Obama's scandals continue to pile up

Obama Demonstrates the Evil of Big Government

June 14, 2013 By Larry Elder

The scandals surrounding the Obama administration come down to one common theme — that the ever-growing size and scope of our federal government gives it enormous power over virtually every aspect of our lives, power that in the wrong hands can be used to reward supporters, exact revenge and punish enemies. In education, health care, transportation, energy, disaster relief, welfare, commerce, work and salary rules, and on and on, the federal government plays an outsized role completely inconsistent with the Founding Fathers’ notion of a limited government that allows maximum personal liberty.

In 1900, government at all three levels — federal, state and local — took about 10 percent of the people’s money. It now takes nearly 50 percent.


Obama Demonstrates the Evil of Big Government | FrontPage Magazine
Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal

By Jim O'Sullivan

The Obama administration has again been protected from a troubling scandal by the mainstream media (MSM) using the tactic of omission to simply ignore the scandal, its reality, and the negative blowback attendant to a disturbing story. As sunlight began to illuminate the scandal's inconvenient and troubling facts, charges of racism were used to temporarily silence those sounding the alarm. Seemingly, the alarm-ringers' only crime was having the temerity to respond with a politically incorrect point of view to abuses.

The underreported scandal referenced is generally identified as "Pigford." Pigford's germination occurred in 1997 as a lawsuit (Pigford vs. Glickman) alleging that 91 African-American farmers were unfairly denied loans by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) due to racial discrimination which prevented the complainants from farming. In 1999, the black farmers won their case.

Pigford has the distinction of being an out-of-control waste of taxpayer funds and/or a cynical attempt by the Obama administration to curry favor with certain minority groups to which neither President Obama nor Attorney General Eric Holder can plead ignorance of involvement. Both have had knowledge since the court ruled on the Pigford lawsuit; in 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama supported and voted for the funding of the initial settlement. Since then, Eric Holder (and Obama) have been involved in overseeing and managing the Pigford "judgment fund."

Yet can Pigford be fairly described as a scandal?

Pigford began innocently enough: as a lawsuit to redress a perceived wrong against a group of 91. But then the number climbed to 400....then 1,600...then...

The number of black farmers has metastasized -- nay, exploded -- and the aggrieved group now includes not only blacks, but Hispanics, Native Americans, and females. In fact over 90,000 people have filed claims seeking a payment under the terms of the original Pigford court ruling. That decision, now referred to as Pigford #1, was anticipated to cost approximately $120 million, including legal fees.

Pigford #2 is the appellation used to identify an expanded payment regime that funds more payments to African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and females. This regimen grew out of the fact that thousands of claimants missed the original Pigford #1 filing deadline of October 12, 1999. Interestingly, Native American potential claimants were estimated at 5,300, while plaintiff lawyers pegged the exposure at an estimated 19,000 Native Americans. The judgment fund announced by Agricultural Secretary Thomas Vilsack and Eric Holder in 2010 was expanded from just over $120 million to $1.25 billion, given the expectation of many more filers.

In sum, the damage generated by the Pigford scandal, and all the others, continues to be muted by the MSM's lack of interest in reporting the facts integral to each issue and their lack of desire to dig for more information. But given the daunting mass of scandals existent, President Obama's administration will be described in the future by objective historians as the most scandalous in history.

Read more: Articles: Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
Obama is a Chicago gangster; a criminal, and a trator - what do you expect? As long as anyone supports his agenda ( Destroying America ) they will be insulated, and rewarded.
What a sad little post . You girls have 3 1/2 years left . So put your big girls panties on & enjoy the ride.

Only a libtard would consider a post about indisputable facts of a current situation to be "a sad little post"... :eusa_whistle:
What a sad little post . You girls have 3 1/2 years left . So put your big girls panties on & enjoy the ride.

Only a libtard would consider a post about indisputable facts of a current situation to be "a sad little post"... :eusa_whistle:

He was refering to his own post, not your thread...:eusa_angel:

No I was referring to all of your butt hurt posts . Obama is untouchable to Issa & the stooges . Issa is an embarrassment as is the GOP'S ghost hunts . :cuckoo:
Only a libtard would consider a post about indisputable facts of a current situation to be "a sad little post"... :eusa_whistle:

He was refering to his own post, not your thread...:eusa_angel:

No I was referring to all of your butt hurt posts . Obama is untouchable to Issa & the stooges . Issa is an embarrassment as is the GOP'S ghost hunts . :cuckoo:

Nobody is "untouchable", Plant. Even someone like Barack Obama. When he does something politically stupid like going after his biggest source of protection from criticism...the main stream press...then he's opened himself up to the kind of honest scrutiny that he's never faced before...and for someone who hasn't shown much in the way of aptitude for his job that's not a good thing!
He was refering to his own post, not your thread...:eusa_angel:

No I was referring to all of your butt hurt posts . Obama is untouchable to Issa & the stooges . Issa is an embarrassment as is the GOP'S ghost hunts . :cuckoo:

Nobody is "untouchable", Plant. Even someone like Barack Obama. When he does something politically stupid like going after his biggest source of protection from criticism...the main stream press...then he's opened himself up to the kind of honest scrutiny that he's never faced before...and for someone who hasn't shown much in the way of aptitude for his job that's not a good thing!

