Obama's Record of Betrayal

I would be too ashamed to ever show my face again if I were caught lying and if I had that much information dead-wrong. Progressives have no shame and no integrity.
If you actually THOUGHT of any of your bs...lol superdupe.
What has Obama betrayed on?
  • He promised "the most transparent government ever". He delivered the least transparent government ever.
  • He promised to close Guantanamo Bay within his first 90 days. 8 years later it remains open during his last 20 days.
  • He promised no new deficits ("pay as you go"). He set record levels for debt.
I literally could crash the USMB servers posting all of the Obama lies but you already know he's a liar so what would be the point of telling you what you already know?
BS. Most of his problems were GOP lying about things that only came up because of transparency...mainly W's agencies gone wild. F+F, FBI conferences, Gun running etc.
Blocked by GOP duh. Only 59 left of 700.
That was before the corrupt W Boooosh WORLD DEPRESSION. Duh.
One of you two morons said there were more troops in Libya than in Iraq under Booosh.
Actually, I said more troops than Afghanistan and Iraq combined. But....I prefaced it with practically. As in, it was a tongue-in-cheek exaggeration to prove a point. Your reading comprehension is pitiful.
Tongue in cheek. You're full of stupid lies and fos. THERE WERE NO US TROOPS ON THE GROUND IN LIBYA. IDIOT.
Yes there were you nitwit and that has been proven already.
Link, LIAR?

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