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Obama's successor is going to inherit one heck of a mess.

As the GOP falters, we're getting to the point where whoever wins the Democratic Primary will be declared the winner

Boss.........Da plane.....Da plane...... Da plane....and the Repubs will still hold the house.....Obama care is comming and the gun nuts have yet to be rekon with at the polls.
Just saying.

The nerve it takes conservatives to whine about inherited messes is simply amazing.

Obama is the one who inherited a mess, and he's the one who's done a pretty good job of fixing some of the mess that he did inherit. Bush was one of America's worst presidents ever. He gaffed, stooged and bumbled his way through an eight year nightmare of a Presidency that was massive domestic and foreign policy flop & failure.

Bush inherited peace & prosperity, and left with disastrous wars of choice, paid for with debt on your children and their children.

The problems of the USA are entirely the fault of the clodhopping buffoons of the GOP and the existence of Conservatism, whose cruel domestic policy and overly-aggressive foreign policy left America worse off under their ham-handed rule.

Conservatives, just to let you know, liberals do look down on you. Here's why: You are deeply stupid bumpkins with ill-spoken, oafish opinions based on ethnic and racial hatreds, debunked economic theories, and dangerous warmongering foreign policies.

Your future electoral prospects look pretty grim as younger people are very liberal and very democratic, and browner to boot. They don't like you being in the country either. You can attract their votes by modernizing, moderating and liberalizing your preferred policies. You're welcome for this advice.

I was going to neg you, but I very seldom do that. So I'll just tell you, you're an idiot and a hater. How do you live with yourself?
He will have to cut taxes and invade some countries, obviously! Ain't that the answer to ALL our problems?

I nominate North Korea and Iran for the next invasion. Axis of evil, and all that. We need to pick up where Dubya left off. Double the debt, invade some countries, tax cuts, and talk funny. That's the bestest formla.

Three out of 4 of those sound just like Obama.....DOUBLED the Debt, INVADED some countries and he talks funny. We don't need another Obama......

Which country did we put soldiers on the ground caroljo? :eusa_eh: That was the last administration/your people. :thup:

There were boots in Libya....believe what you want to hear. I know.
who give a rats ass if Obama won...he hasn't been good for the economy and Unemployment...ignore them if you want, who cares..
keep crowing about Obama winning, that's the sign of someone with nothing meaningful to say

see ya
I'm not crowing about Obama winning the election. I'm using that as evidence that the economy is not as bad as you delude yourself into believing. If were were truly that bad, Obama would be unemployed right now.

Obama benefited from the economy being so bad that voters were afraid to make a change. He convinced people that they would lose their benefits if Romney were elected, and without jobs they couldn't take the risk.

Complete bullshit. If the economy were "so bad," America would have dumped Obama in a heartbeat. We don't keep failures in office.

The economy is recovering. Just way slower than it would have if we'd had a competent president in 2009.
More unprovable nonsense. Aside from the fact that McCain had no plan on the table to make things better, he was too stupid to even recognize there was a problem. Even as the American economy was sinking like the Titanic in 2008, to him, the fundamentals of our economy seemed strong. Holy fucking shit! :eusa_doh:

And still you continue to miss the big point. It's not about the economy now. The recovery is sluggish, but most of the fear is gone. So people will have the luxury of looking around and making their assessments based on other principles. And the expansive government principles espoused by Obama and other Democrats have been exposed as dangerous.
Of course it's not about the economy now. The economy is getting better so the right has lost that talking point.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

So now y'all switch to the new talking point -- it's taking too long to clean up the Bush Great Recession. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

How's that working out for ya? Hmmm, let's see ....

Who do you trust to do a better job handling the economy: Obama or the Republicans in Congress?

Obama: 46%
Republicans: 37%

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 16-19, 2013. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama's successor is going to inherit one heck of a mess.

As has likely already been noted: ‘just as Obama inherited one heck of a mess.’

But actually not.

The current economic recovery will continue the next three years, more Americans will be able to find jobs, afford homes, save for the future.

And Obama will clearly leave America much better than when he found it, regardless the best efforts of partisan republicans to realize the opposite.
I'm not crowing about Obama winning the election. I'm using that as evidence that the economy is not as bad as you delude yourself into believing. If were were truly that bad, Obama would be unemployed right now.

Obama benefited from the economy being so bad that voters were afraid to make a change. He convinced people that they would lose their benefits if Romney were elected, and without jobs they couldn't take the risk.

The economy is recovering. Just way slower than it would have if we'd had a competent president in 2009.

And still you continue to miss the big point. It's not about the economy now. The recovery is sluggish, but most of the fear is gone. So people will have the luxury of looking around and making their assessments based on other principles. And the expansive government principles espoused by Obama and other Democrats have been exposed as dangerous.

