'Obama's Watergate'

Whatever, reality-denier...

Evidence of the Russians going after Uranium One in 2009.

Evidence of Russians perpetrating bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence Mueller, Holder, Ibama hid all that, that they covere it up...

Evidence Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financiwr of the Russian effort to get Uranium One....

Evidence the Russians also paid Bill...

The FBI Informant saying the Russians bribed Hillary with Millions...

....and reality-denying traitor-lovers / defenders screaming desperately, 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE'!


Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.

Think about the fact that Hillary paid money to get a FISA warrant

Not sure how many times you guys have to have this pointed out to you, but Page was recruited by Russian spies long before the dossier. Not sure how many more times it also has to be pointed out that the FISA warrant that even mentioned the dossier was given AFTER Page left the Trump campaign.

Why hasn't he been arrested?

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.
Do you think saying FBI informant legitimizes your posts? It doesn't, it makes you look like a hypocritical nutjob.

Christopher Steele was an FBI informant before he was paid by them to testify. Think about that a minute.

Think about the fact that Hillary paid money to get a FISA warrant

Not sure how many times you guys have to have this pointed out to you, but Page was recruited by Russian spies long before the dossier. Not sure how many more times it also has to be pointed out that the FISA warrant that even mentioned the dossier was given AFTER Page left the Trump campaign.

Why hasn't he been arrested?

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.
Think about the fact that Hillary paid money to get a FISA warrant

Not sure how many times you guys have to have this pointed out to you, but Page was recruited by Russian spies long before the dossier. Not sure how many more times it also has to be pointed out that the FISA warrant that even mentioned the dossier was given AFTER Page left the Trump campaign.

Why hasn't he been arrested?

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.

Of course it's in question, dumbass. I think what you meant to say is that Russian spies tried to recruit him - tried, and failed. One thing you got right, it's not a crime if Russian spies talk to you. Once you understand that, your entire line of argument becomes utterly pointless.
Not sure how many times you guys have to have this pointed out to you, but Page was recruited by Russian spies long before the dossier. Not sure how many more times it also has to be pointed out that the FISA warrant that even mentioned the dossier was given AFTER Page left the Trump campaign.

Why hasn't he been arrested?

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.

Of course it's in question, dumbass. I think what you meant to say is that Russian spies tried to recruit him - tried, and failed. One thing you got right, it's not a crime if Russian spies talk to you. Once you understand that, your entire line of argument becomes utterly pointless.

They did? They failed? FISA warrants aren't renewed multiple times over when there is no useful information gained from them. Good lord you are a major dumbass.

Yes, there is PLENTY of proof. It's in the court documents in New York where one of the Russian spies was convicted. Also, if it was such a failure, then why did Page go to Russia and do an anti-American speech even after the FBI warning him Russian spies were trying to use him?

Just give up already. Every time you say something it can be easily refuted.
People need to understand that another "watergate" cannot happen without the cooperation of the mainstream media. By modern accounts LBJ was a "functioning lunatic" but the media wasn't interested in sexual perversion or abuses by democrat administrations. The Washington Post pretty much ignored LBJ's craziness but authorized "Watergate reporters" to use an unverified and unidentified informant deep in the Nixon administration and kept his identity secret for forty years until he was dead and couldn't verify his alleged information.The Post probably got away with fiction disguised as news because there was no other information available to Americans at the time except the junk news filtered through the liberal media. If Woodward and Bernstein or other up and coming Post investigative reporters were fair and unbiased and interested in corruption at the highest levels in government wouldn't you think they would have been energized by allegations of sex, drugs and rock and roll inherent in the Clinton administration? Can you imagine what an unverified and unidentified informant deep in the Clinton administration could have revealed about alleged sexual abuse and unexplained deaths like Vince Foster? It seems that Woodie and Bernie retired and the MSM never was interested in abuses by democrat administrations. When you factor in the inexplicable Trump appointment of the current timid A.G. it's obvious that Watergate ain't gonna happen for Barry Hussein.
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Why hasn't he been arrested?

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.

Of course it's in question, dumbass. I think what you meant to say is that Russian spies tried to recruit him - tried, and failed. One thing you got right, it's not a crime if Russian spies talk to you. Once you understand that, your entire line of argument becomes utterly pointless.

They did? They failed? FISA warrants aren't renewed multiple times over when there is no useful information gained from them. Good lord you are a major dumbass.

Yes, there is PLENTY of proof. It's in the court documents in New York where one of the Russian spies was convicted. Also, if it was such a failure, then why did Page go to Russia and do an anti-American speech even after the FBI warning him Russian spies were trying to use him?

Just give up already. Every time you say something it can be easily refuted.

Again, you're expecting us to trust the FBI and the FISA court when there is no evidence that such trust is deserved.

There's no proof that Page did anything those Russian spies wanted him to do. The fact that they were convicted of being spies proves nothing about Page. If you weren't such a pathetic dumbass you would understand that.

