Obstruction of Justice???

Jim Jordan blew the lid off the Hoax as Mueller cowers & refuses to answer important questions like why the person who started the fake Russia hoax was interviewed & not charged for lying but Trump associates were charged for unrelated & process crimes..
Jim Jordan blew the lid off the Hoax as Mueller cowers & refuses to answer important questions like why the person who started the fake Russia hoax was interviewed & not charged for lying but Trump associates were charged for unrelated & process crimes..
Gym Jordan the rape enabler made a complete fool of himself, and nobody knows that more than you.
Cool story, but that's not what happened. Trump tried everything he could to end the investigation. The only reason he didn't succeed was because his own staff ignored his orders.

His staff thinks his orders are too stupid to follow.
Here is what the Dems content meets the elements of Obstruction:

1) Trump committed an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

Despite having serious reservations about whether Trump ordering his staff to do something that is within his constitutional authority as POTUS can even be considered "obstruction" I will go ahead and assume that it is (it's not).

Nobody disputes that such an act was connected to an official proceeding.

The REAL trouble for making an Obstruction case is "corrupt intent."

It is the "corrupt intent" element that creates the fact issue as to whether the alleged underlying conduct (collusion) was actually a crime.

If "collusion" is NOT a crime (it's not), and the Trump Administration made such a determination, it is the duty of the Administration to end wasteful, frivolous investigations into non-crimes, and action to terminate this wasteful, non-crime investigation would prove PLENTY of reasonable doubt on the issue of corrupt intent. It would be damn near conclusive that there was no corrupt intent.

Again, I will entertain any response to the above.

What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
So you're okay with a "double standard" in Law. Trump gets put thru the ringer with a special prosecutor, and Hillary gets "exonerated" by the FBI?

No, but I just don't see anyone involved in the illegal spying on TRUMP to be held accountable.
Nunez was right
Devin Numb-nuts has NEVER ever been right about anything.
We disagree about Devin. But its the 2nd sentence that's important.
Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"
"we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime”
Kidnapped Latin American children sold to democrat traffickers

2 and 1/2 years later and keeping Hillary out of the White House is still not obstruction
Let's say you learn that you are being investigated by a law enforcement agency. You and/or your attorney inquire as to the reason for and scope of the investigation, only to be stonewalled by the investigator. You then ask the investigator's supervisor why you are being investigated, only to be stonewalled again. You then ask the supervisor's boss why you are being investigated, only to find that the boss has recused himself from any involvement in the investigation.

You then learn that almost everyone you have ever known is being investigated. Still unsure of what you are being investigated for, you ask friends and colleagues if they know or can find out. It finally turns out that you were being investigated for a crime you didn't commit, based on a rumor.

Have you obstructed justice?

If you are those guys supervisor and you keep sticking your nose in the investigation ? Yes , that’s obstruction.
Hey, remember when stupid fucking leftists thought and actually believed the deliberate utter bullshit about collusion put out by democrats?

Let's say you learn that you are being investigated by a law enforcement agency. You and/or your attorney inquire as to the reason for and scope of the investigation, only to be stonewalled by the investigator. You then ask the investigator's supervisor why you are being investigated, only to be stonewalled again. You then ask the supervisor's boss why you are being investigated, only to find that the boss has recused himself from any involvement in the investigation.

You then learn that almost everyone you have ever known is being investigated. Still unsure of what you are being investigated for, you ask friends and colleagues if they know or can find out. It finally turns out that you were being investigated for a crime you didn't commit, based on a rumor.

Have you obstructed justice?

If you are those guys supervisor and you keep sticking your nose in the investigation ? Yes , that’s obstruction.
But, here are the elements of obstruction:

1) an obstructive act

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

So, what was the obstructive act? What would we call "sticking nose into the investigation"? Inquiry? I doubt that inquiry is an obstructive act. If Trump is the subject of the investigation, he is within his right to inquire about the nature of such an investigation, both by constitutional authority and statute (which I won't bore you with).

The other part of the equation is the "corrupt intent". Inquiry can hardly be consider action with corrupt intent, especially when someone has both a constitutional and statutory right to inquire.

But, here are the elements of obstruction:

1) an obstructive act

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

So, what was the obstructive act?
Asking someone to lie for you and create a fake document to back up that lie, as if you didn't know.
The lying scum Right ALWAYS play dumb to pretend they are TOO STUPID to know they are lying, like Reagan did.
But, here are the elements of obstruction:

1) an obstructive act

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

So, what was the obstructive act?
Asking someone to lie for you and create a fake document to back up that lie, as if you didn't know.
The lying scum Right ALWAYS play dumb to pretend they are TOO STUPID to know they are lying, like Reagan did.
I'm sorry. What the fuck are you talking about?

What documents?

You mean the fake Russian Dossier?

What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
So you're okay with a "double standard" in Law. Trump gets put thru the ringer with a special prosecutor, and Hillary gets "exonerated" by the FBI?

No, but I just don't see anyone involved in the illegal spying on TRUMP to be held accountable.

What illegal spying !? Trumps campaign manager is in prison . They were right to tail those felons .
Hey, remember when stupid fucking leftists thought and actually believed the deliberate utter bullshit about collusion put out by democrats?


You never read a word of the Muller report did you ?
What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
So you're okay with a "double standard" in Law. Trump gets put thru the ringer with a special prosecutor, and Hillary gets "exonerated" by the FBI?

No, but I just don't see anyone involved in the illegal spying on TRUMP to be held accountable.

What illegal spying !? Trumps campaign manager is in prison . They were right to tail those felons .

What is Manafort in prison for?
Tax evasion, failure to report foreign assets, and bank fraud, those have nothing to do with Trump.

All the crimes Paul Manafort was just convicted of

Barr knows that you need a predicate to spy on a US citizen. Keep watching, you'll see it was all a setup. The spying is a political scandal.
But, here are the elements of obstruction:

1) an obstructive act

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

So, what was the obstructive act?
Asking someone to lie for you and create a fake document to back up that lie, as if you didn't know.
The lying scum Right ALWAYS play dumb to pretend they are TOO STUPID to know they are lying, like Reagan did.
I'm sorry. What the fuck are you talking about?

What documents?

You mean the fake Russian Dossier?

You know exactly what I'm talking about, you only play dumb so you can lie some more.

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