Obstruction of Justice Thread and Poll

Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Pub Duppe

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Russia Russia Russia

    Votes: 26 54.2%

  • Total voters
Tellng people to stop the investigation of Flynn, and firing those who didn't get the hint hint wink wink, is clearly obstruction of a criminal investigation.
it is based on what? and why wasn't the president arrested then? I mean you made that statement rather strongly. so why isn't he arrested? BTW, you know obummer did the same thing when he was in office.

You need to read the constitution, the president is immune from legal prosecution while in office. Take a civics court, get your GED, or just read the Constitution before making a fool of youself.
oh wait, are you saying that a president can never be taken out? you can't be making that statement. Impeachment is how they do it. so, again, a little differently where are the impeachment papers and why hasn't he been removed from his position. sorry, I felt the other way was easier. but ok. I guess you love semantics.
oh wait, are you saying that a president can never be taken out? you can't be making that statement. Impeachment is how they do it. so, again, a little differently where are the impeachment papers and why hasn't he been removed from his position. sorry, I felt the other way was easier. but ok. I guess you love semantics.

Let me remind you of what you said.

it is based on what? and why wasn't the president arrested then? I mean you made that statement rather strongly. so why isn't he arrested? BTW, you know obummer did the same thing when he was in office.

There's a difference between arresting the president and impeaching him.

Get a GED
And you're too stupid to retract your claim Trump isn't under investigation by the FBI.
he isn't the director of the FBI stated so under oath. I don't need anything else. thanks. any comments after that are made up fake news. just like that same director said under oath.

Perhaps you don't know about the flow of time. Sessions said that a week ago, Trump said he was under investigation this morning.
The world has known about this since Wednesday, you found out from a tweet from Trump this morning.
oh wait, are you saying that a president can never be taken out? you can't be making that statement. Impeachment is how they do it. so, again, a little differently where are the impeachment papers and why hasn't he been removed from his position. sorry, I felt the other way was easier. but ok. I guess you love semantics.

Let me remind you of what you said.

it is based on what? and why wasn't the president arrested then? I mean you made that statement rather strongly. so why isn't he arrested? BTW, you know obummer did the same thing when he was in office.

There's a difference between arresting the president and impeaching him.

Get a GED
I stand corrected. thank you for the education.
So Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey because he was in the future going to be investigated for obstruction of justice because he fired Comey?


Mike Flynn broke the law. The FBI is investigating. Comey is the head of the FBI.

With me so far? Probably not. Don’t care.

Comey was told to drop it. He didn’t. Trump fired him because of that.

Thus creating a new scandal…Obstruction of Justice.

Flynn is still under investigation.
So is Trump now.
And using that logic it's always obstruction of justice for the president to fire the FBI director because the FBI is always investigating someone.

Really, how so? This should be interesting (or at least entertaining).
If the FBI is investigating Joemoma and the president fires the FBI director, then the president is obstructing justice for that case.
Uh, no.

IF the Director is asked to stop investigating Joemoma and doesn’t do it and is THEN fired by the President, he is obstructing justice. There are potentially plenty of reasons to fire someone…
. If the director told the prez that he wasn't investigating (joemoma), otherwise all in hopes to get something on him by way of (joemoma), and this when he was asked about it, and it was found out later that he was doing just that after saying that he (the President) wasn't under investigation, then a scorning or firing would have been appropriate at that point and time by the President. We've done heard over and over again about how these investigation's could possibly lead to bigger questions or targets, and then the lies began flying all over the place to suggest that this was not the case, and that no further investigation was taking place that involved the President or that he was NEVER under investigation to begin with. But then the political pressure from the Dems began poisoning the wells in hopes to push further into poisoning Trump if they could get the slightest of information on him in order to connect any dots somehow to destroy him. Comey was being used by the Dems to continue a witch Hunt, and Trump finally saw through the bullcrap.
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The issue of obstruction of justice is so obvious, it is amazing that the rightwingers on this board don't get it.

Definition: the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process ...

Trump tried to impede the investigation into Flynn's Russia connection by asking Comey to backoff. When Comey didn't back off, he fired him. He was trying to influence and impede the investigation and the legal process. His telling Comey he 'hoped' he could let the investigation go and at the same time asking Comey if he wanted to keep his job was a threat. When Comey didn't back off, he fired him.

It's really very obvious to anyone who can think about it in an unbiased way. If your boss 'suggested' you stop doing something and you continued to do it, and then he/she fired you, you would believe you were fired for not doing what the boss wanted, especially if up until that time he/she had nothing but praise for you.

This is a legal issue, you clearly do not have a legal mind. Thank goodness I am here to help you out. Here is what a famous (liberal) legal mind thinks about your obstruction charge- your welcome.

Dershowitz, also a criminal law expert and the author of more than 30 books, said, “The president could have told Comey, you are commanded, directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn. The president has the right to do that. Comey acknowledges that. He says in the statement that historically, historically presidents have done that to the Justice Department."

“But in the last few years, we've had a tradition of separation, but that tradition doesn't create crime," said Dershowitz. "Remember also what the president could have done. He could have said to Comey, stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn."
Liberal Dershowitz on Trump: It's Not 'Obstruction,' There's No 'Crime'

Dershowitz is not the authority on this issue.

Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
This is a legal issue, you clearly do not have a legal mind. Thank goodness I am here to help you out. Here is what a famous (liberal) legal mind thinks about your obstruction charge- your welcome.

Dershowitz, also a criminal law expert and the author of more than 30 books, said, “The president could have told Comey, you are commanded, directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn. The president has the right to do that. Comey acknowledges that. He says in the statement that historically, historically presidents have done that to the Justice Department."

“But in the last few years, we've had a tradition of separation, but that tradition doesn't create crime," said Dershowitz. "Remember also what the president could have done. He could have said to Comey, stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn."
Liberal Dershowitz on Trump: It's Not 'Obstruction,' There's No 'Crime'

Dershowitz is not the authority on this issue.

Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
dude, that's fake. it's from a fake news libturd paper.

They no longer carry any credibility.
It just amuses me that we have posters here with no evidence claiming obstruction.

Tellng people to stop the investigation of Flynn, and firing those who didn't get the hint hint wink wink, is clearly obstruction of a criminal investigation.

Yes it is, to the non legal minded community, but if you actually follow the law, that doesn't cut it. Sorry sport.
Dershowitz is not the authority on this issue.

Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
dude, that's fake. it's from a fake news libturd paper.

They no longer carry any credibility.

Trump confirmed it by tweet this morning
Dershowitz is not the authority on this issue.

Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
dude, that's fake. it's from a fake news libturd paper.

They no longer carry any credibility.

It may well be, but it wouldn't matter to me if they did investigate. I don't think they will find anything that rises to obstruction.
It just amuses me that we have posters here with no evidence claiming obstruction.

Tellng people to stop the investigation of Flynn, and firing those who didn't get the hint hint wink wink, is clearly obstruction of a criminal investigation.
it is based on what? and why wasn't the president arrested then? I mean you made that statement rather strongly. so why isn't he arrested? BTW, you know obummer did the same thing when he was in office.

BTW, because I am a man of dignity, I am correcting the earlier post.

so correcting my previous post, a sitting president cannot be arrested and I was in error. I will state, however, that if there were a high crime with this, impeachment proceedings should have started. they have not. so, again, obummer did the same thing when he was in office.

see post #217
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Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
dude, that's fake. it's from a fake news libturd paper.

They no longer carry any credibility.

Trump confirmed it by tweet this morning

With all do respect, Trumps tweet aren't always the most reliable either.
Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

The man investigating Trump is a lawyer. So his opinion cancels out Dershowitz's opinion.
no one is investigating trump didn't you pay attention to the comey testimony? wow, you guys sure are stupid. it's in the transcripts I will post those if you need me to.

There are reports that Mueller is investigating Trump-
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
dude, that's fake. it's from a fake news libturd paper.

They no longer carry any credibility.

Trump confirmed it by tweet this morning
he confirmed he read the story and tweeted.
And using that logic it's always obstruction of justice for the president to fire the FBI director because the FBI is always investigating someone.

Really, how so? This should be interesting (or at least entertaining).
If the FBI is investigating Joemoma and the president fires the FBI director, then the president is obstructing justice for that case.
/----- Does the Director handle the investigations for all FBI cases? Firing him ends investigations? How does that work?
I'm using Candycorn logic, ask her?

You should try using Candycorn memory. I recall Comey saying that Trump told him to drop it. When did didn’t; he was fired shortly thereafter.

You seem to be immune from understanding that detail.
. You recall wrong.. Trump said that he "HOPED" that Flynn being investigated could be dropped because Flynn was a good man. Nothing wrong with backing up a person for whom you see as a good man, and that maybe he (Flynn) was the victim of a political witch hunt in which was unfortunate for him. Trump knows he can't intervene with Flynn's investigation, but maybe he could speak highly of the man's character in order to change the tone or Hardline a little bit. We see it all the time in cases where there is a hard line approach to cases and tactics by investigator's until they figure out who is who and what is what. They handcuffed OJ at his capture, but was convinced he wasn't a flight risk so they removed the cuffs, and began treating him better at that point. Now for the one who asked that the cuffs be removed, was he trying to obstruct justice or did he just know that OJ in his mind was not guilty until proven otherwise ? Saying that Flynn was a good guy wasn't obstructing anything, and hoping that he get a fair shake wasn't suggesting or directing or ordering that he be let go. The deeper question is how compromised was Comey, and was he in cullusion with the Demon-crats once he made the MATTER of Hillary go away ?? Who truly are the real bad guy's here ?
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Trump is mocking you moron. :laugh:

So Trump admitting he's under criminal investigation is mocking us ... how?

Trump isn't smart enough to mock anyone. There's no secret message hidden in his tweets. He simply is as crazy and stupid as he sounds, just like his followers.
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No collusion !!!!!!!! Then everything else goes away. First it was the alledged collusion, and then when that didn't pan out, then it was this being said, and that being said, and this being responded to, and that being responded to, but it was all based upon the idea that there was collusion with the Russians, even though that assertion had been abandoned by all who were involved early on. So it's a witch Hunt, and the taxpayers are getting killed by it all.

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