Observations about Trump

Not clear and not true. You lie.

The facts are that tariffs always impact both sides, you ignorant imbecile. And the tariffs did not lead to any bigger trade deficit with China. Indeed, over time, it led to the decrease in imports of many resources from China to their detriment.
It is a fact that our trade deficit with China was the highest in history. Sorry!

History has proven time and time and time again that far left tariff wars are ALWAYS losers.

China Trade Balance 1960-2022.


are you on drugs?

The left loves the new NAFTA, which is how you know it was a bad deal. Biden hailed it as a good deal, what more do you need to know about it?

Biden and the left also love Trump's far left tariffs. Biden has left them in place.
Can you list the differences between NAFTA and USMCA other than the names?

Literally the biggest change was the name and us getting our initials first.

On of the biggest things was stuff had to be manufactured in US,Mexico, Canada as opposed to simply being assembled.
You clearly have not been discovering the facts for yourself and are just parroting the manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

Trump's far left tariff war led to the largest trade deficit with China in history.

Trump's so-called foreign policy was an unmitigated disaster. Christ, the man couldn't even pronounce the names of other countries! He doesn't even know where they are!

Meanwhile, Biden has been kicking Xi in the nuts. Hard.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo doubles down on Biden plan to restrict American companies, and citizens, from helping China make semiconductor chips

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo doubled down on the Biden administration’s controversial plan to ban U.S. companies, and citizens, from helping China manufacture advanced semiconductor chips, saying: “We have to protect the American people against China. Period. Full stop.”


U.S. chipmakers will have to obtain a license from the Commerce Department to export certain chips that can be used in modern weapons systems. Commerce also issued license restrictions barring U.S. citizens from working for China’s chip manufacturing industry, putting their U.S. citizenship at risk.

Raimondo says the new rule is “necessary” despite denying some revenue to some U.S. companies.”
Wrong, Putin didn't invade Ukraine under Trump, he wouldn't of dared
Nope. The 2500 troops left there seem to have suspended Taliban efforts to run amok. Negotiated deal or not, it was fucking regarded of Brandon to then just act as if The Taliban had been in compliance.

Warnings had come from a variety of sources. Even Sen. Rubio had expressed a concern about a Saigon scenario. (He seems pretty prescient now.)

But President Potatohead blithely went ahead anyway. And we almost immediately saw the consequences.

Despite your stalwart efforts to remain a loyal Brandon salad tosser, the facts remain. Brandon fucked it up and many people died because of his cognitive disabilities.
This is observations about Benedict Donald. Why did he withdraw so many troops when the Taliban had not complied? He took us down to 8600 after the 135 days and the Taliban hadn't complied. After that, they still did not comply, the post Doha Accord withdrawals began and ended Jan 15, 2021 with our troop level set at 2500.

I know you don't want to believe it but that is what he did, before Joe Biden came in to clean up.
You are free to question the intellect of a brain surgeon. But you are bound to never be persuasive. 😂

What about being a brain surgeon qualifies you to be the head of HUD? What experience in one makes you qualfied in the other? If that experience is interchangable, would you be cool with Marcia L. Fudge doing brain surgery on you or your family members?

You do get that being smart isn't the same thing as being competent or experienced in a particular field, right? Mark Zuckerberg founded one of the most successful companies in the world when he was only 20 years old. But I wouldn't want him doing open heart surgery on me if I ever needed a bypass. Or leading men into battle if there was a major war.

Those credits don't transfer.

And you avoided Devos and Lake entirely. Demonstrating elegantly that you're getting my point.
Stay on task, this thread is about trump.

But go ahead, start a thread about Biden's lies.
You are ALWAYS saying that biden lies, but you FAIL to provide examples.
So do it. Start the thread.
Kinky Katfish always declares she's not a supporter of the orange Florida man either.....as she keeps rushing to defend him.
Kinky Katfish always declares she's not a supporter of the orange Florida man either.....as she keeps rushing to defend him.

Pete, you and Winnie should get a room and you can REALLY be gay... instead of pretending to be a dyke lesbo

I'm fully behind Desantis... there's your problem you faggity old man
are you on drugs?

The left loves the new NAFTA, which is how you know it was a bad deal. Biden hailed it as a good deal, what more do you need to know about it?

He did not give any details other than how often it can be changed.

If that's true, interesting. I hadn't looked into that, as I pretty much gave up on politics after I saw what they did to Ron Paul, and now I firmly believe that no one gets to the highest office of the land without being "in the club."
When the Taliban didn’t deliver, we remained. And we did so in a way that had been calculated.
When the Accord was signed we had over 13,000 troops there. The Taliban didn't comply with any condition except one. Yet Trump withdrew 4,400 troops within the 135 days according to the agreement. Then over the course of the next few months he withdrew another 6100 troops, all against the advise of his Generals. Why did Trump do that to our military and our allies?

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