Obama's Responses To Multiple Mass Shootings/Killings In The U S

Maybe.....just maybe, a shooter might be discouraged from selecting a place where there are armed citizens.

But you think people are less safe with citizens armed with guns and a Twinkie, and would opt to just have citizens armed with the Twinkie alone. Brilliant.

You do realise that the US is one off the most armed countries in the western world and yet you still have mass shootings. Even before certain places were made gun-free you had mass shootings. How did that work out for you? The fact you have had mass shootings and more gun deaths per capita than any other country in the western world, and you are already armed to the teeth, suggests that more guns is not the answer.

And Australia, France are completely disarmed and have mass shootings...........and the only reason they don't have more is because their countrymen have not decided to do it...I have listed many shootings in Australia that could easily have been mass shootings if the shooter had just decided to shoot more people...since he already had a gun and was in a target rich environment...

The two muslim terrorists in Australia last year...both immigrants, and one a 15 year old...could easily have killed more people...they just chose the wrong target and method...

You anti gun types are jinxing Australia..........they have been lucky...but lucky is no policy to keep your people safe from mass shooters.....
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

And now the trend is going the other way as drugs and immigrant gangs start doing their magic...

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.

Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said. “The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
Your figures exclude gun deaths do to accidents and suicide. As I said, the purpose in removing guns is to prevent gun deaths, not just homicides.

Your figures exclude gun deaths do to accidents and suicide. As I said, the purpose in removing guns is to prevent gun deaths, not just homicide

Nice try....Suicide rates in Australia stayed the same after the confiscation........

And Japan, South Korea and China have 0 access to guns and all have higher suicide rates than we do or Australia has and European countries with strict gun control also have higher suicide rates......

The most popular method of suicide around the world is rope....
Yes....since civilians have stopped mass shooters before and in the events where they didn't have clear shots they didn't fire....

Do us a favor....try researching this topic so your posts will be informed......
Although there have been isolated incidents of armed civilians stopping killers, of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years not one has been stopped by armed civilian. Armed civilians attempting to intervene are actually more likely to increase the bloodshed, given that civilian shooters are less likely to hit their targets than police in these circumstances. No only are they less likely to take down the killer but having civilians on the scene with drawn guns makes the police's job that much harder.

"Of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years, not one has been stopped by armed civilians."

Well could it be that because most mass shootings take place in gun free zones by any chance?
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

This next one is exactly why you can't trust anti gun extremists and their research....

Did you realize before you posted your link that one of the "mass shootings" that the anit gun extremists at Everytown for Gun Safety included was the Waco biker gang shooting......does that count as a mass public shooting to you?


Waco, TX 5/17/15 A brawl between rival biker gangs erupted into a shootout in which nine bikers were killed and 18 others were injured. Police engaged in the shootout and fired on the bikers.
• SHOOTER NAME: Unknown •

GUN DETAILS: Unknown •



NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: There is no evidence that the parking lot was a place where guns were prohibited

Never, ever trust anti gunners and their research....
Maybe.....just maybe, a shooter might be discouraged from selecting a place where there are armed citizens.

But you think people are less safe with citizens armed with guns and a Twinkie, and would opt to just have citizens armed with the Twinkie alone. Brilliant.

You do realise that the US is one off the most armed countries in the western world and yet you still have mass shootings. Even before certain places were made gun-free you had mass shootings. How did that work out for you? The fact you have had mass shootings and more gun deaths per capita than any other country in the western world, and you are already armed to the teeth, suggests that more guns is not the answer.

And Australia, France are completely disarmed and have mass shootings...........and the only reason they don't have more is because their countrymen have not decided to do it...I have listed many shootings in Australia that could easily have been mass shootings if the shooter had just decided to shoot more people...since he already had a gun and was in a target rich environment...

The two muslim terrorists in Australia last year...both immigrants, and one a 15 year old...could easily have killed more people...they just chose the wrong target and method...

You anti gun types are jinxing Australia..........they have been lucky...but lucky is no policy to keep your people safe from mass shooters.....
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

And now the trend is going the other way as drugs and immigrant gangs start doing their magic...

