Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
If you dont want to pay taxes then move to another country where that doesnt happen.

Translation: If you don't like being mugged/raped/robbed, then move.

What a sad worldview to hold.
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
Translation: If you don't like being mugged/raped/robbed, then move.

What a sad worldview to hold.
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.

Sad, but probably true.
then the entire world is immoral and always has been. We are not all equal in ability or intelligence. No system can eliminate income inequality, socialism ensures that the vast majority of the people are equally miserable and a small group of elites control all of the money and all of the power. That is what this ignorant twit is asking for.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
Of course, the headline written by someone paid to agitate wingnut flakes left out the rest:

..."when, for instance, people in Alabama are (suffering from) ringworm because they can't get access to public health(care)..."

...not that you watched even one second of the video that you, yourself, posted.

And she is 100% correct.
She is an idiot. Ringworm is treated by over the counter Lotrimin.

She sniffed so much cocaine, her brain just leaked out of her nostrils.
then the entire world is immoral and always has been. We are not all equal in ability or intelligence. No system can eliminate income inequality, socialism ensures that the vast majority of the people are equally miserable and a small group of elites control all of the money and all of the power. That is what this ignorant twit is asking for.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that those who promote programs to control people intend to be the ones who wield the power over them.
Please name one Billionaire that doesn't donate huge amounts of money to charity, and also that doesn't employ lots of people creating jobs, and wealth for others? How about their stockholders that have gained also, many average people own these stocks in their 401K's, and IRA's.

Cortez is plainly an idiot, appealing to her voting base who are also idiots. These idiots typically don't become billionaires, so...……..

Like they say, name me one poor person who ever gave you a job? But, who gives more in general?

91% of people who identify themselves as religious are likely to give to charity.
Only 66% of atheist people give to charity.
The religious giving sector is just as likely to give to secular programs as it is to religious causes.
People who couple and raise children are more likely to give philanthropically than those who do not.
The more children there are in a family, the more likely that a family will donate to charity.
Political conservatives give more, despite having incomes that are on average 6% lower than liberals.

Arthur C. Brooks 2006 book "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism"

Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.
Based on a study of the 2008 data from the Internal Revenue Service of taxpayers.

The nation’s most generous state was Utah, where Mormonism teaches tithing and the “typical household claimed charitable contributions totaling 10.6 percent of discretionary income.”

The next top four states were Mississippi, where residents gave 7.2 percent to charity, followed by Alabama (7.1 percent), Tennessee (6.6 percent) and South Carolina (6.4), states with a large number of Baptist churches.

The least generous states were in New England. New Hampshire ranked at the bottom, with residents giving only 2.5 percent to charity, followed by Maine (2.8 percent), Vermont (2.8 percent), Massachusetts (2.8 percent) and Rhode Island (3.1 percent).

President Obama’s home state ranked 29th on the generosity scale with the typical household donating 4.2 percent to charity.

The Obamas, on the other hand, gave 22 percent to charity in 2011, totaling $172,000.

In 2010, the Obamas gave 14 percent to charities, none of which went to a church.

Vice President Biden’s home state of Delaware ranked 27th on the generosity scale. The typical Delaware household gave 4.4 percent to charity.

The Bidens gave less than 1.5 percent in 2011.

With a total taxable income of $304,840, the Bidens gave $4,400 to charities and claimed $950 in contributed clothing and household items in 2010. Their percent of charitable giving was 1.4 percent.
Please name one Billionaire that doesn't donate huge amounts of money to charity, and also that doesn't employ lots of people creating jobs, and wealth for others? How about their stockholders that have gained also, many average people own these stocks in their 401K's, and IRA's.

Cortez is plainly an idiot, appealing to her voting base who are also idiots. These idiots typically don't become billionaires, so...……..

Ah yes the old "trickle down" theory of wealth. The job creation, the wealth creation. Except the wealth isn't "trickling down", it's trickling up.

The 401K's, the shareholders - those people in the top 20% of income earners, are all benefitting. But they were already benefitting because they earn enough to have savings and investments.

The peope who aren't benefitting all that much are the people who are doing the work which is creating all of this wealth, because all of the wealth that the workers earn is going to the pockets of management and the shareholders, and not their own families.

Until the Reagan tax code shifted the balance of income from a level field which saw everyone getting a cut of the American dream, the table was tilted slightly so that workers ceased, in effect, to get raises, and while top management wages tripled, and companies booked record profits, workers got none of it.
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
Translation: If you don't like being mugged/raped/robbed, then move.

What a sad worldview to hold.
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Venezuela is about nothing other than massive corruption

AOC is actually in line with Thomas Jefferson who wants an EXTREME inheritance tax to prevent the formation of the billionaire elite
A system that allows government quad-trillionaires is immoral. $4 TRILLION a year the government confiscates and doles out. $40 trillion every 10 years FOURTY. That's $40,000 BILLION for you idiot math challenged leftwits.
And it's not enough to invest in a healthy manner in our middle-class and working-class, which have been going to hell for 35 years under GOP tax rates.

