Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

A system that allows billionaires is a capitalist system. That's what she wants to end. She and the other Democrats are replacing the population that believes in the capitalist system with one that will accept a socialist system.
Socialism which is just always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, except in dupe world. Join the modern world brainwashed Cold War dinosaur.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

The market should decide compensation at all levels.
Good one. And tax rates are part of the market duh. We should go back to JFK's rates

Arbitrarily/artificially cap compensation and watch what it does to the US Economy. It will be fundamentally transformed into a socialist economy replete of redistribution of wealth. You people want the JFK tax rates from an era when the US was in far less debt. Further, you demonize Kennedy’s Tax cuts and mock his notion that “a rising tide raises all ships”. And, you never want to discuss spending cuts.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
There is no upper limit in a market based system. We should solve simple poverty so they can take the scenic route if that is more convenient for them.
Like socialism did in Venezuela.
they would not have the problem they do now; markets would have been functioning better the whole time.

Thank Goodness we had a left winger like FDR.
He did get us into a war. One of my ideas in a post collapse is to get you progressives and your families into sadistic TV programs. For as an example we send you into D Day situations where you go to a beach as first in and get your azzes shot at. With multiple camera angles we see the fun that you love to promote. The ratings will through the roof. All of the media/entertainment shills also would be part of this. And a potential dictator should salivate at this. For this would keep the violence down in a bad time. Hell we could have msnbc versus cnn versus ms13 for some privileges. All of the pain these azzes have caused. It would be time to give back to the community.
Perhaps we should stop electing the GOP which causes all the collapses in our economy and the world's... FDR started the war eh? Idiot
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Well she should really hate socialism then.
Because that's all it does. The difference is the people who rise to the top of a socialist pyramid are even wealthier than the people who rise to the top of a capitalist pyramid.
And I suppose you are talking about communism not Democratic socialism-the only kind outside your GOP bubble of Cold War garbage. Jesus Christ talking with Republicans is like talking to rocks.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

The market should decide compensation at all levels.
Good one. And tax rates are part of the market duh. We should go back to JFK's rates

Arbitrarily/artificially cap compensation and watch what it does to the US Economy. It will be fundamentally transformed into a socialist economy replete of redistribution of wealth. You people want the JFK tax rates from an era when the US was in far less debt. Further, you demonize Kennedy’s Tax cuts and mock his notion that “a rising tide raises all ships”. And, you never want to discuss spending cuts.
Attack straight like before dragons oh, 70%, is the only way to end absolutely ridiculous CEO pay etc etc and get some money to invest in America for a change.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
The entire quote was "A system that allows Billionaires is immoral when there are poor people living in Alabama that are still getting ringworm".
She was talking about helping Republicans. Wow, what a good message.

She never said billionaires themselves were immoral.

There now, don't you feel kinda stupid? No seriously. When you leave out half the quote and someone points it out to you, don't you feel like an ignorant shill? I know I would. Thank God I don't.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Well she should really hate socialism then.
Because that's all it does. The difference is the people who rise to the top of a socialist pyramid are even wealthier than the people who rise to the top of a capitalist pyramid.
And I suppose you are talking about communism not Democratic socialism-the only kind outside your GOP bubble of Cold War garbage. Jesus Christ talking with Republicans is like talking to rocks.

We already have socialism in abundance.
The largest part of the government budget
Is handouts....what the hell are you talking about? The only reason we've been able to sustain that is because of the capitalist side of the economy. See socialism doesn't make any money at all it consumes money; capitalism is what makes the money. Send that along to Maduro he's learning that the hard way right now. If you kill the goose the golden eggs will go away.

Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
The entire quote was "A system that allows Billionaires is immoral when there are poor people living in Alabama that are still getting ringworm".
She was talking about helping Republicans. Wow, what a good message.

She never said billionaires themselves were immoral.

There now, don't you feel kinda stupid? No seriously. When you leave out half the quote and someone points it out to you, don't you feel like an ignorant shill? I know I would. Thank God I don't.

Well don't talk to the Democrats about Wall Street Wall Street owns them. Cortez has the right idea but she's another Maduro. She probably thinks her electricity comes from that funny looking metal box in the cellar.

A system that allows government quad-trillionaires is immoral. $4 TRILLION a year the government confiscates and doles out. $40 trillion every 10 years FOURTY. That's $40,000 BILLION for you idiot math challenged leftwits.
And it's not enough to invest in a healthy manner in our middle-class and working-class, which have been going to hell for 35 years under GOP tax rates.

By all means tell us what you plan to waste the money on, be specific.
Cheaper college and training, tax cuts for the non-rich, healthcare for all, cheaper daycare, good infrastructure and other benefits like all other rich countries have except the scumbag gop usa, super dupe. ID card to end illegal immigration.
Can’t lower college tuition. Really need those Directors of Diversity making $450K a year.

