'Obama's Watergate'

Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...

I guess this is what passes for conservative porn.

Now, let's take a look at some facts. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word since you don't seem to be acquainted with the concept.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION YEARS IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PRISON PARTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE INDICTMENTS CONVICTIONS SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 9 16 16 GEORGE W BUSH Republican 8 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 GEORGE H W BUSH Republican 4 26 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 16 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 1 1 1 GERALD FORD Republican 24 76 15 RICHARD NIXON Republican 56 55 During Obama's 8 Years Not One Administration Official Was Indicted How Do the Other President's Stack Up? Notice a Party Bias? | Bill Clinton Meme on me.me
You're an idiot denier.

Who was goi g to prosecute when Barry OWNED the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, ETC...

Despite protecting Holder from perjury indictmenr a bi-partisan Congress refused to let him go free and CENSUEED him, making him the 1st Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured.

Evidence shows the FBI and Obama protected Hillary from indictment. She has been PROVEN to be a FELON and a TRAITOR.

Again, Obama and his Cabinet should be in GITMO!

You and other conservatives are fools. Unlike Trump, Obama respected the lines of demarcation between the political wing of the administration and the legal wing of the Justice Dept. It's Trump who is obviously trying to influence the course of the investigations by interfering with the investigations and undermining the people who have sworn an oath to the US Constitution and the rule of law.

A wholly innocent man wouldn't worry about any investigation knowing that real verifiable evidence is necessary for charges to be levied, but Trump acts like a guilty man all the time. In and of itself, that should tell even his most ardent supporter something that they would easily see if they were witnessing it in someone in their real lives.

Additionally, Trump seems to think that a BS PR campaign can and will derail verifiable evidence if and when it's found. He's wrong, and I would look forward to the final confrontation if it wasn't for one thing. It's this: Unlike Nixon who ultimately put the good of the country and our institutions above his own personal interests when push came to shove, I believe that Trump would/will burn down everything we hold near and dear as a free people in order to save himself simply because he doesn't care about anything other than himself. Just watch as it happens!
Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Obama hid all that, that they covered it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financier of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!

Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
You and other conservatives are fools. Unlike Trump, Obama respected the lines of demarcation between the political wing of the administration and the legal wing of the Justice Dept.
I stopped reading your BS after this - no need to continue.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Conservatives to ensure his te-election.

The IRS ADMITTED IT. Lerner told the media her team had done so. Koskinen was caught committing perjury, and the DOJ admitted the targeting and apologized for it.
(To hell with apologizing for breaking the law - enforce it and convict these assholes!)

The Obama administration illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES for political reasons!

All of this has been proven with evidence.

You are a LIAR, and you have ZERO credibility!

Now evidence shows Obama and his criminal administration leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, colluded with / paid foreign spies working with Russians through a firm working for Russians to acquire Russian propaganda used illegally in an election AND illegally used to spy on the political opposition party Preidential candidate during an election!

All of this is far, far worse than WATERGATE!
Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.
Last edited:
You and other conservatives are fools. Unlike Trump, Obama respected the lines of demarcation between the political wing of the administration and the legal wing of the Justice Dept.
I stopped reading your BS after this - no need to continue.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Conservatives to ensure his te-election.

The IRS ADMITTED IT. Lerner told the media her team had done so. Koskinen was caught committing perjury, and the DOJ admitted the targeting and apologized for it.
(To hell with apologizing for breaking the law - enforce it and convict these assholes!)

The Obama administration illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES for political reasons!

All of this has been proven with evidence.

You are a LIAR, and you have ZERO credibility!

Now evidence shows Obama and his criminal administration leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, colluded with / paid foreign spies working with Russians through a firm working for Russians to acquire Russian propaganda used illegally in an election AND illegally used to spy on the political opposition party Preidential candidate during an election!

All of this is far, far worse than WATERGATE!

