Obstruction of Justice???

We're not drinking the Mueller Kool-Ade about Kilimnik. He's more "deep state" than Russian spy. Besides he's Ukrainian.
Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
As for Manafort giving polling data to a Ukrainian, meh, that doesn't compare to Hillary's campaign actually paying Russians for the "Steele Dossier" which was used to illegally spy on and investigate the Trump campaign by the FBI. The polling data was available online, no crime. The FBI used lies to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, and STILL came up empty. Comey excused Hillary's real crimes illegally.
How were the FBI aware something was a lie if they didn’t investigate those references in the dossier.

Notwithstanding the fact many things in the dossier are true.

Do you know the difference between investigating and spying? the FBI was investigating Russian influence, which was triggered by unusual activity in that campaign, such as papadoupolus bragging to an australian diplomat.

Trump campaign knew what the FBI was up to, during the election. FBI warns Trump campaign about Russia. Spying requires your subject to be unaware of your spying.

OMG, you still cling to that dis-proven bullshit story-line???
1. The FBI swore that the dossier was verified in the FISA applications, 4x, knowing full well it was bullshit
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
FBI Spreadsheet Showed Majority of Dossier Claims 'Were Either Wrong or Unverifiable'

2. See the spreadsheet above that the Steele Dossier was mostly Russian bullshit. Putin really got his monies worth out of that dossier, deep state coup attempts, political scandals, tying up the House and Senate for years, Trump's first two years under a cloud of suspicion, etc.

3. Do you know the difference between a setup and a coup attempt? The Obama intel agencies used foreign assets to setup that "unusual activity" including Papadope's claim. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will get to the bottom of the illegal deep state coup attempts and indict the guilty.

4. Here is a video that might help you understand what's really going on

the FBI did their job and flagged some info? That doesn't discredit the whole dossier.

These guys also act like the Steele information was the only reason to surveil Carter Page. Not the Trips to Moscow or the history of working as a Russian asset.
Not to mention, they didn't get a FISA warrant on him until the Trump campaign said he was publicly fired. But that fact is always conveniently left out.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA warrant starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?

It's surprising to me that John Solomon has a job to begin with. He grudgingly admits the FBI IG found him credible, then links the entire Mueller report as a reason why Steele was inaccurate, then goes on to claim a nameless source said Steele's claims were uncorroborated even though that's directly addressed in the dossier due to every lead Steele dredged up being direct humint. What a fucking farce

John F. Solomon is an American media executive and columnist. He is currently vice president of digital video and an opinion contributor for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. He is primarily known for having been accused of biased reporting in favor of conservatives, and of repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.

Judicial watch: questionable source.
Find a better source first.

1. The FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page & Trump, there is jail time coming for someone, Comey? Whoever signed the affidavit.
2. Carter Page totally innocent, he worked in Moscow, was not a Russian asset, so the FISA warrant was total bullshit

Meet Carter Page, the former Trump campaign adviser who the FBI surveilled to investigate his connections to the Russian government
3. The Steele Dossier was Russian propaganda. McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
4. See my three links above showing that the Steele Dossier was Putin bullshit.
5. Judicial Watch is a credible source, they win in Court more than they lose.
6. If you need to wait for the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments to come out before admitting you were duped by the democrat bullshit, fine, we can wait...
What is Manafort in prison for?
Tax evasion, failure to report foreign assets, and bank fraud, those have nothing to do with Trump.

All the crimes Paul Manafort was just convicted of

Barr knows that you need a predicate to spy on a US citizen. Keep watching, you'll see it was all a setup. The spying is a political scandal.
They nailed Manafort on the easy stuff first.

Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, and inauguration manager, with deep ties to Russia.
Shared private polling data with russians.

We're not drinking the Mueller Kool-Ade about Kilimnik. He's more "deep state" than Russian spy. Besides he's Ukrainian.
Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
You provided an OPINION piece.
YOU have no credibility!
Put up your "credible" links or walk away a loser...I have all day to google articles....
McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
McCabe said no such thing, as you well know. It was worthless lying scum POS Devin Numb-nuts who fabricated that lie, and McCabe called him out for that lie.
Don't you America-hating Fascist scum ever stop lying????
They nailed Manafort on the easy stuff first.

Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, and inauguration manager, with deep ties to Russia.
Shared private polling data with russians.

