OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...

HERE'S another for ya


COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 | The ...

seniorsleague.org › Issues › COLA Articles

Sep 12, 2013 - COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 ... when inflation was so low that no COLA was paid for two years in a row, it's unlikely to ...
in other words there is inflation when it is conveniant and fits your narrative
and none when it is inconveniant

like everything else you idiots do

a MIND-PHUCK you do on yourselves
by the way idiot; even if you believe the article from the San Jose Mercury and discount for inflation;
obama's average price is still about 10 cents/gallon higher

and the article is 2 years old

libs are losers who lie to themselves
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As a public service (OK, I admit it -- for the entertainment value) I compiled all of Betwetter's sterling research for his (one of his) strawman point:

Post 290: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."

Post 291: "Page not found"

Post 292: "Page not found"

Post 293: (no link posted)

Post 294: Video says "consumer price index is showing little or no inflation" -- not that "there's no such thing".

Post 295: (no link posted)

Post 296: (no link posted)

Post 297: Moonie Times sez:
"Oops, we can't seem to find that page"

Post 298: (no link posted)

It's the same article I linked for you and all you could think of was to inform us how long ago 2012 was. And nobody ever said "inflation doesn't exist".

Fuggin' doofus.

um yes he did leftard; enough to deny seniors a COLA for 3 years i believe

grow a brain-stem

Brain stems don't do thinking, dumbass.

Maybe that's your problem -- the wrong tool in the wrong hands.

i know this; but i figure you should start out with baby steps; the rudimentary stuff
As a public service (OK, I admit it -- for the entertainment value) I compiled all of Betwetter's sterling research for his (one of his) strawman point:

Post 290: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."

Post 291: "Page not found"

Post 292: "Page not found"

Post 293: (no link posted)

Post 294: Video says "consumer price index is showing little or no inflation" -- not that "there's no such thing".

Post 295: (no link posted)

Post 296: (no link posted)

Post 297: Moonie Times sez:
"Oops, we can't seem to find that page"

Post 298: (no link posted)


you're right leftard; i made them up.

i have my own Internet

How did The Pogoid find time in between jotting down detailed notes on Rush Limbaugh's words of wit to do all that research?
nice graphics leftard

like i already said
inflation exists of doesnt exist depending on the leftard'z argument
HERE'S another for ya


COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 | The ...

seniorsleague.org › Issues › COLA Articles

Sep 12, 2013 - COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 ... when inflation was so low that no COLA was paid for two years in a row, it's unlikely to ...

Again... no link posted.

Best epic failure thread ever. :woohoo:
Amazing how much "research" Marxists can do on their own and yet demand that others to their work for them!
HERE'S another for ya


COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 | The ...

seniorsleague.org › Issues › COLA Articles

Sep 12, 2013 - COLAs Go Flat, Seniors May Get 1.7% COLA In 2014 ... when inflation was so low that no COLA was paid for two years in a row, it's unlikely to ...

Again... no link posted.

Best epic failure thread ever. :woohoo:



too stupid to copy and paste the URL?
in other words there is inflation when it is conveniant and fits your narrative
and none when it is inconveniant

like everything else you idiots do

a MIND-PHUCK you do on yourselves

Says the blanket urinator who can't find a link to save his skin...

Featuring "Conveniant" -- the heartworming story of a fallen Formicidaen who leaves it all behind and becomes a nun, and in the convent, unable to shake her habit, invents the concept of malaprops. Directed by Lush Rimjob and the "Democrat" Party.
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in other words there is inflation when it is conveniant and fits your narrative
and none when it is inconveniant

like everything else you idiots do

a MIND-PHUCK you do on yourselves

Says the blanket urinator who can't find a link to save his skin...

Featuring "Conveniant" -- the heartworming story of a fallen Formicidaen who leaves it all behind and becomes a nun, and in the convent invents the concept of malaprops. Directed by Lush Rimjob and the "Democrat" Party.

i found them; you cant loser

and you're too stupid to realize, apparently, that if you cant clik on it to open it you can copy and paste or type the URL in the addres bar
Not to worry, Pogoid, incoherent is very much in vogue in Democrat Governmental circles these days.
in other words there is inflation when it is conveniant and fits your narrative
and none when it is inconveniant

like everything else you idiots do

a MIND-PHUCK you do on yourselves

Says the blanket urinator who can't find a link to save his skin...

Featuring "Conveniant" -- the heartworming story of a fallen Formicidaen who leaves it all behind and becomes a nun, and in the convent invents the concept of malaprops. Directed by Lush Rimjob and the "Democrat" Party.

i found them; you cant loser

and you're too stupid to realize, apparently, that if you cant clik on it to open it you can copy and paste or type the URL in the addres bar

You can't cut and paste what doesn't exist. Again when your brain stem did manage to post a link it invariably returned "page not found", "Oops we can't seem to find that page" and a video that says something entirely different from what you claimed.

