OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...

No, it would just be cheaper. He has stifled supply side in the US and it's production increases in the US that have occurred in places he can't prohibit that have led to this drop in price. All in spite of obama. Obama is keeping and has kept prices higher than need be since the day he took office. Actually since a few days before as speculation is based on potential circumstances.

You all just keep showing how uninformed you really are. Here....quit listening to bimbos on Faux News that don't know what they are talking about and get informed. It pains me to see so many Americans being so ignorant when it comes to gas prices rising/dropping.

Why are gas prices likely to keep falling? You can thank a variety of market forces that are working together to push prices lower. Here are four of the main ones, and how each will make it less expensive to drive in coming months.

American oil producers have been on a tear lately. Thanks to new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the increased use of techniques like hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," on land, the U.S. is awash in crude.

Domestic oil production has increased every year since 2008, which has contributed to a growing world supply. Meanwhile, American refineries are buying fewer barrels of more expensive foreign crudes.

The increased oil supply in the U.S., combined with weakening expectations for the global economy and world oil consumption, will likely push oil prices lower in 2015. As the cost of oil falls, so will the price of petroleum products like gasoline.

One of the primary reasons your gas prices rise or fall is the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. U.S. refineries buy several million barrels of oil every day to supply the world's biggest economy, so even small price changes make a big difference.

When crude oil prices go up or down, gas prices tend to follow. And right now, oil prices are on the decline.

Oil prices have been falling for several reasons, including the increased U.S. crude production and an outlook for weaker growth in global oil demand. Meanwhile, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, decided toward the end of 2014 not to manipulate prices by restricting oil production.

Overall, government energy forecasters expect crude prices to be significantly lower in 2015. The Energy Information Administration says the U.S. benchmark price could drop to $62.75 per barrel in 2015 -- a 33 percent discount from 2014. That means refineries would pay less for crude oil, and at least some of that savings should be passed on to drivers in the form of cheaper gasoline.

That makes the Gulf a rich and perilous place for satisfying America's energy needs. But the region hasn't seen much hurricane activity in a while, and that has contributed to declining gasoline prices.

A well-placed storm can cripple thousands of oil rigs in a weekend, and occasionally one does. Gas prices usually spike in reaction, as nervous refineries and petroleum traders gauge how long the supply disruption will last.

For example, in August 2012, gasoline prices surged as Hurricane Isaac whipped through the Gulf and shuttered 1.3 million barrels per day of refining capacity. In 2005, gas prices jumped more than 46 cents in the week after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, according to government data.

Did you know that there are many different recipes for gasoline? Thanks to different state and local regulations, your neighborhood pump probably sells a different blend of gas than pumps in other states. And there are seasonal varieties, too -- summer gasoline and winter gasoline.

Winter gasoline is usually the cheapest.

4 Reasons Gas Prices Will Keep Dropping in 2015 Bankrate.com
It was in the dead of winter 2009 that prices began to rise under obama due to his reimposing of offshore drilling restrictions. Recent price drops have occurred in spite of his economically choking energy policy.
Why do you obama sheeple insist on not thinking?

I see.....the experts are wrong, and you and the rest of the Fauxbots are the ones with the knowledge.................bwahahahahaha......:D
No, no Fox News issue here. I rely on my own experience and not what any left wing brainwashers tell me as you obama sheeple do. I drove cross country on jan 11, 2009 and watched the impact of obama drilling restriction pronouncements happen. $1.35 on jan 11, $1.80 (and rising) by jan 23.

You watched? .....you were able to connect it to drilling restrictions? Did the gas stations have signs that said...."Er, the price has gone up due to Obama's drilling restrictions"....... I have one word.....naive. The truth is you watched it on Faux News.....and we've already established the fact that Faux News lies.
Nice try......but I'm not a gullible Fauxbot.

Earlier this week, I published Part I of my examination of why gasoline prices are soaring and who may be responsible for this unpleasant phenomenon.

Opponents of the President are busy trying to pin the blame on the Administration. The President argues that current gasoline prices are not something the executive can readily influence.

In the first installment, we reviewed the Administration’s oil drilling policies and the effect of our weak dollar. Today, we look at the impact of closing refineries, not going forward with the Keystone Pipeline and what role the oil speculators may be playing in the rising prices.


You may have heard that a big part of our problem is that American refineries have shut down and that this has created a shortage in the availability of gasoline. There is some truth to this— particularly in the northeastern part of the United States.

