Obstruction of Justice???


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Let's say you learn that you are being investigated by a law enforcement agency. You and/or your attorney inquire as to the reason for and scope of the investigation, only to be stonewalled by the investigator. You then ask the investigator's supervisor why you are being investigated, only to be stonewalled again. You then ask the supervisor's boss why you are being investigated, only to find that the boss has recused himself from any involvement in the investigation.

You then learn that almost everyone you have ever known is being investigated. Still unsure of what you are being investigated for, you ask friends and colleagues if they know or can find out. It finally turns out that you were being investigated for a crime you didn't commit, based on a rumor.

Have you obstructed justice?
Oh it is more than that, but nice try. Nonetheless, the house just needs to pass another pointless resolution and be done with it. They are not helping themselves right now.
Cool story, but that's not what happened. Trump tried everything he could to end the investigation. The only reason he didn't succeed was because his own staff ignored his orders.

His staff thinks his orders are too stupid to follow.
If Democrats really believed trump has committed numerous impeachable offenses, they would be well into impeachment already.

Are Democrats not doing the right thing, impeachment, because they feel it will hurt them politically?

The last place you'll ever find a Democrat is on the moral high ground.
If Democrats really believed trump has committed numerous impeachable offenses, they would be well into impeachment already.

Are Democrats not doing the right thing, impeachment, because they feel it will hurt them politically?

The last place you'll ever find a Democrat is on the moral high ground.
Exactly! If the Dems had anything viable at all, they'd have already done an impeachment. But they have nothing and they know it. They're fishing for someone to say something that will validate their rabid hatred and allow them to "unleash the kraken". I have never witnessed such single-minded hatred and stupidity in my life as demonstrated by the Trump haters.
What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies, they prosecute or do not prosecute, since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"
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Cool story, but that's not what happened. Trump tried everything he could to end the investigation. The only reason he didn't succeed was because his own staff ignored his orders.

His staff thinks his orders are too stupid to follow.

Where did TRUMP try to end the investigation? Wanting to get rid of Mueller who TRUMP knew was corrupt is not trying to end the investigation as Mueller would simply have been replaced.
What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
Cool story, but that's not what happened. Trump tried everything he could to end the investigation. The only reason he didn't succeed was because his own staff ignored his orders.

His staff thinks his orders are too stupid to follow.
That would make some sense, if the investigation that he was not able to successfully "obstruct" turned up something you dumb fucking loser.

The investigation was thoroughly investigated. How many fbi agents? How many fucking agencies you piece of shit? Been going on for OVER TWO FUCKING YEARS and you still get NOTHING.

So, just to review the facts you stupid fucking loser.

You claim Trump attempted to obstruct justice, but was not able to.

The investigation that he was not able to obstruct, found NOTHING.

That, makes sense to morons like you. Fucking morons.
What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
So you're okay with a "double standard" in Law. Trump gets put thru the ringer with a special prosecutor, and Hillary gets "exonerated" by the FBI?
Let's say you learn that you are being investigated by a law enforcement agency. You and/or your attorney inquire as to the reason for and scope of the investigation, only to be stonewalled by the investigator. You then ask the investigator's supervisor why you are being investigated, only to be stonewalled again. You then ask the supervisor's boss why you are being investigated, only to find that the boss has recused himself from any involvement in the investigation.

You then learn that almost everyone you have ever known is being investigated. Still unsure of what you are being investigated for, you ask friends and colleagues if they know or can find out. It finally turns out that you were being investigated for a crime you didn't commit, based on a rumor.

Have you obstructed justice?
No that wouldn’t be obstruction... but you’re not implying that what you just laid out is the same situation that Trump is going through, are you? Because you left out every point of obstruction that was in Mueller’s report
Trump getting pissed and railing against the biased Mueller to his attorney is not obstruction of justice I don't care what anyone says....it would be laughed out of court.....
the Mueller hearing was a apocalyptic disaster for the Dems

the Russia hoax is FINISHED

It is until you make a post about how great the hearings were for getting Trump put in jail after leaving office to get more rep points. :rolleyes:
the Mueller hearing was a apocalyptic disaster for the Dems

the Russia hoax is FINISHED

It is until you make a post about how great the hearings were for getting Trump put in jail after leaving office to get more rep points. :rolleyes:
here we go...

Cool story, but that's not what happened. Trump tried everything he could to end the investigation. The only reason he didn't succeed was because his own staff ignored his orders.

His staff thinks his orders are too stupid to follow.

Meh, Trump is still the president and the left can't do jack shit about it so suck it.
the Russia hoax is FINISHED

Oh no it is not. Right after the hearing MSNBC was talking about nothing but Russia and still claiming Trump colluded and conspired with them to win the election and should be impeached. Facts mean nothing to the fake news.
Let's say you learn that you are being investigated by a law enforcement agency. You and/or your attorney inquire as to the reason for and scope of the investigation, only to be stonewalled by the investigator. You then ask the investigator's supervisor why you are being investigated, only to be stonewalled again. You then ask the supervisor's boss why you are being investigated, only to find that the boss has recused himself from any involvement in the investigation.

You then learn that almost everyone you have ever known is being investigated. Still unsure of what you are being investigated for, you ask friends and colleagues if they know or can find out. It finally turns out that you were being investigated for a crime you didn't commit, based on a rumor.

Have you obstructed justice?
Next question.
the Russia hoax is FINISHED
The Trump Nazis have been claiming that for YEARS.
The Russians-Stole-the-Election Meme Vanishes
Mar 9, 2017

RUSH: Say, have you noticed, my friends, that the whole Russians-stole-the-election theme is gone? Have you noticed it’s not out there today? You can’t find a story on it? I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed 'em.

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