Like I stated previously, you and other conservatives are fools. Putting your collective heads in the sand will not educated you further. I can only hope what happens in the next few months will wake you up. If it doesn't, you'll be a fool all your life. Alas, some people have to learn the hard way. Actually, everybody has to learn the hard way at least once in life. But ask a person who got ripped off by Bernie Madoff if he or she now blindly trusts a smooth-talking man who asks him or her to hand over their life savings?

As for you, you're in for a very rude awakening, assuming you wake up, that is. But like I said previously, Trump doesn't care about American institutions or for the voters who put him in office; he only cares about himself. I honestly believe that when the hammer finally comes down and the evidence of his numerous crimes comes to light, that narcissistic egomaniacal Trump will say it's all fake news and encourage his supporters to rise up against America. However, hopefully before that happens, more mainstream Republicans will come to their senses just as they did in 1974 during the Nixon administration.
Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
You and other conservatives are fools. Unlike Trump, Obama respected the lines of demarcation between the political wing of the administration and the legal wing of the Justice Dept.
I stopped reading your BS after this - no need to continue.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Conservatives to ensure his te-election.

The IRS ADMITTED IT. Lerner told the media her team had done so. Koskinen was caught committing perjury, and the DOJ admitted the targeting and apologized for it.
(To hell with apologizing for breaking the law - enforce it and convict these assholes!)

The Obama administration illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES for political reasons!

All of this has been proven with evidence.

You are a LIAR, and you have ZERO credibility!

Now evidence shows Obama and his criminal administration leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, colluded with / paid foreign spies working with Russians through a firm working for Russians to acquire Russian propaganda used illegally in an election AND illegally used to spy on the political opposition party Preidential candidate during an election!

All of this is far, far worse than WATERGATE!

Like I stated previously, you and other conservatives are fools. Putting your collective heads in the sand will not educated you further. I can only hope what happens in the next few months will wake you up. If it doesn't, you'll be a fool all your life. Alas, some people have to learn the hard way. Actually, everybody has to learn the hard way at least once in life. But ask a person who got ripped off by Bernie Madoff if he or she now blindly trusts a smooth-talking man who asks him or her to hand over their life savings?

As for you, you're in for a very rude awakening, assuming you wake up, that is. But like I said previously, Trump doesn't care about American institutions or for the voters who put him in office; he only cares about himself. I honestly believe that when the hammer finally comes down and the evidence of his numerous crimes comes to light, that narcissistic egomaniacal Trump will say it's all fake news and encourage his supporters to rise up against America. However, hopefully before that happens, more mainstream Republicans will come to their senses just as they did in 1974 during the Nixon administration.
In the 1st sentence of your last post I proved you to be a lying reality-denying tratir sympathizer with no credibility...

....proving you can't read by ignoring my informing you no one is listening to your BS anymore, you still go off on another rant...

Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p
Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...

I guess this is what passes for conservative porn.

Now, let's take a look at some facts. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word since you don't seem to be acquainted with the concept.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION YEARS IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PRISON PARTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE INDICTMENTS CONVICTIONS SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 9 16 16 GEORGE W BUSH Republican 8 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 GEORGE H W BUSH Republican 4 26 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 16 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 1 1 1 GERALD FORD Republican 24 76 15 RICHARD NIXON Republican 56 55 During Obama's 8 Years Not One Administration Official Was Indicted How Do the Other President's Stack Up? Notice a Party Bias? | Bill Clinton Meme on me.me
You're an idiot denier.

Who was goi g to prosecute when Barry OWNED the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, ETC...

Despite protecting Holder from perjury indictmenr a bi-partisan Congress refused to let him go free and CENSUEED him, making him the 1st Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured.

Evidence shows the FBI and Obama protected Hillary from indictment. She has been PROVEN to be a FELON and a TRAITOR.

Again, Obama and his Cabinet should be in GITMO!

You and other conservatives are fools. Unlike Trump, Obama respected the lines of demarcation between the political wing of the administration and the legal wing of the Justice Dept. It's Trump who is obviously trying to influence the course of the investigations by interfering with the investigations and undermining the people who have sworn an oath to the US Constitution and the rule of law.