Obama barley won..48% to 50%...so it's really nothing to crow about for them..
but he won by running one of the most dirty campaigns against Romney I have ever seen..Obama NEVER mentioned nothing about his wonderful Record, like having 8% unemployment his WHOLE first term..No they took the kiddies minds off that by talking about peoples tax returns...he won his seat in Illinois the same way..
If Obama "barely won," you wouldn't have had to lie like you did about the margin of victory. In reality, he won by almost 5 million votes and by a margin of 51% to 47%. Even worse for the right, since it's the electoral votes that matter, he won by a landslide, 332 to 206 -- 62% to 38%

he's a snake who sells snake oil potion to the uninformed. and sadly it worked which is scary
Aww, poor, baby.
Your dejection is duly noted.
Obama's successor is going to inherit one heck of a mess.

As has likely already been noted: ‘just as Obama inherited one heck of a mess.’

But actually not.

The current economic recovery will continue the next three years, more Americans will be able to find jobs, afford homes, save for the future.

And Obama will clearly leave America much better than when he found it, regardless the best efforts of partisan republicans to realize the opposite.

Obama will leave America with bulkier agencies which Americans trust less.

The only good thing about the Obama presidency will be the painful lesson he gave America about being too complacent and believing government when they say, "trust us, give us more power, we know what's best for you."

It was clearly a lesson the public needed to learn.
As the GOP falters, we're getting to the point where whoever wins the Democratic Primary will be declared the winner

Boss.........Da plane.....Da plane...... Da plane....and the Repubs will still hold the house.....Obama care is comming and the gun nuts have yet to be rekon with at the polls.

Gerrymandering will only get them so far. They are boxing themselves into a corner with fewer and fewer Republican strongholds

The gun nuts have played their hand as they defend the rights of certified nuts to massacre at will. They will pay a price
Just saying.

The nerve it takes conservatives to whine about inherited messes is simply amazing.

Obama is the one who inherited a mess, and he's the one who's done a pretty good job of fixing some of the mess that he did inherit. Bush was one of America's worst presidents ever. He gaffed, stooged and bumbled his way through an eight year nightmare of a Presidency that was massive domestic and foreign policy flop & failure.

Bush inherited peace & prosperity, and left with disastrous wars of choice, paid for with debt on your children and their children.

The problems of the USA are entirely the fault of the clodhopping buffoons of the GOP and the existence of Conservatism, whose cruel domestic policy and overly-aggressive foreign policy left America worse off under their ham-handed rule.

Conservatives, just to let you know, liberals do look down on you. Here's why: You are deeply stupid bumpkins with ill-spoken, oafish opinions based on ethnic and racial hatreds, debunked economic theories, and dangerous warmongering foreign policies.

Your future electoral prospects look pretty grim as younger people are very liberal and very democratic, and browner to boot. They don't like you being in the country either. You can attract their votes by modernizing, moderating and liberalizing your preferred policies. You're welcome for this advice.

I was going to neg you, but I very seldom do that. So I'll just tell you, you're an idiot and a hater. How do you live with yourself?

Conservatives deserve to be hated. They almost destroyed America.
yeah, right, 20 trillion in debt is much better than 9 trillion. :confused::cuckoo:

So, you think Bush's economic/financial incompetence stopped increasing debt on the day Obama was sworn in?

Bush made mistakes, Obama has continued them and made them worse. Every economic statistic is worse now than when obama took power. Everything he has done has failed-----------yeah, but he got OBL, right------using intel put in place by Bush.

I know that you love and worship obama, laktoad, but he has done a terrible job as president, face that reality and move on.

Every economic statistic?

Monthly employment figures?
Stock Market?
Housing values?

The problem with conservatives is they spout the lies so easily that they start to believe them
We don't keep failures in office.

So you agree that Bush wasn't a failure either?
Not in his first term, no. He sure made up for that in spades in his second term though.

So sometime between November 2004 and November 2006, he did something horribly bad.

Cute claim.

What did happen was that he had a media and Democrat congress members talking down the economy and the war effort and trying to make out that he was to blame for the way Louisiana politicians bungled the response to Hurricane Katrina.

The things he did after 2006 were done with the approval of the Democratic-controlled Congress and continued by Obama.
Just saying.
You think his successor has a problem? Just wait till our granddaughters get acid thrown on them for not wearing their burkas by the descendants of the 1.6 Million muslims Obama is importing to the USA from Syria because he wants to be such a nice guy in the eyes of the UN of Sharia Laws.