Is it a coincidence that the $1.5 trillion dollars in student loans, much of it government guaranteed loans, funnels into the colleges who kick back money to the Dem's? Funny how Dem's never bitch about the high tuition like they do about the high cost of healthcare and prescription drugs.

Yeah, well US colleges and universities are big big big jobs programs. We are #1 in the Industrialized world for Non- teaching staff and growing. If our European counterparts ran things the way we did, they couldnt provide free education like they do. Meanwhile Politicians will say the answer is to give MORE money for education..... undoubtedly to hire even more non- teaching staff.
Were completely lost with these fools in charge

Chart of the day: Administrative bloat in US public schools - AEI
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Well she should really hate socialism then.
Because that's all it does. The difference is the people who rise to the top of a socialist pyramid are even wealthier than the people who rise to the top of a capitalist pyramid.
And I suppose you are talking about communism not Democratic socialism-the only kind outside your GOP bubble of Cold War garbage. Jesus Christ talking with Republicans is like talking to rocks.

We already have socialism in abundance.
The largest part of the government budget
Is handouts....what the hell are you talking about? The only reason we've been able to sustain that is because of the capitalist side of the economy. See socialism doesn't make any money at all it consumes money; capitalism is what makes the money. Send that along to Maduro he's learning that the hard way right now. If you kill the goose the golden eggs will go away.

Nobody is saying Venezuela is the way to go, you people are just ridiculous. The socialism I am talking about is a living wage, tax cuts for the non-rich, cheaper College and training for the middle class and help for our infrastructure. All by taxing the rich. At the moment we have a flat tax system for everyone, a stupid giveaway to the rich from the GOP.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
I'm beginning to agree. A billionaire is basically a king that just kicks back and siphons off the top. We dont need or want that, regardless of any fail argument from the right about jealousy, theft, w/e. We should stop feeding their money supply with so much of our economic output. Our dependence on them will only get worse, never better, while we continue with brain dead trickle down policy that subsidizes them.

I'm 100% correct when I say this, continued economic favor of billionaires is awful tragic stupid policy for our country. No conservative bullshit line can prove otherwise, and I've heard them all.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
I'm beginning to agree. A billionaire is basically a king that just kicks back and siphons off the top. We dont need or want that, regardless of any fail argument from the right about jealousy, theft, w/e. We should stop feeding their money supply with so much of our economic output. Our dependence on them will only get worse, never better, while we continue with brain dead trickle down policy that subsidizes them.

I'm 100% correct when I say this, continued economic favor of billionaires is awful tragic stupid policy for our country. No conservative bullshit line can prove otherwise, and I've heard them all.

OK, so then the tax becomes purely a punitive measure. And who gets to decide who is too rich or not rich enough?
It's easy to pick on Billionaires because most of us arn't. But that appeals to a base instinct that because one person has so much, others don't. That's not even true. Its just n excuse to tax where there is money.
WHo's to say a Billionaire didnt make his money Internationally? How did that take away money from someone driving a bus for a living? It didnt but to a lot of people and like Ms Cortez it feels immoral. Once the government is allowed to say there is a limit on what is moral for a citizen to earn, we will eventually get used to that because most of us dont make over 10 mil a year.
Then one day down the road after more bloated spending like you see in the education system, it will be determined perhaps that the limit really should be 5 million a year and so on and so on. Thats called being a frog in a pan of soon to be boiling water and thats pretty much what progressive socialists bring you with a happy face and a sweet smile. Who can really say no?
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Well she should really hate socialism then.
Because that's all it does. The difference is the people who rise to the top of a socialist pyramid are even wealthier than the people who rise to the top of a capitalist pyramid.
And I suppose you are talking about communism not Democratic socialism-the only kind outside your GOP bubble of Cold War garbage. Jesus Christ talking with Republicans is like talking to rocks.

We already have socialism in abundance.
The largest part of the government budget
Is handouts....what the hell are you talking about? The only reason we've been able to sustain that is because of the capitalist side of the economy. See socialism doesn't make any money at all it consumes money; capitalism is what makes the money. Send that along to Maduro he's learning that the hard way right now. If you kill the goose the golden eggs will go away.

Nobody is saying Venezuela is the way to go, you people are just ridiculous. The socialism I am talking about is a living wage, tax cuts for the non-rich, cheaper College and training for the middle class and help for our infrastructure. All by taxing the rich. At the moment we have a flat tax system for everyone, a stupid giveaway to the rich from the GOP.
Take the wealth from the rich they do not talk about first. If you have the ballz. Not the multi billionaires. Who may be worth tens of billions. But the trillionaires who made many of those others billionaires. There at least several families who control the financial ways and much more. Go take their wealth. See what happens when you try. Do you really think that Soros would not have been dealt with by common sense people if this didnot exist? He is under their protection. And made his wealth from their control of most of the world economic system. He made his wealth from currency swaps. So many people impoverished that way. But he knows because he is told what currency will drop and which currency will rise in different nations. Yeah tax the richest of the rich.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral
I'm beginning to agree. A billionaire is basically a king that just kicks back and siphons off the top. We dont need or want that, regardless of any fail argument from the right about jealousy, theft, w/e. We should stop feeding their money supply with so much of our economic output. Our dependence on them will only get worse, never better, while we continue with brain dead trickle down policy that subsidizes them.

