Obama's Original Vaulted Birth Certificate To Be Subpoenaed At 10am Tommorrow Morning

No, she was not denied, she served a subpoena on the DOH which they refused to honor.

She must be doing something right, no other lawyer has gotten this far in the quest to view the original certificate. There is a hearing in the matter on the court docket scheduled for 10AM on Sep 14th before judge Puglosi in the Hawaii federal district court.

Why would the court fine her, for what? She is not doing anything wrong.

Let me get this straight:

Taitz served a subpoena that was endorsed by a judge to government officials which they ignored?

No other lawyer is as crazy as Taitz. Other then all the sanctions she's had against her and all the clients she's gotten into legal trouble (Connie Rhodes) and all the motions shes lost (every single one of them), you are right, she must be doing something right.
This has been needed to be done since the beginning of this fiasco. A prominent Law Firm in Hawaii will assist with the subpoena of the 50 year old document if it exists. Two prominent document experts (Paul Irsay & Doug Vogt) will be there to do a attestation of the original long form. If the Hawaii Dept of Health refuses to abide by the subpoena signed by the clerk of the U.S. Federal District Court in Hawaii then we've got a problem. The document Obama released back on March 27th has been gone over and deemed a forgery by many computer document experts and also it wasn't a 50 year old piece of paper either. So by noon tomorrow on Aug 8th we should have a report how the event went. I say let's put this to rest once and for all. Come on Hawaii, open the documents for examination.

This is not an issue except for sick heads.
brilliant misdirection i will concede. imagine obama cosponsered the bill so mccain could be eligible. do you think the national security folks would allow nixon to send out the plummers then cover it up, then keep carrying the football for another two years... whoops...

Are you a birther, Wash? FYI: things have changed quite a bit since 1972 (that's 39 years ago for you Army guys who can't count over 30 rounds/magazine). You may want to catch up on your reading and current events.
Again, BC is irrelevant to the issuing of an SSN. So where his BC is from doesn't matter. But even residence does NOT mean that the 1st three digits have to match the state of residence. They usually do, but they don't have to. There's no reason why you couldn't be issued an SSN with the first 3 of another state. It's unusual, but it happens. Source: Social Security Administration

And it could just have been an error: Hawaii zip codes start with a 9, Connecticut zips start with a 0. Completely plausible that someone hit the wrong button or misread and he was assigned a CT number. That's more believable than intentionally falsifying a SSN for a stete never resided in.

Wow...you obama supporters sure can come up with alot of excuses for him! What would you say if we gave you this same lame excuse if it was a conservative/republican that was having these issues??? You say it's unusual but it happens....EVERYTHING about obama is unusual!! And why would obama have a mailing address in Connecticut while living in Hawaii?

you're right cj

The dems would care less. Only the far right lamestream so-called pubs act this stupidly.
Oh? and your evidence is what?

It's an elderly woman now? There was a (proven false) claim that it was a man born in 1890. What was the woman's name?

Why on earth is that the most plausible?

You say it was proven false?
The claim that 042-68-4425 was issued to one Jean Paul Ludwig (born 1890) has been proven false, yes. That was a common claim on the internet (though I do not believe Taitz ever made that particular claim). Now you're saying it was issued to an elderly woman. What was her name?

Where is your proof of that the SSA issued this number to Obama? A detective hired by Taitz says different.
I browsed through Taitz's site and found her questioning the ssn, and claiming she had evidence from the SSA that they never issued the number to Obama, but I cannot find any such letter or evidence on her site.

ETA: ok, I found a failed computer search from the SSN Verification Service. A site that explicitly states that a failure to match name and ssn etc is not by itself grounds for adverse action against an employee (the main purpose of the site).

The Jean Paul Ludwig story is a straw man. The detective does not say that Obama's number belonged to Ludwig. In fact, she does not know who previously had that number but she asserts that it was not origianally issued to Obama. The number was issued in March of 1977 when Obama was attending high school in Hawaii, so there is no reason why he would have received a CT SSN at the time. It's obviously not a clerical error, a HI SSN should start with 575-576 which is not even close to the first three digits of a CT number.

If you can provide a reasonable explanation how he would legitimately have a CT number Im all ears, but I can't think of any.

I do know his friend the terrorist Bill Ayers used to brag about how easily he could obtain false social security numbers for his radical friends.
Now Ayres is now being associated with this plot. Next it will be Soros and then Alinsky, then Karl Marx after that Rev. Wright then,,, The Shadow?
Now Ayres is now being associated with this plot. Next it will be Soros and then Alinsky, then Karl Marx after that Rev. Wright then,,, The Shadow?

