Obama's sequestration that he OF COURSE blames others for

It doesn't matter if no house democrats voted for it. it was obama's deal, he even defended it against the GOP.

Well no it wasn't.

Obama's "deal" was a clean budget to sign.

And Republicans held the debt ceiling over his head.

Then he came back with a "grand bargain" and they walked out.

Then they came up with the sequester..and he signed it.

Don't confuse the facts..matey.

So your saying obama is stupid or a weak president? So tell me which is it?
Not only was the Sequester obama's baby, he defended it against GOP attack. In November 2011 he said this:

"Already some in Congress who are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts. My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts of domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one."~Barack Hussein Obama
So, you guys are buying into the finger pointing game.

Good for you.

As for me, I'm all for doing a little cliff diving. The notion that living within our means is some sort of grusome thing is absurd to me.

But let's keep it real.

The idea of the automatic trigger began with White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling.

In the House it passed 269-161 (GOP voted for it by a 174-66 margin; Democrats split 95-95)

In the Senate it passed 74 - 26 (with 6 democrats and 19 republicans voting no)

Personally, I don't care who gets credit or blame. That's the game the party faithful want you to play.

I just want spending under control.

Just wondering where folks like you were when Reagan and Bush II went on spending sprees that we are still paying for..

During Reagan, I'll admit I had no idea what was going on. During Bush II, I was screaming my head off.

The hypocrisy of the GOP in spending like drunken sailors while preaching "those dirty tax and spend liberals" drove me out of the party.

I'd preffer tax and spend - to spending without taxation to support the spending (and putting it on the credit card.)
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During the Debt Ceiling standoff, Obama wanted it raised, the GOP wanted cuts.

Obama offered the Sequester as an option to the GOP if they gave him the debt limit increase.

In true left wing fashion, obama is trying to slither out of it.
During the Debt Ceiling standoff, Obama wanted it raised, the GOP wanted cuts.

Obama offered the Sequester as an option to the GOP if they gave him the debt limit increase.

In true left wing fashion, obama is trying to slither out of it.

That makes it sound as if the Republicans extracted the cliff in return for their support on the debt ceiling.

If that is true, then why don't Republicans want the credit for what they managed to negotiate?

Obama got the debt ceiling lifting and what did the Republicans get in return? Automatic spending cuts?

They bargained to get this and now they don't want the credit?

Sounds kooky to me.

But I'm all for the cuts anyway - so let's do it.
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Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:

So, you guys are buying into the finger pointing game.

Good for you.

As for me, I'm all for doing a little cliff diving. The notion that living within our means is some sort of grusome thing is absurd to me.

But let's keep it real.

The idea of the automatic trigger began with White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling.

In the House it passed 269-161 (GOP voted for it by a 174-66 margin; Democrats split 95-95)

In the Senate it passed 74 - 26 (with 6 democrats and 19 republicans voting no)

Personally, I don't care who gets credit or blame. That's the game the party faithful want you to play.

I just want spending under control.

Just wondering where folks like you were when Reagan and Bush II went on spending sprees that we are still paying for..

During Reagan, I'll admit I had no idea what was going on. During Bush II, I was screaming my head off.

The hypocrisy of the GOP in spending like drunken sailors while preaching "those dirty tax and spend liberals" drove me out of the party.

I'd preffer tax and spend - to spending without taxation to support the spending (and putting it on the credit card.)

A simple question: Who controlled Congress - where all spending has to be approved - during those years?
I hope the GOP gets a set of juevos and lets it happen!!! :eusa_whistle:

It's gonna be funny if it does happen, to watch how fast the media goes from reporting doom and gloom, and after how this helped the economy, because of obama!

If it helps - both parties will be falling all over themselves to take the credit.

It's what political parties do.

Try to make your party look good and try to make the other party look bad.

Let's not pretend it is a one-way street, OK?
I hope the GOP gets a set of juevos and lets it happen!!! :eusa_whistle:

It's gonna be funny if it does happen, to watch how fast the media goes from reporting doom and gloom, and after how this helped the economy, because of obama!

If it helps - both parties will be falling all over themselves to take the credit.

It's what political parties do.

Try to make your party look good and try to make the other party look bad.

Let's not pretend it is a one-way street, OK?

It will have 0 impact on our economy. Its 9 days worth of spending. It basically just negates the taxes he just raised.