We're not drinking the Mueller Kool-Ade about Kilimnik. He's more "deep state" than Russian spy. Besides he's Ukrainian.
Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
You provided an OPINION piece.
YOU have no credibility!
Put up your "credible" links or walk away a loser...I have all day to google articles....
You have yet to post a single "CREDIBLE" link, only OPINION pieces fro lying scum America-hating Right-wingers.
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
As for Manafort giving polling data to a Ukrainian, meh, that doesn't compare to Hillary's campaign actually paying Russians for the "Steele Dossier" which was used to illegally spy on and investigate the Trump campaign by the FBI. The polling data was available online, no crime. The FBI used lies to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, and STILL came up empty. Comey excused Hillary's real crimes illegally.
How were the FBI aware something was a lie if they didn’t investigate those references in the dossier.

Notwithstanding the fact many things in the dossier are true.

Do you know the difference between investigating and spying? the FBI was investigating Russian influence, which was triggered by unusual activity in that campaign, such as papadoupolus bragging to an australian diplomat.

Trump campaign knew what the FBI was up to, during the election. FBI warns Trump campaign about Russia. Spying requires your subject to be unaware of your spying.

OMG, you still cling to that dis-proven bullshit story-line???
1. The FBI swore that the dossier was verified in the FISA applications, 4x, knowing full well it was bullshit
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
FBI Spreadsheet Showed Majority of Dossier Claims 'Were Either Wrong or Unverifiable'

2. See the spreadsheet above that the Steele Dossier was mostly Russian bullshit. Putin really got his monies worth out of that dossier, deep state coup attempts, political scandals, tying up the House and Senate for years, Trump's first two years under a cloud of suspicion, etc.

3. Do you know the difference between a setup and a coup attempt? The Obama intel agencies used foreign assets to setup that "unusual activity" including Papadope's claim. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will get to the bottom of the illegal deep state coup attempts and indict the guilty.

4. Here is a video that might help you understand what's really going on

the FBI did their job and flagged some info? That doesn't discredit the whole dossier.

These guys also act like the Steele information was the only reason to surveil Carter Page. Not the Trips to Moscow or the history of working as a Russian asset.
Not to mention, they didn't get a FISA warrant on him until the Trump campaign said he was publicly fired. But that fact is always conveniently left out.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA warrant starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?

It's surprising to me that John Solomon has a job to begin with. He grudgingly admits the FBI IG found him credible, then links the entire Mueller report as a reason why Steele was inaccurate, then goes on to claim a nameless source said Steele's claims were uncorroborated even though that's directly addressed in the dossier due to every lead Steele dredged up being direct humint. What a fucking farce

John F. Solomon is an American media executive and columnist. He is currently vice president of digital video and an opinion contributor for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. He is primarily known for having been accused of biased reporting in favor of conservatives, and of repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.

Judicial watch: questionable source.
Find a better source first.

1. The FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page & Trump, there is jail time coming for someone, Comey? Whoever signed the affidavit.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA wattent starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?
The FBI investigates. The FBI told Trump campaign about russian attempts, the campaign knew what FBI was doing. You cant spy on someone if they know you're spying on them.
2. Carter Page totally innocent, he worked in Moscow, was not a Russian asset, so the FISA warrant was total bullshit

The purpose of FISA warrant is to justify further investigation. The FBI's job is to investigate possible illegal activity with hostile foreign powers.
3. The Steele Dossier was Russian propaganda. McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.

The dossier is sourced from anti-kremlin Russians, which is why several assassination attempts because of it. Since Putin wants Trump, any attempt to support Clinton would be met with harsh retaliation.
4. See my three links above showing that the Steele Dossier was Putin bullshit.

Those links were John Solomon BS opinion pieces.
5. Judicial Watch is a credible source, they win in Court more than they lose.

Judicial Watch reports news on their website with the use of strong emotional language that is usually pro-right or anti-left. Common topics covered are anti-immigration, in which they highlight crimes committed by illegal immigrants such as this: Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes or dedicating an entire website to exposing former President Obama’s alleged IRS scandal. They have also promoted debunked conspiracy theories such as this. Further, the founder of JW, Larry Klayman recently promoted the conspiracy that the Clinton’s were killing people. In general the majority of content and story selection is anti-left.

