tue August 20, 2013 > Anthony Cordesman: Democracy needs experienced political parties and leaders; Cordesman: Egypt had no real democratic center at the ready to make democracy work; Cutting off U.S. aid to Egypt won't be that significant to the military, Cordesman writes; He says the U.S. needs to help develop democracy that comes from within Egypt
There are no good or easy solutions for U.S. policy toward Egypt, and short-sighted arguments about military aid miss the broader issues entirely. America is relearning the lesson of the 1950s post-colonial period: Democracy depends on stable and experienced political parties and leaders, a willingness to compromise rather than conspire and to share or give up power until the next election. Nations without that experience might hold elections, but such hollow exercises in democracy too often become little more than preludes to bitter power struggles and existential matters of survival for the factions involved.

The Obama administration did what it could in spite of these realities. It's becoming public that top U.S. officials did try to broker a settlement and avoid this. The White House worked with the European Union, the United Nations and key Arab states like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE. It soon found, however, that Egypt's military chief Gen. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and ousted President Mohamed Morsy were on a collision course, and no real democratic center, no mix of leaders and experience, was at the ready to make democracy work.


The Egyptian military has shown in blood that it believes it cannot co-exist with the Muslim Brotherhood. Gen. al-Sisi may or may not emerge as the formal leader of Egypt, but there is no way for him and the Egyptian military to compromise with Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood. The military also has no need to compromise with Egypt's divided liberal factions and political leaders like Mohamed ElBaradei. Egypt's more liberal and secular voices may soon learn they cannot be independent in an era of military rule. As the U.S. learned when it occupied Iraq from 2003 to 2011, it has little leverage to force any side to change its behavior.

The debate over calling the Egyptian power a struggle a "coup" has been nothing more than a sideshow. The Egyptian military has more than enough U.S.- supplied weapons -- F-16s and M-1 tanks -- to wait out any cut or suspension in U.S. aid. Egypt also has no meaningful conventional military threat to its existing forces. The Camp David peace accords have secured a cold peace for Egypt as well as Israel.

More U.S. can't force democracy on Egypt - CNN.com
"I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters," Obama said.

President Obama is defending the democratic process, not any one individual ... as he did when so many wanted George Bush removed by force.

"I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters," Obama said.

President Obama is defending the democratic process, not any one individual ... as he did when so many wanted George Bush removed by force.


That's not how the secularists in Egypt view Obama at all. They know Obama was propping up Morsi (another academic btw who taught in America) AND the Muslim Brotherhood.

You just keep lying and lying and lying for your Loser in Chief. :lol:

Oh and by the way, the American Ambassador to Egypt also came out for Morsi in a speech.

So stop with your bullshit. Ahhhh you probably can't. You're a progressive.

Egyptians know who's side Obama and his administration's on.

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"I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters," Obama said.

President Obama is defending the democratic process, not any one individual ... as he did when so many wanted George Bush removed by force.


That's not how the secularists in Egypt view Obama at all. They know Obama was propping up Morsi (another academic btw who taught in America) AND the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ah, you have insider information ... from wikileaks? John McCain? Lindsey Graham?

Oh, if only Bush, Cheney and Republicans were in charge - they know exactly what needs to be done in the Middle East:

500,000 troops and the most powerful fire power in the World

"Kill of few million of the bastards and we'll teach those ragheads who's boss"

Kind of like the lessons in peace and democracy that these idiots taught the muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan ....


We had won in Iraq and were close to winning in Afghanistan until obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Oh, if only Bush, Cheney and Republicans were in charge - they know exactly what needs to be done in the Middle East:

500,000 troops and the most powerful fire power in the World

"Kill of few million of the bastards and we'll teach those ragheads who's boss"

Kind of like the lessons in peace and democracy that these idiots taught the muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan ....


We had won in Iraq and were close to winning in Afghanistan until obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


... with a million more troops, half million more dead and wounded, another $3 trillion, and another 50 years ... and 'victory' was in our grasp ....

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President Obama is defending the democratic process, not any one individual ... as he did when so many wanted George Bush removed by force.


That's not how the secularists in Egypt view Obama at all. They know Obama was propping up Morsi (another academic btw who taught in America) AND the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ah, you have insider information ... from wikileaks? John McCain? Lindsey Graham?


You keep editing my posts. Let's see my whole post and keep things in proper context.

That's not how the secularists in Egypt view Obama at all. They know Obama was propping up Morsi (another academic btw who taught in America) AND the Muslim Brotherhood.

You just keep lying and lying and lying for your Loser in Chief.

Oh and by the way, the American Ambassador to Egypt also came out for Morsi in a speech.

So stop with your bullshit. Ahhhh you probably can't. You're a progressive.

Egyptians know who's side Obama and his administration's on.

Now to answer your question how do I know this? Because it has been reported on.

The U.S. ambassador to Egypt has become a lightning rod for criticism among Egyptians who accuse her of embracing the deposed Muslim Brotherhood-led government, even as a popular uprising was building against it in the streets of Cairo.

At last week’s protests against Egypt’s first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, some of the anger was directed against Ambassador Anne Patterson and President Obama.

Among the millions of protesters who packed into Cairo's Tahrir Square, some held images of Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Obama with crosses marked across their faces.

Here's what the idiot bitch actually said in a speech which completely set Egyptians clean off. :lol:

What a fool.

Their anger was fueled by a June 18 speech in which Mrs. Patterson welcomed the opportunity to “set the record straight” on the U.S. relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and expressed skepticism over the virtues of protests, which were just beginning at the time.

“Some say that street action will produce better results than elections,” Mrs. Patterson said. “To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical.”

Egyptians direct anger at U.S. ambassador accused of aiding Morsi - Washington Times
And further on in the article...

“Ambassador Patterson came up with statements that seemed to be dismissive of the uprising,” said Bassem Sabry, an Egyptian political commentator. “She didn’t seem to know how to react to the situation and wasn’t pleasing anyone.”

“The U.S. administration has a very bad favorability in Egypt. Even Mr. Obama’s ratings have dipped to historic lows since his speech at Cairo University [in 2009], so dissatisfaction with Anne Patterson reflects dissatisfaction with the Obama administration,” Mr. Sabry added.

Many Egyptians thought the Obama administration was interested in supporting the Morsi government only to ensure protection for its interests in the region, such as Egyptian peace with Israel.

Egyptians direct anger at U.S. ambassador accused of aiding Morsi - Washington Times
Oh, if only Bush, Cheney and Republicans were in charge - they know exactly what needs to be done in the Middle East:

500,000 troops and the most powerful fire power in the World

"Kill of few million of the bastards and we'll teach those ragheads who's boss"

Kind of like the lessons in peace and democracy that these idiots taught the muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan ....


We had won in Iraq and were close to winning in Afghanistan until obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


... with a million more troops, half million more dead and wounded, another $3 trillion, and another 50 years ... and 'victory' was in our grasp ....


Iraq was a coalition. But Afghanistan was a NATO effort. You don't even have a clue do you?

America did not go it alone in either war.

Oh but you're a progressive. Facts don't matter.


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