Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

Brothers and sisters, it seems there is no shame in CEOs making 300 times as much as their workers as communities turn into ghost towns. see my thread about the american dream!
Venezuela is what happens when the socialists take control of a country, sure there is massive corruption, there always is with socialism.


Saudi Arabia is a socialist country with big oil reserves and little else and they're doing well.

Venezuela has far MORE oil and is a disaster.

That's evidence of CORRUPTION.

SA gives billions away in social programs and survives quite well.

How much has Venezuela given to their poor or middle class?

Neither country has anything approaching a viable manufacturing base...

It's the corruption stupid

Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. It is a dictatorial monarchy run by the family of Saud (hence the name SAUDi Arabia). The royal family controls everything but the royal family is capitalist in the most basic ways. The family is also the head of the religion and uses Sharia law as their body of law.

If you want to see socialism today, look at Cuba, Venezuela, China, and Russia.
Brothers and sisters, it seems there is no shame in CEOs making 300 times as much as their workers as communities turn into ghost towns. see my thread about the american dream!

Bernie Madoff is in jail and Ken Lay is dead. Some of those evil greedy assholes do get their reward.
This has nothing to do with Rand...it's factual human nature enabled by Globalism.

It's Ayn Rand (gonna take my marbles to The Gulch) bullshit.

At least understand where the garbage you spew comes from

you obviously never read Atlas Shrugged, or if you did you didn't understand it. The message is put yourself and those you love first and the state second. Doesn't surprise me that you don't get it.
Before Obamacare, 500,000 people went bankrupt every year who had health insurance and thought they were fine. In blue States and the half of red States who have expanded medicaid, that can't happen anymore, or much less often anyway.
It’s funny that you think the government actually pays for all those claims. They don’t.

who are you replying to?
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Except when it comes to paying for that healthcare ...once used they pay pennies on the dollar and then completely deny the rest.
Before Obamacare, 500,000 people went bankrupt every year who had health insurance and thought they were fine. In blue States and the half of red States who have expanded medicaid, that can't happen anymore, or much less often anyway.
It’s funny that you think the government actually pays for all those claims. They don’t.

who are you replying to?
Franco what’s his face
This has nothing to do with Rand...it's factual human nature enabled by Globalism.

It's Ayn Rand (gonna take my marbles to The Gulch) bullshit.

At least understand where the garbage you spew comes from

you obviously never read Atlas Shrugged, or if you did you didn't understand it. The message is put yourself and those you love first and the state second. Doesn't surprise me that you don't get it.
Actually it was more like "If I don't like sharing with my neighbors...I'm taking my marbles and going home"

What's funny is that Ms. Rand never considered who was going to do the plumbing or take out the garbage for her rich fantasy folks when they "went to the Gulch"
Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. It is a dictatorial monarchy run by the family of Saud (hence the name SAUDi Arabia). The royal family controls everything but the royal family is capitalist in the most basic ways. The family is also the head of the religion and uses Sharia law as their body of law.

If you want to see socialism today, look at Cuba, Venezuela, China, and Russia.

Oh really?

Half of Saudi Arabia's population are receiving welfare payments

Half of the population of SA is receiving welfare. If that's not socialism...what is?

Certainly not Russia any more
Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. It is a dictatorial monarchy run by the family of Saud (hence the name SAUDi Arabia). The royal family controls everything but the royal family is capitalist in the most basic ways. The family is also the head of the religion and uses Sharia law as their body of law.

If you want to see socialism today, look at Cuba, Venezuela, China, and Russia.

Oh really?

Half of Saudi Arabia's population are receiving welfare payments

Half of the population of SA is receiving welfare. If that's not socialism...what is?

Certainly not Russia any more

the royal family provides subsistence to the poor in the country. that is not socialism, that is benevolent monarchy. Its not actually welfare, it is a distribution of oil profits to all the citizens, much like Alaska does with its citizens.
wealth disparity should not happen merely for the sake of the bottom line at the expense of the Poor.

The right wing complains about the cost of socialism and welfarism, but insist on infringing upon Individual Liberty, freedom and natural rights merely for the bottom line of the Richest.
"Instead of giving huge tax breaks to billionaires and profitable corporations, we must create the best public educational system in the world. Instead of major increases in military spending, we must invest in our kids." - AOC
So, curious, why punish those who are successful? Because someone took a risk, and built a company, and are now reaping the rewards, you think we should punish them?

I'm all for a flat tax with no loopholes. Everyone pays the same rate. It's the most fair way to do it.
Flat taxes are regressive. They are not fair in any way.
How would you characterize them as unfair? As long as they are not hiding the money, and if all the loopholes are gone, so that they indeed pay the flat rate, it would seem that it is extraordinarily fair.

Why do people want to say that since you make a lot of money, that you are not entitled to a large portion of it?
Republican talking point: "SOSHULYSM! MOAR TAXES!"

Democratic talking point: "No more medical bills."

Take a look at this chart and guess which talking point the American voter will listen to:


The problem is, when you say no more medical bills, the money to pay the doctors and hospitals has to come from somewhere. Government doesnt generate money, it takes from one person and gives it to another.

So, in your reference, when you start talking about free medical care, it does end up taxing other people. How is that moral?

If I come to your house and steal your car, is it justifiable because I say, "well, you have 2 cars, and i need it more"?
wealth disparity should not happen merely for the sake of the bottom line at the expense of the Poor.

The right wing complains about the cost of socialism and welfarism, but insist on infringing upon Individual Liberty, freedom and natural rights merely for the bottom line of the Richest.
What about Liberty and freedom for unborn humans that are mutilated by you socialists every day?
Our giveaway to the rich GOP tax system is totally out of control... We need a 70% top rate over 10 million dollars to get CEO pay under control too...
Ok, so let's follow that idea to its conclusion.

You say take 70 cents on every dollar over 10 million that someone makes.

Ok, so, they look for more tax loopholes, or shelter their money offshore. Or worse yet, seeing as how there is no reason to produce enough to generate more than 10 million, shareholders call for production cuts, as there is no reason to produce any more than is needed to keep the company profitable. They only need to make enough to pay themselves and their employees, and keep the business in the green. any more is simply just shoveling money to the government, which is not a good business model.

Investors start pulling their money out of the stock market so that their capital gains is just under 10 million, and charitable giving takes a nose dive.

Result: millions of people lose their jobs and their retirement dreams are shattered.
Except a democratic government with 60 votes in the Senate would legislate against all that, instead of our GOP laws as we have now that actually support moving business and money out of the United States, you poor fear-mongered ignorant dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
The laws we have now encourage people to keep their money in the country. Lower taxes does that.

You are suggesting the government would create legislation to prevent companies from cutting production, or to stop investors from pulling their money out of the market? That sounds an awful lot like dictatorship.
Someone needs to tell Cortez that Obammy spent 8 years holding $40,000 a plate fund raisers with billionaires
And someone needs to tell you that Obama tried to get people access to healthcare. not that you understand why this is relevant, since you didn't watch a single second of the video you are commenting on.
Every American has always had access to healthcare, dufus.
And the chance to go bankrupt and lose everything stupid.
Yes, Obama really screwed up healthcare.
Under Obamacare, your Healthcare is guaranteed, and the price of premiums has stabilized or even gone down. You brainwashed functional idiots seem to think you can get guaranteed Healthcare for the price of GOP scam Healthcare LOL. Did you know that 75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month? I didn't think so, you only know garbage propaganda.
Yes, obama cares guarantees medical care, but it has to be paid for with higher taxes on other people, some of which you address advocating taxing at 70%

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