A factual search reveals a horrible track record with fact checking. Below is a small sample of their failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers

6. If you need to wait for the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments to come out before admitting you were duped by the democrat bullshit, fine, we can wait...
It was delayed because Steele found credible.
What I learned today is that Mueller and the dems, and the DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction". Similarly, Mueller went outside his lane by stating that he could not Exonerate Trump. Nowhere in Law does a prosecutor "exonerate" anyone. As the name implies. they prosecute or do not prosecute since everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nunez was right, the hearings are simply political theater with "no there there".
The real show starts when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports and the indictments start, that's when the dems start screaming "banana republic!!"

Completely agree with your first paragraph. As for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz leading to any indictments...I'm just not feeling that's coming. I had hopes for Barr and while he is definitely a step up from Rosenstein and Session, I am incline to believe he will be doing little more than sweep and clean. I do hope I'm wrong.
So you're okay with a "double standard" in Law. Trump gets put thru the ringer with a special prosecutor, and Hillary gets "exonerated" by the FBI?

No, but I just don't see anyone involved in the illegal spying on TRUMP to be held accountable.

What illegal spying !? Trumps campaign manager is in prison . They were right to tail those felons .

Right Mueller went after Manafort's taxes from 10 years ago, but didn't investigated Russian involvement in the Steel dossier...
No, but I just don't see anyone involved in the illegal spying on TRUMP to be held accountable.

What illegal spying !? Trumps campaign manager is in prison . They were right to tail those felons .

What is Manafort in prison for?
Tax evasion, failure to report foreign assets, and bank fraud, those have nothing to do with Trump.

All the crimes Paul Manafort was just convicted of

Barr knows that you need a predicate to spy on a US citizen. Keep watching, you'll see it was all a setup. The spying is a political scandal.
They nailed Manafort on the easy stuff first.

Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, and inauguration manager, with deep ties to Russia.
Shared private polling data with russians.

We're not drinking the Mueller Kool-Ade about Kilimnik. He's more "deep state" than Russian spy. Besides he's Ukrainian.
Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

So where is the concern with Kerry and Obama meeting with "death to America" Iran and telling them to wait out the TRUMP administration?
What illegal spying !? Trumps campaign manager is in prison . They were right to tail those felons .

What is Manafort in prison for?
Tax evasion, failure to report foreign assets, and bank fraud, those have nothing to do with Trump.

All the crimes Paul Manafort was just convicted of

Barr knows that you need a predicate to spy on a US citizen. Keep watching, you'll see it was all a setup. The spying is a political scandal.
They nailed Manafort on the easy stuff first.

Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, and inauguration manager, with deep ties to Russia.
Shared private polling data with russians.

We're not drinking the Mueller Kool-Ade about Kilimnik. He's more "deep state" than Russian spy. Besides he's Ukrainian.
Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
Konstantin Kilimnik was not a special State Department source. He was a routine contact.

A foreign service officer doesnt contact foreigners in secret, thats CIA's job. FSO's meet in public.

Still remaining is Manafort giving private polling data to a foreigner with Russia ties.
John Solomon has a reputation of manufacturing faux scandals.

Oleg Deripaska's jet landed in Newark, New Jersey, a little after midnight on August 3, just after Manafort and Kilimnik met, and just hours before the second Trump Tower meeting.

So where is the concern with Kerry and Obama meeting with "death to America" Iran and telling them to wait out the TRUMP administration?
You're changing the subject.
The Logan Act pertains to un-authorized negotiating with another country.
back to Kilimnik and Trump's obstruction.
McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
McCabe said no such thing, as you well know. It was worthless lying scum POS Devin Numb-nuts who fabricated that lie, and McCabe called him out for that lie.
Don't you America-hating Fascist scum ever stop lying????
There are many links to McCabe's testimony
Rep. Jordan: McCabe Told Us There Would've Been No FISA Warrant Without Steele Dossier
I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
As for Manafort giving polling data to a Ukrainian, meh, that doesn't compare to Hillary's campaign actually paying Russians for the "Steele Dossier" which was used to illegally spy on and investigate the Trump campaign by the FBI. The polling data was available online, no crime. The FBI used lies to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, and STILL came up empty. Comey excused Hillary's real crimes illegally.
How were the FBI aware something was a lie if they didn’t investigate those references in the dossier.

Notwithstanding the fact many things in the dossier are true.

Do you know the difference between investigating and spying? the FBI was investigating Russian influence, which was triggered by unusual activity in that campaign, such as papadoupolus bragging to an australian diplomat.

Trump campaign knew what the FBI was up to, during the election. FBI warns Trump campaign about Russia. Spying requires your subject to be unaware of your spying.