This is just a fools game for tv.
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All

by John Avlon Feb 20, 2013 4:45 AM EST
Republicans have taken to calling the deep cuts that could reverse our hard-won economic recovery ‘Obama’s Sequester.’ But a July 2011 PowerPoint obtained by John Avlon shows the opposite may be true.

Democrats want Congress to come back and stop ‘sequester’

Pentagon issues furlough notice as ‘sequester’ budget cuts loom
So, you guys are buying into the finger pointing game.

Good for you.

As for me, I'm all for doing a little cliff diving. The notion that living within our means is some sort of grusome thing is absurd to me.

But let's keep it real.

The idea of the automatic trigger began with White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling.

In the House it passed 269-161 (GOP voted for it by a 174-66 margin; Democrats split 95-95)

In the Senate it passed 74 - 26 (with 6 democrats and 19 republicans voting no)

Personally, I don't care who gets credit or blame. That's the game the party faithful want you to play.

I just want spending under control.
It also show that the talking point that the GOP does nothing but block Obama is a lie. Obama proposed the Sequestration and in the spirit of bipartisanship, the GOP said, "Okay" and voted for it.

Then those filibustering evil Democrats voted no.

Of course, we all know that the votes placed had more to do with politics than with policy. But don't tell Sallow...He thinks that the GOP is responsible for every fucking evil ever perpetrated, anywhere.

You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:

So, you guys are buying into the finger pointing game.

Good for you.

As for me, I'm all for doing a little cliff diving. The notion that living within our means is some sort of grusome thing is absurd to me.

But let's keep it real.

The idea of the automatic trigger began with White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling.

In the House it passed 269-161 (GOP voted for it by a 174-66 margin; Democrats split 95-95)

In the Senate it passed 74 - 26 (with 6 democrats and 19 republicans voting no)

Personally, I don't care who gets credit or blame. That's the game the party faithful want you to play.

I just want spending under control.

It also show that the talking point that the GOP does nothing but block Obama is a lie. Obama proposed the Sequestration and in the spirit of bipartisanship, the GOP said, "Okay" and voted for it.

Then those filibustering evil Democrats voted no.

Of course, we all know that the votes placed had more to do with politics than with policy. But don't tell Sallow...He thinks that the GOP is responsible for every fucking evil ever perpetrated, anywhere.

So your understanding is that Obama got the debt ceiling raised as he wanted AND he got the automatic spending cuts trigger that he wanted. What did Republicans get out of the deal?

That good ol' bipartisan feeling?

And filibusters happen in the Senate - where Democrats hold a majority. Why would they have to filibuster if they hold a majority?

I'm sorry - I'm just not following your reasoning here.
Just wondering where folks like you were when Reagan and Bush II went on spending sprees that we are still paying for..

During Reagan, I'll admit I had no idea what was going on. During Bush II, I was screaming my head off.

The hypocrisy of the GOP in spending like drunken sailors while preaching "those dirty tax and spend liberals" drove me out of the party.

I'd preffer tax and spend - to spending without taxation to support the spending (and putting it on the credit card.)

A simple question: Who controlled Congress - where all spending has to be approved - during those years?

Same people who control congress EVERY year - people who want to spend more and more of our money.

The only difference between the parties is what they want to spend it on.

Since the GOP controls the House - where all spending bills originate - are THEY the ones responsible for our current spending?

Don't get sucked into playing the blame game. They are ALL responsible and if the cliff is the only way to get any meaningful reform - and history teaches us that it is - then I'm all for doing a little cliff diving.
During Reagan, I'll admit I had no idea what was going on. During Bush II, I was screaming my head off.

The hypocrisy of the GOP in spending like drunken sailors while preaching "those dirty tax and spend liberals" drove me out of the party.

I'd preffer tax and spend - to spending without taxation to support the spending (and putting it on the credit card.)

A simple question: Who controlled Congress - where all spending has to be approved - during those years?

Same people who control congress EVERY year - people who want to spend more and more of our money.

The only difference between the parties is what they want to spend it on.

Since the GOP controls the House - where all spending bills originate - are THEY the ones responsible for our current spending?

Don't get sucked into playing the blame game. They are ALL responsible and if the cliff is the only way to get any meaningful reform - and history teaches us that it is - then I'm all for doing a little cliff diving.

The GOP didn't control the house until 2011 try again.

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