A wholly innocent man wouldn't worry about any investigation knowing that real verifiable evidence is necessary for charges to be levied, but Trump acts like a guilty man all the time. In and of itself, that should tell even his most ardent supporter something that they would easily see if they were witnessing it in someone in their real lives.

Additionally, Trump seems to think that a BS PR campaign can and will derail verifiable evidence if and when it's found. He's wrong, and I would look forward to the final confrontation if it wasn't for one thing. It's this: Unlike Nixon who ultimately put the good of the country and our institutions above his own personal interests when push came to shove, I believe that Trump would/will burn down everything we hold near and dear as a free people in order to save himself simply because he doesn't care about anything other than himself. Just watch as it happens!
. Evidence if and when found eh ???????? You want to claim after all that has been learned in your little investigation, and in a backfiring way, that Hillary and the good time gang are innocent eh ???? Laugh the heck out loud... BawahaBuwahwahahahaha.... You can't make this stuff up folks... LOL
Stang us still pissed that going on 2 years they can't even prove a crime was committed proving a n investigation was ever warranted...except to pathetically try to use a couple 'Scooter Libby' 'gottcha' indictmens as justification....

.....and pissed that their disastrous attempts at treason have backfired and become exposed.
Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
You DO know Strzok is an adulerous proven anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extrenist discovered / un-covered by the IG, forcing Mueller to gire him ... that Strzok's texts exposed the evidence of McCabe and the FBI's treason (Insurance Policy) ... that Strzok's texts proved the FBI AND DOJ (Comey and Lynch) colluded / coordinated and were in on Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over ... that Strzok's own texts revealed he committed Obstruction by preventing Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from being indicted ... right?

Of course you did - the evidence of all this is part of reality you continue to deny.
Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
You DO know Strzok is an adulerous proven anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extrenist discovered / un-covered by the IG, forcing Mueller to gire him ... that Strzok's texts exposed the evidence of McCabe and the FBI's treason (Insurance Policy) ... that Strzok's texts proved the FBI AND DOJ (Comey and Lynch) colluded / coordinated and were in on Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over ... that Strzok's own texts revealed he committed Obstruction by preventing Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from being indicted ... right?

Of course you did - the evidence of all this is part of reality you continue to deny.

Your a Trump supporter and you just tried to sully the name of someone by calling them an adulterer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus Christ man... do you read what you are typing?
Strzok's own texts exposes criminal bias, conspiracy, obatruction, and even Treason.

McCabe's e-mail exposes his criminal bias, conspiracy, and treason (Insurance Policy)

The FBI's own records and IG reports exposed Trzok as criminally biased and forced Mueller to fire him.

FBI records and IG records show the FBI paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a firm working for the Russians, for Russian-generated propaganda they then deceitfully used to illegally obtain FISA warrants (while withholding key information from the FISA COURTS which would have prevented them from getting the warrants)

--- McCabe testifed they would never have gone for the FISA Warrants without the Dossier...the investigation would not have gone on as it had without the Dossier and the illegal Warrants that were issued

--- The FBI used unsubstantiated political party dirt on an opposition candidate and used it as 'evidence' to illegally get warrants and open an investigation

Intel reports show Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the financier behind Russian Uranium One effort....that the Russians were giving Hillary and Bill MILLIONS in order to influence them...and they took the money (SOURCE: FBI INFORMANT)

The CIA reports show the FBI paid millions for dirt on Trump from 'shady Russians' selling more unsubstantiated claims about Trump

The DOJ and FBI conspired and perpetrated OBSTRUCTION in covering up Hillary's PROVEN espionage, criminal negligence, illegal handling of classified, obstruction, etc..., both exonerating her before the investigation was over...

Hillary was under multiple investigations for crimes she did commit, crimes for which she should have been in jail awaiting trial on election day!

You have NO MORE cedibility.

No one is listening to your reality denying, conspiratorial, traitor-sympathising BS / spin any more.

