Obvious Global Warming

People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Ok. I'll get Uncle trump on the phone and ask him to re-join the Paris Climate Accord.

Only kidding :lmao:
More nonsense from the GOPedos?

Can't refute the obvious temperature data?

Manipulated data

View attachment 169654
Real dumb bitch.


Climate Reanalyzer

It's coming from the southern hemisphere you stupid bitch

Nassa C02 satellite

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You surely lacked on saying so, boy. So tell us, whatis Robert Johnson the pioneer of?

Tick Tock, and it's 2 words.
Impressing crackas?

Holy fuck, you're stupid! :eek:

The correct answer is slide guitar, but you're way too much of a faggot to know that.

Now go rotate yur ass on a cactus, k? Leftist fucking lying cocksuck.
See what I mean? You come here to soothe yourself. You have no idea what I do or don't know about Robert Johnson. I was literally able to just sit here and let you go into a tailspin until you flamed out and soothed yourself .

And no, dummy, Robert Johnson did not pioneer slide guitar. All that tantrum for nothing....

You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Were is all the minoritys at in that sea of red?
Uh...hey genius...has it crossed your mind that the counties colored red might enjoy as low as 51% majorities for Republican voters?

Of course it didn't. Damn this website is chock full of stupid people.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.

We're all gonna die man! Better cough up dat carbon tax to prevent it, man! :badgrin:
Impressing crackas?

Holy fuck, you're stupid! :eek:

The correct answer is slide guitar, but you're way too much of a faggot to know that.

Now go rotate yur ass on a cactus, k? Leftist fucking lying cocksuck.
See what I mean? You come here to soothe yourself. You have no idea what I do or don't know about Robert Johnson. I was literally able to just sit here and let you go into a tailspin until you flamed out and soothed yourself .

And no, dummy, Robert Johnson did not pioneer slide guitar. All that tantrum for nothing....

You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. A dominant chord is any chord built off the 5th of a diatonic scale which uses the notes found in that scale.

Describe a diatonic scale for me.
Were is all the minoritys at in that sea of red?
Uh...hey genius...has it crossed your mind that the counties colored red might enjoy as low as 51% majorities for Republican voters?

Of course it didn't. Damn this website is chock full of stupid people.

Not as dumb as the twats in Indiana, fool
Huh? Whether or not that is true has no bearing on the fact that you are very stupid. What a bizarre defense...
Say what dumb ass democrats have been doing it for ever

You ever hear of the Chicago democratic machine ignoramus? God damn fool the Chicago democratic machine is what won JFK presidency

Hillary and Obama tried to go national with it

Cook County Democratic Party - Wikipedia

The Cook County Democratic Party is a political party which represents voters in 50 wards in the city of Chicago and 30 suburban townships of Cook County. The organization has dominated Chicago politics (and consequently, Illinois politics) since the 1930s. It relies on a tight organizational structure of ward and township committeemen to elect candidates. At the height of its influence under Richard J. Daleyin the 1960s, it was one of the most powerful political machines in American history. Party members have been convicted of public corruption. By the beginning of the 21st century the party had largely ceased to function as a machine due to the decline of political patronage following the issuing of the Shakman Decrees. The current Chairman is Joseph Berrios.

So does Chicago popular vote for Mayor go to Republicans, but by some "gerrymandered" system the Mayor goes to the Democrats?

Chicago is not gerrymandered for election of the mayor as everyone in the city votes for one person. Democrats just outnumber Republicans by a large margin. When it comes to representatives in city state and local governments, they can be gerrymandered.
That's my point regarding that. I am being facetious with Bear513's statements that Illinois is an example of Democratic gerrymandering.

No it's not. Illinois just overwhelmingly votes Democratic.

In many Republican areas however, and in the US writ-large, Republicans LOSE the popular vote but still win majorities in the representative chambers. (Whether state or Congressional House).

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

How can they lose the popular vote and get elected? You are not making any sense whatsoever! All elections are decided by the popular vote except for President..
In a situation such as President, House of Representatives, and state representatives that are by districts and not state wide. They can win while losing popular vote by obvious means discussed previously.

No. You are wrong. The President is elected completely different.

I think you are misusing the term popular vote.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.

So now you post cartoons?
Holy fuck, you're stupid! :eek:

The correct answer is slide guitar, but you're way too much of a faggot to know that.

Now go rotate yur ass on a cactus, k? Leftist fucking lying cocksuck.
See what I mean? You come here to soothe yourself. You have no idea what I do or don't know about Robert Johnson. I was literally able to just sit here and let you go into a tailspin until you flamed out and soothed yourself .

And no, dummy, Robert Johnson did not pioneer slide guitar. All that tantrum for nothing....

You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. A dominant chord is any chord built off the 5th of a diatonic scale which uses the notes found in that scale.

Describe a diatonic scale for me.

I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

if you make 100 more posts your stupid head will explode.

Well, for sure, your head cannot explode, a vacuum can only implode. LOL
See what I mean? You come here to soothe yourself. You have no idea what I do or don't know about Robert Johnson. I was literally able to just sit here and let you go into a tailspin until you flamed out and soothed yourself .

And no, dummy, Robert Johnson did not pioneer slide guitar. All that tantrum for nothing....

You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. A dominant chord is any chord built off the 5th of a diatonic scale which uses the notes found in that scale.

Describe a diatonic scale for me.

And here we have another semi-literate ass that thinks that is a reply. LOL
See what I mean? You come here to soothe yourself. You have no idea what I do or don't know about Robert Johnson. I was literally able to just sit here and let you go into a tailspin until you flamed out and soothed yourself .

And no, dummy, Robert Johnson did not pioneer slide guitar. All that tantrum for nothing....

You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. A dominant chord is any chord built off the 5th of a diatonic scale which uses the notes found in that scale.

Describe a diatonic scale for me.

Well, that's what you get for thinking that learning a few chords out of a beginner book arms you to debate the machinations of music with a classically trained musician. Now, take this valuable lesson you have learned tonight and apply it to your idiotic climate science denial.
You probably don't even know what 12 bars means.
It means very little, unless you attach the word "blues" to it. Describe the dominant chord for me.

Quite often A5, faggot.

Unless a cracka wants to get fancy, then it could be G7, d9, whatever. :)

It's the progression, not the key. ;)
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. A dominant chord is any chord built off the 5th of a diatonic scale which uses the notes found in that scale.

Describe a diatonic scale for me.

And here we have another semi-literate ass that thinks that is a reply. LOL

I'm 5 beers in and don't give a fuck. Have that fucker spell me a Mixolydian scale and we'll call it even, deal?
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.

So now you post cartoons?
No, dumb bitch, I post the work of scientists with their organizational source clearly visible. Not the garbage that you regurgitate from an obese junkie on the AM radio, or the fake British Lord you people worship.
Illiterate, blah blah blah, uneducated blah blah blah blah, morons blah blah blah...dumb bitch blah blah blah....lather rinse repeat.
Were is all the minoritys at in that sea of red?
Uh...hey genius...has it crossed your mind that the counties colored red might enjoy as low as 51% majorities for Republican voters?

Of course it didn't. Damn this website is chock full of stupid people.

Not as dumb as the twats in Indiana, fool
Huh? Whether or not that is true has no bearing on the fact that you are very stupid. What a bizarre defense...

No you are dumber then a box of rocks

Me smart, I left the hell hole high taxed state of the Chicago area to low cost of living low taxes of south Carolina, jobs a plenty

And you still live in fucking Indiana


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