Obama's newest poll results- Public Says his Presidency is Over


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Well who could have guessed this was coming?


NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama's newest poll results reveal a public saying his 'presidency is over.'

Stick a fork in it, it's all done.

Early this morning, the Wall Street Journal released the results of a new NBC/WSJ poll and, in the words of NBC's Chuck Todd; it's a “disaster for the president.” Basically, the President's job approval has returned to its all-time low, his foreign policy numbers have collapsed, and a majority no longer believes that he's capable of running the country.

From the WSJ:

As clouds gather abroad, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Mr. Obama’s job approval rating at 41%, matching a previous low. Approval of his handling of foreign policy hit a new low of 37%. Both numbers are driven in part by conflicts largely outside the president’s control, including a new wave of sectarian violence in Iraq.

The rest is here: Politics: NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama's newest poll results reveal a public saying his 'presidency is over.' | Best of Cain
And yet despite this poll he is still President till January 2017 excepting rare circumstances.
Poll numbers are funny things. A low polling number generally indicates lack of support. That ramifies through the system and members of his own party are willing to buck him, as Harry Reid already is. Foreign leaders see the numbers are assume he really doesnt have the power to pull off any agreements he makes.
Someone please explain how Mormney would have won Iraq, considering that military victory was never going to happen in Iraq no matter who was President?
Someone please explain how Mormney would have won Iraq, considering that military victory was never going to happen in Iraq no matter who was President?

Iraq was won before 2012. Obama wanted no residual force. This is the result. Your President is incompetent.
It ain't over till it's over.

If you think his treatment of vets and Iraq are bad, wait till you see who he pardons before you realize how deep this country is into real trouble. There are people worse than the top 5 henchmen in an al-Qaeda affiliate.
Someone please explain how Mormney would have won Iraq, considering that military victory was never going to happen in Iraq no matter who was President?

Iraq was won before 2012. Obama wanted no residual force. This is the result. Your President is incompetent.
Okay. That sounds like a great plan. Mormney would have won for sure.

Now what does Sybil think?
A vast majority of Americans understood that Obama was unqualified and certain to make a complete dog's breakfast of America. They also saw that Romney would be approximately as bad. Both notorious leftists though Rommey perceived as worse, having brought Socialized medicine (of sorts) to Taxachusetts. Accordingly more than usual stayed at home on election day and a fair number just shrugged and voted for Obama to "get it over with".

Americans understood alright. Most just didn't see any difference so didn't want to waste the gas to drive to cast a vote.
And yet despite this poll he is still President till January 2017 excepting rare circumstances.

wouldn't it be great if one of those rare circumstances were to occur ? GOD works in mysterious ways.
God may allow us to avoid civil war by keeping Obama in till January 2017. Civil War is a horror we can only read soldier diaries to just partially understand. :(
A slick talking Marxist lied his way into the White House.

Who would have ever thought it would happen?

Turns out, glib and shameless as he is, he's also a fool.

Can a fool ruin the greatest society in history in just eight years?

He's got 2.5 years to go...it is going to be a near run thing.

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