Page went to Russian because that's his business. He's an oil industry consultant.

Who says his speech was "anti-American?"

You refuted nothing. You only proved that you're a dumbass.
I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.

Of course it's in question, dumbass. I think what you meant to say is that Russian spies tried to recruit him - tried, and failed. One thing you got right, it's not a crime if Russian spies talk to you. Once you understand that, your entire line of argument becomes utterly pointless.

They did? They failed? FISA warrants aren't renewed multiple times over when there is no useful information gained from them. Good lord you are a major dumbass.

Yes, there is PLENTY of proof. It's in the court documents in New York where one of the Russian spies was convicted. Also, if it was such a failure, then why did Page go to Russia and do an anti-American speech even after the FBI warning him Russian spies were trying to use him?

Just give up already. Every time you say something it can be easily refuted.

Again, you're expecting us to trust the FBI and the FISA court when there is no evidence that such trust is deserved.

There's no proof that Page did anything those Russian spies wanted him to do. The fact that they were convicted of being spies proves nothing about Page. If you weren't such a pathetic dumbass you would understand that.

Page went to Russian because that's his business. He's an oil industry consultant.

Who says his speech was "anti-American?"

You refuted nothing. You only proved that you're a dumbass.


You couldn't fucking even understand that the last FISA warrant on Page was given AFTER he left the Trump campaign, and you want people to take the rest of what you say seriously?
Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...

I guess this is what passes for conservative porn.

Now, let's take a look at some facts. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word since you don't seem to be acquainted with the concept.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION YEARS IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PRISON PARTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE INDICTMENTS CONVICTIONS SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 9 16 16 GEORGE W BUSH Republican 8 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 GEORGE H W BUSH Republican 4 26 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 16 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 1 1 1 GERALD FORD Republican 24 76 15 RICHARD NIXON Republican 56 55 During Obama's 8 Years Not One Administration Official Was Indicted How Do the Other President's Stack Up? Notice a Party Bias? | Bill Clinton Meme on me.me
Think! It's because everyone is against the Republicans. Hollywood. The Press. The Courts. The FBI. Everyone! Think!

At this point, I can actually imagine a moment that was heretofore completely unimaginable to me. The scene: A career criminal under indictment files a complaint against the FBI and local police where he states that the FBI was biased against him because of his history of breaking the law. And conservatives cheer!
People need to understand that another "watergate" cannot happen without the cooperation of the mainstream media. By modern accounts LBJ was a "functioning lunatic" but the media wasn't interested in sexual perversion or abuses by democrat administrations. The Washington Post pretty much ignored LBJ's craziness but authorized "Watergate reporters" to use an unverified and unidentified informant deep in the Nixon administration and kept his identity secret for forty years until he was dead and couldn't verify his alleged information.The Post probably got away with fiction disguised as news because there was no other information available to Americans at the time except the junk news filtered through the liberal media. If Woodward and Bernstein or other up and coming Post investigative reporters were fair and unbiased and interested in corruption at the highest levels in government wouldn't you think they would have been energized by allegations of sex, drugs and rock and roll inherent in the Clinton administration? Can you imagine what an unverified and unidentified informant deep in the Clinton administration could have revealed about alleged sexual abuse and unexplained deaths like Vince Foster? It seems that Woodie and Bernie retired and the MSM never was interested in abuses by democrat administrations. When you factor in the inexplicable Trump appointment of the current timid A.G. it's obvious that Watergate ain't gonna happen for Barry Hussein.

I don't know... I don't work for the DoJ. Do you? The FISA warrants on him were renewed several times and not a single person with information on FISA warrants have said that happens if they don't get useful information from the previous ones.

You said he was "recruited" by Russian spies. If that's the case, he's guilty of a crime. Since he has never been charged with any crime, it can't possibly be true.

The problem here is that Obama's DOJ is thoroughly corrupt. Conducting espionage on innocent Americans is the proof. No one has demonstrated that any "useful information," other than the kind used to defeat a political opponent, was obtained by the warrant.

What you're saying is that we should trust an obviously corrupt DOJ. In other words, you're admitting that you're an idiot.

He was recruited by Russian spies. That's not in question, that's a FACT and was part of the court case where one of them were convicted. It isn't a crime to be recruited by a Russian spy. You have to actually give them information that they can use against the U.S., or information that is classified.

Of course it's in question, dumbass. I think what you meant to say is that Russian spies tried to recruit him - tried, and failed. One thing you got right, it's not a crime if Russian spies talk to you. Once you understand that, your entire line of argument becomes utterly pointless.

They did? They failed? FISA warrants aren't renewed multiple times over when there is no useful information gained from them. Good lord you are a major dumbass.