Yes, and who did you blame for that? Happened on his watch, right? So again, i graciously accept your surrender. But only if you do the honorable thing and man-up.

Republicans. They had the power to keep oil from rising from $0.99, which is where it was the day Clinton left office.

it was $1.78/gallon when Bush left office
Not in south Georgia it wasn't. It was $0.99 in Georgia and $1.09 in north Florida.

Edit to add: sorry - misread. I thought you were arguing about Clinton's last day.

Bush's last day was during the worst of his financial collapse. Gas plummeted in price as demand plummeted.

Don't you know anything, retard?
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The only way to have a soft landing and a smooth transition was to start the move away from petroleum in the 70s, when Carter lost the fight to Reagan & Big Oil, who lied about global oil supplies.

We were told that if we didn't make the transition slowly over a 40 year period that we would eventually be choked by the $5/gallon, by which time it would be too late to fund the transition to a less petrol-intensive system. We are now, as predicted, left with terrible options. Fracking and Canadian tar sands are too expensive and cannot come close to meeting even a portion of our demand in a cost efficient way. They are pipe dreams floated by Republicans to keep us in the petrol-prison. This is what happens when special interests buy a political party. Starting with Reagan, Big Oil was the largest funder of the Conservative/Republican political machine.

In the 70s we needed to begin slowly altering our travel and production systems as well as creating a "greener" more low impact urbanism - emphasis on the word slowly. Instead we listened to Reagan and went all in behind a sprawling, spread-out, oil-intensive suburbanism. Hummers, McMansions and massive shopping malls sustained by an oil-fed monster that could only be maintained if oil remained cheap. However, once oil prices rose, it was predicted that consumers would be financially choked and the economy would grind to a halt along as consumers required ever greater amounts of debt to keep the sprawling oil sucking monster alive. Reagan was asked/begged to impose better CAFE standards and start the transition to less petroleum use, but he laughed. He was told that we needed to slowly reduce petroleum use or we would some day be faced with terrible choices, all of which would bankrupt us. He laughed. Big oil became the most profitable industry in world history, and it poured money into the Republican media & political machines.

Reagan was asked to price the military costs of stabilizing the middle east into the cost of oil. He was asked this so Americans and the market would see the true cost of oil. The thinking was that this would send the proper signal to investors, who would then allocate resources to alternative energy and conservation. Reagan laughed and refused to let Americans know the real cost of oil.

The joke was and is on us. Now we have no affordable answers, including the biggest joke of all: a fucking pipeline that won't reduce energy costs by even 1%.

Game over. We are going to be swallowed by rising oil costs, exactly as Carter predicted.
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The only way to have a soft landing and a smooth transition was to start the move away from petroleum in the 70s, when Carter lost the fight to Reagan & Big Oil, who lied about global oil supplies.

We were told that if we didn't make the transition slowly over a 40 year period that we would eventually be choked by the $5/gallon, by which time it would be too late to fund the transition to a less petrol-intensive system. We are now, as predicted, left with terrible options. Fracking and Canadian tar sands are too expensive and cannot come close to meeting even a portion of our demand in a cost efficient way. They are pipe dreams floated by Republicans to keep us in the petrol-prison. This is what happens when special interests buy a political party. Starting with Reagan, Big Oil was the largest funder of the Conservative/Republican political machine.

In the 70s we needed to begin slowly altering our travel and production systems as well as creating a "greener" more low impact urbanism - emphasis on the word slowly. Instead we listened to Reagan and went all in behind a sprawling, spread-out, oil-intensive suburbanism. Hummers, McMansions and massive shopping malls sustained by an oil-fed monster that could only be maintained if oil remained cheap. However, once oil prices rose, it was predicted that consumers would be financially choked and the economy would grind to a halt along as consumers required ever greater amounts of debt to keep the sprawling oil sucking monster alive. Reagan was asked/begged to impose better CAFE standards and start the transition to less petroleum use, but he laughed. He was told that we needed to slowly reduce petroleum use or we would some day be faced with terrible choices, all of which would bankrupt us. He laughed. Big oil became the most profitable industry in world history, and it poured money into the Republican media & political machines.

Reagan was asked to price the military costs of stabilizing the middle east into the cost of oil. He was asked this so Americans and the market would see the true cost of oil. The thinking was that this would send the proper signal to investors, who would then allocate resources to alternative energy and conservation. Reagan laughed and refused to let Americans know the real cost of oil.

The joke was and is on us. Now we have no affordable answers, including the biggest joke of all: a fucking pipeline that won't reduce energy costs by even 1%.

Game over. We are going to be swallowed by rising oil costs, exactly as Carter predicted.

Raygun was the first "Truthiness" President.

3 decades later and we're still seeing and feeling the consequences of his bought and paid for corporate ass.

Carter was right.

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