Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Hey are called taxes and civilized countries need them,
A system in which people gain power by promoting the concept of taking from one person to give to another is what's actually immoral.
If you dont want to pay taxes then move to another country where that doesnt happen.

Translation: If you don't like being mugged/raped/robbed, then move.

What a sad worldview to hold.
Turn around is fair play, back to nature GOP chump. That's what you idiots tell Democrats anytime We complain about your garbage giveaway to the rich screw the rest policies. What you don't even know about, Dupe.

You can spin in in whatever way gives you comfort.

What you are supporting is legalized theft...but it's still theft.
They are called taxes and civilized countries need them, and more than we get under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. Without propaganda no one would vote for them....

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.

So net worth of 50 million? suppose an investor (of which there are many in the US) owns commercial rental property and or apartments. It doesn't take long to reach the 50 million thresh hold. What you have here is the desire of those in government who hate the fact that there are Americans who can pass their wealth down through generations of their own families... i think they must despise the American people in all actuality who feel that they don't need the government to look after them.
If Warren had her way, you would see Commercial Real estate transactions have a big slow down... or you would see prices rise as rents escalate.
Why is it that someone like Warren cant see that the building and sales of properties is extremely beneficial and gives back to the community in ways of new businesses openings, construction and maintenance companies getting work, engineering companies, communities benefit from property tax as well? These people have no idea how an economy works. Grow your economy and you will have more tax revenue even if the percentage remains the same.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

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Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Somone just ship her to Venezuela already.
How come the Left never want to talk about Venezuela?

maybe they haven't found a way to blame it all on the United States yet. They sure wont blame it on socialism.
Fertile land, excess oil and people are starving. They cant admit the system they love so much is failing.

Millions of children missing school in Venezuela's hunger crisis - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
All you right wingers do is lie.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.

The freshman congresswoman responded affirmatively to a question on the subject at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday in New York, just as many of the world's billionaires were gathering for the start of the annual Davos economic confab in Switzerland amid concerns over economic uncertainty and rising populism.

"I don't think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral," she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, both major philanthropists. Gates is expected to attend Davos again this year.

Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral
All you right wingers do is lie.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.

The freshman congresswoman responded affirmatively to a question on the subject at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday in New York, just as many of the world's billionaires were gathering for the start of the annual Davos economic confab in Switzerland amid concerns over economic uncertainty and rising populism.

"I don't think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral," she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, both major philanthropists. Gates is expected to attend Davos again this year.

Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral
Except there is no such thing as extreme poverty in America.
All you right wingers do is lie.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.

The freshman congresswoman responded affirmatively to a question on the subject at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday in New York, just as many of the world's billionaires were gathering for the start of the annual Davos economic confab in Switzerland amid concerns over economic uncertainty and rising populism.

"I don't think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral," she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, both major philanthropists. Gates is expected to attend Davos again this year.

Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

What part of this is not true?
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that “a system that allows billionaires to exist” is immoral. The freshman congresswoman made those comments at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
A system that allows government quad-trillionaires is immoral. $4 TRILLION a year the government confiscates and doles out. $40 trillion every 10 years FOURTY. That's $40,000 BILLION for you idiot math challenged leftwits.
It's spelled FORTY for you English challenged pseudocons.

I'm surprised you can operate a pair of socks.
I'm surprised you can operate a pair of flip flops

What's that? Sorry I was distracted by Trump winning.
Youre not very bright so a piece of lint falling from your ear would distract you. :rolleyes:

Asclepias MO: Insult, paste purple emoji, lose debate, repeat. Pathetic.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

Why don't you pay 70% voluntarily and lead by example. Get back to us when you do.
The 70 percent rate only applies to every dollar earned above ten million dollars.

I'm sure franco would LOVE to lead by example!

Awesome, you advocates go ahead and pay 70% on what you earn to shame those millionaires into paying 70%. Lead by example, show them how serious you are about this issue.
Man, you are one dumb dipshit.

The last thing I am is a socialist. I do not advocate a top rate of 70 percent. It is well known, including by you, that I support banning tax expenditures and lowering tax rates for EVERYONE.

You really should stop posting in this topic since you are batting .000 right now. I'm starting to feel embarrassed for you.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

Why don't you pay 70% voluntarily and lead by example. Get back to us when you do.
The 70 percent rate only applies to every dollar earned above ten million dollars.

I'm sure franco would LOVE to lead by example!

Awesome, you advocates go ahead and pay 70% on what you earn to shame those millionaires into paying 70%. Lead by example, show them how serious you are about this issue.
Man, you are one dumb dipshit.

The last thing I am is a socialist. I do not advocate a top rate of 70 percent. It is well known, including by you, that I support banning tax expenditures and lowering tax rates for EVERYONE.

You really should stop posting in this topic since you are batting .000 right now. I'm starting to feel embarrassed for you.

