Obuma hiding under Oval Office desk..North Korea Threatens Imminent Strikes Against South, Warns U.S

I saw a film recently and there is a way to take out the leader of North Korea....
But I don't think the Libs have the stomach for that sort of thing.
They don't, but even if they did, it would only be done if there was some political advantage to it.
I saw a film recently and there is a way to take out the leader of North Korea....
But I don't think the Libs have the stomach for that sort of thing.

I honestly don't know whether to post, "WTF?", or, "OOOOOOOOkay!"
Hiding under the desk would do no good. The stink of shit would give away the whole game of "hide and seek" within seconds.
I saw a film recently and there is a way to take out the leader of North Korea....
But I don't think the Libs have the stomach for that sort of thing.

Post a pic of the con that took out the leader of North Korea.

Conservative presidents are far too cowardly to act except when there is money to be made for their buddies, like Haliburton.
When lameboy Reagan got 282 marines killed in Beirut he then turned tail and pulled all troops out.

Too scary for cons when the enemy shoots back.

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