Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Republican talking point: "SOSHULYSM! MOAR TAXES!"

Democratic talking point: "No more medical bills."

Take a look at this chart and guess which talking point the American voter will listen to:

If only the right wing voters had held their leaders' feet to the fire and demanded something other than "Nothing".

If only the right wing had come up with a better mousetrap by way of a superior health care reform.

Instead, they decided, "Nah. We don't need no reform. We're good!"

Take a look at this chart and guess how much longer the American voter will tolerate that horseshit:

If only the right wing had come up with a better mousetrap by way of a superior health care reform.
Obamacare was their idea, and it was the best idea they could come up with for 25 years. They only turned against it when president Blackenstein ate their lunch. So of course they can't come up with anything better. They had 25 years to do so.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...
Ok, so let's follow that idea to its conclusion.

You say take 70 cents on every dollar over 10 million that someone makes.

Ok, so, they look for more tax loopholes, or shelter their money offshore. Or worse yet, seeing as how there is no reason to produce enough to generate more than 10 million, shareholders call for production cuts, as there is no reason to produce any more than is needed to keep the company profitable. They only need to make enough to pay themselves and their employees, and keep the business in the green. any more is simply just shoveling money to the government, which is not a good business model.

Investors start pulling their money out of the stock market so that their capital gains is just under 10 million, and charitable giving takes a nose dive.

Result: millions of people lose their jobs and their retirement dreams are shattered.
Except a democratic government with 60 votes in the Senate would legislate against all that, instead of our GOP laws as we have now that actually support moving business and money out of the United States, you poor fear-mongered ignorant dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Premiums went up, benefits down, and your doctor went bye bye.
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Premiums went up, benefits down, and your doctor went bye bye.
All highly debatable,but it was definitely the best thing that ever happened for people with pre-existing conditions and with income less than 130% of poverty level, who got free Medicaid. Except in total a****** red States. Again, 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. I have never heard of anyone as totally brainwashed as you people...
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Premiums went up, benefits down, and your doctor went bye bye.
All highly debatable,but it was definitely the best thing that ever happened for people with pre-existing conditions and with income less than 130% of poverty level, who got free Medicaid. Except in total a****** red States. Again, 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. I have never heard of anyone as totally brainwashed as you people...
So what’s your complaint about?
Regardless, the claim that millions of people are filing bankruptcy every year for health care reasons, is just not true. Flat out, not true.
See post 189.

Yeah, I did. It is simply not true.... period.

There are a number of compounding factors that impact bankruptcy, and again, I don't deny that some people are pushed into bankruptcy by medical bills.

However, the idea that it is a primary cause of bankruptcy is a joke.

The research used to claim this, involved anyone with over $500 worth of medical bills. The problem here is, no one goes to bankruptcy court over $500. The cost of filing bankruptcy, would be greater than the amount of medical bills you have.

Second, most people file bankruptcy when they start losing stuff, like losing their car, and their house, and so on. There is no collateral that can be confiscated by a medical bill.

Third, they ignore the ratios. A person could have $500K in debt, and have $1,000 in medical bills, and they considered it a medical bankruptcy. Well that's not a medical bankruptcy. It was not medical $1,000 in medical bills that caused him to file, it was the other $500,000 in other debt, that caused him to file.

Lastly, what all of these people completely ignore, is that many times it is not the debt that really causes the bankruptcy anyway. It is often the loss of income.

It doesn't really matter how big or small your debt is, if you can't work because you have brain cancer. Unless you have no debt, and a large savings, you may end up in bankruptcy, even if you have zero medical bills at all. But again, the reports used anyone with over $500 of medical bills. Well that's ridiculous. With zero income, they would have been bankruptcy with, or without the medical debt.

The claims made are garbage.

Years ago now, I went to the hospital, and got a big massive bill. It didn't bankrupt me. And I only made $20K a year at the time.

I simply paid $100 a month, for a couple of years until I saved up a large enough amount in my bank, to write them a check and pay it off.

Now if I had $50,000 in credit card, auto loans, and a mortgage on the house at the time... ok maybe I would have been bankrupt. But it would have been from all that other debt, not the hospital bill.
PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:


But plan B bankrupts the country. Look at the VA, and all the problems they have had. That's your solution? People on waiting lists for years and years, while a large number die waiting?

My brother in law, was in Iraq. He needed hand surgery. He waited on the VA for months and months. Finally he said screw it, and went to a private doctor, paid for it out of pocket, and he had the surgery he needed and was suffering without, within a week.... one week. One single weed.

Government care.... months and months and months. Private care, one week.

I'll take paying a bill, over waiting to die, any day.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.

"price of premiums has stabilized" LOL :laughing0301:

"or even gone down" LOL :auiqs.jpg:


How Much Does Obamacare Cost in 2018?
Whenever you are involved in work that serves humanity, you're doing the right thing. Dr King said this. billionaires serve humanity, my friends!
PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:


But plan B bankrupts the country. Look at the VA, and all the problems they have had. That's your solution? People on waiting lists for years and years, while a large number die waiting?

My brother in law, was in Iraq. He needed hand surgery. He waited on the VA for months and months. Finally he said screw it, and went to a private doctor, paid for it out of pocket, and he had the surgery he needed and was suffering without, within a week.... one week. One single weed.

Government care.... months and months and months. Private care, one week.

I'll take paying a bill, over waiting to die, any day.

The problem with the VA is that it is understaffed and underfunded. The system was never meant to deal with the vets from multiple theatres of war which lasts for 18 years. The system is completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of cases they are seeing.

Other countries manage to provide qualifty health care for ALL of their citizens at half the cost that the USA provides care for those who can afford it. Americans keep crowing about their great health care but if there is no access to care for a large percentage of the population, the system is not doing what it needs to do.

American citizens already have the shortest life span of any first world country, and unlike other first world countries, that life span is declining, not growing. Your country is obviously doing a LOT of things wrong in terms of nutrition, education, diet and exercise, and health care, for this to be happening.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
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