You feel embarrassed for someone else with that avatar? I support a 1.5% Federal Consumption Tax on EVERYTHING. The wealthy buy more so they'll pay more by default. Problem solved. AOC is an embarrassment kissing up to the likes of Terrorist Linda Sarsour. An utter embarrassment.
All you right wingers do is lie.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.

The freshman congresswoman responded affirmatively to a question on the subject at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday in New York, just as many of the world's billionaires were gathering for the start of the annual Davos economic confab in Switzerland amid concerns over economic uncertainty and rising populism.

"I don't think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral," she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, both major philanthropists. Gates is expected to attend Davos again this year.

Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

What part of this is not true?
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that “a system that allows billionaires to exist” is immoral. The freshman congresswoman made those comments at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Cutting and pasting to change the meaning of the phrase, is lying by omission.

Context she didn't said extreme wealth is immoral. She said extreme wealth existing WHILE EXTREME POVERTY EXISTS, is immoral.

It's the same thing that the right did to Obama with his comments to businessmen. Obama pointed out that the systems, protections and infrastructures which allow American businesses to succeed, are build and paid for by the taxes they pay. The roads, the educated work force, the utility systems, and transportations systems: You didn't build that. Cons twisted that into Obama saying that owners didn't build successful companies.

That was a lie, but you ran with it. That\s what conservatives do. They lie to their constituents, and twist and weasal word things because they have a complete dearth of ideas on how to improve or build up your country. They've been in power for two years, and all they've done is cut taxes. No infrastructure, to increases in workers wages, no improvements to education, just more waste on the military, and tax cuts for the wealthy, but for everyday Americans - nothing.

What about the more than 100,000 people who died in the opioid crisis while Trump obsesses over the southern border, which is seeing the lowest rates of illegal entry in 70 years?
Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Yes! Why let the people keep the wealth as the fruits of their labors when we can have the state horde it all to themselves! Or we can have it taken from others as their hard work for building ideas, inventions and corporations which fuel our economies and divvied up equally between all the non-producers!

BRILLIANT! What a way to encourage economic investment. Reward people for doing nothing. Punish the producers!

But who's going to do all that? THE GOVERNMENT! So it all goes back to them anyway and CRUMBS for the rest of us! Hoo! Haa!

Oh, Cortez, Benito would be so PROUD of you!


It takes a swift brain such as yours to remind us why this country is headed for the toilet. You're just one flush away from being another total democratic socialist shithead.

Please name one Billionaire that doesn't donate huge amounts of money to charity, and also that doesn't employ lots of people creating jobs, and wealth for others? How about their stockholders that have gained also, many average people own these stocks in their 401K's, and IRA's.

Cortez is plainly an idiot, appealing to her voting base who are also idiots. These idiots typically don't become billionaires, so...……..
All you right wingers do is lie.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.

The freshman congresswoman responded affirmatively to a question on the subject at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday in New York, just as many of the world's billionaires were gathering for the start of the annual Davos economic confab in Switzerland amid concerns over economic uncertainty and rising populism.

"I don't think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral," she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, both major philanthropists. Gates is expected to attend Davos again this year.

Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral

What part of this is not true?
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agrees that “a system that allows billionaires to exist” is immoral. The freshman congresswoman made those comments at an event celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Cutting and pasting to change the meaning of the phrase, is lying by omission.

Context she didn't said extreme wealth is immoral. She said extreme wealth existing WHILE EXTREME POVERTY EXISTS, is immoral.

It's the same thing that the right did to Obama with his comments to businessmen. Obama pointed out that the systems, protections and infrastructures which allow American businesses to succeed, are build and paid for by the taxes they pay. The roads, the educated work force, the utility systems, and transportations systems: You didn't build that. Cons twisted that into Obama saying that owners didn't build successful companies.

That was a lie, but you ran with it. That\s what conservatives do. They lie to their constituents, and twist and weasal word things because they have a complete dearth of ideas on how to improve or build up your country. They've been in power for two years, and all they've done is cut taxes. No infrastructure, to increases in workers wages, no improvements to education, just more waste on the military, and tax cuts for the wealthy, but for everyday Americans - nothing.

What about the more than 100,000 people who died in the opioid crisis while Trump obsesses over the southern border, which is seeing the lowest rates of illegal entry in 70 years?

I just pasted one of her statements. How is that in any way a distortion of anything?

The opioid crisis didnt begin on Trumps watch, and yes building a wall would help with that.
Please name one Billionaire that doesn't donate huge amounts of money to charity, and also that doesn't employ lots of people creating jobs, and wealth for others? How about their stockholders that have gained also, many average people own these stocks in their 401K's, and IRA's.

Cortez is plainly an idiot, appealing to her voting base who are also idiots. These idiots typically don't become billionaires, so...……..

Thats why she used her great college education to get a job as a waitress, before becoming a congress person.
Shes a jealous idiot steeped in class envy.

Your absolutely right, these people cant see the economy in their mind as a whole system. Somehow they believe everything has to be equal but there is no system in nature where everything is equal . There is constant movement from the bottom up and also from the top down.

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