Obama's scandals continue to pile up

I honestly have to wonder what kind of empty space is in Poodle's soul that he has to fill every waking moment with hate for this president.

Or in 20 years, when his grandkids are going to "Barack Obama High School".

Maybe you can tell me the following...seeing as you refuse to see any inconsistncies with this administration......

When former SoS Hillary Clinton was asked in regard to Benghazi...
' why wasnt the request for added security by the ambassador brought to your attention'...

She responded with...
'a review board has brought to our attnetion some deficinecies in our preocedures and we are rectifying them.'

So tell me....

Isnt there something wrong with leadership if a review board was needed for the Department of State to realize that a low level official should not have the right to make a decision regarding the request for security enhancements in a region that is deemed the most dangerous in the world, in a country that was undergoing a very sensitive transition, where other embassys closed down out of conceren of violence?


Did she actually know of the request, but lied in the hearings?

Do be so quick to "pooh pooh" real questions by calling them conspiracy theories.
It's amazing...the Canadian government was more forthcoming about the terrorist attempt they uncovered today in their Country than the US and Obama has been about Boston. Never thought I'd see the day when the Canadians look stronger and appear to be more truthful than the United States Government. The Canadians came right out and called it what it is; a Terrorist Plot and radical Muslims from Iran were the culprits. Good for them. When all of you wimpy American liberals get tired of our flags being flown at half staff; maybe you will wake up.

True but I believe the Muslim beheading that passenger on the bus in Canada in front of passengers was a tipping point. When a Muslim does a public beheading on a bus in the USA? Maybe...because obviously... 9/11 didn't do it. The Boston Marathon bombings hasn't done it. Maybe American liberals just need a more graphic display of terrorism to be "understand Islam".


sometime back

a dude was on trial for murdering his wife

by beheading

the judge allowed his religion

to be used as a defense

fact is nothing surprises me these days
It's amazing...the Canadian government was more forthcoming about the terrorist attempt they uncovered today in their Country than the US and Obama has been about Boston. Never thought I'd see the day when the Canadians look stronger and appear to be more truthful than the United States Government. The Canadians came right out and called it what it is; a Terrorist Plot and radical Muslims from Iran were the culprits. Good for them. When all of you wimpy American liberals get tired of our flags being flown at half staff; maybe you will wake up.

That guy Harper leading their country has done a fantastic job, they are very fortunate.
I wondered what the first conspiracy theory about the bombing would be.
Is this the first?

It's not a "theory" dumb-ass. These are actual facts.

But hey, in your mind Obama is the "messiah" - so I don't expect you to call him out when he does something nefarious.

It's a fact that the Boston Marathon bombing was carried out by Obama.
Right, my apologies.
I honestly have to wonder what kind of empty space is in Poodle's soul that he has to fill every waking moment with hate for this president.

Or in 20 years, when his grandkids are going to "Barack Obama High School".

so is that the sign of a great man? a stupid high school slaps your name on the front door...
You're an idiot...
When a leader consistently refuses to stand before a group of reporters for an "Open Question Press Conference", it's an admittance of failure. Right? When was the last time Barry invited the press to take questions/no holds barred?
I wondered what the first conspiracy theory about the bombing would be.
Is this the first?

It's not a "theory" dumb-ass. These are actual facts.

But hey, in your mind Obama is the "messiah" - so I don't expect you to call him out when he does something nefarious.

It's a fact that the Boston Marathon bombing was carried out by Obama.
Right, my apologies.

Again, why do liberals have to be such a dick in the face of inconvenient facts? No where did the article, myself p, or anyone else here ever claim that Obama carried out any bombing.

The scandal is that he's trying to quickly and quietly deport a Saudi who is either A.) part of the attack or B.) a material witness (the man is on video near the bombers at the time of the attack).

I guess when you're "messiah" is clearly guilty of either a really bad decisions or a scandal, you people just can't handle it and come out attacking the messenger, uh?
It's not a "theory" dumb-ass. These are actual facts.

But hey, in your mind Obama is the "messiah" - so I don't expect you to call him out when he does something nefarious.

It's a fact that the Boston Marathon bombing was carried out by Obama.
Right, my apologies.

