Obama's scandals continue to pile up

Republicans just never learn. They overreach. They get slapped down by the electorate. They swear they'll change after engaging in a short-lived introspection (that's likely not very sincere to begin with). And then, after about 6 months, their behavior reverts to their SOP of attack and obfuscation while hoping the electorate notices that all the polls say that the electorate gives Congress record low ratings because they're not doing the job they were elected to do.

It's like living in a Star Trek constantly repeating time feedback loop where you get to relive the same events over and over again.
May-be Obama will oust his own ass out of office and move to Mexico.....:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
Republicans just never learn. They overreach. They get slapped down by the electorate. They swear they'll change after engaging in a short-lived introspection (that's likely not very sincere to begin with). And then, after about 6 months, their behavior reverts to their SOP of attack and obfuscation while hoping the electorate notices that all the polls say that the electorate gives Congress record low ratings because they're not doing the job they were elected to do.

It's like living in a Star Trek constantly repeating time feedback loop where you get to relive the same events over and over again.

You are the strangest S.O.B. Obama has entangled himself in scandal after scandal after scandal - and somehow you want to blame Republicans in Congress.... why?!? Oh wait - that's right - you're a partisan hack trying to cover for you're party's endless scandal.

By the way - when the Dumbocrats had a super majority in Congress under Nancy Pelosi (where they went 4 years without passing a budget) - they had the lowest rating in Congressional history. A humiliating 9%.

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now?
how much longer before Barry has a breakdown and hands the keys to Bin Bozo?

God help us.... the man is a drunk buffoon who can't even get a sentence out straight and who told the American people to purchase a double-barrel shotgun and fire both rounds blindly through their own front door of they hear a sound (highly illegal).

Can you imagine if this drunk idiot gets handed the keys to the kingdom? He will accidentally nuke Canada, sign sovereign power over to Iran, and declare M&M's the official currency of the U.S.

And he won't remember doing any of it the next morning... :lmao:

Liberals Can't Ignore the Verizon Phone Records Scandal

June 6, 2013


Also coming back into focus is Obama's flip-flop in 2008 on granting immunity to telecom companies that participated in Bush's warrantless wiretapping program. That triggered a backlash from some of Obama's liberal supporters, but he still went onto win the election. And now, Verizon appears to have been cooperating with the administration on data collection for years.

Liberal objections to Obama's surveillance policies have been muted compared to their objection to Bush's. The question is whether they will grow in the wake of the Verizon report.


How Angry Will Liberals Get Over the Verizon Phone Records Story? - ABC News

Obama's scandals continue to pile up because Republicans are desperate to keep them going until the next housing bubble bursts later this year.

Liberals Can't Ignore the Verizon Phone Records Scandal

June 6, 2013


Also coming back into focus is Obama's flip-flop in 2008 on granting immunity to telecom companies that participated in Bush's warrantless wiretapping program. That triggered a backlash from some of Obama's liberal supporters, but he still went onto win the election. And now, Verizon appears to have been cooperating with the administration on data collection for years.

Liberal objections to Obama's surveillance policies have been muted compared to their objection to Bush's. The question is whether they will grow in the wake of the Verizon report.


How Angry Will Liberals Get Over the Verizon Phone Records Story? - ABC News


Early this morning when the Verizon story broke, I was like, if true it's certainly not just Verizon. So it's no. 18 hours later, it's clear that the snooping on all is widespread and comprehensive. From emails, chats, messageboards, phone, cell, ipads, etc. They have it all. Your thoughts, words, dreams, fantasies, yep Uncle Sam has it all.

Didn't start with and won't stop with Obama, but there's no doubt that he expanded and like the IRS scandal, used in novel ways.
Let's just admit it:

National Socialism has become a reality in America, being maintained by the Statist alliance of the far right and the far-left.
Much ado about nothing. Obama and Holder's finger prints are on none of these. Fast and Furious belonged to Bush under Operation Wide Receiver and continued under ATL in Arizona. CIA responsible for Benghazi. IRS inside job with no connection to Obama or Holder. Maybe Obama should start a war and then he would not be so BORING?
Were you people sleeping through 8 years of BUSH?

Nope. They were happy clowns living on bullshit mountain.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0tkKrMs8Gs]Jon Stewart Rips Fox News Over Benghazi Coverage 'Bullsh-t Mountain Have Cried Wolf Before' - YouTube[/ame]
And the Black Panther Voter Intimidation case

That case was dismissed under the Bush Administration. Obama had absolutely nothing to do with it. Nothing. But your hatred of the man blinds you to the truth.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-z0kbfifE4]Obama Continues Most of Bush's Wiretap Policies - YouTube[/ame]
Much ado about nothing. Obama and Holder's finger prints are on none of these. Fast and Furious belonged to Bush under Operation Wide Receiver and continued under ATL in Arizona. CIA responsible for Benghazi. IRS inside job with no connection to Obama or Holder. Maybe Obama should start a war and then he would not be so BORING?

There is only one response for something this assinine: :trolls:
Much ado about nothing. Obama and Holder's finger prints are on none of these. Fast and Furious belonged to Bush under Operation Wide Receiver and continued under ATL in Arizona. CIA responsible for Benghazi. IRS inside job with no connection to Obama or Holder. Maybe Obama should start a war and then he would not be so BORING?

There is only one response for something this assinine: :trolls:

"Much ado about nothing." That's their answer to everything, typical liberal ilk...:cuckoo:

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