Obama's Responses To Multiple Mass Shootings/Killings In The U S

You see it's impossible to disarm the criminal element in our society. Make it harder or impossible for non-criminals to obtain guns, then we would have a society where only the police and criminals have guns. Now if you think that's a good idea, what I want you to do is get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE, and let me know how that works out for you in a couple of months; because that's exactly what you would be doing by disarming citizens.

However, as time goes on, it would become harder and harder for the crims to get guns. Rome wasn't built in day.

As for having no firearms in the house, I live in a country where nobody has firearms in their house. Farmers probably do, but that's about it. I must know about 100 people, and about 10-15 of them are really good friends. None have firearms. None have been the victim of uber violent attacks. One or two have been in the odd fight at a pub or party. Hey, but guess what? There were no firearms available.. There was the odd busted nose or tooth and ego, but everybody got to live another day. In the US? Bang, bang, you're dead. What a great way to live your life! NOT!

During the time when our legislatures were considering a CCW program in our state, we were having a discussion about the new law in our local blog.

I got into a debate with somebody just like you. He asked why I supported CCW laws? I explained that not only for my own protection, but my mother lives alone and never drove a car in her life. She likes to take walks to the store, to the neighbors, to the church and generally just for exercise.

So he responded by asking if my elderly mother would get a CCW if they became available in our state? To that I replied "No, she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

You and your neighbors may not have one firearm among you, but you still have the same protection as I do by criminals not knowing that. Once the public is disarmed, then the criminals know everybody is disarmed and can't protect themselves. And if that's the case, maybe your country home won't be as safe as it once was.

Yeah, but nobody has firearms down here. Criminals know this. Yet, per capita the US is a lot more violent. Go figure...

Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.

Europe is just now learning this.....
Which would be a great idea if criminals got their guns from licensed dealers and went through a background check. But they don't. That's why they are criminals.

Now how do you suppose we get rid of "all guns" in this country? The same way we got rid of all recreational narcotics? You know, the same recreational narcotics that are responsible for the USA having the highest percentage of their people locked up in jail in the entire industrialized world?

Now which Colorado shooting are you referring to?

Easy, stop manufacturing them. They'll soon dry up. After 10 or so years (it'll take that long due to the proliferation of guns in the US) it'll become harder and harder for crims to get firearms.

Planned Parenthood shooting victims include Iraq vet who tried to save others

And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.

There is a story today that the Smart Gun people have been donating to obama.....

I believe it, and it all sounds good on paper. But when I can go to web sites without screw-ups, when I ever own a phone that doesn't have something wrong with it, when all electronic gadgets work without problems, then I'm ready to depend on a smart gun in the event of an emergency.
Which would be a great idea if criminals got their guns from licensed dealers and went through a background check. But they don't. That's why they are criminals.

Now how do you suppose we get rid of "all guns" in this country? The same way we got rid of all recreational narcotics? You know, the same recreational narcotics that are responsible for the USA having the highest percentage of their people locked up in jail in the entire industrialized world?

Now which Colorado shooting are you referring to?

Easy, stop manufacturing them. They'll soon dry up. After 10 or so years (it'll take that long due to the proliferation of guns in the US) it'll become harder and harder for crims to get firearms.

Planned Parenthood shooting victims include Iraq vet who tried to save others

And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.

Here it is....

Obama Top Recipient of ‘Smart Gun’ Cash

The National Institute of Justice, a research, development, and evaluation agency of the Department of Justice, released a report in 2013 consisting of a review of the smart gun industry. The report identified ten companies that focus exclusively on smart gun technology.

Of the smart gun companies that made political contributions, Obama was the top recipient of campaign funds in 2008 and 2012, according to campaign finance data.

The president ordered the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security to undertake new research programs into smart gun technology on Tuesday. He told them to produce a joint report “outlining a research and development strategy designed to expedite the real-world deployment of such technology for use in practice” within the next three months.
You see it's impossible to disarm the criminal element in our society. Make it harder or impossible for non-criminals to obtain guns, then we would have a society where only the police and criminals have guns. Now if you think that's a good idea, what I want you to do is get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE, and let me know how that works out for you in a couple of months; because that's exactly what you would be doing by disarming citizens.