Untouchable in terms of faux scandals & Issa ghost hunting in which issa is batting a big Ass 0.:eusa_shhh:
Will Obama Scandals Turn Tide Against Government?

Posted by S. R. Mann on May 20, 2013

In the wake of the explosion of scandals popping up around the Obama administration, Democrats have been devising ways to get ahead of the new information about the IRS, the AP, and Benghazi leaking out every day.

Longevity may be what gives rise to “the second-term scandal plague.” This is the cause political scientist Brendan Nyhan cited when he asserted back in May 2011 that mathematical odds demonstrated that the Obama administration was due for a scandal. The longer an administration is in place, the likelihood of unearthing misconduct increases. And the magnitude and timing of these scandals have been nothing short of a grenade. White House officials have been on the defense against whispers of a rebellion in the media. And if those whispers do bubble over and the president is completely buried, any administration might as well “abandon all hope, ye who enter here” for the foreseeable future.

Consider the following.

From Chris “Thrill Up My Leg” Matthews:

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the Congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press. What part does he like?” Matthews said.

“He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere. [But] what part does he like? He doesn’t like lobbying for the bills he cares about. … He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”

From the UK’s most famous phone hacker and concern troll Piers Morgan:

“I’ve had some of the pro-gun lobbyists on here, saying to me, ‘Well, the reason we need to be armed is because of tyranny from our own government,’ and I’ve always laughed at them,” Morgan said last night.“But, actually, this is vaguely tyrannical behavior by the American government.”

From MSNBC talking head Rachel Maddow:

But the “bigger question” at hand according to Maddow is “why are they all quitting?” She reported that with 25 senators voluntarily leaving office since 2009, “this appears to be the fastest pace of U.S. senators quitting that job in modern American history.”


“Tell us if something is wrong there,” Maddow pleaded. “What is the secret about this place that has you fleeing like rats from a sinking ship?”

From NBC’s Lisa Meyers on Morning Joe:

“[T]here is such a focus on keeping the storyline and the narrative the way the administration wants it and sometimes these efforts can become excessive. And it may be that what we’re seeing from the Justice Department is really the embodiment of that mentality.”

From MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, also on Morning Joe:

President Obama knows he’s in trouble when Andrea Mitchell—Andrea Mitchell!—proclaims the IRS and AP scandals to be among “the most outrageous excesses I’ve seen” in all her years in journalism [which pre-date Watergate]. The strength of Mitchell’s statement drew gasps from Scarborough and Brzezinski.


As the efforts to erode our freedoms and liberties continues, will these highly publicized acts of gross misconduct be a catalyst for more Americans to recognize the disintegration? Will the media truly raise its eyebrows and finally be a vehicle for this information?

What do you think?

Will Obama Scandals Turn Tide Against Government? | Pocket Full Of Liberty
Joel Hay: A ‘scandal' that keeps on giving

June 10, 2013

Yet another Obama administration scandal is brewing around Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' acknowledgment that she solicited private financial donations from H&R Block Inc. and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote Obamacare and help people enroll in the new insurance exchanges. Republicans have called for an inquiry into whether Sebelius violated government appropriation and ethics rules by asking for such contributions.

It would be a hoot to say that an income tax preparation firm like H&R Block has no financial interest in the implementation of the HIEs. Guess who is slated to administer the trillions of dollars of tax credits for households that purchase Obamacare health plans with household incomes below 400 percent of poverty and penalties for failure to purchase health insurance? The Internal Revenue Service – subject of the ongoing Tea Party audit scandal – will be managing and auditing these payments through annual personal and corporate income tax filings, many of which are prepared by – you guessed it – H&R Block. Millions of tax-filers who previously faced minimal tax liabilities and filing requirements will have thousands of dollars on the line in annual health plan tax credits and penalties.

It may also be scandalous that the IRS has assumed responsibility to dole out these Obamacare tax credits and penalties. The Affordable Care Act only grants individual states the authority to manage HIE subsidies and penalties. Thirty-four states have not agreed to accept this responsibility. It is problematic for the IRS to seize this power without any written legal authority, particularly as it wrestles with the appearance of political partisanship in other matters. Several states have already challenged the IRS in federal court, suggesting that we may soon see Obamacare Round Two at the U.S. Supreme Court.