Yes, there is PLENTY of proof. It's in the court documents in New York where one of the Russian spies was convicted. Also, if it was such a failure, then why did Page go to Russia and do an anti-American speech even after the FBI warning him Russian spies were trying to use him?

Just give up already. Every time you say something it can be easily refuted.

Again, you're expecting us to trust the FBI and the FISA court when there is no evidence that such trust is deserved.

There's no proof that Page did anything those Russian spies wanted him to do. The fact that they were convicted of being spies proves nothing about Page. If you weren't such a pathetic dumbass you would understand that.

Page went to Russian because that's his business. He's an oil industry consultant.

Who says his speech was "anti-American?"

You refuted nothing. You only proved that you're a dumbass.

Whitehall, here is the thing----------> Back then, there was only the big 3, CBS, ABC, NBC. They had a lock on what Americans knew. If they didn't talk about it, it didn't happen or was unimportant. Even when Reagan ran, there was very little other news outlets. Today, you have so many, along with podcasts, blogs, etc, the big 3 are going the way of the dinosaur.

Because of the shrinkage of the big 3, they really don't do much investigative reporting anymore, they rely on sources. And who are the sources that sing the most? Democrats!


Because their existence is NOT because of policy, it is because of NARRATIVE! When the Republicans put forth a policy they want, what do the Democrats say? Do they say it is bad because of A, B, and C; along with we have a better idea?

Nope, there go to lines are-------->it is racist, it is discriminatory, or the very popular, "people will die!"

Now you know why the mainstream MSM will avoid covering this until they HAVE TO! The Republicans are offering boring policy initiatives; the Democrats offer WWE fights, lol! WWE fights have higher ratings than policy, which put people to sleep.

Finally.........the only reason this dossier is getting ANY attention, is because the Republicans are now doing the WWE thing to. Look at the difference on how the Republicans are playing this, and how they played the IRS scandal. They are learning how to keep the country engaged, and that is a good thing!
Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...

I guess this is what passes for conservative porn.

Now, let's take a look at some facts. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word since you don't seem to be acquainted with the concept.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION YEARS IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PRISON PARTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE INDICTMENTS CONVICTIONS SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 9 16 16 GEORGE W BUSH Republican 8 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 GEORGE H W BUSH Republican 4 26 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 16 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 1 1 1 GERALD FORD Republican 24 76 15 RICHARD NIXON Republican 56 55 During Obama's 8 Years Not One Administration Official Was Indicted How Do the Other President's Stack Up? Notice a Party Bias? | Bill Clinton Meme on me.me
Think! It's because everyone is against the Republicans. Hollywood. The Press. The Courts. The FBI. Everyone! Think!

At this point, I can actually imagine a moment that was heretofore completely unimaginable to me. The scene: A career criminal under indictment files a complaint against the FBI and local police where he states that the FBI was biased against him because of his history of breaking the law. And conservatives cheer!
Who's the "local criminal?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

"Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee’s offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued. Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government."

Forget 'Watergate'. Hillary and Obama have surpassed Watergate long ago, perpetrating the biggest scandal / crime in US History:

Most Criminal Administration in US History

1st Presidential Cabinet Menber to be Censured in US History

Fast & Furious


Recess Aptments

2 Un-Constitutional Wars

Contitutional / Law Violations

Aiding Terrorists


Taliban 5 Release

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices

Illegal targeting of Americans with the IRS

Campaign violations

Campaign finance violations

Election fraud


Criminal Negligence

Endangering National Security

Violations of the FOIA & FRA

Illegal mishandling of classified

Leaking classified

Sharing classified with Russians

Unmasking Illegals

Lying to the FBI

Collusion, collaboration, paying foreign spies working with Russians

Paying Russians for propaganda

Accepting bribes from Russians

Illegal use of foreign propaganda in a US election




All proven / exposed by EVIDENCE...

I guess this is what passes for conservative porn.

Now, let's take a look at some facts. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word since you don't seem to be acquainted with the concept.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION YEARS IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PRISON PARTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE INDICTMENTS CONVICTIONS SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 9 16 16 GEORGE W BUSH Republican 8 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 GEORGE H W BUSH Republican 4 26 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 16 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 1 1 1 GERALD FORD Republican 24 76 15 RICHARD NIXON Republican 56 55 During Obama's 8 Years Not One Administration Official Was Indicted How Do the Other President's Stack Up? Notice a Party Bias? | Bill Clinton Meme on me.me
Think! It's because everyone is against the Republicans. Hollywood. The Press. The Courts. The FBI. Everyone! Think!

At this point, I can actually imagine a moment that was heretofore completely unimaginable to me. The scene: A career criminal under indictment files a complaint against the FBI and local police where he states that the FBI was biased against him because of his history of breaking the law. And conservatives cheer!
Who's the "local criminal?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

It could be anyone. It's a hypothetical. And frankly, I have little doubt that some accused criminal in custody will eventually trot out that kind of defense argument.

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