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.

Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said. “The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
Your figures exclude gun deaths do to accidents and suicide. As I said, the purpose in removing guns is to prevent gun deaths, not just homicides.

Here....let me give you some real data on mass shootings....and how they fit in the overall death rate picture in the United States...

Here is the left wing news source...Mother Jones...they hate guns, just like you...they too have tracked mass shootings...and here is what they found...

If you go to the link they list each year and the specific mass shootings with details....injured, killed, weapons used.....do more research......you will post more intelligently....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Actual number of Mass Public Shootings according to Mother Jones..(anti gun, left wing Mother Jones)

2015-- 4
2014-- 2
2013-- 5
2012-- 7
2011-- 3
2010-- 1
2009-- 4
2008-- 3
2007-- 4
2006-- 3
2005-- 2
2004-- 1
2003-- 1
2002--did not show any
2001-- 1
2000-- 1



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2013..... 36

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....357 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.
Last edited:
Here you go....the actual number for the last few years according to Mother Jones...anti gun, left wing Mother Jones...

Actual number of Mass Public Shootings according to Mother Jones..(anti gun, left wing Mother Jones)

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2015-- 4
2014-- 2
2013-- 5
2012-- 7
2011-- 3
2010-- 1
2009-- 4
2008-- 3
2007-- 4
2006-- 3
2005-- 2
2004-- 1
2003-- 1
2002--did not show any
2001-- 1
2000-- 1
Last edited:
Although there have been isolated incidents of armed civilians stopping killers, of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years not one has been stopped by armed civilian. Armed civilians attempting to intervene are actually more likely to increase the bloodshed, given that civilian shooters are less likely to hit their targets than police in these circumstances. No only are they less likely to take down the killer but having civilians on the scene with drawn guns makes the police's job that much harder.

"Of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years, not one has been stopped by armed civilians."

Well could it be that because most mass shootings take place in gun free zones by any chance?
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.
"Of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years, not one has been stopped by armed civilians."

Well could it be that because most mass shootings take place in gun free zones by any chance?
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

Those do not count as mass shootings...they are in a different category...and Everytown knows this...the FBI also does not include criminal activity like the biker gang shooting......

Everytown is lying.....family murder is not mass public shooting......they are lying to you.

Everyone knows that a mass shooting is one that takes place in a public space...a mall, a theater, a school, a public building, not in a private home.......those are different crimes.

And altogether...all gun murder in 2014....all put together.........8,124 and most of those are criminals murdering other criminals.......I gave you the real list from anti gun, left wing Mother Jones...

Everytown lies....
You do realise that the US is one off the most armed countries in the western world and yet you still have mass shootings. Even before certain places were made gun-free you had mass shootings. How did that work out for you? The fact you have had mass shootings and more gun deaths per capita than any other country in the western world, and you are already armed to the teeth, suggests that more guns is not the answer.

And Australia, France are completely disarmed and have mass shootings...........and the only reason they don't have more is because their countrymen have not decided to do it...I have listed many shootings in Australia that could easily have been mass shootings if the shooter had just decided to shoot more people...since he already had a gun and was in a target rich environment...

The two muslim terrorists in Australia last year...both immigrants, and one a 15 year old...could easily have killed more people...they just chose the wrong target and method...

You anti gun types are jinxing Australia..........they have been lucky...but lucky is no policy to keep your people safe from mass shooters.....
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

And now the trend is going the other way as drugs and immigrant gangs start doing their magic...

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.

Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said. “The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
Your figures exclude gun deaths do to accidents and suicide. As I said, the purpose in removing guns is to prevent gun deaths, not just homicides.

Here....let me give you some real data on mass shootings....and how they fit in the overall death rate picture in the United States...

Here is the left wing news source...Mother Jones...they hate guns, just like you...they too have tracked mass shootings...and here is what they found...

