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Obama's successor is going to inherit one heck of a mess.

Rightists are making the false assumption that the previous occupant's mess (2 unpaid-for wars, free Rx program (Trillion $), and tax-cuts during wartime) can be cleaned-up by one administration. ) :doubt: Not likely. :eusa_naughty: Barack's good but no one is that good. ;)

Obama made bigger and worse messes.

He has shown the country what happens when citizens let down their guard. He has especially shamed the media whose job it was to hold him accountable so that the couldn't make things worse. And so that he couldn't get away with his now six-year-long campaign as the outsider who is going to change how things are done in Washington. Pretending like he hasn't been the one in Washington doing the things he says should be stopped.

:eusa_hand: he's had to fight boehner/mcconnell every inch of the way :eusa_eh: They wouldn't let him so much as go to the water fountain without 60 votes.

Thank goodness. Just think how much bigger he could have made the bloated, abusive government if he hadn't been kept in check.

Cap & Trade anyone?

Dodged a bullet there. Thank you, GOP.
Obama made bigger and worse messes.

He has shown the country what happens when citizens let down their guard. He has especially shamed the media whose job it was to hold him accountable so that the couldn't make things worse. And so that he couldn't get away with his now six-year-long campaign as the outsider who is going to change how things are done in Washington. Pretending like he hasn't been the one in Washington doing the things he says should be stopped.

:eusa_hand: he's had to fight boehner/mcconnell every inch of the way :eusa_eh: They wouldn't let him so much as go to the water fountain without 60 votes.

Thank goodness. Just think how much bigger he could have made the bloated, abusive government if he hadn't been kept in check.

Cap & Trade anyone?

Dodged a bullet there. Thank you, GOP.

That bill will come due

To be paid by our children and grandchildren
That's how much it costs to avert a full blown depression and keep the victims from going homeless, dupes. End of story....and all your ridiculous "scandals" mean nothing to non-dupes. But keep it up, you're the greatest LOL!
Just saying.

Yeah, what a mess the next President will have: no more wars, no more torture, a yearly deficit that has fallen 4 years in a row and is now a third of what it was 5 years ago, healthcare exchanges kicking in and Obamacare continuing to slow the immense costs associated with healthcare 3 years in a row, gay rights, an unemployment rate that continues to show recovery, more oil exports than imports in the first time in a long time, lower gas prices, super low borrowing rates, record Dow Jones index, and so on and so on.

We're way better off now than we were under Bush and the next President will have a much easier term or two in office than this President did, who was forced to be the mop-up guy after 8 disastrous years of George W. Bush and Republicans who pissed on our Constitution and gave us the NSA scandals we see today because of the stupid Patriot Act, which they pushed for.
Just saying.

You have to be kidding. What mess? The wars have been wound done, we are gaining jobs, not losing them at the rate of over 500,000 a month. The economy is going well, in spite of the GOP's best efforts to scuttle it.

Europe followed the path the GOP suggested for our economy. Look at the shape of their economy now. We are doing much better than they are.

Sure, we have many problems to address, but we are not sliding into a Depression as we were when President Obama took office. We have wound down two wars, and are nearly out of one of them. We still need to get the unemployment rate down to half the present number. And our infrastructure is in total disarray. But attempts to address the two issues, they are intimatly related, have been scuttled by the GOP.
That's how much it costs to avert a full blown depression and keep the victims from going homeless, dupes. End of story....and all your ridiculous "scandals" mean nothing to non-dupes. But keep it up, you're the greatest LOL!

^ that

what has been done was to avert a full blown depression. All these *cough* "scandals' that are keeping Issa's (AKA- firebug) face in front of a camera & divert from the fact that Republicorp has done virtually nothing. :thup:
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If a republican takes over the white house it appears that many of the republican posters on this board face empty lives and boredom after making careers out of whining about Obama.
They better be careful what they wish for.
We don't keep failures in office.

So you agree that Bush wasn't a failure either?
Not in his first term, no. He sure made up for that in spades in his second term though.

So sometime between November 2004 and November 2006, he did something horribly bad.

Cute claim.

What did happen was that he had a media and Democrat congress members talking down the economy and the war effort and trying to make out that he was to blame for the way Louisiana politicians bungled the response to Hurricane Katrina.

The things he did after 2006 were done with the approval of the Democratic-controlled Congress and continued by Obama.
Here, let me call you a waaaaaaaaambulance! :tongue:

You seem to have forgotten, but by election day in 2006, Bush's JAR had already gone as low as 34%; and it would rarely go above that during the remainder of his term.

The failures you cite fall squarely on him lap. The economy fell to pieces in 2008 due to homeownership policies that he and Republicans and even some Democrats contributed to years earlier. Bush himself pushed to get millions of more minorities into homes they couldn't afford. Clinton did as well, but that doesn't absolve Bush. The war effort was going miserably until the surge, but that wasn't until 2007. And Katrina also had massive failures at the federal level. You can't hide from that just as "Brownie" couldn't. There was no excuse for federal aid to take a week to get down there while people were stranded on their rooftops. And of course, those weren't his only failures. Turning a projected $6t surplus into an $8t deficit ... Leading the country's economy to near collapse ... the stock market crashing, losing some 40% of its valuation ... not finding the WMD for which he invaded Iraq ... Abu-Ghraib ... leading us into the worst recession since the Great Depression where we lost 12 million jobs to under/unemployment and almost 5% of GDP.

He owns the lowest JAR on record of any U.S. president at 19%. That's lower than Nixon's low. That's lower than Carter's low. That's lower than Truman's low.

