Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
So, curious, why punish those who are successful? Because someone took a risk, and built a company, and are now reaping the rewards, you think we should punish them?

I'm all for a flat tax with no loopholes. Everyone pays the same rate. It's the most fair way to do it.
Flat taxes are regressive. They are not fair in any way.
Too unpatriotic to pay taxes I see.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
Yet many of them go bankrupt in the process, dufus.
So, curious, why punish those who are successful? Because someone took a risk, and built a company, and are now reaping the rewards, you think we should punish them?

I'm all for a flat tax with no loopholes. Everyone pays the same rate. It's the most fair way to do it.
Flat taxes are regressive. They are not fair in any way.
Too unpatriotic to pay taxes I see.
What a stupid response. False dichotomy.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
Yet many of them go bankrupt in the process, dufus.
Illegals go bankrupt?
So, curious, why punish those who are successful? Because someone took a risk, and built a company, and are now reaping the rewards, you think we should punish them?

I'm all for a flat tax with no loopholes. Everyone pays the same rate. It's the most fair way to do it.
Flat taxes are regressive. They are not fair in any way.
Too unpatriotic to pay taxes I see.
What a stupid response. False dichotomy.
You're the one whining you don't want to pay your fair share.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
Yet many of them go bankrupt in the process, dufus.
Illegals go bankrupt?
You can't possibly be this retarded and obtuse and still be able to draw a breath.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
Yet many of them go bankrupt in the process, dufus.
Illegals go bankrupt?
You can't possibly be this retarded and obtuse and still be able to draw a breath.
Where did I whine that I don't want to pay my fair share, retard?

Put down the crack pipe and read all of my posts in this topic, dipshit. Stop making up lies to conform with your delusions.
Fuckwits probably don't even know what "regressive" means in the context of taxes.

Regressive taxes are unfair to the poor.

Somehow, a mental defective interpreted that to mean I don't want to pay taxes.

Christ almighty, it's impossible to debate that depth of idiocy.
Most billionaires are billionaires because of our socialist monetary policy. They're the ones who get all of that freshly printed money first so they are the ones who get to put it into the economy.

And it's not going to any part of the economy that isn't in their interest.

Like her or not, I'm glad to see people like her get elected. Bernie, too. People like that tend to vote against the special interest leoislation the same way us libertarians and sdome o thse very few true conservatives vote on said legislation. Clearly, they donlt vote against it for the same reasons we do, but the real battle exists where all of that that special interest legislation gets voted against.
I personally prefer the term anti-moral versus immoral. To say they're immoral presupposes that the tyrants share or even comprehend the primary foundation for moral code that defines the proper role of government in relation to our Republic. As a collective they don't. They function patently anti-morally.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
Yet many of them go bankrupt in the process, dufus.

Not true. Some do.

But even then... I would much rather file bankruptcy, and earn money again.... than die, or have long term health problems because the health care was crap.

This is why people come to the US from all over the world, for health care. They willing to pay, rather than die.

Being so greedy that you would rather not have to pay money for health care, and end up in the grave? Who would trade a hospital bill for death? Dumb trade.

Regardless, the claim that millions of people are filing bankruptcy every year for health care reasons, is just not true. Flat out, not true.
And I'm sure in her mind a country with a government that takes over $3 trillion per year from the economy is just fine.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
I do not support socialized medicine. But the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:


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