You probably have also heard that these refineries have been forced off-line because of stringent EPA regulations that have made it too difficult for the refineries to operate according to government rules and still earn a profit.


The Truth About Obama Oil And The Gasoline Blame Game-Part Two - Forbes

Fox News explains that this doesn’t just cause higher gas prices, but also increases unemployment.


The Chamber of Commerce released a report Thursday that found 351 energy projects around the country were in regulatory limbo last year because of regulations, environmental protests, or lawsuits.

None of them include drilling for oil or gas and remarkably, almost half of the delayed projects involved renewable energy.

“There are hundreds of laws with thousands of provisions, all of which can stop a project,” said William Kovacs of the Chamber’s Environment, Technology & Regulatory Affairs Division.

Steve Pociask of TeleNomic Research, one of the authors of the study, found those delays are costing the economy dearly. The report says the stalled projects cost the economy $1.1 trillion in economic activity last year and would have provided 1.9 million jobs in each year of construction.

The report said that once constructed, the projects would have supplied some 791,000 jobs per year over 20 years and added $3.4 trillion to the GDP, and that’s without taking into account lower energy prices that could result from the completed projects.

[…]A partial list from the report shows the stalled or delayed proposals included 22 nuclear projects, 1 nuclear disposal site, 21 transmission projects, 38 gas and platform projects and 111 coal projects.

Is Obama causing gas prices to rise by restricting oil drilling Wintery Knight
Obama energy policy caused prices to rise due to the prohibition of extraction that he applied. You can link to all the partisan rationale you like and it doesn't change a thing. Your faux news comments say more about your own bias and dishonesty. I wish fox news and other non left wing media would have illuminated the Obama green scam that has been causing the economic problems more but they didn't. I had to pay attention to my own budget in order to appreciate the significance of the Obama energy problem. Too bad too many of his proponents either make too much money and/or are too stupid to realize.
Bush-era offshore drilling plan shelved - US news - Environment NBC News

Why do you obama sheeple insist on supporting disastrous economic policy? Why are you so partisan that you allow it to skew your judgment? Are you on some sort of dole? My atmospheric professor friends have an angle. They get subsidies to push the hypothesis but the rest of you are just ignorantly rooting for the team.
Your own link proves you wrong. Obama restricted nothing until the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010, and even that was only for a period of time while the safety of deep offshore drilling was looked in to.
"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday overturned another Bush-era energy policy, setting aside a draft plan to allow drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts."

I don't know why I respond to you if you can't read.
You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.
I don't know why you can't understand your own article? :dunno:

The preliminary plan drawn up by the Bush administration would have authorized 31 energy exploration lease sales between 2010 and 2015 for tracts along the East Coast and off the coasts of Alaska and California.​

Bush's plan didn't go into effect in 2009. Leases weren't set to open up until 2010 and by the time they would have gone into effect, Obama released his own plan for expanding offshore drilling...

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Now go sell stupid elsewhere.

[edit: oh, and by the way ... the reason you wouldn't answer my question before is because oil production increased in 2009. Apparently, you're unfamiliar with the economic law of supply and demand.]
The potential for supply enhancement affects prices as much as the potential for supply depletion. That's why the price of oil not yet realized goes up because of wars and storms, etc. Bush's plans had the same impact in dropping prices as obama's plans to stifle impacted the rise.
Complete idiocy. According to your nonsense, potential production that will not be realized for decades has more of an impact on prices than actual current production.

Does anyone need more evidence of how out of touch with reality you are?
You just illustrated your own ignorance.
What do you think speculation is?
Your own link proves you wrong. Obama restricted nothing until the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010, and even that was only for a period of time while the safety of deep offshore drilling was looked in to.
"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday overturned another Bush-era energy policy, setting aside a draft plan to allow drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts."

I don't know why I respond to you if you can't read.
You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.
I don't know why you can't understand your own article? :dunno:

The preliminary plan drawn up by the Bush administration would have authorized 31 energy exploration lease sales between 2010 and 2015 for tracts along the East Coast and off the coasts of Alaska and California.​

Bush's plan didn't go into effect in 2009. Leases weren't set to open up until 2010 and by the time they would have gone into effect, Obama released his own plan for expanding offshore drilling...

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Now go sell stupid elsewhere.