For Sumeya Abdullah, a 34-year-old primary school teacher in the capital Baghdad, life will never be the same again. In late June she had her legs burned by corrosive acid in a street attack because, she believes, she was not wearing her veil and the traditional ‘abaya’ covering common in many Middle Eastern countries

Witnesses in the district where the attack happened, said that for more than two weeks, women have been targeted by acid attackers for dressing immodestly. Sometimes the assailants spray or throw the acid on foot, or on occasion, from a moving car. Other attacks have been even more shocking. “A month ago I was walking from my college to my house when I was abducted in the street by three men. They dropped acid in my face and on my legs. They cut all my hair off while hitting me in the face many times telling me it’s the price for not obeying Allah’s wish in using the veil,” Hania Abdul-Jabbar, a 23-year-old university student, recounted. “Today I cannot see out of one eye because the acid made me lose my vision. I am afraid to leave my house. Now I am permanently disfigured with a monster face,” she added with tears rolling down her swollen and scarred cheeks. Credits and more
The consequences of this administration will lead to America's apocalyptic cancer or worse: genocide.

Rightists are making the false assumption that the previous occupant's mess (2 unpaid-for wars, free Rx program (Trillion $), and tax-cuts during wartime) can be cleaned-up by one administration. ) :doubt: Not likely. :eusa_naughty: Barack's good but no one is that good. ;)
What damage?

Obamacare.. increased spending. increase size and scope of the federal government in numerous aspects.. the list is huge..

There is more and more being done in government outside of the scope of the constitution each and every day... we are heading for debt that is more astronomical than the astronomical debt racked up by Bush when he did not cut spending along with the needed tax cuts...

"ObamaCare" is basically working as intended..and actually showing savings.

The size and scope of the federal government grew enormously under the Bush administration. Actual government payrolls are now shrinking on the Obama administration. So it can be said government is contracting..even more so with the wars being drawn to a close.

The Deficit has been going down as well..and the Obama administration actually made a payment against the debt.

If anything..the "damage" is being repaired.

The Bishops will take great comfort in your assessment O'Care

Rightists are making the false assumption that the previous occupant's mess (2 unpaid-for wars, free Rx program (Trillion $), and tax-cuts during wartime) can be cleaned-up by one administration. ) :doubt: Not likely. :eusa_naughty: Barack's good but no one is that good. ;)

Obama made bigger and worse messes.

He has shown the country what happens when citizens let down their guard. He has especially shamed the media whose job it was to hold him accountable so that the couldn't make things worse. And so that he couldn't get away with his now six-year-long campaign as the outsider who is going to change how things are done in Washington. Pretending like he hasn't been the one in Washington doing the things he says should be stopped.
Just saying.
You think his successor has a problem? Just wait till our granddaughters get acid thrown on them for not wearing their burkas by the descendants of the 1.6 Million muslims Obama is importing to the USA from Syria because he wants to be such a nice guy in the eyes of the UN of Sharia Laws.

For Sumeya Abdullah, a 34-year-old primary school teacher in the capital Baghdad, life will never be the same again. In late June she had her legs burned by corrosive acid in a street attack because, she believes, she was not wearing her veil and the traditional ‘abaya’ covering common in many Middle Eastern countries

Witnesses in the district where the attack happened, said that for more than two weeks, women have been targeted by acid attackers for dressing immodestly. Sometimes the assailants spray or throw the acid on foot, or on occasion, from a moving car. Other attacks have been even more shocking. “A month ago I was walking from my college to my house when I was abducted in the street by three men. They dropped acid in my face and on my legs. They cut all my hair off while hitting me in the face many times telling me it’s the price for not obeying Allah’s wish in using the veil,” Hania Abdul-Jabbar, a 23-year-old university student, recounted. “Today I cannot see out of one eye because the acid made me lose my vision. I am afraid to leave my house. Now I am permanently disfigured with a monster face,” she added with tears rolling down her swollen and scarred cheeks. Credits and more
The consequences of this administration will lead to America's apocalyptic cancer or worse: genocide.

I have no fear that this will happen in America except possibly in a few isolated cases. Certainly at no greater rate than women are already abused. And if and when any nutballs try it, I am sure the perpetrators will be pursued and severely punished if caught. And that the victims will get extremely good medical care.

Our government has grown somewhat hostile to religion. It is not going to go from trying to sanitize religion out of the public place to looking the other way if people try to import abusive pseudo-religious traditions.

Rightists are making the false assumption that the previous occupant's mess (2 unpaid-for wars, free Rx program (Trillion $), and tax-cuts during wartime) can be cleaned-up by one administration. ) :doubt: Not likely. :eusa_naughty: Barack's good but no one is that good. ;)

Obama made bigger and worse messes.

He has shown the country what happens when citizens let down their guard. He has especially shamed the media whose job it was to hold him accountable so that the couldn't make things worse. And so that he couldn't get away with his now six-year-long campaign as the outsider who is going to change how things are done in Washington. Pretending like he hasn't been the one in Washington doing the things he says should be stopped.

:eusa_hand: he's had to fight boehner/mcconnell every inch of the way :eusa_eh: They wouldn't let him so much as go to the water fountain without 60 votes.
Obama has done as well as anyone could do, especially with total mindless obstructin by a-hole Pubs and their ignorant, 50% racist dupes. By 2016 there'll be a surplus again...lol

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