Obama's scandals continue to pile up

You know the wheels have completely come off for Obama when the even the radical left-wing media is starting to report the truth about his scandals instead of covering them up for him as they used to....

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out. Since January some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s working. The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or congress. It’s being described as pure intimidation with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career.

In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, you don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well. Another says you have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.

CNN?s Benghazi Bombshell: Unprecedented effort to keep secrets under wraps ? Glenn Beck

A couple of thoughts on this latest scandal:

  • So much for Obama's wild claim that he would run the "most transparent Administration" in U.S. history

  • Obama can't stomach evil muslim terrorist facing enhanced interrogations but is completely comfortable exposing our American citizens and his own employees to this stuff so he can cover his own illegal activities

  • Obama is warned by Russia that the Boston Marathon bombing attacks were eminent and he refuses to look into the brother, but work around the clock looking into the private lives of the "dangerous" U.S. citizen.
The Obama Administration and the libtard cronies in the main stream media keep trying to dismiss claims that security was instructed to stand down. Well here is former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino (who was the lead Secret Service agent for over seas security for the presidential security detail, and thus obviously has intimate knowledge of all over seas security protocols) pointing out the fatal flaws in the Obama's version of Benghazi. Specifically, that a rapid response team known as F.E.S.T (Foreign Emergency Support Team) automatically engages for emergency security threats. They do not wait for someone to give an order (for obvious reasons - people would be dead by the time orders were given). But F.E.S.T. specifically took no action that day - despite that being against their normal protocols and against the very reason for their existence. That's because the Obama Administration ordered them to stand down.

BONGINO: Still no Benghazi answers - Washington Times
When Scandals Reach Into the Oval Office

August 14, 2013 By John Ellis

There is no evidence whatever that the IRS and other scandals reach into the oval office — or so Jay Carney tells us. But is that really so?

Ben Swann of Fox19 in Cincinnati has a convincing method of figuring out the lowest level at which the IRS scandals must have originated. Starting with the fact that six individual IRS agents sent letters to conservative groups that were essentially similar, Swann suggested a simple way of determining the identity of the senior person who either originated the practice or passed through an order that came from higher up. First, get the names of the people these six were supervised by. If that produces six different names, get the names of the people they were supervised by. Keep doing this until you have a single name — the common supervisor. Swann found that single name: Cindy Thomas.

Swann’s logic is hard to argue with. But let’s see what happens when we apply his method to the case reported by Peggy Noonan in her May 23 column in the Wall Street Journal. Ms Noonan explained what happened when in 2010 Catherine Engelbrecht sent applications for tax exempt status to the IRS. “The U.S. government came down on her with full force,” said Noonan:


This evidence is obviously strong enough to require both Carney and the President himself to answer questions about it. Any questioner should be careful to explain what the stakes are: everyone knows that third world despots typically use all of the resources of the governments they head to weaken and obstruct their political opponents, and to prevent any possibility of a successful electoral challenge. Is that what the President did, and what he thinks compatible with our system of government?

When Scandals Reach Into the Oval Office | FrontPage Magazine
speaking of scandals

3 more fast n furious guns show up at crime scenes 1993 to go

Two were purchased by Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino in May and July of 2010

Sean Steward purchased the third

DOJ Gun Documents
speaking of scandals

3 more fast n furious guns show up at crime scenes 1993 to go

Two were purchased by Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino in May and July of 2010

Sean Steward purchased the third

DOJ Gun Documents

The gun were purchased legally under AZ law. Are you in favor of stricter legislation in that state to thwart these type of straw buyers?
I think the people are leaving the admin in droves because Obama doesn't listen to any of them. He's a fucking know-it-all... who wants to work somewhere where your boss doesn't listen to a damn thing you say?
The Next Big Obamacare Scandal

November 6, 2013 By Joseph Klein


President Barack Obama is doubling down on his Obamacare lies. He is now trying to erase retroactively his point-blank assurance to the American people that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.” Drawing on his golfing experience, he is insisting on a mulligan as millions of Americans are losing the health insurance policies they have chosen because of Obamacare mandates.