Again, why do liberals have to be such a dick in the face of inconvenient facts? No where did the article, myself p, or anyone else here ever claim that Obama carried out any bombing.

The scandal is that he's trying to quickly and quietly deport a Saudi who is either A.) part of the attack or B.) a material witness (the man is on video near the bombers at the time of the attack).

I guess when you're "messiah" is clearly guilty of either a really bad decisions or a scandal, you people just can't handle it and come out attacking the messenger, uh?

Then you need to make your point more clearly.
According to you the Boston bombing is an Obama scandal which suggests that you think he had a hand in it.
And now you say that he, personally, is "trying to quickly and quietly deport a Saudi who is either A.) part of the attack or B.) a material witness (the man is on video near the bombers at the time of the attack)".

These are facts are they?
If so, they're more than just bad decisions.
I honestly have to wonder what kind of empty space is in Poodle's soul that he has to fill every waking moment with hate for this president.

Or in 20 years, when his grandkids are going to "Barack Obama High School".

Maybe you can tell me the following...seeing as you refuse to see any inconsistncies with this administration......

When former SoS Hillary Clinton was asked in regard to Benghazi...
' why wasnt the request for added security by the ambassador brought to your attention'...

She responded with...
'a review board has brought to our attnetion some deficinecies in our preocedures and we are rectifying them.'

So tell me....

Isnt there something wrong with leadership if a review board was needed for the Department of State to realize that a low level official should not have the right to make a decision regarding the request for security enhancements in a region that is deemed the most dangerous in the world, in a country that was undergoing a very sensitive transition, where other embassys closed down out of conceren of violence?


Did she actually know of the request, but lied in the hearings?

Do be so quick to "pooh pooh" real questions by calling them conspiracy theories.

What does that have to do with anything I said?

If you want me to say, "Yeah, there was ineptitude in Benghazi", I'll be the first one to say there was.

Compared to Bush's incompetence in Iraq, Afghanistan and New Orleans, though, it's kind of minor.

And when I used to be a Right Winger, I used to try to defend Bush's incompetence to the hilt. Until his incompetence cost me my job.

The point is, the GOP has been trying to use these men's coffins as soapboxes from the day it happened, and they've gotten slapped down every time they've tried it.

Because at the end of the day, slapping a campaign button on a corpse is kind of tacky.
I honestly have to wonder what kind of empty space is in Poodle's soul that he has to fill every waking moment with hate for this president.

Or in 20 years, when his grandkids are going to "Barack Obama High School".

so is that the sign of a great man? a stupid high school slaps your name on the front door...
You're an idiot...

A great man? Never said he was.

But you guys spend a lot of time hating the man, and frankly, I just don't see it as productive.

If you have solutions to the problems, present them. Make the case.

But being "I'm against anything Obama is for, even if I used to be for it!" isn't productive.

The kind of mentality that condemns Obama for ordering drone strikes in Yemen and not ordering them in Benghazi.

Justice Department secretly obtained AP phone records

Published May 13, 2013
Associated Press

The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative's top executive called a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into how news organizations gather the news.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed outgoing calls for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, for general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and for the main number for the AP in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP. It was not clear if the records also included incoming calls or the duration of the calls.

In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown, but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.


Read more: Justice Department secretly obtained AP phone records | Fox News
Fast & Furious, Benghazi, arms shipments to Al Qaeda and other terrorists in Syria and Egypt - the list goes on and on. And now we can add the Boston Marathon boming to the list:


Why would the Obama Administration be in such a rush to deport this Saudi national? More importantly, why would the Obama Administration want to deport this Saudi national at all?

At best, he's an innocent man but a crucial material witness. At worst, he's a part of the terrorist attack (photos show he was near these men - hence the reason he was identified as a person of interest).

And.... why are they lying about all of this?

Exclusive: Congressional Source Contradicts ICE Account, Says Lawmakers in Possession of File on Saudi National That Called for Visa Revocation | TheBlaze.com

Lol this thread is an absolute joke. You provided a bias news source that wrote an article that basically says nothing. Not only that, it doesn't even mention Obama.

