Obstruction of Justice Thread and Poll

Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Pub Duppe

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Russia Russia Russia

    Votes: 26 54.2%

  • Total voters
Which makes this situation all the more ironic. If the investigation was going to die on it's own, Trump instead tried to kill it.
investigation of what wrong doing? why can't you all justify this supposed investigation with facts? I see many butt hurt libs stuck in quicksand trying to build a story like an author of fiction. and you're failing bigly.

You claim the patient (the investigation) was terminal. That iw as going to die on it's own.

SO why did Trump smother it with a pillow?
You MORON! Trump didn't believe that by firing Comey the 'investigation' would "go away"!
THINK!!!!!! If Trump had anything to hide the WORST thing he could have done was to fire Comey.
He fired Comey b/c Comey refused to at least share with the public what he had told Trump privately three times.

Tee hee, magical thinking. Trump reacts; have you ever noticed he has not shown any ability to consider the consquences of his words or tweets.
why, what has happened to him? OMG, did he get arrested?
The Trump investigation was in a coma, and Dr. Comey just watched it slowly fading away.

Then Trump fired Dr. Comey, hoping that would kill the investigation, and as a result they brought in Dr. Mueller, who brought the patient out of his coma, got him back on his feet, and stronger than ever.

Stupid move by Trump...What was he thinking?

We never would have had a Special Counsel without Trump firing Comey. Once Comey was gone and Trump was going to get to pick the man who was investigating him, Congress/Justice had no choice but to appoint a Special Counsel

Does Trump have ANTONE who tells him not to do stupid things?
You claim the patient (the investigation) was terminal. That iw as going to die on it's own.

SO why did Trump smother it with a pillow?
what stopped?

That's the next point. After Trump tried to smother the investigation, new life was breathed into it. And it's now stronger than ever.

It is always the cover up that gets 'em. Trump's surrogates and cronies know this, will they protect themselves or others?
cover up of what? if there is no crime, tough to cover something up. Unless you have that figured out as well. what course material do you take to get there?

Paradoxically, you are touched* and out of touch

* "touched", a euphemism for not mentally well
Michael Flynn broke the law. You do recall that; right?
he did? :lmao:what was the charge? :link:

MIs-spoke. He’s being investigated for meeting with the Russians. Hence the order to “drop it” by Trump to Comey.
was it illegal to meet with them? why do they need to investigate his meeting? what evidence do they have that he did injustice? In fact, why aren't you asking that question?

You should ask someone who cares. The investigation continues into the numerous trump scandals….
I did. You are in here so that means you care right? I don't read minds, but I can add 1 + 1 and get 2.

In closing, you should ask someone who knows why what Flynn is against the law. I do not know. I do know that we do not get to pick the laws we follow and that it was serious enough for Donald Trump to fire him.
You claim the patient (the investigation) was terminal. That iw as going to die on it's own.

SO why did Trump smother it with a pillow?
what stopped?

That's the next point. After Trump tried to smother the investigation, new life was breathed into it. And it's now stronger than ever.

It is always the cover up that gets 'em. Trump's surrogates and cronies know this, will they protect themselves or others?
cover up of what? if there is no crime, tough to cover something up. Unless you have that figured out as well. what course material do you take to get there?

Paradoxically, you are touched* and out of touch

* "touched", a euphemism for not mentally well
so you have the crime, great, what is it? come on touched! :link::link::link::link::link:
he did? :lmao:what was the charge? :link:

MIs-spoke. He’s being investigated for meeting with the Russians. Hence the order to “drop it” by Trump to Comey.
was it illegal to meet with them? why do they need to investigate his meeting? what evidence do they have that he did injustice? In fact, why aren't you asking that question?

You should ask someone who cares. The investigation continues into the numerous trump scandals….
I did. You are in here so that means you care right? I don't read minds, but I can add 1 + 1 and get 2.