“What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors this past Monday during a speech they applauded enthusiastically. The “if” clause never appeared in his public statements before now.

Obama did not just “misspeak,” as a recent New York Times editorial tried to characterize his deliberate deception. As confirmed by his own aides cited in aWall Street Journal article last Saturday, policy experts who wanted to include more truthful caveats in the president’s public pronouncements concerning retention of choice of patient insurance plans and doctors were overruled by the political spinmeisters.

Perhaps even more troubling than the Obama lies, however, is the political cronyism that has surfaced in the administration’s choice of the contractor to fix the Obamacare website and a legally indefensible interpretation of the Obamacare law by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that can protect this contractor and its insurance company parent, among other firms, from kickback claims.


A persuasive case can be made that Secretary Sebelius’s legally indefensible interpretation was a gift to Obama benefactor Welters and his employer UnitedHealth Group, including the subsidiary AmeriChoice which has found itself entangled in anti-kickback litigation and would undoubtedly want to avoid any further challenges in connection with Obamacare couple that with the Obama administration’s choice of another UnitedHealth Group subsidiary, Quality Software Services Inc., despite obvious conflict-of-interest concerns. The UnitedHealth Group software affiliate will be fattening its wallet further with a lucrative general contractor gig to fix the Obamacare website that it was involved with building in the first place.

In short, we have the makings of perhaps the biggest scandal yet among several that are fatally infecting Obamacare.

The Next Big Obamacare Scandal | FrontPage Magazine
Revenge: Obama’s Targeting of Standard and Poor’s

February 27, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


The federal government’s lawsuit against ratings agency Standard and Poor’s has been hit by a potential bombshell. In January, the Wall Street Journal reported that Harold McGraw III, Chairman and CEO of S&P’s parent company, testified that after the agency downgraded the nation’s triple-A credit rating, he received a telephone call from then-Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner saying the ratings agency would be ”looked at very carefully.” On Monday, the Wall Street Journal learned that the call between Geithner and McGraw occurred only five minutes after Geithner met with President Obama in the Oval Office. S&P, which garnered the information by examining Geithner’s public schedule, included it as part of a filing in federal court in the Central District of California. They contended that the timing of the Obama-Geithner conference could support the idea that they were singled out for retaliation, rather than the government’s claim they are guilty of fraud. Unsurprisingly, the Justice Department is accusing the agency of a “fishing expedition” and is urging U.S. District Judge David Carter to deny them access to the records. In the January affidavit, McGraw submitted a sworn statement to the court, describing an unsettling chain of events that began with S&P’s U.S. debt downgrade, issued on August 5, 2011. He contends that on August 8, he was informed by an official from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that Geithner ”was very angry at S&P.” Geithner who had previously run the New York branch of the Federal Reserve, allegedly called McGraw. When McGraw returned the call, Geithner allegedly “expressed anger at the downgrade.” An argument ensued, with former Treasury Secretary contending that S&P had made an error in their assessment. McGraw countered that the agency had relied on official statistics provided by the Congressional Budget Office. According to the affidavit, Geithner continued to insist that S&P had made an error. “You are accountable for that,” he allegedly warned McGraw. McGraw’s sworn statement continued.

As I reported contemporaneously to my colleagues, [Mr. Geithner] said that “you have done an enormous disservice to yourselves and to your country,” that the U.S. economy was bad and that the downgrade had done real damage. S&P’s conduct would be “looked at very carefully” he said. Such behavior could not occur, he said, without a response from the government.


Revenge: Obama?s Targeting of Standard and Poor?s | FrontPage Magazine
Gee, you'd think that with all these totally awesome scandals, that at least ONE of them would stick.

Maybe that says more about the stupid people who think up this shit than the POTUS?


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