Observations about Trump

Trump set a March 15, 2021 deadline, and then did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal.

The withdrawal would have been an epic colossal disaster if Trump had been re-elected. Far worse than Biden's.
Biden and the trannys running the pantagon did everything backwards. and americans and allies died because of his incompetence. We will never know if Trump would have done it right, but it is very likely.
Biden and the trannys running the pantagon did everything backwards. and americans and allies died because of his incompetence. We will never know if Trump would have done it right, but it is very likely.
Since he did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal, then it would have undoubtedly been worse under Trump.
Since he did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal, then it would have undoubtedly been worse under Trump.
What are you babbling about? Trump wouldn't of left 80 billion dollars worth of military equipment behind

Back Again is the one who quoted CNN in an effort to "prove" Wyatt earp's $80 billion hoax was true!

This comedy show is very entertaining. :auiqs.jpg:
quoting a lie from CNN is what the other poster did. it was not me, moron.
As usual, Poo, your focus is on the wrong part of the equation.

He left 2500 troops behind. And it worked.

I surely understand why you don't want to focus on why trump withdrew over 10,000 troops and did not enforce the conditions the withdrawals were suppose to be based on. How did that work? One of the conditions we complied with was getting 5,000 captured Taliban fighters released. That's twice as many troops as was left for the next commander in chief. How does that work in our favor? Are we on the same team anymore?
You just showed it was $7 billion, not $80 billion, retard.

Again, thank you.
I know anything approximating facts and accuracy and honesty is beyond your comprehension.

My understanding is that the roughly $80 Billion figure includes the entire expenditure in Afghanistan from the outset until the bitter end. Further, the Pentagon (to whatever extent it’s figures can be trusted) say we left about “only” $7 BILLION worth of equipment etc behind.

That still constitutes a bit of waste. Along the lines of “a billion here, a billion there; pretty soon we’re talking real money!” And that absurd result has to be placed at the foot of the man who was then commander in chief. Brandon.
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I surely understand why you don't want to focus on why trump withdrew over 10,000 troops and did not enforce the conditions the withdrawals were suppose to be based on. How did that work? One of the conditions we complied with was getting 5,000 captured Taliban fighters released. That's twice as many troops as was left for the next commander in chief. How does that work in our favor? Are we on the same team anymore?
I fully grasp why you focus on what President Trump did instead of acknowledging what commander in dementia Brandon did.
Is it, though?

What about Ben Carson made him a competent or experienced pick to lead HUD? A surgeon who once lived in HUD housing? I've flown on a plane. Does that mean I'm qualified to run the FAA?

What about Betsy Devos made her competent or qualified to run the Department of Education? She was a venture capitalist. She'd never been so much as a teacher, nor had the slightest experience in education, government administration. She didn't run companies. She *invested* in them.

What about Kari Lake's experience made her remotely qualified to be the governor of a State? She was a news anchor. Full stop. That's literally her entire career.

All of these people were personally loyal to Trump.....but didn't have any qualification, experience, education or competency for the roles they were to filled.

You'd see so, so much more of the same with a second Trump presidency. Lou Dobbs as Secretary of State? Ivanka as the head of Commerce. Stephen Miller as the head of National Security Council. Mike Lindell as the head of homeland security? Steve Bannon as the Secretary of the Army?

The only qualification for a Trump leadership role is personal fealty to Trump. There is no other.

This is a serious issue.
If you want to talk about qualifications lets start with Kamala Harris. The only qualification the SHE had for a leadership position is that she is a Female, and that she's Blackish. There is no other
You just showed it was $7 billion, not $80 billion, retard.

Again, thank you.
The same leftist bullshit blather everyday. Never changes, never is truthful. Just a blind, dead, parrot, flapping his beak.
Trump set a March 15, 2021 deadline, and then did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal.

The withdrawal would have been an epic colossal disaster if Trump had been re-elected. Far worse than Biden's.
The Accord withdraw date was May 1st 2021. In Nov. 2020 Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021 only to flip flip two days later and reduced the number to 2500, the number the Generals said they needed to support the Afghan Army. It's not been reported on much as to why he flip flopped, but I bet they told him what a shit show that withdrawal date would be, and that we still had an obligation to the Afghan Army till at least May 1st.
The Accord withdraw date was May 1st 2021. In Nov. 2020 Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021 only to flip flip two days later and reduced the number to 2500, the number the Generals said they needed to support the Afghan Army. It's not been reported on much as to why he flip flopped, but I bet they told him what a shit show that withdrawal date would be, and that we still had an obligation to the Afghan Army till at least May 1st.
You lying bastards don't anything about what Trump did or didn't. All you scum got is whatever comes in your daily media enema.

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