The vast amount of existing evidence overwhelmingly proves your leftard idols to be traitors, enemies of this 'state'.

No amount of your BS / spin can change this ir con anyone anymore.

Save your breath.

Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
You DO know Strzok is an adulerous proven anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extrenist discovered / un-covered by the IG, forcing Mueller to gire him ... that Strzok's texts exposed the evidence of McCabe and the FBI's treason (Insurance Policy) ... that Strzok's texts proved the FBI AND DOJ (Comey and Lynch) colluded / coordinated and were in on Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over ... that Strzok's own texts revealed he committed Obstruction by preventing Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from being indicted ... right?

Of course you did - the evidence of all this is part of reality you continue to deny.

Your a Trump supporter and you just tried to sully the name of someone by calling them an adulterer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus Christ man... do you read what you are typing?
You don't like facts, Lew?

Funny how that is all you could come up with in defense of all of that evidence against your traitors.
Are you Ron Johnson hiding on a forum?
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
You DO know Strzok is an adulerous proven anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extrenist discovered / un-covered by the IG, forcing Mueller to gire him ... that Strzok's texts exposed the evidence of McCabe and the FBI's treason (Insurance Policy) ... that Strzok's texts proved the FBI AND DOJ (Comey and Lynch) colluded / coordinated and were in on Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over ... that Strzok's own texts revealed he committed Obstruction by preventing Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from being indicted ... right?

Of course you did - the evidence of all this is part of reality you continue to deny.

Your a Trump supporter and you just tried to sully the name of someone by calling them an adulterer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus Christ man... do you read what you are typing?
You don't like facts, Lew?

Funny how that is all you could come up with in defense of all of that evidence against your traitors.

I have no problem with facts, but I do find it funny you support a guy that is a widely known adulterer that just paid someone off who he cheated on his current wife with, yet use adulterer to try and sully the reputation of someone you don't like.

I'm honestly not sure what's more funny, the fact you continue to do it, or just how oblivious you are that you are doing it. :abgg2q.jpg:
And you must be Monica, trying to type while on your knees and with a cigar placed in an uncomfortable location... :p

You do know that Strzok is the one that wrote the letter that caused Hillary to lose the election right?

You conspiracy idgiots can't even keep your shit straight.
You DO know Strzok is an adulerous proven anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extrenist discovered / un-covered by the IG, forcing Mueller to gire him ... that Strzok's texts exposed the evidence of McCabe and the FBI's treason (Insurance Policy) ... that Strzok's texts proved the FBI AND DOJ (Comey and Lynch) colluded / coordinated and were in on Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over ... that Strzok's own texts revealed he committed Obstruction by preventing Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from being indicted ... right?

Of course you did - the evidence of all this is part of reality you continue to deny.

Your a Trump supporter and you just tried to sully the name of someone by calling them an adulterer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus Christ man... do you read what you are typing?
You don't like facts, Lew?

Funny how that is all you could come up with in defense of all of that evidence against your traitors.

I have no problem with facts, but I do find it funny you support a guy that is a widely known adulterer that just paid someone off who he cheated on his current wife with, yet use adulterer to try and sully the reputation of someone you don't like.

I'm honestly not sure what's more funny, the fact you continue to do it, or just how oblivious you are that you are doing it. :abgg2q.jpg:
What is PATHETIC, lapdog, is that you make a big production about EVIDENCE...and when I lay out the long laundry list of FBI, CIA, IG, etc...evidence PROVING the criminal and treasonous acts perpetrated by the left's premiere leaders all YOU suddenly want to talk about is allegations of adultery....

Piss-poor pathetic...and OBVIOUS...attempt to distract from the facts....and from the fact you just got your reality-denying, traitor-defending ass beat in this discussion.
Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...
The author of the piece is Sebastian Gorka.
If I were you, I wouldn't have said the name of the author either.
Treason is treason, snowflake.
Did Trump's DOJ charge Obama with treason, snowflake?

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