[edit: oh, and by the way ... the reason you wouldn't answer my question before is because oil production increased in 2009. Apparently, you're unfamiliar with the economic law of supply and demand.]
The potential for supply enhancement affects prices as much as the potential for supply depletion. That's why the price of oil not yet realized goes up because of wars and storms, etc. Bush's plans had the same impact in dropping prices as obama's plans to stifle impacted the rise.
Complete idiocy. According to your nonsense, potential production that will not be realized for decades has more of an impact on prices than actual current production.

Does anyone need more evidence of how out of touch with reality you are?
You just illustrated your own ignorance.
What do you think speculation is?
We're talking about speculating revenues decades out. You're insane if you think that pushes gas prices more than current production levels. :cuckoo:

But I understand, as a rightie, it's your duty to assign blame to a Democrat, no matter how silly you sound.
"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday overturned another Bush-era energy policy, setting aside a draft plan to allow drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts."

I don't know why I respond to you if you can't read.
You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.
I don't know why you can't understand your own article? :dunno:

The preliminary plan drawn up by the Bush administration would have authorized 31 energy exploration lease sales between 2010 and 2015 for tracts along the East Coast and off the coasts of Alaska and California.​

Bush's plan didn't go into effect in 2009. Leases weren't set to open up until 2010 and by the time they would have gone into effect, Obama released his own plan for expanding offshore drilling...

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Now go sell stupid elsewhere.

[edit: oh, and by the way ... the reason you wouldn't answer my question before is because oil production increased in 2009. Apparently, you're unfamiliar with the economic law of supply and demand.]
The potential for supply enhancement affects prices as much as the potential for supply depletion. That's why the price of oil not yet realized goes up because of wars and storms, etc. Bush's plans had the same impact in dropping prices as obama's plans to stifle impacted the rise.
Complete idiocy. According to your nonsense, potential production that will not be realized for decades has more of an impact on prices than actual current production.

Does anyone need more evidence of how out of touch with reality you are?
You just illustrated your own ignorance.
What do you think speculation is?
We're talking about speculating revenues decades out. You're insane if you think that pushes gas prices more than current production levels. :cuckoo:

But I understand, as a rightie, it's your duty to assign blame to a Democrat, no matter how silly you sound.
I'm no rightie. And I'm too progressive to support lefties and democrats.
Obama/green energy has cost my budget over $50,000 over the past six years because of stifled fossil fuel supply.
You should change your handle to pawn.
I know.....they'd be giving it away, if it wasn't for Obama..........:D
No, it would just be cheaper. He has stifled supply side in the US and it's production increases in the US that have occurred in places he can't prohibit that have led to this drop in price. All in spite of obama. Obama is keeping and has kept prices higher than need be since the day he took office. Actually since a few days before as speculation is based on potential circumstances.

You all just keep showing how uninformed you really are. Here....quit listening to bimbos on Faux News that don't know what they are talking about and get informed. It pains me to see so many Americans being so ignorant when it comes to gas prices rising/dropping.

Why are gas prices likely to keep falling? You can thank a variety of market forces that are working together to push prices lower. Here are four of the main ones, and how each will make it less expensive to drive in coming months.

American oil producers have been on a tear lately. Thanks to new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the increased use of techniques like hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," on land, the U.S. is awash in crude.

Domestic oil production has increased every year since 2008, which has contributed to a growing world supply. Meanwhile, American refineries are buying fewer barrels of more expensive foreign crudes.

The increased oil supply in the U.S., combined with weakening expectations for the global economy and world oil consumption, will likely push oil prices lower in 2015. As the cost of oil falls, so will the price of petroleum products like gasoline.

One of the primary reasons your gas prices rise or fall is the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. U.S. refineries buy several million barrels of oil every day to supply the world's biggest economy, so even small price changes make a big difference.

When crude oil prices go up or down, gas prices tend to follow. And right now, oil prices are on the decline.

Oil prices have been falling for several reasons, including the increased U.S. crude production and an outlook for weaker growth in global oil demand. Meanwhile, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, decided toward the end of 2014 not to manipulate prices by restricting oil production.

Overall, government energy forecasters expect crude prices to be significantly lower in 2015. The Energy Information Administration says the U.S. benchmark price could drop to $62.75 per barrel in 2015 -- a 33 percent discount from 2014. That means refineries would pay less for crude oil, and at least some of that savings should be passed on to drivers in the form of cheaper gasoline.

That makes the Gulf a rich and perilous place for satisfying America's energy needs. But the region hasn't seen much hurricane activity in a while, and that has contributed to declining gasoline prices.