By all means tell us what you plan to waste the money on, be specific.
Cheaper college and training, tax cuts for the non-rich, healthcare for all, cheaper daycare, good infrastructure and other benefits like all other rich countries have except the scumbag gop usa, super dupe. ID card to end illegal immigration.

Tax could go by party affiliation. Let Democrats/socialists/progressives pay 70%, and Republicans/conservatives/libertarians pay flat rate, 15 or 20%.
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Venezuela is about nothing other than massive corruption

AOC is actually in line with Thomas Jefferson who wants an EXTREME inheritance tax to prevent the formation of the billionaire elite

Do your left wing friends in Hollywood support that? How about the very rich democrats in congress? do they support that? How about the left winger athletes? Do Lebron James and Micheal Jordan want to give their money to the government? Of course not and they never will. But those evil CEOs, let take it from them, right?
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Venezuela is about nothing other than massive corruption

AOC is actually in line with Thomas Jefferson who wants an EXTREME inheritance tax to prevent the formation of the billionaire elite

Venezuela is what happens when the socialists take control of a country, sure there is massive corruption, there always is with socialism.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

Why don't you pay 70% voluntarily and lead by example. Get back to us when you do.
The 70 percent rate only applies to every dollar earned above ten million dollars.

I'm sure franco would LOVE to lead by example!

Why not 70% tax rate on every dollar earned under $50K?

Just imagine the benefit of stopping envious lowlifes from breeding.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
The entire quote was "A system that allows Billionaires is immoral when there are poor people living in Alabama that are still getting ringworm".
She was talking about helping Republicans. Wow, what a good message.

She never said billionaires themselves were immoral.

There now, don't you feel kinda stupid? No seriously. When you leave out half the quote and someone points it out to you, don't you feel like an ignorant shill? I know I would. Thank God I don't.
This quote by Reagan used to be in my signature:

The problem with socialists is that they believe every rich person got that way by theft, and so it is okay for a 29 year old bartender to seize their money and use it as she sees fit.

It's fucking bullshit, man.

Total. Bullshit.
Venezuela is what happens when the socialists take control of a country, sure there is massive corruption, there always is with socialism.


Saudi Arabia is a socialist country with big oil reserves and little else and they're doing well.

Venezuela has far MORE oil and is a disaster.

That's evidence of CORRUPTION.

SA gives billions away in social programs and survives quite well.

How much has Venezuela given to their poor or middle class?

Neither country has anything approaching a viable manufacturing base...

It's the corruption stupid
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Venezuela is about nothing other than massive corruption

AOC is actually in line with Thomas Jefferson who wants an EXTREME inheritance tax to prevent the formation of the billionaire elite

Communism-Socialism-Authoritarianism-Totalitarinism are all just brands of Massive Corruption.

Thomas Jefferson would not support confiscatory income taxes. If he did, the 16th Amendment would have been redundant. But it had to wait until a Statist was President to be passed.
Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.

In summary, what AOC is proposing is the Road to Venezuela.
Venezuela is about nothing other than massive corruption

AOC is actually in line with Thomas Jefferson who wants an EXTREME inheritance tax to prevent the formation of the billionaire elite

Do your left wing friends in Hollywood support that? How about the very rich democrats in congress? do they support that? How about the left winger athletes? Do Lebron James and Micheal Jordan want to give their money to the government? Of course not and they never will. But those evil CEOs, let take it from them, right?

They'll move their wealth overseas. The huge tax increases on the rich are always just chum in the water to jack up taxes on middle class folks.
They'll move their wealth overseas. The huge tax increases on the rich are always just chum in the water to jack up taxes on middle class folks.

Yea...that whole Ayn Rand/John Galt thing....is about as accurate as "Tax cuts pay for themselves"
Communism-Socialism-Authoritarianism-Totalitarinism are all just brands of Massive Corruption.

Thomas Jefferson would not support confiscatory income taxes. If he did, the 16th Amendment would have been redundant. But it had to wait until a Statist was President to be passed.

Read up on TJ. You clearly aren't familiar with him.

And clue? He was long dead when the 16th was passed
They'll move their wealth overseas. The huge tax increases on the rich are always just chum in the water to jack up taxes on middle class folks.

Yea...that whole Ayn Rand/John Galt thing....is about as accurate as "Tax cuts pay for themselves"

This has nothing to do with Rand...it's factual human nature enabled by Globalism.

No .001% person is going to sit still while the Feds tax 70% of his income and 3% of his wealth (the Warren Plan). Just as Chinese Communists have sheltered their wealth in the U.S., the U.S. based Rich will find other tax shelters outside of the U.S.
This has nothing to do with Rand...it's factual human nature enabled by Globalism.

It's Ayn Rand (gonna take my marbles to The Gulch) bullshit.

At least understand where the garbage you spew comes from

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