If you go to the link they list each year and the specific mass shootings with details....injured, killed, weapons used.....do more research......you will post more intelligently....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Actual number of Mass Public Shootings according to Mother Jones..(anti gun, left wing Mother Jones)

2015-- 4
2014-- 2
2013-- 5
2012-- 7
2011-- 3
2010-- 1
2009-- 4
2008-- 3
2007-- 4
2006-- 3
2005-- 2
2004-- 1
2003-- 1
2002--did not show any
2001-- 1
2000-- 1



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2013..... 36

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....357 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.
If you're trying to show mass shootings are relatively rare and a very small percent of the population die in mass shootings, I agree. Just like terrorist attacks they relatively rare in the US.
"Of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years, not one has been stopped by armed civilians."

Well could it be that because most mass shootings take place in gun free zones by any chance?
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

The FBI doesn't include gang shootings either.....

San Francisco, CA, 1/9/15 An unknown assailant shot and killed four young men while they were in a parked car on the street. Police say at least four guns were involved in the incident and two guns were recovered inside the car.
• SHOOTER NAME: Unknown •
GUN DETAILS: Semiautomatic weapon •
NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: In California, persons with a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License may carry in a car and on a public street

And to say that San Francisco is not a gun free zone is a lie.........you cannot get a concealed carry license in San Francisco.......unless you are politically connected or rich.......and have a lawyer get it for you....
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

Those do not count as mass shootings...they are in a different category...and Everytown knows this...the FBI also does not include criminal activity like the biker gang shooting......

Everytown is lying.....family murder is not mass public shooting......they are lying to you.

Everyone knows that a mass shooting is one that takes place in a public space...a mall, a theater, a school, a public building, not in a private home.......those are different crimes.

And altogether...all gun murder in 2014....all put together.........8,124 and most of those are criminals murdering other criminals.......I gave you the real list from anti gun, left wing Mother Jones...

Everytown lies....
I think the FBI study considered that 4 fillings was a mass shooting. Other studies use a higher number.
Yeah…..they don't have to worry about going to the movie theater or school…….the odds are in their favor…

Also….those places are gun free zones created by you guys…..where good, normal, law abiding, non violent gun owners are not allowed to carry a gun………and the gun free zone does nothing to stop killers…...
I can just image a gun shot going off in a crowded theater and dozens of people pull out their weapon. Armed with their Glock in one hand and Twinkies in the other, do you really think these people are going have the skill and presence of mind to take down the shooter without blowing away half the audience? If they didn't shoot themselves, the police probably would.

Encouraging the public to carry guns in public places is insane. This is not 1870 in Dodge City.

Yes....since civilians have stopped mass shooters before and in the events where they didn't have clear shots they didn't fire....

Do us a favor....try researching this topic so your posts will be informed......
Although there have been isolated incidents of armed civilians stopping killers, of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years not one has been stopped by armed civilian. Armed civilians attempting to intervene are actually more likely to increase the bloodshed, given that civilian shooters are less likely to hit their targets than police in these circumstances. No only are they less likely to take down the killer but having civilians on the scene with drawn guns makes the police's job that much harder.

"Of the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years, not one has been stopped by armed civilians."

Well could it be that because most mass shootings take place in gun free zones by any chance?
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

And here you go....another criminal mass shooting...

Springfield, MO, 11/15/14 The shooter killed four people in a motel room whom he thought were acting as informants to the police. •
SHOOTER NAME: Scott Goodwin-Bey, 47 •
GUN DETAILS: Ruger 9mm •
GUN ACQUIRED: The gun had previously reported stolen, though it not clear how the shooter acquired the gun. • PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to multiple felony convictions. In 1992, he was convicted of three felonies: possession of a controlled substance, unlawful use of a weapon, and resisting/ interfering with arrest for a felony. •
NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: In a phone conversation, a motel employee told Everytown that a person with a concealed carry permit could carry on the premises.
And Australia, France are completely disarmed and have mass shootings...........and the only reason they don't have more is because their countrymen have not decided to do it...I have listed many shootings in Australia that could easily have been mass shootings if the shooter had just decided to shoot more people...since he already had a gun and was in a target rich environment...

The two muslim terrorists in Australia last year...both immigrants, and one a 15 year old...could easily have killed more people...they just chose the wrong target and method...