A well-placed storm can cripple thousands of oil rigs in a weekend, and occasionally one does. Gas prices usually spike in reaction, as nervous refineries and petroleum traders gauge how long the supply disruption will last.

For example, in August 2012, gasoline prices surged as Hurricane Isaac whipped through the Gulf and shuttered 1.3 million barrels per day of refining capacity. In 2005, gas prices jumped more than 46 cents in the week after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, according to government data.

Did you know that there are many different recipes for gasoline? Thanks to different state and local regulations, your neighborhood pump probably sells a different blend of gas than pumps in other states. And there are seasonal varieties, too -- summer gasoline and winter gasoline.

Winter gasoline is usually the cheapest.

4 Reasons Gas Prices Will Keep Dropping in 2015 Bankrate.com
It was in the dead of winter 2009 that prices began to rise under obama due to his reimposing of offshore drilling restrictions. Recent price drops have occurred in spite of his economically choking energy policy.
Why do you obama sheeple insist on not thinking?

I see.....the experts are wrong, and you and the rest of the Fauxbots are the ones with the knowledge.................bwahahahahaha......:D
No, no Fox News issue here. I rely on my own experience and not what any left wing brainwashers tell me as you obama sheeple do. I drove cross country on jan 11, 2009 and watched the impact of obama drilling restriction pronouncements happen. $1.35 on jan 11, $1.80 (and rising) by jan 23.

Except for the fact that President Obama announce in March of 2010 expanded federal leases for the Gulf of Mexico, the OCS in the Atlantic, the Arctic and Pacific coasts.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.

How much did the Saudis increase their production?

How far do oil prices have to fall to throttle the US shale boom - Vox
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.

"Gas prices go up, blame the fuckwit President... gas prices go down, don't blame the fuckwit President"

Life so simple down dere in Duh Bubble.

Don't thank the fuckwit President.
--- too late. Your title here already did.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
This is such an interesting shift in focus for conservatives. With gas prices low, growth high, the stock markets at near record levels, unemployment low......they insist we ignore the present. And instead start talking about 'averages'
You all just keep showing how uninformed you really are. Here....quit listening to bimbos on Faux News that don't know what they are talking about and get informed. It pains me to see so many Americans being so ignorant when it comes to gas prices rising/dropping.

Why are gas prices likely to keep falling? You can thank a variety of market forces that are working together to push prices lower. Here are four of the main ones, and how each will make it less expensive to drive in coming months.

American oil producers have been on a tear lately. Thanks to new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the increased use of techniques like hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," on land, the U.S. is awash in crude.

Domestic oil production has increased every year since 2008, which has contributed to a growing world supply. Meanwhile, American refineries are buying fewer barrels of more expensive foreign crudes.

The increased oil supply in the U.S., combined with weakening expectations for the global economy and world oil consumption, will likely push oil prices lower in 2015. As the cost of oil falls, so will the price of petroleum products like gasoline.

One of the primary reasons your gas prices rise or fall is the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. U.S. refineries buy several million barrels of oil every day to supply the world's biggest economy, so even small price changes make a big difference.

When crude oil prices go up or down, gas prices tend to follow. And right now, oil prices are on the decline.

Oil prices have been falling for several reasons, including the increased U.S. crude production and an outlook for weaker growth in global oil demand. Meanwhile, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, decided toward the end of 2014 not to manipulate prices by restricting oil production.

Overall, government energy forecasters expect crude prices to be significantly lower in 2015. The Energy Information Administration says the U.S. benchmark price could drop to $62.75 per barrel in 2015 -- a 33 percent discount from 2014. That means refineries would pay less for crude oil, and at least some of that savings should be passed on to drivers in the form of cheaper gasoline.

That makes the Gulf a rich and perilous place for satisfying America's energy needs. But the region hasn't seen much hurricane activity in a while, and that has contributed to declining gasoline prices.

A well-placed storm can cripple thousands of oil rigs in a weekend, and occasionally one does. Gas prices usually spike in reaction, as nervous refineries and petroleum traders gauge how long the supply disruption will last.

For example, in August 2012, gasoline prices surged as Hurricane Isaac whipped through the Gulf and shuttered 1.3 million barrels per day of refining capacity. In 2005, gas prices jumped more than 46 cents in the week after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, according to government data.

Did you know that there are many different recipes for gasoline? Thanks to different state and local regulations, your neighborhood pump probably sells a different blend of gas than pumps in other states. And there are seasonal varieties, too -- summer gasoline and winter gasoline.