Since there is no plausible explanation why Obama would legitimately have a CT SSN one has to assume he obtained it fraudulently. I don't think its a coincidence that he is close friends with a man who was adept at obtaining fraudulent SSNs to construct false identities for his revolutionary associates. Of course this is conjecture, but when someone is perpetrating a ruse you are allowed to speculate on where the truth lies. If you have an alternate theory to explain how an individual is using a CT SSN that was issued in March of 1977 when he was residing in Hawaii and attending high school please share.
Update on Birth Certificate court case

As promised, the lawyer who filed suit to see the original birth certificate showed up at the HI Department of Health yesterday. Predictably, she was handed a note from the HI Attorney General explaining that the records are sealed and by law cannot be released to the public. Her argument that Obama already made the document public, and thereby waived his right to privacy, fell on deaf ears.

So, lawyer Tait marched down to the federal district court and filed a motion to have the head of the Department of Health show up in court with the original birth certificate on September 14th to explain why the court should not order the document to be disclosed.

The DOH will argue that the information is private, the lawyer will offer affidavits from experts averring that the certificate released by Obama to the public is fake. The lawyer is demanding to see the original because no one can figure out how Obama obtained a Connecticut Social Security Number with a Hawaiian birth certificate. The lawyer will also reasonably argue that there is no right to privacy over a document that has been issue to the public, and that privacy cannot be used as an excuse to avoid disclosing the document pursuant to a subpoana for evidence in her Freedom of Information Act case.

Hopefully the judge in the case will compel the state to obey.

LMAO. Orly Taitz is handling this? I predict that this will go well..........

So, let me get this straight, she lost her motion and is now going to harass the DOH over the matter?

How long until she gets another fine? She's a shitty lawyer.

No, she was not denied, she served a subpoena on the DOH which they refused to honor.

She must be doing something right, no other lawyer has gotten this far in the quest to view the original certificate. There is a hearing in the matter on the court docket scheduled for 10AM on Sep 14th before judge Puglosi in the Hawaii federal district court.

Why would the court fine her, for what? She is not doing anything wrong.


So, is the Dentist/Lawyer going to be able to take the trip off her taxes as a business expense?

Update on Birth Certificate court case

As promised, the lawyer who filed suit to see the original birth certificate showed up at the HI Department of Health yesterday. Predictably, she was handed a note from the HI Attorney General explaining that the records are sealed and by law cannot be released to the public. Her argument that Obama already made the document public, and thereby waived his right to privacy, fell on deaf ears.

So, lawyer Tait marched down to the federal district court and filed a motion to have the head of the Department of Health show up in court with the original birth certificate on September 14th to explain why the court should not order the document to be disclosed.

The DOH will argue that the information is private, the lawyer will offer affidavits from experts averring that the certificate released by Obama to the public is fake. The lawyer is demanding to see the original because no one can figure out how Obama obtained a Connecticut Social Security Number with a Hawaiian birth certificate. The lawyer will also reasonably argue that there is no right to privacy over a document that has been issue to the public, and that privacy cannot be used as an excuse to avoid disclosing the document pursuant to a subpoana for evidence in her Freedom of Information Act case.

Hopefully the judge in the case will compel the state to obey.

LMAO. Orly Taitz is handling this? I predict that this will go well..........

So, let me get this straight, she lost her motion and is now going to harass the DOH over the matter?

How long until she gets another fine? She's a shitty lawyer.

No, she was not denied, she served a subpoena on the DOH which they refused to honor.

She must be doing something right, no other lawyer has gotten this far in the quest to view the original certificate. There is a hearing in the matter on the court docket scheduled for 10AM on Sep 14th before judge Puglosi in the Hawaii federal district court.

Why would the court fine her, for what? She is not doing anything wrong.

no other lawyer tapped into a bunch of saps willing to pay for this stupidity, i guess.
You say it was proven false?
The claim that 042-68-4425 was issued to one Jean Paul Ludwig (born 1890) has been proven false, yes. That was a common claim on the internet (though I do not believe Taitz ever made that particular claim). Now you're saying it was issued to an elderly woman. What was her name?

Where is your proof of that the SSA issued this number to Obama? A detective hired by Taitz says different.
I browsed through Taitz's site and found her questioning the ssn, and claiming she had evidence from the SSA that they never issued the number to Obama, but I cannot find any such letter or evidence on her site.

ETA: ok, I found a failed computer search from the SSN Verification Service. A site that explicitly states that a failure to match name and ssn etc is not by itself grounds for adverse action against an employee (the main purpose of the site).

The Jean Paul Ludwig story is a straw man. The detective does not say that Obama's number belonged to Ludwig. In fact, she does not know who previously had that number but she asserts that it was not origianally issued to Obama. The number was issued in March of 1977 when Obama was attending high school in Hawaii, so there is no reason why he would have received a CT SSN at the time.
That's funny...Taitz is also arguing that the number was never issued.