You anti gun types are jinxing Australia..........they have been lucky...but lucky is no policy to keep your people safe from mass shooters.....
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

And now the trend is going the other way as drugs and immigrant gangs start doing their magic...

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.

Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said. “The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
Your figures exclude gun deaths do to accidents and suicide. As I said, the purpose in removing guns is to prevent gun deaths, not just homicides.

Here....let me give you some real data on mass shootings....and how they fit in the overall death rate picture in the United States...

Here is the left wing news source...Mother Jones...they hate guns, just like you...they too have tracked mass shootings...and here is what they found...

If you go to the link they list each year and the specific mass shootings with details....injured, killed, weapons used.....do more research......you will post more intelligently....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Actual number of Mass Public Shootings according to Mother Jones..(anti gun, left wing Mother Jones)

2015-- 4
2014-- 2
2013-- 5
2012-- 7
2011-- 3
2010-- 1
2009-- 4
2008-- 3
2007-- 4
2006-- 3
2005-- 2
2004-- 1
2003-- 1
2002--did not show any
2001-- 1
2000-- 1



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2013..... 36

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....357 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.
If you're trying to show mass shootings are relatively rare and a very small percent of the population die in mass shootings, I agree. Just like terrorist attacks they relatively rare in the US.

I am also showing you that anti gun extremists like Everytown for Gun safety have to lie to increase the numbers they use.
No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

Those do not count as mass shootings...they are in a different category...and Everytown knows this...the FBI also does not include criminal activity like the biker gang shooting......

Everytown is lying.....family murder is not mass public shooting......they are lying to you.

Everyone knows that a mass shooting is one that takes place in a public space...a mall, a theater, a school, a public building, not in a private home.......those are different crimes.

And altogether...all gun murder in 2014....all put together.........8,124 and most of those are criminals murdering other criminals.......I gave you the real list from anti gun, left wing Mother Jones...

Everytown lies....
I think the FBI study considered that 4 fillings was a mass shooting. Other studies use a higher number.

No.....the FBI excludes family murder and criminal activity shootings from their mass public shooting data...the crimes are completely different with how they effect the public...but Everytown knows that and lies by omission.
No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

Those do not count as mass shootings...they are in a different category...and Everytown knows this...the FBI also does not include criminal activity like the biker gang shooting......

Everytown is lying.....family murder is not mass public shooting......they are lying to you.

Everyone knows that a mass shooting is one that takes place in a public space...a mall, a theater, a school, a public building, not in a private home.......those are different crimes.

And altogether...all gun murder in 2014....all put together.........8,124 and most of those are criminals murdering other criminals.......I gave you the real list from anti gun, left wing Mother Jones...

Everytown lies....
I think the FBI study considered that 4 fillings was a mass shooting. Other studies use a higher number.

This may help.....


t. Specifically, shootings that resulted from gang or drug violence—pervasive, long-tracked, criminal acts that could also affect the public— were not included in this study. In addition, other gun-related shootings were not included when those incidents appeared generally not to have put others in peril (e.g., the accidental discharge of a firearm in a school building or a person who chose to publicly commit suicide in a parking lot)
No. According to an FBI study only 13% took place public gun free zones.

No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

The FBI doesn't include gang shootings either.....

San Francisco, CA, 1/9/15 An unknown assailant shot and killed four young men while they were in a parked car on the street. Police say at least four guns were involved in the incident and two guns were recovered inside the car.
• SHOOTER NAME: Unknown •
GUN DETAILS: Semiautomatic weapon •
NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: In California, persons with a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License may carry in a car and on a public street

And to say that San Francisco is not a gun free zone is a lie.........you cannot get a concealed carry license in San Francisco.......unless you are politically connected or rich.......and have a lawyer get it for you....
Do you have a link that states that San Francisco is a gun free zone. I couldn't find one. A 2005 proposition was passed that made the city gun free, however the courts later overturned it.
San Francisco Proposition H (2005) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

The FBI doesn't include gang shootings either.....