Winter gasoline is usually the cheapest.

4 Reasons Gas Prices Will Keep Dropping in 2015 Bankrate.com
It was in the dead of winter 2009 that prices began to rise under obama due to his reimposing of offshore drilling restrictions. Recent price drops have occurred in spite of his economically choking energy policy.
Why do you obama sheeple insist on not thinking?
Yes that offshore drilling restriction sure did keep us from becoming an major oil producer...
Yeah, it did. It slowed the process by six years and is preventing the process from improving more as we speak.

What? Are you Serious? We are a major oil producer..........or, did you mean a "Major, major oil producer"....bwahahaha!
You need to get out more. Unbelievable, the crap the right believes.

The US was on pace to achieve global energy domination on Friday, overtakingRussia and Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil and natural gas producer.

New estimates released on Friday by the Energy Information Administration showed America pulling ahead of both countries in oil and natural gas production for 2013.

The rise to the top was fuelled by new drilling techniques, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, which have unlocked vast quantities of oil and gas from shale rock formations – especially in North Dakota and Texas.

US surpasses Russia as world s top oil and natural gas producer Business The Guardian
And that is why the price Is dropping. If not for Obama energy policy we'd have been there six years earlier. You Obama apologists owe the rest of bud reparations.

Nice try at trying to recover from your failed comment............Epic Fail.....that is.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.
Of course Obama gets some of the credit. He imposed higher fuel efficient automobiles which reduced consumption on average, lowering demand.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.

"Gas prices go up, blame the fuckwit President... gas prices go down, don't blame the fuckwit President"

Life so simple down dere in Duh Bubble.

Don't thank the fuckwit President.
--- too late. Your title here already did.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Your fuckwit hero has only served to hurt American oil producers. He's done everything in his power to put them out of business. So he is to blame when things go bad on gas prices. And he gets no credit for gas prices going down.

Gas prices going down is a result of the Saudis trying to put American oil producers out of business. They and the fuckwit President share that goal. But hey, enjoy the low prices. Just don't think your Dear Leader has anything to do with it.
As much as our messiah has done to bring down gas prices, I think we need a Clinton to get prices below $1

Don't you know.....Obama was only responsible for making gas prices go up.....not for making them come down....(the conservative logic)....:)

Here's Liberal logic: Prices go up under Bush, it's his fault. Prices go up under Obama, it's Bush's fault. Prices come down under Obama, he gets credit.
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.
Of course Obama gets some of the credit. He imposed higher fuel efficient automobiles which reduced consumption on average, lowering demand.

Do you give Bush credit when prices dropped to $1.81 before he left office?
Don't thank the fuckwit President. Thank the Saudis for the low gas prices. But don't thank em too much. This is just a ploy to put American oil producers out of business. Current extraction methods such as fracking, are very expensive methods. American oil producers will struggle to survive on $50 a barrel or less.

However, the Saudis and other oil producing nations can survive on very low barrel prices. So don't get too excited, if American oil producers start going out of business, expect gas prices to rise again.

It was the lure of $100 barrel oil that spurred the technology that increased the output (supply) that dropped the prices, not the Saudis. Low prices mean no new exploration which will lead to less output and a rise in prices.......repeat.

No, the Saudis are just driving prices down to put American producers out of business. Fracking and other extraction methods, are very expensive. American producers can't survive on $50 a barrel or less. They need a minimum price of about $65 a barrel.

So i guess we'll see if American producers survive this. The Saudis are betting they won't. But hey, enjoy the low gas prices. I know i will. But it's certainly no thanks to the fuckwit President.
Of course Obama gets some of the credit. He imposed higher fuel efficient automobiles which reduced consumption on average, lowering demand.

Ha, absolute Bullshite. The dumbass has done everything in his power to put American oil producers out of business. Consumption has nothing to with these recent lower gas prices. It's all about the Saudis lowering the prices to put American oil producers out of business. Unfortunately, the asshole American President shares their goal.
As much as our messiah has done to bring down gas prices, I think we need a Clinton to get prices below $1

Don't you know.....Obama was only responsible for making gas prices go up.....not for making them come down....(the conservative logic)....:)

Here's Liberal logic: Prices go up under Bush, it's his fault. Prices go up under Obama, it's Bush's fault. Prices come down under Obama, he gets credit.

Ha, Obamabot tard logic. Spot on. Thanks. :)

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