You're too much, rottweiler. Too much.
Fast & Furious, Benghazi, arms shipments to Al Qaeda and other terrorists in Syria and Egypt - the list goes on and on. And now we can add the Boston Marathon boming to the list:


Why would the Obama Administration be in such a rush to deport this Saudi national? More importantly, why would the Obama Administration want to deport this Saudi national at all?

At best, he's an innocent man but a crucial material witness. At worst, he's a part of the terrorist attack (photos show he was near these men - hence the reason he was identified as a person of interest).

And.... why are they lying about all of this?

Exclusive: Congressional Source Contradicts ICE Account, Says Lawmakers in Possession of File on Saudi National That Called for Visa Revocation | TheBlaze.com

Lol this thread is an absolute joke. You provided a bias news source that wrote an article that basically says nothing. Not only that, it doesn't even mention Obama.

You're too much, rottweiler. Too much.

The only absolute joke is your uwavering devotion to the most corrupt administration in U.S. history (and that is one hell of an accomplishment considering all of the scandals during the Clinton administration).

Obama is literally drowning in scandals. Fast & Furious. Voter Intimidation by the Black Panthers. Solyndra. Benghazi. IRS attack on conservatives. Wiretapping the Associated Press.
Obama's scandals continue to pile up

Nope. Idiotic "boy who cried wolf" attacks are piling up.

Sorry, the facts says otherwise.

In fact, the facts show that you are an ignorant, partisan hack with a very liberal dog in the fight.

Doesn't is speak volumes that libtards feel they need to convince people that they are either conservatives (like "rightwinger") or neutral (like "nodoginnafight" here) to get credibility? Pretty much shows that they know they are both uninformed about the issue and completely partisan brainwashed...:lol:
Obama's scandals continue to pile up

Nope. Idiotic "boy who cried wolf" attacks are piling up.

So there were not, in fact, multiple federal firearms intentionally handed over to criminals (with no way of tracking them) that were used in serious crimes, up to and including murder? Is that your official position? :lmao:

(*Hint - this was proven so thoroughly, even the Obama Administration is no longer denying it)
It depends how Obama handles this. It's not as big a deal as some republican crimes but Obama has to become a fighter. He's dealing with vicious scumbags that will make a mountain out of a molehill which is what this is when compared to the enormity of republican crimes. So the IRS checked out tea party organizations looking for exemptions. Good. Tax exemptions for spreading propaganda is what it's all about people.
Benghazi? Ok. lets investigate it issa. But then Obama should start an investigation into Iraq and stop thinking republicans are normal human beings. Stop kissing ass like praising that murderous half wit bush at the library celebration. Take the gloves off barry. You're the most powerful man in the world right now and you're allowing this scum to yank you around.
It depends how Obama handles this. It's not as big a deal as some republican crimes but Obama has to become a fighter. He's dealing with vicious scumbags that will make a mountain out of a molehill which is what this is when compared to the enormity of republican crimes. So the IRS checked out tea party organizations looking for exemptions. Good. Tax exemptions for spreading propaganda is what it's all about people.
Benghazi? Ok. lets investigate it issa. But then Obama should start an investigation into Iraq and stop thinking republicans are normal human beings. Stop kissing ass like praising that murderous half wit bush at the library celebration. Take the gloves off barry. You're the most powerful man in the world right now and you're allowing this scum to yank you around.

What in the hell are you talking about?!? Barack Hussein has been rude as hell to George W. Bush from the day he started campaigning until today. Every failure Barack has had (which has been about 99.99999% of what he has attempted), he has blamed on Bush. He couldn't even be gracious at the White House event when Bush's picture was hung. He had to start his speech talking about the "failures" (in his opinion) of his predecessor (as if that had any place in that venue).

As far as Iraq - what exactly do you want to investigate? Did GWB demand that personnel stand down so that Americans could die? By all means, lets investigate and prosecute if that happened (but I haven't even heard a hint of that).

I notice you're leaving out Fast & Furious.

And the Black Panther Voter Intimidation case

And Solyndra

And the illegal wiretapping of members of the AP

I guess I can't blame you - Barack Hussein has been involved in so many illegal activities, I couldn't possibly expect you to find time to talk about all of them. You want Barack to "take the gloves off"? Oh God - PLEASE do Hussein. I'll be the FIRST in line to go bare-knuckle with that lying sack of shit.

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