San Francisco, CA, 1/9/15 An unknown assailant shot and killed four young men while they were in a parked car on the street. Police say at least four guns were involved in the incident and two guns were recovered inside the car.
• SHOOTER NAME: Unknown •
GUN DETAILS: Semiautomatic weapon •
NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: In California, persons with a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License may carry in a car and on a public street

And to say that San Francisco is not a gun free zone is a lie.........you cannot get a concealed carry license in San Francisco.......unless you are politically connected or rich.......and have a lawyer get it for you....
Do have link that states that San Francisco is a gun free zone. I couldn't find one. A 2005 proposition was passed that made the city gun free, however the courts later overturned it.
San Francisco Proposition H (2005) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because a city has concealed carry on the books doesn't mean they allow people to do it...New York is a classic example...as is Washington D.C. right now.......the thing to look at is it a Shall Issue city or a May issue....
No......please link to that study. Almost every mass public shooting happened in a gun free zone.
Analysis of Mass Shootings

Yeah...see.....go to their Appendix.....they include gang violence at homes as mass shootings......please...never, ever trust anit gunners....the actual numbers about guns do not support their beliefs so they have to lie........


Columbus, OH, 6/13/15 The shooter killed a man, the man’s daughter, and two other victims inside the man’s home. He also shot and injured a 16-year-old girl.
• SHOOTER NAME: Robert Lee Adams, 27 •
GUN DETAILS: Handgun •

PROHIBITING CRITERIA: The shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms due to a 2008 felony robbery conviction.

Missoula, MT, 6/07/15 The shooter killed his wife and their three children — ages one, four, and five — in their home. He then set the house on fire and committed suicide with the gun. • SHOOTER NAME: Michael Bournes, 59 •
GUN DETAILS: .45-caliber handgun •
PROHIBITING CRITERIA: Despite a previous criminal history, the shooter was likely not prohibited from possessing firearms. In 1999, he was convicted in New Mexico of three misdemeanor crimes: fleeing from an officer, concealing his identity, and resisting, evading or obstructing an office

These are not mass shootings because the FBI does not include these types of shootings for mass public shootings....

Mass public shootings...which everyone recognizes.....are where an individual enters a public space...a school, a theater, a mall and starts shooting people.....

Notice.....the two I found right away......neither one was able to own a gun or could have passed the background checks you guys want....or universal background checks...
Of the 133 mass shootings 52 occurred in homes, only 7 of which were gun free zones.

The FBI doesn't include gang shootings either.....

San Francisco, CA, 1/9/15 An unknown assailant shot and killed four young men while they were in a parked car on the street. Police say at least four guns were involved in the incident and two guns were recovered inside the car.
• SHOOTER NAME: Unknown •
GUN DETAILS: Semiautomatic weapon •
NOT A GUN-FREE ZONE: In California, persons with a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License may carry in a car and on a public street

And to say that San Francisco is not a gun free zone is a lie.........you cannot get a concealed carry license in San Francisco.......unless you are politically connected or rich.......and have a lawyer get it for you....
Do you have a link that states that San Francisco is a gun free zone. I couldn't find one. A 2005 proposition was passed that made the city gun free, however the courts later overturned it.
San Francisco Proposition H (2005) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In San Francisco, does new sheriff mean new concealed carry policy?

For gun owners in the county, some of whom notoriously sought out concealed carry permits through Mirkarimi’s office, the end of his troubled term is a small light at the end of the tunnel.

San Francisco county, which has a population of over 850,000, only has two active concealed carry permits, both granted prior to Mirkarimi’s administration.

This brush with almost losing his own gun rights, however, did not stop him from refusing to issue concealed carry permits to those seeking them.

In a 2014 interview, in which the sheriff boasted of not granting a single permit since taking office, he was clear on his position.

“I am not of the belief that more guns equals more safety,” Mirkarimi said at the time. “When you think about the fact that more Americans have lost their lives to firearms than in all the wars in the last 50 years involving the United States, I think that helps set a foundation for us to at least apply a little discretion about how concealed-carry weapons permits are issued.”

This is why you can't Trust Everytown for Gun safety....they stated San Fran was not a gun free city and they were lying....
Last edited:
Maybe.....just maybe, a shooter might be discouraged from selecting a place where there are armed citizens.