OMG, you still cling to that dis-proven bullshit story-line???
1. The FBI swore that the dossier was verified in the FISA applications, 4x, knowing full well it was bullshit
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
FBI Spreadsheet Showed Majority of Dossier Claims 'Were Either Wrong or Unverifiable'

2. See the spreadsheet above that the Steele Dossier was mostly Russian bullshit. Putin really got his monies worth out of that dossier, deep state coup attempts, political scandals, tying up the House and Senate for years, Trump's first two years under a cloud of suspicion, etc.

3. Do you know the difference between a setup and a coup attempt? The Obama intel agencies used foreign assets to setup that "unusual activity" including Papadope's claim. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will get to the bottom of the illegal deep state coup attempts and indict the guilty.

4. Here is a video that might help you understand what's really going on

the FBI did their job and flagged some info? That doesn't discredit the whole dossier.

These guys also act like the Steele information was the only reason to surveil Carter Page. Not the Trips to Moscow or the history of working as a Russian asset.
Not to mention, they didn't get a FISA warrant on him until the Trump campaign said he was publicly fired. But that fact is always conveniently left out.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA warrant starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?

It's surprising to me that John Solomon has a job to begin with. He grudgingly admits the FBI IG found him credible, then links the entire Mueller report as a reason why Steele was inaccurate, then goes on to claim a nameless source said Steele's claims were uncorroborated even though that's directly addressed in the dossier due to every lead Steele dredged up being direct humint. What a fucking farce

John F. Solomon is an American media executive and columnist. He is currently vice president of digital video and an opinion contributor for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. He is primarily known for having been accused of biased reporting in favor of conservatives, and of repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.

Judicial watch: questionable source.
Find a better source first.

1. The FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page & Trump, there is jail time coming for someone, Comey? Whoever signed the affidavit.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA wattent starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?
The FBI investigates. The FBI told Trump campaign about russian attempts, the campaign knew what FBI was doing. You cant spy on someone if they know you're spying on them.
2. Carter Page totally innocent, he worked in Moscow, was not a Russian asset, so the FISA warrant was total bullshit
The purpose of FISA warrant is to justify further investigation. The FBI's job is to investigate possible illegal activity with hostile foreign powers.
3. The Steele Dossier was Russian propaganda. McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
The dossier is sourced from anti-kremlin Russians, which is why several assassination attempts because of it. Since Putin wants Trump, any attempt to support Clinton would be met with harsh retaliation.
4. See my three links above showing that the Steele Dossier was Putin bullshit.
Those links were John Solomon BS opinion pieces.
5. Judicial Watch is a credible source, they win in Court more than they lose.
Judicial Watch reports news on their website with the use of strong emotional language that is usually pro-right or anti-left. Common topics covered are anti-immigration, in which they highlight crimes committed by illegal immigrants such as this: Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes or dedicating an entire website to exposing former President Obama’s alleged IRS scandal. They have also promoted debunked conspiracy theories such as this. Further, the founder of JW, Larry Klayman recently promoted the conspiracy that the Clinton’s were killing people. In general the majority of content and story selection is anti-left.

A factual search reveals a horrible track record with fact checking. Below is a small sample of their failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers

6. If you need to wait for the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments to come out before admitting you were duped by the democrat bullshit, fine, we can wait...
It was delayed because Steele found credible.

Ok, debating what will happen in a few weeks is pointless. Either the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz investigations will indict the deep state coup plotters or they won't. After Benghazi, and "Fast and Furious" I'm not 100% certain that the GOP DOJ will nail the bad guys this time. However, if they don't that sets a very bad precedent. Only billionaires have the resources to battle the deep state to a draw. Little people have no chance against the "establishment".
I provided a credible link for my post, you did not.
As for Manafort giving polling data to a Ukrainian, meh, that doesn't compare to Hillary's campaign actually paying Russians for the "Steele Dossier" which was used to illegally spy on and investigate the Trump campaign by the FBI. The polling data was available online, no crime. The FBI used lies to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, and STILL came up empty. Comey excused Hillary's real crimes illegally.
How were the FBI aware something was a lie if they didn’t investigate those references in the dossier.

Notwithstanding the fact many things in the dossier are true.

Do you know the difference between investigating and spying? the FBI was investigating Russian influence, which was triggered by unusual activity in that campaign, such as papadoupolus bragging to an australian diplomat.