It's obviously not a clerical error, a HI SSN should start with 575-576 which is not even close to the first three digits of a CT number.
But as I already pointed out, Hawaii ZIP codes start with a 9 and CT ZIP codes start with a 0. Very easy to get those confused.
The claim that 042-68-4425 was issued to one Jean Paul Ludwig (born 1890) has been proven false, yes. That was a common claim on the internet (though I do not believe Taitz ever made that particular claim). Now you're saying it was issued to an elderly woman. What was her name?

I browsed through Taitz's site and found her questioning the ssn, and claiming she had evidence from the SSA that they never issued the number to Obama, but I cannot find any such letter or evidence on her site.

ETA: ok, I found a failed computer search from the SSN Verification Service. A site that explicitly states that a failure to match name and ssn etc is not by itself grounds for adverse action against an employee (the main purpose of the site).

The Jean Paul Ludwig story is a straw man. The detective does not say that Obama's number belonged to Ludwig. In fact, she does not know who previously had that number but she asserts that it was not origianally issued to Obama. The number was issued in March of 1977 when Obama was attending high school in Hawaii, so there is no reason why he would have received a CT SSN at the time.
That's funny...Taitz is also arguing that the number was never issued.

It's obviously not a clerical error, a HI SSN should start with 575-576 which is not even close to the first three digits of a CT number.
But as I already pointed out, Hawaii ZIP codes start with a 9 and CT ZIP codes start with a 0. Very easy to get those confused.

First: Please re-read Flags post! It said the SSA said they never issued that number to Obama...they didn't say it had NEVER been issued!

Second: keep up that stupid excuse :)
The claim that 042-68-4425 was issued to one Jean Paul Ludwig (born 1890) has been proven false, yes. That was a common claim on the internet (though I do not believe Taitz ever made that particular claim). Now you're saying it was issued to an elderly woman. What was her name?

I browsed through Taitz's site and found her questioning the ssn, and claiming she had evidence from the SSA that they never issued the number to Obama, but I cannot find any such letter or evidence on her site.

ETA: ok, I found a failed computer search from the SSN Verification Service. A site that explicitly states that a failure to match name and ssn etc is not by itself grounds for adverse action against an employee (the main purpose of the site).

The Jean Paul Ludwig story is a straw man. The detective does not say that Obama's number belonged to Ludwig. In fact, she does not know who previously had that number but she asserts that it was not origianally issued to Obama. The number was issued in March of 1977 when Obama was attending high school in Hawaii, so there is no reason why he would have received a CT SSN at the time.
That's funny...Taitz is also arguing that the number was never issued.

It's obviously not a clerical error, a HI SSN should start with 575-576 which is not even close to the first three digits of a CT number.
But as I already pointed out, Hawaii ZIP codes start with a 9 and CT ZIP codes start with a 0. Very easy to get those confused.

In her FOIA complaint Taitz asserts that the SSN was issued to someone other than Obama, not that the SSN was never issued.

So you believe that at age 15 Obama went down to his local social security office in person (which by SSA policy he would have been required to do after the age of 12), submitted an application for a new number, and then someone at SSA headquarters who processed his request mistook his Hawaiian zip code for a Connecticut one? They would have had to mistake more than the zip code, they would also have missed the fact that his address was in Hawaii! And then compounded their incompetency by mailing out the card with the Connecticut social security number to a Hawaian address even though the number and the address to which the card is mailed are supposed to match. Sounds a little farfetched to me because I believe the SSA would have safeguards in place to prevent such an error being made.

You might hold out a little bit of room for doubt that possibly Obama - a man with left wing ties to individuals of unsavory character - may have obtained the social security number in an illegal manner. Even Birtherphobics like yourself must admit there's some grounds for suspicion. This is what the lawsuit is attempting to resolve. The suit is asking the Social Security administration to produce Obama's signed form SS-5 Request For Social Security Number. Seems like a fairly simple request and, like Obama says, people who have nothing to hide don't hide things. So stop making such a fuss and let the public take a peak just to make sure everything is on the up and up.
So let me get this right...the president has a bogus ss number and that birth announcement in Hawaiii was just a lucky guess on their part?

Really? This is what you have? Oily Taint is a goddess!
So let me get this right...the president has a bogus ss number and that birth announcement in Hawaiii was just a lucky guess on their part?

Really? This is what you have? Oily Taint is a goddess!

What does a birth announcement in the local Honolulu paper have to do with a Connecticut social security number? :confused:

We don't have any definitive proof until the original documents are turned over. As of right now it's hypothesis, driven by a puzzling intransigence on the part of officials to show the public what they want to see. I am not predicting that anything earthshaking will ultimately come of this, but since Tait is determined to see the original birth certificate and SSN application and pursue it legally, it is certainly worthwhile following the story. Besides, think how much you antibirthers will be able to gloat once the originals are turned over and it turns out to be much ado about nothing.
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