Obvious Global Warming

He won because common sense data proves and demonstrates Global Warming
Actually....yes! Among other very similar things, yes! Trump is an ignorant fool who knows next to nothing about anything. These deniers were getting awfully tired of feeling stupid. And then a guy even dumber than them comes along and trumpets their stupid denial, and they LOVE it.

And then you came along, and we all felt better about ourselves. :happy-1:
Of course, that's a lie. That's why you guys have to create bubbles and echo chambers for yourselves.
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Wow, professor! Have you passed this very important information along to the global scientific community??? Imagine how surprised they will be to learn there is a star at the center of our solar system! Oh, to see the look on their faces!!

Well the scientist didn't know until recently that clouds cover Greenland now did they?

Ureka!!!!!! Scientist just found out clouds cover Greenland!!!

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

A UCLA-led study reported that melt-prone areas on Greenland's ice sheet use a drainage system of streams and rivers that carry meltwater into the ocean. However, the the study also found that measurements at the ice's edge show that climate models alone can overestimate the volume of meltwater flowing to the ocean because they fail to account for water storage beneath the ice.

There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global sea-level rise has captured the attention and concern of climate scientists in recent years. While changes in air temperature, water temperature and precipitation are known to influence melting events on the ice sheet, a new study has identified another, perhaps less obvious culprit: clouds.

It’s a finding that should be reflected in current climate models to help scientists make more accurate predictions about future Greenland melt — and could become even more important in the coming years if cloud cover over the ice sheet were to increase as a result of climate change.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, concludes that cloud cover can actually increase the amount of meltwater that runs off the surface of the glacier. Clouds have the effect of trapping heat on Earth; they can cause local temperatures to be warmer, so one would imagine that clouds might increase the amount of ice that actually melts during the day. But it turns out that the influence of cloud cover is strongest after the sun goes down. At night, the clouds actually prevent temperatures from cooling as much as they would on clear nights and keep already-melted ice from refreezing. This liquid water then pools on the surface of the ice and can be lost as runoff.
I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

How does one win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote?

That's quite impossible, but very revealing that you are talking out of your ass again!

How many subject threads can you screw up in one day?

Actually it's very possible. If every Republican seats wins with a majority of one vote, and every Democrat seat wins with a majority of 95%, then the Democrats would win the popular vote with a massive margin, and still lose when it comes to number of seats.

Except that the over-crowding of districts by such means is the very definition of Gerrymandering.

Over-crowding? All Congressional districts are approximately the same population. Can you get a fact right for once, please?

He meant overcrowding of voters for one party. Duh, dude.
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Wow, professor! Have you passed this very important information along to the global scientific community??? Imagine how surprised they will be to learn there is a star at the center of our solar system! Oh, to see the look on their faces!!

Well the scientist didn't know until recently that clouds cover Greenland now did they?

Ureka!!!!!! Scientist just found out clouds cover Greenland!!!

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

A UCLA-led study reported that melt-prone areas on Greenland's ice sheet use a drainage system of streams and rivers that carry meltwater into the ocean. However, the the study also found that measurements at the ice's edge show that climate models alone can overestimate the volume of meltwater flowing to the ocean because they fail to account for water storage beneath the ice.

There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global sea-level rise has captured the attention and concern of climate scientists in recent years. While changes in air temperature, water temperature and precipitation are known to influence melting events on the ice sheet, a new study has identified another, perhaps less obvious culprit: clouds.

It’s a finding that should be reflected in current climate models to help scientists make more accurate predictions about future Greenland melt — and could become even more important in the coming years if cloud cover over the ice sheet were to increase as a result of climate change.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, concludes that cloud cover can actually increase the amount of meltwater that runs off the surface of the glacier. Clouds have the effect of trapping heat on Earth; they can cause local temperatures to be warmer, so one would imagine that clouds might increase the amount of ice that actually melts during the day. But it turns out that the influence of cloud cover is strongest after the sun goes down. At night, the clouds actually prevent temperatures from cooling as much as they would on clear nights and keep already-melted ice from refreezing. This liquid water then pools on the surface of the ice and can be lost as runoff.
As if you understand a word of that. Yes, scientists knew there were clouds. No, this does not have any significant effect on global warming theory. Yes, the same scientists who taught us all of this are still alarmed by the rapid, observed warming, whoch we are causing.
He won because common sense data proves and demonstrates Global Warming
Actually....yes! Among other very similar things, yes! Trump is an ignorant fool who knows next to nothing about anything. These deniers were getting awfully tired of feeling stupid. And then a guy even dumber than them comes along and trumpets their stupid denial, and they LOVE it.

