Obama's National Security Delusion


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Obama's National Security Delusion

At the international G20 conference in Turkey today, a reporter questioned Obama about his underestimation of ISIS, and his inaction. He said > If there was an easy solution to this, I assure you, we would have done it. He also claims that the safety of the American people is his first priority.

I have to say, that is not a very reassuring assurance. There are a number of easy solutions, and he is NOT doing them.

1. Close the mosques. ALL of them.

2. Eliminate Korans. ALL of them.

3. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood (including all of its many front groups - CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

4. Get Muslim Brotherhooders out of the US govt (ex Huma Abedin, Magid Mohammed, etc)

5. Set up a safe zone in Syria, to keep refugees from migrating (and defend it fiercely)

6. Attack ISIS with ground troops, heavy equipment, air strikes (much more), etc

7. Hire thousands more FBI agents for anti-terrroism.

8. Secure the borders.

9. Criminalize visa overstay.

10. Criminalize illegal presence in USA.

11. Shut down the Madrasses.

12. Shut down the Muslim enclaves (ex. Islamberg)

13. Inspect shipping containers 100% (and more thoroughly)

14. Create a minimum wage for a security guards of $15/hour + more training, equipment, and staffing.

15. Send monitors to universities and challenge professors who teach false information.

16. Beef up security at soft, dangerous targets (ex. water treatment plants, power plants, etc)

17. Stop bothering the NSA & let them do their jobs.

18. Execute prisoners of war caught on the battlefield (unless they are of intelligence value) Why is Khalid Sheik Mohammed still alive ?

19. Charge jihadist ideology as terrorism. Any promotion of it is treason. Violators should be arrested, convicted , and executed.

20. Stop discriminating against Christians and Jews in the hiring of Arabic translators. If Muslims working in these jobs can't work alongside non-Muslims, tough on them. Fire them.

21. Improve coordination between the various intelligence agencies. They exist to PROTECT the American people, not be in competition with each other.

22. Do tough background checks and deny govt jobs and scurity clearances to Muslim activists. Fire those now employed.

23. Investigate Muslim organizations (with evidence of advancing political ideology of Islam), and uncover their "shell games" of who is involved, where $$ come & go, and what they do, and Strip them of nonprofit status and redesignate them as political organizations.

24. Abolish Muslim immigration into the US. Question immigrants taking oaths regarding the supremacy of the US Constitution over Sharia law.

25. Profile airport and other transportation passengers.

26. Impose penalties on media that restrict free speech (ex. firing of Juan Williams on NPR)

27. Get Islamist propaganda out of the schools. (1st grade +)

28. Investigate all military and prison chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi.

29. Investigate Arabic translators in the Pentagon & FBI (Some of the FBI ones held a party and cheered videos of the 9-11 attacks)

30. Impound/freeze all ISIS assets in banks worldwide. Punish severely, banks that don't comply.

31. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saidi Arabia until the reform their text books.(which promote hatred of non-Muslims)

32. Abolish religious visas for Muslims.

33. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police in US counterterrorism.

34. Block sale of military munitions to Saudi Arabia.

35. Enforce US Code 18, Chapter 115 (esp. sections 2384 & 2385) If Obama had done this in January of 2009, the US stealth jihad would have been stopped in its tracks.

Obama's National Security Delusion

At the international G20 conference in Turkey today, a reporter questioned Obama about his underestimation of ISIS, and his inaction. He said > If there was an easy solution to this, I assure you, we would have done it. He also claims that the safety of the American people is his first priority.

I have to say, that is not a very reassuring assurance. There are a number of easy solutions, and he is NOT doing them.

1. Close the mosques. ALL of them.

2. Eliminate Korans. ALL of them.

3. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood (including all of its many front groups - CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

4. Get Muslim Brotherhooders out of the US govt (ex Huma Abedin, Magid Mohammed, etc)

5. Set up a safe zone in Syria, to keep refugees from migrating (and defend it fiercely)

6. Attack ISIS with ground troops, heavy equipment, air strikes (much more), etc

7. Hire thousands more FBI agents for anti-terrroism.

8. Secure the borders.

9. Criminalize visa overstay.

10. Criminalize illegal presence in USA.

11. Shut down the Madrasses.

12. Shut down the Muslim enclaves (ex. Islamberg)

13. Inspect shipping containers 100% (and more thoroughly)

14. Create a minimum wage for a security guards of $15/hour + more training, equipment, and staffing.

15. Send monitors to universities and challenge professors who teach false information.

16. Beef up security at soft, dangerous targets (ex. water treatment plants, power plants, etc)

17. Stop bothering the NSA & let them do their jobs.

18. Execute prisoners of war caught on the battlefield (unless they are of intelligence value) Why is Khalid Sheik Mohammed still alive ?

19. Charge jihadist ideology as terrorism. Any promotion of it is treason. Violators should be arrested, convicted , and executed.

20. Stop discriminating against Christians and Jews in the hiring of Arabic translators. If Muslims working in these jobs can't work alongside non-Muslims, tough on them. Fire them.

21. Improve coordination between the various intelligence agencies. They exist to PROTECT the American people, not be in competition with each other.

22. Do tough background checks and deny govt jobs and scurity clearances to Muslim activists. Fire those now employed.

23. Investigate Muslim organizations (with evidence of advancing political ideology of Islam), and uncover their "shell games" of who is involved, where $$ come & go, and what they do, and Strip them of nonprofit status and redesignate them as political organizations.

24. Abolish Muslim immigration into the US. Question immigrants taking oaths regarding the supremacy of the US Constitution over Sharia law.

25. Profile airport and other transportation passengers.

26. Impose penalties on media that restrict free speech (ex. firing of Juan Williams on NPR)

27. Get Islamist propaganda out of the schools. (1st grade +)

28. Investigate all military and prison chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi.

29. Investigate Arabic translators in the Pentagon & FBI (Some of the FBI ones held a party and cheered videos of the 9-11 attacks)

30. Impound/freeze all ISIS assets in banks worldwide. Punish severely, banks that don't comply.

31. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saidi Arabia until the reform their text books.(which promote hatred of non-Muslims)

32. Abolish religious visas for Muslims.

33. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police in US counterterrorism.

34. Block sale of military munitions to Saudi Arabia.

35. Enforce US Code 18, Chapter 115 (esp. sections 2384 & 2385) If Obama had done this in January of 2009, the US stealth jihad would have been stopped in its tracks.


Not the worst idea ever....oh wait; it actually is the worst idea ever.

I especially like the humorous aspects of numbers one through thirty-five.
Not the worst idea ever....oh wait; it actually is the worst idea ever.

I especially like the humorous aspects of numbers one through thirty-five.
But what you don't like is offering any substance to make a point. Ho hum.

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