But you think people are less safe with citizens armed with guns and a Twinkie, and would opt to just have citizens armed with the Twinkie alone. Brilliant.

You do realise that the US is one off the most armed countries in the western world and yet you still have mass shootings. Even before certain places were made gun-free you had mass shootings. How did that work out for you? The fact you have had mass shootings and more gun deaths per capita than any other country in the western world, and you are already armed to the teeth, suggests that more guns is not the answer.

And Australia, France are completely disarmed and have mass shootings...........and the only reason they don't have more is because their countrymen have not decided to do it...I have listed many shootings in Australia that could easily have been mass shootings if the shooter had just decided to shoot more people...since he already had a gun and was in a target rich environment...

The two muslim terrorists in Australia last year...both immigrants, and one a 15 year old...could easily have killed more people...they just chose the wrong target and method...

You anti gun types are jinxing Australia..........they have been lucky...but lucky is no policy to keep your people safe from mass shooters.....
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work – And it Wouldn’t Work in America

Firearm homicide per 100,000 population, 1980-2004.jpg
Which would be a great idea if criminals got their guns from licensed dealers and went through a background check. But they don't. That's why they are criminals.

Now how do you suppose we get rid of "all guns" in this country? The same way we got rid of all recreational narcotics? You know, the same recreational narcotics that are responsible for the USA having the highest percentage of their people locked up in jail in the entire industrialized world?

Now which Colorado shooting are you referring to?

Easy, stop manufacturing them. They'll soon dry up. After 10 or so years (it'll take that long due to the proliferation of guns in the US) it'll become harder and harder for crims to get firearms.

Planned Parenthood shooting victims include Iraq vet who tried to save others

And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.
You see it's impossible to disarm the criminal element in our society. Make it harder or impossible for non-criminals to obtain guns, then we would have a society where only the police and criminals have guns. Now if you think that's a good idea, what I want you to do is get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE, and let me know how that works out for you in a couple of months; because that's exactly what you would be doing by disarming citizens.

However, as time goes on, it would become harder and harder for the crims to get guns. Rome wasn't built in day.

As for having no firearms in the house, I live in a country where nobody has firearms in their house. Farmers probably do, but that's about it. I must know about 100 people, and about 10-15 of them are really good friends. None have firearms. None have been the victim of uber violent attacks. One or two have been in the odd fight at a pub or party. Hey, but guess what? There were no firearms available.. There was the odd busted nose or tooth and ego, but everybody got to live another day. In the US? Bang, bang, you're dead. What a great way to live your life! NOT!

During the time when our legislatures were considering a CCW program in our state, we were having a discussion about the new law in our local blog.

I got into a debate with somebody just like you. He asked why I supported CCW laws? I explained that not only for my own protection, but my mother lives alone and never drove a car in her life. She likes to take walks to the store, to the neighbors, to the church and generally just for exercise.

So he responded by asking if my elderly mother would get a CCW if they became available in our state? To that I replied "No, she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

You and your neighbors may not have one firearm among you, but you still have the same protection as I do by criminals not knowing that. Once the public is disarmed, then the criminals know everybody is disarmed and can't protect themselves. And if that's the case, maybe your country home won't be as safe as it once was.

Yeah, but nobody has firearms down here. Criminals know this. Yet, per capita the US is a lot more violent. Go figure...

Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.
Which would be a great idea if criminals got their guns from licensed dealers and went through a background check. But they don't. That's why they are criminals.

Now how do you suppose we get rid of "all guns" in this country? The same way we got rid of all recreational narcotics? You know, the same recreational narcotics that are responsible for the USA having the highest percentage of their people locked up in jail in the entire industrialized world?

Now which Colorado shooting are you referring to?

Easy, stop manufacturing them. They'll soon dry up. After 10 or so years (it'll take that long due to the proliferation of guns in the US) it'll become harder and harder for crims to get firearms.

Planned Parenthood shooting victims include Iraq vet who tried to save others

And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.

There is a story today that the Smart Gun people have been donating to obama.....

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