And then you came along, and we all felt better about ourselves. :happy-1:
Of course, that's a lie. That's why you guys have to create bubbles and echo chambers for yourselves.

If that's what I wanted, I would not be here, believe me. It appears you want that. DU is for you!

What state is Robert Johnson from?
Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:

You can bet their little windmills and solar cells aren't keeping them warm tonight. Those good old coal-fired electrical plants are going full-tilt. As well as wood-fired stoves, and propane gas furnaces.

DOE says the cheapest form of power to build now is Wind followed by Solar. And with Pumped Storage you solve the problem of availability.

Hey Dip Shit....

Pumped Storage uses more energy than

what it produces, it's only good for producing

more revenue by selling more electricity at peak demand

when electricity prices are at their highest.....

Such ignorance, pumped storage simply stores the energy that was produced elsewhere at peak production. It's only as expensive as the watts extracted at the total cost used to store those watts

The ignorance is all yours....

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia

What about it Dip Shit?

Although the losses of the pumping process makes the plant a net consumer of energy overall, the system increases revenue by selling more electricity during periods of peak demand, when electricity prices are highest.
Last edited:
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

How does one win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote?

That's quite impossible, but very revealing that you are talking out of your ass again!

How many subject threads can you screw up in one day?

Actually it's very possible. If every Republican seats wins with a majority of one vote, and every Democrat seat wins with a majority of 95%, then the Democrats would win the popular vote with a massive margin, and still lose when it comes to number of seats.

Except that the over-crowding of districts by such means is the very definition of Gerrymandering.

Yes, and?
He won because common sense data proves and demonstrates Global Warming
Actually....yes! Among other very similar things, yes! Trump is an ignorant fool who knows next to nothing about anything. These deniers were getting awfully tired of feeling stupid. And then a guy even dumber than them comes along and trumpets their stupid denial, and they LOVE it.

And then you came along, and we all felt better about ourselves. :happy-1:
Of course, that's a lie. That's why you guys have to create bubbles and echo chambers for yourselves.

If that's what I wanted, I would not be here, believe me. It appears you want that. DU is for you!

What state is Robert Johnson from?
Same State he died in. And yes, that's why you2re here.
I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
We don't like it when someone brings up pedophilia because it gets you libs all flustered and edgy....then right in the middle of conversation you libs all have to run and take a cold shower...
Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:

You can bet their little windmills and solar cells aren't keeping them warm tonight. Those good old coal-fired electrical plants are going full-tilt. As well as wood-fired stoves, and propane gas furnaces.

DOE says the cheapest form of power to build now is Wind followed by Solar. And with Pumped Storage you solve the problem of availability.

Hey Dip Shit....

Pumped Storage uses more energy than

what it produces, it's only good for producing

more revenue by selling more electricity at peak demand

when electricity prices are at their highest.....

Such ignorance, pumped storage simply stores the energy that was produced elsewhere at peak production. It's only as expensive as the watts extracted at the total cost used to store those watts

The ignorance is all yours....

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia
You fool...your link literally confirms every word he said...you never read a word of it, obviously.
As a new member you should be made to realize that referring to another member as a pedophile will get you banned.
I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

Like in Chicago where they have not had a Republican mayor in almost a 100 years?

The last one was big Bill the democrats started gerrymandering fool..

It took decades and decades for republicans to catch on...fighting fire with fire and now the democrats CRY wolf..

download (8).jpeg
I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

How does one win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote?

That's quite impossible, but very revealing that you are talking out of your ass again!

How many subject threads can you screw up in one day?