In closing, you should ask someone who knows why what Flynn is against the law. I do not know. I do know that we do not get to pick the laws we follow and that it was serious enough for Donald Trump to fire him.
well you must know, you're accusing him in here. what did he do that was illegal? you jumped the wall now answer the question.
MIs-spoke. He’s being investigated for meeting with the Russians. Hence the order to “drop it” by Trump to Comey.
was it illegal to meet with them? why do they need to investigate his meeting? what evidence do they have that he did injustice? In fact, why aren't you asking that question?

You should ask someone who cares. The investigation continues into the numerous trump scandals….
I did. You are in here so that means you care right? I don't read minds, but I can add 1 + 1 and get 2.

In closing, you should ask someone who knows why what Flynn is against the law. I do not know. I do know that we do not get to pick the laws we follow and that it was serious enough for Donald Trump to fire him.
well you must know, you're accusing him in here. what did he do that was illegal? you jumped the wall now answer the question.
ahh look candy can't answer. figures, out of touch!!!!!! right?
sure got lib quiet all of the sudden. what, you all can't back your claims?
On January 22, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Flynn was under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents for his communications with Russian officials.[89] On February 8, 2017, Flynn flatly denied having spoken to Kislyak in December 2016 about the sanctions placed on Russia by the Obama administration; however, the next day, U.S. intelligence officials shared an account indicating that such discussions did in fact take place.[90] Following this revelation, Flynn's spokesman released a statement that Flynn "indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn't be certain that the topic never came up".[91]
The FBI didn't announce they were investigating Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump announced he was being investigated by the FBI.
The FBI didn't announce they were investigating Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump announced he was being investigated by the FBI.
so now the donald is investigating himself. you sound silly. are you in touch?
Trump leaked the FBI investigation.
of what?

The FBI investigation of Donald J. Trump.
there isn't one, did you miss that comey testimony? hmmmmm It was very well reported. funny, here I thought you were in touch!!!

There is now. And Trump just leaked it.

I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI director, Witchhunt. - Donald J.Trump
Trump leaked the FBI investigation.
of what?

The FBI investigation of Donald J. Trump.
there isn't one, did you miss that comey testimony? hmmmmm It was very well reported. funny, here I thought you were in touch!!!

There is now. And Trump just leaked it.

I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI director, Witchhunt. - Donald J.Trump
he's playing you fool. way to bite.
Firing the guy directing the investigation into Trump’s campaign and it’s dealings with Russia to influence (i.e. win) an election does.
The issue of obstruction of justice is so obvious, it is amazing that the rightwingers on this board don't get it.

Definition: the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process ...

Trump tried to impede the investigation into Flynn's Russia connection by asking Comey to backoff. When Comey didn't back off, he fired him. He was trying to influence and impede the investigation and the legal process. His telling Comey he 'hoped' he could let the investigation go and at the same time asking Comey if he wanted to keep his job was a threat. When Comey didn't back off, he fired him.

It's really very obvious to anyone who can think about it in an unbiased way. If your boss 'suggested' you stop doing something and you continued to do it, and then he/she fired you, you would believe you were fired for not doing what the boss wanted, especially if up until that time he/she had nothing but praise for you.

This is a legal issue, you clearly do not have a legal mind. Thank goodness I am here to help you out. Here is what a famous (liberal) legal mind thinks about your obstruction charge- your welcome.

Dershowitz, also a criminal law expert and the author of more than 30 books, said, “The president could have told Comey, you are commanded, directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn. The president has the right to do that. Comey acknowledges that. He says in the statement that historically, historically presidents have done that to the Justice Department."

“But in the last few years, we've had a tradition of separation, but that tradition doesn't create crime," said Dershowitz. "Remember also what the president could have done. He could have said to Comey, stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn."
Liberal Dershowitz on Trump: It's Not 'Obstruction,' There's No 'Crime'

Dershowitz is not the authority on this issue.

Ahh, I guess according to you Esmeralda is a more reliable authority. Interesting you chose not to site another constitutional legal expert as a source.

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