However, as time goes on, it would become harder and harder for the crims to get guns. Rome wasn't built in day.

As for having no firearms in the house, I live in a country where nobody has firearms in their house. Farmers probably do, but that's about it. I must know about 100 people, and about 10-15 of them are really good friends. None have firearms. None have been the victim of uber violent attacks. One or two have been in the odd fight at a pub or party. Hey, but guess what? There were no firearms available.. There was the odd busted nose or tooth and ego, but everybody got to live another day. In the US? Bang, bang, you're dead. What a great way to live your life! NOT!

During the time when our legislatures were considering a CCW program in our state, we were having a discussion about the new law in our local blog.

I got into a debate with somebody just like you. He asked why I supported CCW laws? I explained that not only for my own protection, but my mother lives alone and never drove a car in her life. She likes to take walks to the store, to the neighbors, to the church and generally just for exercise.

So he responded by asking if my elderly mother would get a CCW if they became available in our state? To that I replied "No, she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

You and your neighbors may not have one firearm among you, but you still have the same protection as I do by criminals not knowing that. Once the public is disarmed, then the criminals know everybody is disarmed and can't protect themselves. And if that's the case, maybe your country home won't be as safe as it once was.

Yeah, but nobody has firearms down here. Criminals know this. Yet, per capita the US is a lot more violent. Go figure...

Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.

Europe is just now learning this.....

No, they knew it all along--at least the conservative among them. But the liberals live in this rose colored glasses world where we all hold hands around the globe and sing love songs.

It looks great in cartoons, but unrealistic in actual life.
Easy, stop manufacturing them. They'll soon dry up. After 10 or so years (it'll take that long due to the proliferation of guns in the US) it'll become harder and harder for crims to get firearms.

Planned Parenthood shooting victims include Iraq vet who tried to save others

And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.

There is a story today that the Smart Gun people have been donating to obama.....

I believe it, and it all sounds good on paper. But when I can go to web sites without screw-ups, when I ever own a phone that doesn't have something wrong with it, when all electronic gadgets work without problems, then I'm ready to depend on a smart gun in the event of an emergency.

See...obama is the boss of all federal police agencies....he could mandate Smart guns for all FBI, Border Patrol and Secret Service...today......and yet....he doesn't, does he......
And much harder for victims that need to protect themselves from the criminals that have guns. Outside of meth, do you really think that we manufacture most of our own drugs in this country?

LMAO!!!! 99.9% of all the normal adult citizens in this country never once encounter any violence, robbery, threats etc. You folks watch too much TV. The odds of anyone experiencing some kind of encounter with criminal violence is about the same as winning the lottery they're presently about to draw.

Now.....if someone lives in the poorest sections of the inner cities I can understand a lot of protection. The rest of it is NRA propaganda and rank bull shit! The whole thing is done to promote massive weapon sales.

And what were your chances of hitting the lottery tonight? Yet more people played the game than ever before.

It's like the old saying, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I carry house insurance, why would I need that? What are the chances my house will collapse or catch fire? I have auto insurance. Why would I need that? I've never been in an accident before.

You don't need the NRA to promote massive weapons sales, all you need is Obama. He should be getting a cut from gun and ammo manufacturers.

Nobody has more to gain from citizens not being able to defend themselves than Democrat politicians. Democrats don't care if you have health insurance or not, they don't care if you own guns or not. Democrats only want to expand one of their largest bases they have--Victims.

There is a story today that the Smart Gun people have been donating to obama.....

I believe it, and it all sounds good on paper. But when I can go to web sites without screw-ups, when I ever own a phone that doesn't have something wrong with it, when all electronic gadgets work without problems, then I'm ready to depend on a smart gun in the event of an emergency.

See...obama is the boss of all federal police agencies....he could mandate Smart guns for all FBI, Border Patrol and Secret Service...today......and yet....he doesn't, does he......

And I bet he and his family are not covered by Obama Care either.
The purpose in removing guns is not just to prevent mass shooting but to reduce the number of gun deaths which include both accidents and suicides as well murder.


Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work – And it Wouldn’t Work in America

View attachment 59336

You do see the deaths trending down even in your own graph. You know this, right?
Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.

Most mass shooters are white males as are serial killers.

That aside, Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. We don't have the issues you have. I do agree that some of our cultures do have violent tendencies.
Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.

Most mass shooters are white males as are serial killers.

That aside, Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. We don't have the issues you have. I do agree that some of our cultures do have violent tendencies.

Nobody cares about Australia s0n :bye1:

Insignificant statistics that point to acceptable risk to live in America.


And therein lies a typical neocon whacko response - let's talk statistics when we talk about peoples' lives. Who gives a shit, right? Long as it's not me or my loved ones in the firing line.

And what sort of low life would talk about acceptable risks. Tell you what, call a meeting of the parents and relatives of the little kids from Sandy Hook. Get on your bullybulpit and lecture them on the crap you post on this board. Have no police of security there either. Go on, do it...
There were 1000 people killed on the highways of my state last year. A thousand people! Where is your outrage? Where is your empathy? Where is your compassion?
Oh yeah you dont give a shit about dead people unless they can further your socialist agenda.
Sure, a lot of it does have to do with the quality of people. It's what we pro-gun people have been saying all along: don't blame the gun--blame the shooter.

But in the US, we are a very multicultural society. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others. But because we are not segregated, we need to protect ourselves from those cultures of people. And since it's impossible to disarm the criminals only, the only way to protect yourself is with equal or stronger force.

Most mass shooters are white males as are serial killers.

That aside, Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. We don't have the issues you have. I do agree that some of our cultures do have violent tendencies.

Nobody cares about Australia s0n :bye1:

Great comeback Kook...
There were 1000 people killed on the highways of my state last year. A thousand people! Where is your outrage? Where is your empathy? Where is your compassion?
Oh yeah you dont give a shit about dead people unless they can further your socialist agenda.

Were they accidents or were they purposefully run over or driven into?
There were 1000 people killed on the highways of my state last year. A thousand people! Where is your outrage? Where is your empathy? Where is your compassion?
Oh yeah you dont give a shit about dead people unless they can further your socialist agenda.

Were they accidents or were they purposefully run over or driven into?
What difference does it make? Is it not a tragedy for the families? Wasnt that your point about suicides?
What difference does it make? Is it not a tragedy for the families? Wasnt that your point about suicides?

Context matters. And if you think it doesn't, you're an idiot....

...oh, wait.....
Yeah, context matters when it helps you, doesnt matter when it doesnt.
You're a dumbshit. That much is clear. And I stand by statement that you dont give two shits about dead people unless they further your agenda. It is hysterical how Euroweenies and their kind just become incensed at Americans' right to keep and bear arms. It's like they want to be slaves.
In the end, Obama was exactly right. A swath of Americans--both rural and urban--"cling to their guns and religion."

That statement would have to evolve now to "cling to their guns like religion."

You couple a society that values aggression as a solution or a means of getting respect with far too easy access to guns and you get shootings in the tens of thousands as we have now.

When we decide to finally step outside ourselves and take an approach that looks at how we can instill more mutual respect between people and their own kind as well as those who are different from us, and then of course take measures to make the "well-regulated" part of the 2nd Amendment meaningful by well-regulating firearms, we'll see the shootings fall.

Obama hasn't said anything different than the conclusions President Reagan reached over 25 years ago, so it's pretty disingenuous when you hear all these keyboard warriors wailing away about the Great Dictator Obama.
Yeah, context matters when it helps you, doesnt matter when it doesnt.
You're a dumbshit. That much is clear. And I stand by statement that you dont give two shits about dead people unless they further your agenda. It is hysterical how Euroweenies and their kind just become incensed at Americans' right to keep and bear arms. It's like they want to be slaves.

Comparing cars and guns is like comparing apples and oranges. It pathetic..

I'm not European. As for slaves, I have more real freedoms than you'll ever have. For a start, I'm not a slave to the gun lobby or worried about my govt "coming to get me", or that some nutbar having a bad day will go ballistic at my local school, cinema or mall.

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