Actually it's very possible. If every Republican seats wins with a majority of one vote, and every Democrat seat wins with a majority of 95%, then the Democrats would win the popular vote with a massive margin, and still lose when it comes to number of seats.

Except that the over-crowding of districts by such means is the very definition of Gerrymandering.

Over-crowding? All Congressional districts are approximately the same population. Can you get a fact right for once, please?

Over-crowding of one party or group into one district in spite of geographical area.

Get YOUR facts right for once.
I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

Like in Chicago where they have not had a Republican mayor in almost a 100 years?

The last one was big Bill the democrats started gerrymandering fool..

It took decades and decades for republicans to catch on...fighting fire with fire and now the democrats CRY wolf..

View attachment 169682

Do republicans win the popular vote in Illinois? Maybe that district conforms to guidelines for fairness reasons such as majority-minority districts per the Civil Rights act. All you do is post a random picture.
You can bet their little windmills and solar cells aren't keeping them warm tonight. Those good old coal-fired electrical plants are going full-tilt. As well as wood-fired stoves, and propane gas furnaces.

DOE says the cheapest form of power to build now is Wind followed by Solar. And with Pumped Storage you solve the problem of availability.

Hey Dip Shit....

Pumped Storage uses more energy than

what it produces, it's only good for producing

more revenue by selling more electricity at peak demand

when electricity prices are at their highest.....

Such ignorance, pumped storage simply stores the energy that was produced elsewhere at peak production. It's only as expensive as the watts extracted at the total cost used to store those watts

The ignorance is all yours....

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia
You fool...your link literally confirms every word he said...you never read a word of it, obviously.

You are the fool....

Read it again dumb ass...

Although the losses of the pumping process makes the plant a net consumer of energy overall, the system increases revenue by selling more electricity during periods of peak demand, when electricity prices are highest.
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Wow, professor! Have you passed this very important information along to the global scientific community??? Imagine how surprised they will be to learn there is a star at the center of our solar system! Oh, to see the look on their faces!!

Well the scientist didn't know until recently that clouds cover Greenland now did they?

Ureka!!!!!! Scientist just found out clouds cover Greenland!!!

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

A UCLA-led study reported that melt-prone areas on Greenland's ice sheet use a drainage system of streams and rivers that carry meltwater into the ocean. However, the the study also found that measurements at the ice's edge show that climate models alone can overestimate the volume of meltwater flowing to the ocean because they fail to account for water storage beneath the ice.

There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global sea-level rise has captured the attention and concern of climate scientists in recent years. While changes in air temperature, water temperature and precipitation are known to influence melting events on the ice sheet, a new study has identified another, perhaps less obvious culprit: clouds.

It’s a finding that should be reflected in current climate models to help scientists make more accurate predictions about future Greenland melt — and could become even more important in the coming years if cloud cover over the ice sheet were to increase as a result of climate change.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, concludes that cloud cover can actually increase the amount of meltwater that runs off the surface of the glacier. Clouds have the effect of trapping heat on Earth; they can cause local temperatures to be warmer, so one would imagine that clouds might increase the amount of ice that actually melts during the day. But it turns out that the influence of cloud cover is strongest after the sun goes down. At night, the clouds actually prevent temperatures from cooling as much as they would on clear nights and keep already-melted ice from refreezing. This liquid water then pools on the surface of the ice and can be lost as runoff.
As if you understand a word of that. Yes, scientists knew there were clouds. No, this does not have any significant effect on global warming theory. Yes, the same scientists who taught us all of this are still alarmed by the rapid, observed warming, whoch we are causing.

No they didn't they had it in their little heads that man caused it and were to fucking stupid to realize it until a little 5th grade daughter of one of the scientist said " hey dad you do know clouds cover Greenland right"?????????
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

Like in Chicago where they have not had a Republican mayor in almost a 100 years?

The last one was big Bill the democrats started gerrymandering fool..

It took decades and decades for republicans to catch on...fighting fire with fire and now the democrats CRY wolf..

View attachment 169682

Do republicans win the popular vote in Illinois? Maybe that district conforms to guidelines for fairness reasons such as majority-minority districts per the Civil Rights act. All you do is post a random picture.

It's gerrymandering you blind bat.

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