You can only blame the media and the Liberals so far. At some point, you have to admit some of that 19% is Bush's fault.
Just saying.

The nerve it takes conservatives to whine about inherited messes is simply amazing.

Obama is the one who inherited a mess, and he's the one who's done a pretty good job of fixing some of the mess that he did inherit. Bush was one of America's worst presidents ever. He gaffed, stooged and bumbled his way through an eight year nightmare of a Presidency that was massive domestic and foreign policy flop & failure.

Bush inherited peace & prosperity, and left with disastrous wars of choice, paid for with debt on your children and their children.

The problems of the USA are entirely the fault of the clodhopping buffoons of the GOP and the existence of Conservatism, whose cruel domestic policy and overly-aggressive foreign policy left America worse off under their ham-handed rule.

Conservatives, just to let you know, liberals do look down on you. Here's why: You are deeply stupid bumpkins with ill-spoken, oafish opinions based on ethnic and racial hatreds, debunked economic theories, and dangerous warmongering foreign policies.

Your future electoral prospects look pretty grim as younger people are very liberal and very democratic, and browner to boot. They don't like you being in the country either. You can attract their votes by modernizing, moderating and liberalizing your preferred policies. You're welcome for this advice.

When O walks away, our national debt will be 20T. He will have added 10T in new debt. That's an abysmal record. Throw in the scandals, record unemployment, record welfare numbers, low gdp, and the rising inflation under this admin and I can't really wrap my mind around how anyone can fix the mess. Yet, you applaud it.
That's how much it costs to avert a full blown depression and keep the victims from going homeless, dupes. End of story....and all your ridiculous "scandals" mean nothing to non-dupes. But keep it up, you're the greatest LOL!

^ that

what has been done was to avert a full blown depression. All these *cough* "scandals' that are keeping Issa's (AKA- firebug) face in front of a camera & divert from the fact that Republicorp has done virtually nothing. :thup:

It's not surprising that you don't consider the scandals anything serious. You celebrate liars and congratulate them for doing such a good job at frustrating earnest people.

Republicans are supposed to do virtually nothing. That's better than doing bad things just for the sake of doing something. I know that I send my reps to Washington to stop the other politicians from meddling too much.
If a republican takes over the white house it appears that many of the republican posters on this board face empty lives and boredom after making careers out of whining about Obama.
They better be careful what they wish for.

Don't hold your breath

It will be a generation before a Republican gets the White House again
She should blame Obama.

I am sure Hillary will be quite happy with the "mess".

Maybe this time we can actually make a dent in debt.

Maybe, this will be her approach to making a dent in the debt:

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

If she does that sort of thing, she may resonate with a new part of the electorate that shunned her the first time around in 2008. You'll notice that the GOP has cooled their jets on Ben-Gotcha since they started their latest witch-hunt.

I still doubt Hillary will win the Presidency myself.

People are forgetting about Santorum...he won some states in the last election when he was seriously out spent. I wouldn't count out Santorum just yet.
You have to recall that about 9 months ago, the "experts" on the right were predicting a Romney landslide. So keep that in mind when you read their commentary this go-round.
I am sure Hillary will be quite happy with the "mess".

Maybe this time we can actually make a dent in debt.

Maybe, this will be her approach to making a dent in the debt:

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

If she does that sort of thing, she may resonate with a new part of the electorate that shunned her the first time around in 2008. You'll notice that the GOP has cooled their jets on Ben-Gotcha since they started their latest witch-hunt.

I still doubt Hillary will win the Presidency myself.

People are forgetting about Santorum...he won some states in the last election when he was seriously out spent. I wouldn't count out Santorum just yet.

Santorum is a moron

I do not expect that to change in the next three years
We've been inheriting a mess in some degree since 1957... unfortunately, the degree of damage that Obama has done even above the damage that Bush II did is outrageous.. it is going to eventually take MUCH work to get government back in check, get spending down to income levels, and remove the mantra of entitled power that was never given in the constitution

The government will never be "fixed". This is a one way street we are on and it's called "escalate". his is the part when it becomes noticable to everyone but statists that we're not ever moving back to"the good ol' days" here in America.
Maybe, this will be her approach to making a dent in the debt:

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

If she does that sort of thing, she may resonate with a new part of the electorate that shunned her the first time around in 2008. You'll notice that the GOP has cooled their jets on Ben-Gotcha since they started their latest witch-hunt.

I still doubt Hillary will win the Presidency myself.

People are forgetting about Santorum...he won some states in the last election when he was seriously out spent. I wouldn't count out Santorum just yet.

Santorum is a moron

I do not expect that to change in the next three years

Hillary and Santorum are both morons. I do not expect that to change in the next three years--------neither of them will be on a ticket in 2016.
We've been inheriting a mess in some degree since 1957... unfortunately, the degree of damage that Obama has done even above the damage that Bush II did is outrageous.. it is going to eventually take MUCH work to get government back in check, get spending down to income levels, and remove the mantra of entitled power that was never given in the constitution

The government will never be "fixed". This is a one way street we are on and it's called "escalate". his is the part when it becomes noticable to everyone but statists that we're not ever moving back to"the good ol' days" here in America.

I think you are right, we will become a version of socialist europe and will fall just like they are doing. At some point our govt will have to do what the govts in europe are doing, tell the people that there is no more money for free stuff, then they will riot, there will be runs on banks, cities will burn, people will die, and maybe, just maybe, sanity will return and we will go back to the constitution.
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