I'm 100% correct when I say this, continued economic favor of billionaires is awful tragic stupid policy for our country. No conservative bullshit line can prove otherwise, and I've heard them all.

OK, so then the tax becomes purely a punitive measure. And who gets to decide who is too rich or not rich enough?
It's easy to pick on Billionaires because most of us arn't. But that appeals to a base instinct that because one person has so much, others don't. That's not even true. Its just n excuse to tax where there is money.
WHo's to say a Billionaire didnt make his money Internationally? How did that take away money from someone driving a bus for a living? It didnt but to a lot of people and like Ms Cortez it feels immoral. Once the government is allowed to say there is a limit on what is moral for a citizen to earn, we will eventually get used to that because most of us dont make over 10 mil a year.
Then one day down the road after more bloated spending like you see in the education system, it will be determined perhaps that the limit really should be 5 million a year and so on and so on. Thats called being a frog in a pan of soon to be boiling water and thats pretty much what progressive socialists bring you with a happy face and a sweet smile. Who can really say no?
First of all, we are not as concerned with their wealth. they will have some of it invested here generating more wealth but this is the true area where theft needs to be avoided. If they've already earned it fair and square, we shouldnt take just take it.

New income is an area to look at and raising a rate on just the highest .01% of earners is reasonable. 70% seems much. This isnt theft. It can be justified in one way by considering all economic output as a derived and composite consumption. In a snapshot, only so much to go around, so those grabbing 10-20% of it need to pay accordingly for costs that facilitated that pie slice. Idk what that would be, but my hunch is that it's more than the capital gains or income tax the higher it goes. Negative externalities of business need to be paid for by those winning the windfall, rather than becoming distributed cost elsewhere shouldered by others.

If you think about it, there shouldn't be windfall profits except for in high high stakes risk taking. It's a sign that something is broken or someone is cheating. So, Laws should be enforced. Tax dodgers should be pursued. Competition and other free market concepts need to be emphasized. Anti trust, particularly for these mega tech giants needs to be enforced. Competition should be tight enough that profits are in check for the less risky endeavors.

This is all I have right now. going to bed.
Letting Sandy Alex Cortez define "socialism" or "communism" ignores the fact Donkey Face Cortez has no fucking idea how to make a drink or taco.
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...

The market should decide compensation at all levels.
Let's solve simple poverty for the Poor, then we should not need to envy the Richest, with some Capital at our disposal.
Because socialist governments keeping people from becoming wealthy is moral!

View attachment 241705

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A System That Allows Billionaires’ is Immoral

Well she should really hate socialism then.
Because that's all it does. The difference is the people who rise to the top of a socialist pyramid are even wealthier than the people who rise to the top of a capitalist pyramid.
And I suppose you are talking about communism not Democratic socialism-the only kind outside your GOP bubble of Cold War garbage. Jesus Christ talking with Republicans is like talking to rocks.

We already have socialism in abundance.
The largest part of the government budget
Is handouts....what the hell are you talking about? The only reason we've been able to sustain that is because of the capitalist side of the economy. See socialism doesn't make any money at all it consumes money; capitalism is what makes the money. Send that along to Maduro he's learning that the hard way right now. If you kill the goose the golden eggs will go away.

Nobody is saying Venezuela is the way to go, you people are just ridiculous. The socialism I am talking about is a living wage, tax cuts for the non-rich, cheaper College and training for the middle class and help for our infrastructure. All by taxing the rich. At the moment we have a flat tax system for everyone, a stupid giveaway to the rich from the GOP.
Take the wealth from the rich they do not talk about first. If you have the ballz. Not the multi billionaires. Who may be worth tens of billions. But the trillionaires who made many of those others billionaires. There at least several families who control the financial ways and much more. Go take their wealth. See what happens when you try. Do you really think that Soros would not have been dealt with by common sense people if this didnot exist? He is under their protection. And made his wealth from their control of most of the world economic system. He made his wealth from currency swaps. So many people impoverished that way. But he knows because he is told what currency will drop and which currency will rise in different nations. Yeah tax the richest of the rich.
Countries raise their taxes on the rich all the time, no problem, brainwash functional moron conspiracy Nut Job. Soros is a brilliant financier and a great supporter of democracy and transparency. Which brings him into conflict where is greedy right wing semi Nazi assholes, your heroes. Idiot.

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