Observations about Trump

When the Accord was signed we had over 13,000 troops there. The Taliban didn't comply with any condition except one. Yet Trump withdrew 4,400 troops within the 135 days according to the agreement. Then over the course of the next few months he withdrew another 6100 troops, all against the advise of his Generals. Why did Trump do that to our military and our allies?
Biden left like 80 billion worth of military supplies in Afghanistan
You clearly have not been discovering the facts for yourself and are just parroting the manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

Trump's far left tariff war led to the largest trade deficit with China in history.

Trump's so-called foreign policy was an unmitigated disaster. Christ, the man couldn't even pronounce the names of other countries! He doesn't even know where they are!

Meanwhile, Biden has been kicking Xi in the nuts. Hard.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo doubles down on Biden plan to restrict American companies, and citizens, from helping China make semiconductor chips

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo doubled down on the Biden administration’s controversial plan to ban U.S. companies, and citizens, from helping China manufacture advanced semiconductor chips, saying: “We have to protect the American people against China. Period. Full stop.”


U.S. chipmakers will have to obtain a license from the Commerce Department to export certain chips that can be used in modern weapons systems. Commerce also issued license restrictions barring U.S. citizens from working for China’s chip manufacturing industry, putting their U.S. citizenship at risk.

Raimondo says the new rule is “necessary” despite denying some revenue to some U.S. companies.”
Sorry, old fart, everyone was working and happy.
Its another significant issue with a Trump Presidency: The credibility gap with our allies. Trump has strong isolationist tendencies. He doesn't see much use with alliances or the application of soft power.

Our allies are well aware. And worse, our adversaries. Credible deterrence has prevented more war than hard power ever did.

And Trump's admiration of Putin and sympathetic messaging for Russia send a powerful message to both our allies and our adversaries.

Do you really see Trump fighting Putin this hard in Ukraine, committing this much money and military hardware to stop Russia's advance toward NATO countries? Neither do our allies.
Allies you have to bribe are not Allie’s except to retards like you.
It is a fact that our trade deficit with China was the highest in history. Sorry!

History has proven time and time and time again that far left tariff wars are ALWAYS losers.

China Trade Balance 1960-2022.


Funny how everything was affordable despite your statistics.
And they are working now. There are ten million unfilled jobs.

Anyone who wants a job can have one.

I never hear you giving Biden credit for it, so why should Trump get credit?
Exactly what does Biden get credit for?
The fact that people went back to work after a pandemic?
And they are working now. There are ten million unfilled jobs.

Anyone who wants a job can have one.

I never hear you giving Biden credit for it, so why should Trump get credit?
I guess you haven’t been following the news lately, or don’t want to.
10s of 1000s of people are getting laid off.
Biden and the left also love Trump's far left tariffs. Biden has left them in place.
Indeed he has. Though Biden removed Trump's ludicrous steel tarriff of Canada, where our neighbors to the north were declared a threat to our nation's security.
Biden left like 80 billion worth of military supplies in Afghanistan
The final withdrawal was planned and carried out by the best military minds in the world. The generals in charge testified under oath that the only equipment the Taliban took over was from the US supplied Afghan Army that we, the US tax payers had supported with our money for nearly 20 years.

So you can say "And I Helped"
When the Accord was signed we had over 13,000 troops there. The Taliban didn't comply with any condition except one. Yet Trump withdrew 4,400 troops within the 135 days according to the agreement. Then over the course of the next few months he withdrew another 6100 troops, all against the advise of his Generals. Why did Trump do that to our military and our allies?
As usual, Poo, your focus is on the wrong part of the equation.

He left 2500 troops behind. And it worked. Not until Brandon fucked everything up by mindlessly adhering to a schedule and withdrawing those troops did things blow up.

Facts remain facts regardless of your feelings and opinions. As Sen. Moynihan once observed: you are entitled to your own opinions but you aren’t entitled to your own “facts.”
Another hoax you rubes fell for!
A “hoax” from a libtarded fake news outlet?

Try again, little g.
As usual, Poo, your focus is on the wrong part of the equation.

He left 2500 troops behind. And it worked. Not until Brandon fucked everything up by mindlessly adhering to a schedule and withdrawing those troops did things blow up.

Facts remain facts regardless of your feelings and opinions. As Sen. Moynihan once observed: you are entitled to your own opinions but you aren’t entitled to your own “facts.”
Trump set a March 15, 2021 deadline, and then did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal.

The withdrawal would have been an epic colossal disaster if Trump had been re-elected. Far worse than Biden's.
A “hoax” from a libtarded fake news outlet?

Try again, little g.
Um...retard? Wyatt earp said $80 billion.

Thank you for confirming that was a hoax.
Trump set a March 15, 2021 deadline, and then did NOTHING to prepare for the withdrawal.

The withdrawal would have been an epic colossal disaster if Trump had been re-elected. Far worse than Biden's.
Brandon was the President when he made the call to precipitously withdraw the 2500 troops. His call. He was the commander in chief.

Stop trying to pass the buck, bitch. It doesn’t work.

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