Trump campaign knew what the FBI was up to, during the election. FBI warns Trump campaign about Russia. Spying requires your subject to be unaware of your spying.

OMG, you still cling to that dis-proven bullshit story-line???
1. The FBI swore that the dossier was verified in the FISA applications, 4x, knowing full well it was bullshit
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
FBI Spreadsheet Showed Majority of Dossier Claims 'Were Either Wrong or Unverifiable'

2. See the spreadsheet above that the Steele Dossier was mostly Russian bullshit. Putin really got his monies worth out of that dossier, deep state coup attempts, political scandals, tying up the House and Senate for years, Trump's first two years under a cloud of suspicion, etc.

3. Do you know the difference between a setup and a coup attempt? The Obama intel agencies used foreign assets to setup that "unusual activity" including Papadope's claim. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will get to the bottom of the illegal deep state coup attempts and indict the guilty.

4. Here is a video that might help you understand what's really going on

the FBI did their job and flagged some info? That doesn't discredit the whole dossier.

These guys also act like the Steele information was the only reason to surveil Carter Page. Not the Trips to Moscow or the history of working as a Russian asset.
Not to mention, they didn't get a FISA warrant on him until the Trump campaign said he was publicly fired. But that fact is always conveniently left out.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA warrant starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?

It's surprising to me that John Solomon has a job to begin with. He grudgingly admits the FBI IG found him credible, then links the entire Mueller report as a reason why Steele was inaccurate, then goes on to claim a nameless source said Steele's claims were uncorroborated even though that's directly addressed in the dossier due to every lead Steele dredged up being direct humint. What a fucking farce

John F. Solomon is an American media executive and columnist. He is currently vice president of digital video and an opinion contributor for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. He is primarily known for having been accused of biased reporting in favor of conservatives, and of repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.

Judicial watch: questionable source.
Find a better source first.

1. The FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page & Trump, there is jail time coming for someone, Comey? Whoever signed the affidavit.

Is everyone just supposed to forget that Page was subject to to FISA wattent starting in 2013...you know, YEARS before the steele dossier?
The FBI investigates. The FBI told Trump campaign about russian attempts, the campaign knew what FBI was doing. You cant spy on someone if they know you're spying on them.
2. Carter Page totally innocent, he worked in Moscow, was not a Russian asset, so the FISA warrant was total bullshit
The purpose of FISA warrant is to justify further investigation. The FBI's job is to investigate possible illegal activity with hostile foreign powers.
3. The Steele Dossier was Russian propaganda. McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
The dossier is sourced from anti-kremlin Russians, which is why several assassination attempts because of it. Since Putin wants Trump, any attempt to support Clinton would be met with harsh retaliation.
4. See my three links above showing that the Steele Dossier was Putin bullshit.
Those links were John Solomon BS opinion pieces.
5. Judicial Watch is a credible source, they win in Court more than they lose.
Judicial Watch reports news on their website with the use of strong emotional language that is usually pro-right or anti-left. Common topics covered are anti-immigration, in which they highlight crimes committed by illegal immigrants such as this: Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes or dedicating an entire website to exposing former President Obama’s alleged IRS scandal. They have also promoted debunked conspiracy theories such as this. Further, the founder of JW, Larry Klayman recently promoted the conspiracy that the Clinton’s were killing people. In general the majority of content and story selection is anti-left.

A factual search reveals a horrible track record with fact checking. Below is a small sample of their failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers

6. If you need to wait for the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments to come out before admitting you were duped by the democrat bullshit, fine, we can wait...
It was delayed because Steele found credible.

Thank you. I was wondering what was taking Horowitz, Barr, Huber, and Durham so long to issue their findings. This mess is fucking amazing, No one has the verified facts about anything. Was this all a distraction to allow Hillary's crimes to fade away? Any bets how it ends and who ends up in prison?
McCabe said the FBI would not have applied for a FISA warrant without the Steele Dossier.
McCabe said no such thing, as you well know. It was worthless lying scum POS Devin Numb-nuts who fabricated that lie, and McCabe called him out for that lie.
Don't you America-hating Fascist scum ever stop lying????
There are many links to McCabe's testimony
Rep. Jordan: McCabe Told Us There Would've Been No FISA Warrant Without Steele Dossier
All from lying scum Republicans who always kiss Tramp" fat ass and reported by lying scum like FOX.
McCabe said the exact opposite. Here is what McCabe actually said, "We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information."

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