It looks even more scandalous the deeper you dig. Obamacare mandates annual tobacco use penalties of up to $10,000 for a family of four purchasing health insurance through the new insurance exchanges. These penalties are not subject to any credit offsets, meaning that a family earning as little as $33,000 (138 percent of poverty) could face this $10,000 surcharge out of pocket, even if their base-level health insurance coverage were fully subsidized.


A 'scandal' that keeps | health, obamacare, insurance - Opinion - The Orange County Register
No I was referring to all of your butt hurt posts . Obama is untouchable to Issa & the stooges . Issa is an embarrassment as is the GOP'S ghost hunts . :cuckoo:

Nobody is "untouchable", Plant. Even someone like Barack Obama. When he does something politically stupid like going after his biggest source of protection from criticism...the main stream press...then he's opened himself up to the kind of honest scrutiny that he's never faced before...and for someone who hasn't shown much in the way of aptitude for his job that's not a good thing!

Untouchable in terms of faux scandals & Issa ghost hunting in which issa is batting a big Ass 0.:eusa_shhh:

Don't look now, Plant but President Obama's approval ratings are taking a massive hit. As I said before...if he loses the main stream media's fawning approach to him and has to endure honest appraisals of his job performance...he's well and truly SCREWED!

It's been apparent for some time now that they don't know what they are doing in the Obama White House. That isn't going to change. You can tell that by the people that Barry is putting into place to replace those that have left. Still nobody with Private Sector experience...still loading up with ideologues. For a guy who supposedly is smart, Barack Obama hasn't shown that he's learned from his mistakes.
Uncovering the Camp Bastion Cover-Up

June 21, 2013
By Michelle Malkin



A formal internal investigation into lax security at the base — a British-run NATO compound that adjoins our Marines’ Camp Leatherneck — is now under way. A few members of Congress are putting pressure on the administration for the truth. And a couple of mainstream reporters are digging deeper.

More, please. And faster. Camp Bastion belongs in the bloody scandal lexicon with Benghazi and Fast and Furious. This trio of national security disasters under the Obama administration didn’t just involve run-of-the-mill corruption and cover-ups. It cost American lives.

As I’ve been reporting in a series of columns and blog posts over the past year, the Taliban waged an intricately coordinated, brutal attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan last fall — three days after the deadly siege on our consulate in Libya and after months of prior security incidents and warnings. Fifteen jihadists disguised in stolen American combat fatigues penetrated the complex. They used rocket-propelled grenades, assault rifles and other weapons to wipe out nearly an entire squadron of Marine Harrier jets worth an estimated $200 million.


It’s a start. But as with Benghazi and Fast and Furious, getting the truth about Camp Bastion is only half the battle. Truth without consequences is a recipe for more dead Americans.

Uncovering the Camp Bastion Cover-Up | FrontPage Magazine


‘Lavish’ IRS confab cost $2.4M

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The IRS held a 2008 conference in Atlanta that included an open bar, elaborate hors d’oeuvres and a video of agency employees dressed as Olympic athletes with makeshift torches.

Two people who attended the three-day event put on by IRS’s Office of Chief Counsel described it as “very lavish” and “over the top.” The agency said Tuesday it cost taxpayers about $2.4 million.


Read more: ?Lavish? IRS confab cost $2.4M - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
He was refering to his own post, not your thread...:eusa_angel:

No I was referring to all of your butt hurt posts . Obama is untouchable to Issa & the stooges . Issa is an embarrassment as is the GOP'S ghost hunts . :cuckoo:

Obama is untouchable because he uses others as human shields.

That's why investigations like these need to start at the bottom and work their way up. You offer limited protection from prosecution to the small fish who testify honestly and you hit the ones who won't with jail time. Then you work up the chain of command until you find out who gave the orders. There will always be a protective barrier around a President...the trick is in stripping that barrier away in order to learn the truth.
IRS Scandal: One Step Removed From the White House

July 23, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Last week, while much of the nation’s attention was turned toward the Zimmerman verdict and the antics of the racial grievance industry, the IRS scandal got far more intense. According to top IRS lawyer Carter Hull, the Chief Counsel’s office of the IRS, headed by Obama appointee William Wilkins, was instrumental in the agency’s campaign of harassment and discrimination against conservative and certain pro-Israel groups. In interviews, Hull informed congressional investigators that his superiors told him that Wilkins’ office would need to be involved in additional reviews of previously screened applications because of “potential political activity.” Thus, the Democrat-led effort to keep this scandal confined to a few “rogue” agents in Cincinnati has gone down in flames.


Hull’s testimony has taken this scandal to another level. Despite every attempt by the usual suspects in the Democratic Party, along with their media enablers, to kill this story, Hull has pushed it to the highest levels within the IRS — and one step removed from the White House itself. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the scandal goes even higher.

IRS Scandal: One Step Removed From the White House | FrontPage Magazine

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